Super Security in the City

Chapter 4223: cosmic crisis

After that, Suzhen Heiyi asked the God Emperor another question, that is, is Erya a male or a female.

The **** emperor told Heiyi Suzhen that Erya was indeed a female beast! Because male beasts will have the physical characteristics of male beasts since childhood... and Erya does not have such characteristics, so it can be concluded that it is a female beast. When it grows bigger, it will show some characteristics of a female beast!

After knowing that Erya was a female beast, Suzhen Heiyi was even more happy with Erya!

After talking about Erya's affairs, Luo Jun and the others began to get back to business with the God Emperor.

Luo Jun told the God Emperor everything that happened in the multiverse, Hongmeng Taoist, and Zipao universe.

After listening to the **** emperor, he did not feel much, but said in a deep voice: "This time this time, it is precisely because of these things."

Luo Jun and others were surprised when they heard the words.

Luo Jun said first: "You already know about the multiverse?"

The **** emperor shook his head and said, "I don't know about the multiverse, but when I realized the heart of the sky, I found that many trajectories began to change. If it is not handled properly, I am afraid that it will cause immeasurable disasters."

Lin Feng said, "An immeasurable catastrophe? Where did you start?"

The God Emperor said in a deep voice, "I feel that if some situations cannot be handled properly, the entire universe, the way of heaven, and destiny may collapse!"

"It's so serious?" Luo Jun couldn't help but lose his color, and said: "Master Hongmeng just wants to kill me and Luo Jun in other universes. Then use this to strengthen his connection with the entire multiverse, so as to form a line, Break the shackles of the universe! He didn't mean to destroy the universe...that is, I might die. My family might be in danger...but he is harmless to the earth and the universe."

The God Emperor shook his head and said, "It won't be that simple!"

Qin Lin paled and said, "Could it be that Daoist Hongmeng is lying, his real purpose is to destroy the universe? But what is the benefit to him if he destroys the universe? There's no reason to do this."

The God Emperor said: "It's not that this Daoist Primordial Daoist is lying, it's just that his reckless actions may trigger a chain reaction of many things. For example, he changes the timeline, fate line and many other things. At that time, the entire multiverse will be destroyed. The many things in the world began to chaotic, swell, and explode!"

"This is terrible." Qin Lin suddenly realized, and couldn't help but say.

Luo Jun said: "These things are just your conjectures... Right?"

The God Emperor glanced at Luo Jun and said, "This seat is different from you, because the relationship between this seat and the earth is extremely deep. The blood flow of this seat and the rotation of the inner core of the earth are closely connected. The universe emperor created 3,000 worlds and created the magnetic field of heaven, which is equivalent to being the real master of the earth. And this seat is his inheritance... The earth's magnetic field of heaven can be used by this seat... Therefore, this seat can be used as the earth. Feel the entire universe. The earth is like a small cell in the universe. This seat feels the potential danger of the entire universe from this small cell!"

"In the beginning, I thought it was my illusion! But as time went on, this feeling became stronger and stronger! I have been thinking about what went wrong these days. Until today, you all appeared and explained the cause and effect. , this seat is suddenly enlightened!" said the **** emperor.

Luo Jun said solemnly: "To be honest with the senior, the junior has been unable to sleep at night since he knew the Daoist of Hongmeng. I don't know how to deal with it in the future! Senior, what do you think the junior should do?"

The **** emperor said: "When you came back last time, when you mentioned the crisis in the immortal world, you were also afraid that Yuan Yunzhong would bring disaster to the earth. But this seat is not worried at all, because this seat feels that the energy of the earth is still very long. But this time But it's a big difference. Everything is starting to change! Things that I thought were impossible are starting to happen!"

Lin Feng said: "It stands to reason that Daoist Hongmeng has existed for many years, and he did not start doing these things in the past few years. Why did you not feel it before, senior, but now you feel it?"

The **** emperor said: "Probably because we are too far away from him, and his previous abilities were limited. Now, he has begun to intersect with you... I also said earlier that the earth is a cell of the universe. In the past, the distance between lesions This cell is very far away, and now, the source of this disease has intersected with the cell of the earth. Therefore, this seat can feel these things!"

Luo Jun said: "Senior, now that you already know about this matter, there must be a solution, right?"

The God Emperor smiled bitterly and said: "This seat is not omnipotent, and there are too many helpless! In the universe of Hongmeng Taoist, it is estimated that Lin Zhan there has already surrendered to him. Therefore, you think this seat can deal with Hongmeng. Daoist? This is unrealistic!"

Luo Jun said: "This..."

The **** emperor continued: "Now there should be no danger to the earth for the time being. I have decided to go to the Immortal Realm with you!"

"Go to Immortal Realm together?" After everyone heard this, they were both surprised and happy.

"Earth, don't care?" Luo Jun then became worried and said, "Senior, does this count as leaving without permission?"

