Super Security in the City

Chapter 4155: purple robe

Luo Jun looked at him, and immediately felt the despair, grief and even the madness of wanting to destroy the world in him. He also understood his feelings in his heart, but if it happened to me, I was afraid that it would be worse than that. After taking a deep breath, he quickly said, "Brother, there is a misunderstanding between us, I am definitely not yours. Enemy, let alone your enemy, listen to me..."

He thought that the other party would not give him a chance to speak, but he didn't expect that the person on the opposite side didn't do it directly. The man was wearing a purple robe, but at first glance, it was Zhuo Ran out of the dust. It's just that at this moment, the breath on his body is too crazy and terrifying.

Luo Jun could feel that he was desperately suppressing the mad blood in his body.

At this time, Zi Pao stared at Luo Jun, opened his mouth slowly, and said word by word, "Speak, I'll listen!"

Luo Jun immediately said: "It's like this, I'm not a clone of you, I come from my universe, and I understand you as a parallel universe. Of course, you may understand my world as a parallel universe. , but it doesn't matter. The reason why I came here is because I want to save Susu." He briefly talked about some things in Immortal Realm. Then when he came, he was attacked by the mysterious man in white, and finally came to this universe by accident.

After Luo Jun said this, he said: "After I came to this universe, I came into contact with people here and found that the two universes looked the same, but they were different. So I first went to the sun to find the sun poison fire. I After looking for Sun Poison Fire, I thought that the man in white might attack your family, which would trigger a war between you and me, and then he would benefit from it! Your enemy is by no means me, your family and mine The family members are exactly the same, how can I have the heart to kill them? What we have to do now is to work together to find the man in white and avenge your family!"

Ye Qingming also said, "That's what happened, we never lied!"

Luo Jun looked at Zi Pao with expectant eyes. He felt that Zi Pao should be able to believe his words.

Zi Pao still stared at Luo Jun, but did not speak immediately. After a long silence, he said, "Have you finished speaking?"

Luo Jun was startled, already feeling that the other party didn't believe him.

"You don't believe it?" Luo Jun was quite speechless.

Zi Pao sneered and said, "You really know how to make up stories, and you make up all kinds of parallel universes. If you can't think of an enemy, you just randomly pull up an inexplicable man in white. Do you think I, Luo Jun, are a fool?"

"Why is this making up a story?" Luo Jun said, "I'm standing right in front of you now, doesn't that explain everything?"

Zi Pao snorted coldly and said, "I know who you are!"

"Who am I?" Luo Jun was a little confused.

Zipao said: "I really regret that I didn't kill you back then, but let you go. Now I have created such a big hatred! Chen Wuji, you don't have to pretend anymore. I know it's you..."

"Chen Wuji?" Luo Jun was stunned for a moment.

He naturally knew Chen Wuji. Chen Wuji and he were already good friends, and he and Xiaolong went to the Eternal Star Territory to help him.

How could this guy think he is Chen Wuji?

Didn't Chen Wuji go to Eternal Star Field to help him?

Luo Jun thought for a second, and secretly said that too, this guy's trip to the Eternal Star Territory is not the same as his own. At least the Mingyue Immortal Venerable in this world did not go to the Eternal Star Territory... With his character, there will definitely be many differences in the Eternal Star Territory. I'm afraid that Luna, Ku Ziyu had already been soaked by him.

When Luo Jun wanted to say something else, the purple robe's eyes were blood red, and a crazy beast aura erupted from his whole body, and said angrily: "Chen Wuji, this time, I will not let you go again, I want you to survive, beg I can't die, I hate it!" With the last roar, he immediately shot.

Zipao's figure is extremely fast, and his cultivation base has reached the realm of semi-holy!

I saw that when others were in the air, the black hole spar was already running in their hands!

This guy's black hole spar was not destroyed...

Zipao held the black hole spar in one hand, and instantly, the fist and the black hole spar merged into one! Behind him, a golden chaotic vortex appeared...

Chaos divine power was quickly absorbed by him, and golden divine power also lingered on his black hole divine fist.

Then, a punch hit Luo Jun's face.

Luo Jun felt that the power of his punch was extremely fierce, terrifying, and powerful!

You must know that this purple robe has also practiced the Great Origin Technique.

A thought flashed in Luo Jun's mind, "He also has the power of chaos? I thought I was unique!"

At the critical moment, Luo Jun retreated rapidly.

At the same time as the rapid retreat, a chaotic vortex also appeared behind him.

"Miss Ye, don't take action!" After Luo Jun explained Ye Qingming, he followed up with the Great Devouring Technique.


Zipao's punch entered the Great Devouring Technique.

The Devouring Vortex of the Great Devouring Technique revolved rapidly, Chaos Particles, Heavenly Dao Divine Power, and Wugu Sheji Divine Tree all activated.

