Super Security in the City

Chapter 4256: upheaval

"You..." Xuan Zhenghao said hesitantly, "You don't seem to be a small talk."

Ye Qingming was slightly startled and said, "Is it so easy to see?"

Xuan Zhenghao's mind turned quickly, and he immediately guessed her true identity, and said in surprise, "Are you the real Ye Qingming? Are you not dead?"

Ye Qingming smiled lightly and said, "Yes, it's really me!" Xuan Zhenghao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Last time, in order to deal with the black corpse, I made you take a huge risk, and in the end it was almost impossible to recover. Over the years, I've always been ashamed. Because I came up with the idea!"

Ye Qingming said: "There is no need to be ashamed, because although you came up with the idea, no one forced me to go. I went voluntarily!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Anyway, it's really good that you can survive."

Ye Qingming smiled slightly, and then said strangely: "Why did you recognize my real body so quickly? Is there a big difference between me and Xiaoyu? Are you not afraid that I am impersonating someone else?"

Xuan Zhenghao said with a smile: "In this world of demons, who would dare to impersonate you? If other scoundrels wanted to impersonate, they would have been torn apart by Xiaoyu. Before Xiaoyu pretended to be you, although the atmosphere was different, everyone felt that You have come out of the world of death again, so it is understandable. But the current breath is different, which can well show that you are not a small talk."

Ye Qingming said: "Mr. Xuan is really wise, I admire it!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It's easy to say!" Ye Qingming said: "This matter still has to be kept secret!" Xuan Zhenghao said: "I know, don't worry!" After a while, he said: "Miss Ye, regarding the current situation, you Do you all understand?"

Ye Qingming nodded and said, "I understand!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Well, what about Xiaoyu? To deal with the Daoist of Hongmeng, you still need to rely on Xiaoyu."

Before Ye Qingming could speak, the door to the void in front of the two had already opened.

Mo Yu, dressed in white, appeared in front of the two of them soberly.

"Uncle Xuan, Master!" After Mo Yu arrived, he saluted.

Xuan Zhenghao said with a smile: "Xiaoyu, now your master has also come back to life. This is a great joy."

Mo Yu smiled knowingly and said, "I knew for a long time that Master would not die so easily." After speaking, he came to Ye Qingming's side.

Afterwards, the three returned to business.

Xuan Zhenghao said, "I've been in retreat for a month, and the first time I leave today is to see you, Xiaoyu."

Mo Yu said, "If you need me to do anything, just speak up."

After Xuan Zhenghao pondered for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and said, "When Daoist Hongmeng's big computational genetic technique develops insight, can you notice it? That is to say, when he is looking into our fairyland, do you have any insight? Feel?"

Mo Yu nodded and said, "I feel it, but it's hard to stop it! But he can't see my existence."

Xuan Zhenghao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good." Then he said, "When you fought against Daoist Hongmeng, you forced Daoist Hongmeng back, so he knows how powerful you are. Although he doesn't feel that way now. to you, but he also knows that you must exist."

Mo Yu said, "Not bad!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "In these days, I've been calculating left and right, and I feel that I have no chance of winning. The only chance is on you, but he is prepared for you. Now there is a chance. That is Miss Ye is back, he You will think that Miss Ye is you. And you can continue to hide, and finally give him a surprise!"

Ye Qingming's beautiful eyes lit up and said, "This is a good idea, but I'm afraid he can tell me at a glance."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "He doesn't know you that well. When the time comes, Xiao Yu will secretly help you perform some magic tricks, so you can hide it from the sky!"

Mo Yu said: "No problem."

Ye Qingming said: "In this way, do we increase the odds of winning?"

Xuan Zhenghao nodded and said, "It's a little bit more, but it's still far from enough!"

Ye Qingming felt unbelievable and said, "Even in Yuan Yunzhong's heyday, he couldn't do it alone to deal with the saints of our entire human race. Besides, we now have more masters like God Emperor and Ice Phoenix Goddess. Is this Hongmeng Taoist really so terrifying?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Yuan Yunzhong is only assigned to the Hongmeng Taoist to carry shoes."

Ye Qingming sucked in a breath of cold air.

Afterwards, Xuan Zhenghao said again: "Xiaoyu, how do you plan and hide at that time, I will not participate. In short, don't show up first, and take action at the most critical time."

Mo Yu nodded and said, "I know."

After Xuan Zhenghao explained some more, he got up and left.

All the saints are waiting for Xuan Zhenghao.

After Xuan Zhenghao came out of Qingming Palace, he went to Bajing Palace.