God Emperor said: "If the universe does not exist, what is the use of this seat still guarding the earth? Tianxin's consciousness is guiding this seat to go to the Immortal Realm, so this seat must go this way!"

"Cough!" Lin Feng said with a strange expression, "Senior God Emperor, your phoenix wormhole can send us to the immortal world. But it seems that you can't send yourself? You are the one who controls the phoenix wormhole!"

Luo Jun and others came to their senses and felt that this was a big problem!

But the **** emperor said: "This is not a problem, I will send you to the fairyland first. When you go, I will give you the magical phoenix bell. After you arrive in the fairyland, go to Xuan Zhenghao, study it, and inspire The power in the Phoenix Bell. As long as this seat is connected to the Phoenix Power of the Phoenix Bell, it can create a passage to come out!”

"That's great!" Luo Jun and the others were overjoyed.

The **** emperor asked everyone again when he planned to leave. He thinks this matter is sooner rather than later!

Luo Jun said to go out, because Ye Qingming was not on Earth at this time. He has to find Ye Qingming first...

The Emperor asked Luo Jun how long it would take, and Luo Jun said, "At most a month!"

The **** emperor responded.

After that, Luo Jun and his party left the earth together.

Originally, Luo Jun wanted to find it alone, but after thinking about it, he felt that the entire universe was very dangerous, and it was safest to report to a group to keep warm.

They set off together now.

The God Emperor was waiting for everyone on Mount Tai.

After leaving the earth, everyone continued to fly in the Xiaoyao Palace.

There is an imprint connection between Luo Jun and Ye Qingming. Right now, Luo Jun feels that Ye Qingming is far away from the earth... He can't help but wonder, what is Ye Qingming doing?

It can only be based on the coordinates and follow the past all the way!

Time passed quickly, and Luo Jun and his party flew out of the solar system in a blink of an eye.

After leaving the solar system, it flew forward again.

In the dark and boundless void, dark matter and dark energy are surging everywhere.

The entire universe is enveloped in dark matter, dark energy.

On this day, during the flight, the Xiaoyao Temple was galloping like a thunderbolt.

Suddenly a black cloud appeared in front of him!

When flying, Xiaoyaodian often encounters some space floats...sometimes dark matter storms, sometimes some meteorites, sometimes some abandoned asteroids.

The speed of Xiaoyao Temple is too fast, and sometimes it will not be able to dodge!

In the case of not being able to dodge, Xiaoyaodian usually hits it directly. At the speed of Xiaoyao Hall, with a light bump, those dark matter storms can be smashed into pieces. Asteroids can't stand the impact of Xiaoyao Hall at all!

The black cloud in front did not attract everyone's attention at all!

Xiaoyao Hall didn't have time to dodge!

In the next instant, Xiaoyao Palace crashed into the black cloud.


Suddenly, a terrifying black handprint appeared in the black cloud, and actually took the entire Xiaoyao Temple in his hand.

Everyone was surprised.

Luo Jun controlled Xiaoyao Hall, bursting out with powerful divine power, and with a sudden shock, he would shake the black handprint away.

Who knows that the black handprint is also powerful and unparalleled, and it is self-enhancing.

The two sides suddenly stalemate!

Seeing this, Lin Feng and others immediately exerted their strength together.

The terrifying mana blasted out through Xiaoyao Hall.

With a bang, the black handprint was finally shattered.

Luo Jun drove Xiaoyao Hall again and quickly left the black cloud. At the same time as leaving, Divine Sense swept away, but found that there was actually a cave inside the black cloud.

Luo Jun knew that his group had accidentally rammed into someone else's cave.

"I'll wait until I get back together, and then I'll deal with each other!" Lin Feng said to the crowd.

This is a prudent move!

Afterwards, Luo Jun and Heiyi Suzhen merged first. After that, Luo Jun broke into Lin Feng's brain and took charge of Lin Feng's body.

Qin Lin also entered into Lin Feng's eight extraordinary meridians and merged with Lin Feng's mana.

Soon, the great fusion is complete.

As for Erya, she was put into the magic tome and was with Ah Qing!

Then, Luo Jun walked out of the Xiaoyao Palace and took the Xiaoyao Palace into his hands.

He clenched his fists into the black cloud, sent out his thoughts, and said, "It's down to Lin Feng..." At this time, he didn't report his name, he always felt that his name was too famous, and he was afraid of running into an enemy!

"In Xia Linfeng, passing by here, I accidentally bumped into the senior's cave just now, please also senior Haihan!" Luo Jun said.

Changes began to surge in the black cloud, and then, a black shadow came out. After the shadow came out, he put all the black clouds into the magic weapon.

Luo Jun looked at the shadow, but it was a strange looking guy.

The guy looked human, but by no means was Earthling. Two golden horns grow on his head...

The four eyes, the mouth and the nose are connected together, opening the mouth is the mouth, and closing the nose is very strange!

He is about three meters tall, with a short body and long legs.

The whole person looks weird.

Except for the golden horns, the rest of the head is a small fluff...

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