Super Security in the City

Chapter 4266: Temple of Time

Luo Jun knew very well in his heart that even if he rushed back to the end of the world without stopping, it would be of no avail. Because after the arrival of the people from the Hongmeng Taoist Lord, he still couldn't resist! So the only thing that can be done now is to be faster than Daoist Hongmeng.

At this time, the doubts raised by Taishang Daozu were also the worries of others.

Luo Jun does not have the ability of the Master of Hongmeng, and can use his own strength to resist the terrifying power generated by the big explosion. He must follow him through the Chaos Gate...

So, he has to bring everyone on at once.

Xuan Zhenghao opened his mouth at this time and said, "When Daoist Hongmeng sent the Great Emperor of the Universe over to them, he asked the Great Emperor of the Universe to deplete his own vitality first. In this way, this energy body will become smaller. We can also take The same method... I will create an array to absorb everyone's energy in a cycle. After everyone runs out of energy, Luo Jun will come back and put everyone in his black hole star stone. Then, he detonates the large array, and then shuttles. Well , the energy of the black hole star stone will also be reduced!"

"Does this work?" The Ice Phoenix Goddess worried: "If something goes wrong, everyone's vitality will be exhausted again, I'm afraid it will be doomed!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It works in theory, but in practice, I'm not sure. Besides, there is something foolproof."

The Ice Phoenix Goddess said, "That's true!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "In short, what we have to do now is to take risks and take strange risks. If we succeed, then we can solve the Daoist Master of Hongmeng, and restore the universe to a clean place. We may be able to live for hundreds of thousands of years. If we fail, our life will be over. But if we don't act, then we have to wait for Daoist Hongmeng to act. Maybe he won't deal with everyone, maybe he will deal with everyone, maybe he will mess up the three thousand universes in the future, etc. Wait... In short, if you don't act, then you can only ask the Daoist Master Hongmeng to be merciful. If you act, you will have a chance to fight!"

Taishang Daozu smiled slightly and said: "Xuanhuang, you don't have to provoke me to wait! Although we old guys are also afraid of death, we have been able to live until now. There is still blood, and right and wrong can still be distinguished. The situation It is even more able to judge clearly. Now... um, other people, Pindao dare not represent. But Pindao is absolutely equal to your life and death. In Pindao's view, this matter is by no means Luo Junxiao The matter of one friend, this is a big matter of the three thousand universes. We are the representatives of the main universe, how can we stand by and watch!"

Yuanshi Tianzun immediately said: "Pin Dao always follows his senior brother's horse, and when the senior brother says he wants to fight, Pin Dao will definitely follow!"

The other saints also expressed their opinions.

The Ice Phoenix Goddess also smiled and said, "Our master and apprentice will never stay out of it."

Luo Jun, Heiyi Suzhen, Qin Lin, Lin Feng, and Xuan Zhenghao expressed their sincere thanks to the saints.

The tone of the meeting was set!

Xuan Zhenghao finally said: "Give everyone three days. During these three days, everyone will arrange the affairs in the door. I will take advantage of these three days to set up the formation. After three days, we will prepare to shuttle!"

After the meeting, Taishang Daozu deliberately left Xuan Zhenghao behind.

In the Eight Views Palace, no one else is waiting.

Taishang Daozu said to Xuan Zhenghao: "Xuanhuang, how much time do you think you will have to comprehend large-scale computational genetics after we have traveled through?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled wryly and said, "The more is two years, the less...then there is no limit. Two years is one of my good wishes!"

Taishang Daozu paled slightly and said, "Then how long do you think it will take you to comprehend big computational genetics?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "At least a year, more... Then it's impossible to say, maybe you will never understand it. This matter is not that easy."

Taishang Daozu's expression suddenly became a little stiff, and said: "This... is it not hopeful!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It's just a ray of hope! Maybe, this time, I'll take everyone to the grave."

Taishang Daozu said: "Even if you go to the tomb, it is not your responsibility. You don't need to have too much psychological burden!"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said, "I don't have any burdens. Anyway, let's do my best! The reason why I brought everyone with me is because I think everyone can resist for a while."

Taishang Daozu said: "But the poor Dao still doesn't quite understand it."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "Please say it!"

Taishang Daozu said: "Didn't you say earlier that Hongmeng Daoist can't accurately locate the direction? That is to say, we went to other universes. Even if he rushes over, he may land in a very far place."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The genes of the main universe are complex, and it is indeed difficult for him to locate an accurate place. But other universes are hard to say... This is my guess. I have to plan for the worst first."