In the Eight Views Palace, the saints, Luo Jun and others all gathered. Even Ye Qingming came over...

However, everyone did not notice Ye Qingming's strangeness.

Because they never doubted Ye Qingming's identity...

On the other hand, Luo Jun felt that Ye Qingming's whole aura seemed to be a little different. I couldn't help but wonder in my heart: "What's the matter? Xiaoyu's breath seems to have become stronger? Her cultivation base has also become stronger?" But now...

Luo Jun began to feel a little uneasy in his heart, and at the same time had some doubts... "Could it be that I made a mistake? She has always been Ye Qingming, not Xiaoyu? If this is the case, isn't my Xiaoyu dead? possible!"

In an instant, thousands of thoughts flashed through Luo Jun's mind, and his thoughts were uneasy.

All the masters and seniors in the field were on Xuan Zhenghao, so no one noticed Luo Jun's distraction.

Even Qin Lin, Lin Feng, and Suzhen Heiyi didn't notice the change in Luo Jun's expression.

"Xuanhuang, you have been in retreat for a month, do you have any idea of ​​how to deal with Daoist Hongmeng?" Daoist Taishang asked first.

Everyone looked at Xuan Zhenghao.

Including the Ice Phoenix Goddess and Fang Xue and the God Emperor.

Xuan Zhenghao glanced at everyone and said, "In this month, the subordinates have re-organized the abilities of Daoist Hongmeng. Although his real body has not come, the physical strength of the cosmos emperor should not be worse than his real body. Therefore, the strength he will show after coming this time will not necessarily be worse than the main body. Maybe everyone will always wonder, is he really that strong? Whoever uses big computational genetics will become incomparably powerful. I have visited some dark genetic civilizations in the one-dollar boat, and they can also master some genetics, but they are very limited. They can only master some of the human body's genes and Some genes around. This is based on their own genetic abnormalities."

Qin Lin said: "If you master the genes around you, you should be able to master the genes of the entire universe? Isn't that the case?"

Xuan Zhenghao looked at Qin Lin and said, "This question is a very good question, and it should be the case in theory. But the dark gene civilization is because the world around them has formed a genetic shroud and is isolated from the outside universe. The closed-loop genetic world has created Their extraordinary genes... Therefore, in the closed-loop space, their genetic techniques are also very powerful. The Hongmeng Daoist masters the genes of the entire universe, and there is no closed-loop theory."

The crowd suddenly realized.

Xuan Zhenghao continued: "Here, I must let everyone clearly understand what big computing genetics is. There are so many kinds of genes, and the number is unimaginable. And the genes are still changing and fissioning. In principle, no one can calculate their motion trajectories. But if you understand the big sequence, that is, some keywords of the universe, and then start to calculate and find the motion trajectories in it, you can achieve it. To do this, It's very, very difficult. Daoist Hongmeng is the first person to do it. After mastering the big computing gene, he can run the divine force of the entire universe, and then condense it into one finger. The power of one finger is unstoppable. He can fuse himself with the genes around him to help him carry terrifying power. Our human body has limited power, and he can carry it, not to mention infinite... But it is absolutely terrifying! This is why he is so terrifying. where!"

"If it wasn't for the fact that he wanted to release the power of death within the Immortal Realm, I don't think he would have to get close to us, but directly within a certain distance, exercised the vitality of the entire universe, and pointed it out. This pointed out that the entire Immortal Realm would It will be directly damaged. But in this way, the energy of the devil will also be severely damaged, so he will still enter the fairyland. This is our only chance!" Xuan Zhenghao said finally.

The Ice Phoenix Goddess said solemnly: "If I guess correctly, the damage we do to him can be reversed into the surrounding closed-loop genes, and finally merged into his power. That is to say, his attack will be very fierce, If we fight back, we may not be able to hurt him at all. And his ability to recover is extremely fast... Where is our chance?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Empress God, your judgment is very correct, it is indeed difficult for us to hurt him. His recovery ability and endurance are the most terrifying... What we have to do is to fight quickly... Without giving him time to breathe, Although his ability to bear is very strong, it does not mean that there is no upper limit."

Having said this, he said to the crowd, "Right now, Luo Jun, Lin Feng, Qin Lin still have a wonderful magical technique on them, which is actually related to genes."

Luo Jun and others were slightly startled when they heard the words, knowing that Xuan Zhenghao was referring to the fusion technique.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Luo Jun, please introduce your magic technique!"

Previously, Xuan Zhenghao asked Luo Jun not to reveal the fusion technique, but now Xuan Zhenghao asked him to say that he would not hide it, so he immediately stood up and faced everyone...

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