Luo Jun's Great Devouring Technique is like a majestic Heavenly Dao launching a crusher, guided by his own powerful mana and fueled by Chaos Divine Power. Once activated, it is extremely terrifying!

This black hole divine fist of Zipao was directly shattered and disintegrated by Luo Jun's Great Devouring Technique... and turned it into pure energy!

In a hurry, Luo Jun absorbed all the power of the purple robe.

In the process of absorbing, he also felt the difference between himself and Zipao.

Luo Jun's own strength is full of tolerance, profound, and then there is a touch, morality is in it! At the same time there is a kind of indomitable spirit of fearlessness!

And the power of this purple robe is full of profound, carefree, indomitable, unscrupulous, killing gods when encountering gods, killing Buddhas when encountering Buddhas!

Obviously, the way of the purple robe is in line with the cultivator's thoughtfulness.

A cultivator must have a free mind and a smooth mind!

Luo Jun sometimes felt that this purple robe was too indulgent and absurd, but sometimes he envied him having the courage to kill if he wanted to, and love if he wanted to.

Three wives and four concubines, in fact, that adult man doesn't love it?

After Zipao's Black Hole Divine Fist was quickly resolved by Luo Jun, he quickly made another move, but this time both fists were sent together, and more than a hundred punches were sent in an instant.

The fists are fierce and fierce, with the momentum of sweeping Mount Tai in Kunlun.

Every punch is majestic and can kill the stars!

This is the power of the Great Origin Technique!

Luo Jun had no choice but to take action.

So, take a step forward, quickly condense, Great Chaos Thunder Fist!


Luo Jun also instantly punched more than a hundred punches!

The void oscillates, the heaven and the earth are endless!

The Great Chaos Thunder Fist and the Black Hole Divine Fist killed each other, shaking the surrounding void to pieces!

Fortunately, it is still quite far away from the earth, so it will not affect the earth. Even if there is an aftermath, it will be directly shattered by the magnetic field of the Great Thousand World.


After the endless punches were strangled, they were on a par with each other.

At this time, Luo Jun shouted loudly: "You idiot, you should know that I am not Chen Wuji by now. Can Chen Wuji have the power of chaos? Can he have the divine tree of the Five Grains Society and the God of Heaven?"

Zi Pao also noticed this, and stopped attacking, saying: "You are indeed not Chen Wuji. Your strength is the same as mine, but it seems to be different. Who are you? Why are you so cruel to my family? ?"

"As I said earlier, I'm not your enemy. I'm from the multiverse... I have no reason to kill your family. I was attacked by the man in white, and I accidentally opened the door of chaos and crossed the multiverse." Luo Jun said repeatedly. .

The purple robe gradually calmed down.

He also began to think about the problem.

Then, he looked at Luo Jun and said, "Are you really from the multiverse?"

Luo Jun said, "That's right!"

Zipao said: "My family, you really didn't kill them?"

Luo Jun said: "I have no reason to kill them."

Zipao said: "I want you to swear, to swear by your family!"

Luo Jun said: "No problem!" If you have never done something, you will naturally not feel guilty, and you will not be afraid of anything you swear by.

Immediately, he swears directly.

After taking the oath, Zi Pao finally believed in Luo Jun.

He looked extremely painful, shook his head and said, "I don't understand, I really don't understand, why such a thing happened. For the sake of the earth and the immortal world, I ran around and died. I have no complaints about this. I originally thought that as long as My family is safe, I don't care what I do, but why did they end up like this in the end?"

Seeing Zi Pao's pain, Luo Jun felt the same in his heart.

Ask yourself, if your family is like this, I'm afraid I want to smash this shattering way!

Luo Jun couldn't say a word next to him, so it was obviously out of place to say a moment of sympathy at this time.

"What's your plan next?" Luo Jun asked Zipao after a long time.

Zi Pao was stunned, then shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe, I should follow them too."

Ye Qingming immediately said: "You can't be so depressed, no matter what, we can't let the murderer go unpunished."

Zi Pao's expression was shocked, and then his eyes flashed fiercely, and he said, "Yes, the murderer cannot be allowed to go unpunished."

Luo Jun said: "That hateful man in white comes without a trace, goes without a trace, and has no trace to be found. Senior God Emperor supervises the earth. If he is here, he will definitely be able to find the man in white through the traces of the man in white. I just don't know. Where has Senior God Emperor gone now…”

Zi Pao was slightly startled, and then said, "I know where the God Emperor is."

Luo Jun couldn't help being overjoyed and said, "Where is it?"

Zi Pao said, "Follow me!" After speaking, he flew forward.

After Luo Jun and Ye Qingming looked at each other, they flashed and chased after them.

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