Taishang Daozu said: "So there is still a chance!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Of course, if there is no chance, why do we have to die?"

Luo Jun and his party returned to Lingxiu Palace.

Luo Jun thought about it a lot and felt that even if he traveled to other universes smoothly, there were still many difficulties.

The more I thought about it, the more my head hurt. I just feel that troublesome things are coming one after another, making people unable to stop.

Heiyi Suzhen comforted him and said: "Don't think too much about things, and don't think too badly. The main universe is special. Before Hongmeng Daoist came, Lao Xuan felt very bad. A major event. But the result was that we not only repelled the Daoist of Hongmeng, but also made the whole immortal world clear and clear, and also lifted the prophecy of the dark day of the universe. What we represent is the main universe, so we must not will fail."

Qin Lin and Lin Feng also agreed.

Luo Jun thought about it carefully, and felt that it seemed to be the truth, and his mood became better.

That night, Luo Jun sat cross-legged in the bedroom, thinking about many things in meditation.

Heiyi Suzhen had nothing else to do, so she went to the Wa Palace to accompany the Nuwa Empress.

Qin Lin and Lin Feng each lived in a bedroom, and that night, Qin Lin entered with his knees crossed as usual.

His time scepter had shrunk, and he swallowed it in another mouthful.

The time scepter blooms the power of time...

The long river of time in the body and the scepter of time began to merge.

Qin Lin has been doing this kind of fusion all the time. He practiced the technique of time, and he was also addicted to the technique of time.

Soon, the long river of time and the time scepter in the body have merged and become one!

In this case, the time between him and the outside world began to have a strong linkage. With a little thought, the power of time can be condensed together.

The power of time in the void is inexhaustible, even Qin Lin can't drain the time, he can only gather the power of time to form a wall of time or ripples of time. What he can do is to create the field of time, and in a certain space, let time be controlled by him. But he can't change the whole peripheral time...

No one can do that.

Qin Lin sank his heart...

His own heart was actually a little anxious, and he hoped that he could buy time for the big guy.

But he has also felt that his own time cultivation base is not an opponent of Hongmeng Daoist at all. Master Hongmeng will not be limited by his own time law at all...

Spiritual sense begins to move forward with the long river of time in the body...

That long river of time was transformed by the time spar... Qin Lin once tried to use his spiritual sense to move forward in the long river of time, and then went to see what was at the end of time. However, it was a fruitless journey. Spiritual thoughts are in the long river of time, and as time goes by, they will soon be submerged.

This time, Qin Lin walked through with divine sense again.

His power of time is stronger now, so he has traveled a lot longer than the last time.

However, he also understands that after reaching a certain distance, the spiritual sense will be washed away by time and aging until death.

Soon, Spiritual Mind traveled a long distance again.

Something amazing happened to him...

In the past, when the Spiritual Mind traveled, it would become more and more tired and weak. And this time, there is no feeling of weakness at all?

"What's going on?" Qin Lin couldn't help but be surprised, and secretly said: "Is it because I have improved a lot in my cultivation recently? I don't seem to feel that I have improved much!"

He felt that it was not normal, but he was too lazy to think about it, so he drove his spiritual sense to continue flying towards the depths of the long river of time.

Traveling fast all the way, at that time, the long river was rushing around like a purple mist waterfall, and it became more and more turbulent...

Qin Lin felt that his spiritual sense was still very clear.

I don't know how long it took...

Divine Sense suddenly came to a place and looked back, the long river of time was still endless.

Time is still ahead...

He felt as if he was standing in the middle of the early morning sea, surrounded by thick fog.

But there is another barrier ahead...

He drove his spiritual sense to touch the invisible barrier, and with a little effort, the barrier dissipated.

What appeared in front of him was a snow-white temple, and the snow-white temple was extremely strange, but it was upside down.

Qin Lin observed carefully, and found that the whole world seemed to be turned upside down. For a while, black and white were difficult to distinguish, heaven and earth were indistinguishable, and yin and yang were unclear.

The Snow White Temple stands in the void...

Born without roots!

"Could it be... the Temple of Time?" Qin Lin couldn't help but get excited.

It was also at this moment that a person came out of the Snow White Temple.

He looked carefully, but that person was his wife... Xuanyuan Yadan.

"Yadan? Why are you here?" Qin Lin was surprised and happy.

Xuanyuan Yadan, dressed in a blue shirt, came slowly, and soon came to Qin Lin. Qin Lin wanted to reach out and grab it, but he was in vain.

Everything around here is full of unspeakable weirdness...

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