Super Security in the City

Chapter 4269: Venerable Baohua

Xuan Zhenghao smiled bitterly and said, "That's so easy!"

Luo Jun was puzzled and said, "What's the problem?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Let's do this, you can force your genes out and integrate them into my destiny chart. After that, you can try to connect your genes with other genes to see what it feels like."

Luo Jun nodded.

Afterwards, he also dripped a few drops of blood into the Heavenly Mystery Map. Immediately in the Heavenly Mystery Diagram of Creation, there was power to wrap his blood, refine his blood, and finally shed worm-like genes in the Heavenly Mystery Diagram.

Luo Jun has extraordinary mana, so he can still feel his genes at this time.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Let your spiritual sense be integrated into the chart of good fortune, then find your genes, integrate with spiritual sense, and then feel the genes around you."

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Okay!" Immediately, he integrated his spiritual sense into the map of creation.

His genes also seemed to sense the divine sense, as if an overseas wanderer found his relatives, he swam over quickly.

Genes and spiritual thoughts quickly merged together. At that moment, Luo Jun felt very strange, as if he had entered another world. He felt that he had become very small, and his body was the genetic filarial worm.

His body has completely entered a state of meditation.

In the map of good fortune, when I perceive the surroundings, I immediately feel that there are all kinds of genes all around, and those genes are strange shapes...

Some genes even show their fangs, and the comers are not good.

Luo Jun was extremely surprised, and looked at the floating genes carefully, and found that those genes seemed to be small, but in fact there were very complex structures inside. There are many microbe-like cells organized together…

It is a very mysterious world!

It is also a microscopic world!

At this moment, Luo Jun suddenly realized something. In the microscopic world, the genes, cells, etc. of one's own body form a universe. Hongmeng Taoist is one of the awakened genes, and he wants to see what the appearance of this universe looks like...

This gene is getting stronger and stronger in the inner world, and can even mobilize all genes. In this way, as the ontology of the universe, I have no choice but to take him.

"If I am a universe, then everyone else is also a universe. From microscopic to macroscopic... When is a head?" Luo Jun was a little dazed for a while.

"How can such a truth be pursued? Layer upon layer, go up one layer, there are countless layers. It seems that it will not work if you don't pursue it. If you don't pursue it, many mortals will be trapped on the earth all the time, with a vision even the solar system. I can't get out." Luo Jun thought of this, and felt very conflicted in his heart.

After thinking about it, I thought: "Yes, I still have feelings and family members that I care about. I'm not so bored, so I'm not so persistent in the pursuit of truth. And Hongmeng Daoist has long since lost all human emotions and desires, so he Only pursue the truth wholeheartedly!"

At this moment, Luo Jun thought a lot, but quickly gathered his thoughts.

Then, you can feel your surroundings from the perspective of filarial genes.

He felt the dense genes, the strange shapes of genes, and finally formed a powerful gene network.

The internal structure of these genes is complex, and it is not the kind of magnetic field that molecules can compare to.

"If you master this kind of gene net, you can quickly absorb the power in the net. It is no wonder that the Daoist of Hongmeng is so powerful." Luo Jun has a deeper understanding of the ability of the Daoist of Hongmeng.

Xuan Zhenghao didn't speak at this time, he was also sensing those gene nets.

Luo Jun did not continue to ask Xuan Zhenghao for advice. He was not a fool and already knew what to do next.

"To feel genes, you must be as proficient as to feel magnetic fields and molecules, so that you can absorb the power of genes." Luo Jun secretly said.

He suddenly enlarged his spiritual sense and incorporated some of the surrounding genes into his spiritual sense. Immediately, countless genes in Spiritual Mind began to tear and devour each other.

Luo Jun tightly wrapped these genes and let them struggle.

After a long, long time, those genes all died.

"It's still not right!" Luo Jun began to worry: "How can I establish a connection with the genes of the outside world?"

It was incomprehensible.

The day passed quickly.

Xuan Zhenghao opened his eyes and asked Luo Jun, "How is it?"

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said, "It still doesn't work."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "This is normal. If this technique is so easy to master, it won't be so powerful."

Luo Jun said, "What about you?"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "I haven't found a way to start either."

Luo Jun was not discouraged and said, "Then let's continue."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "Okay!"

Soon, a month passed.

Xuan Zhenghao and Luo Jun still couldn't do it.

At this time, Xuan Zhenghao said: "It seems that we have to change our thinking."

Luo Jun also agreed with Xuan Zhenghao's opinion, saying: "Before, we all started from the microcosm, trying to use our genes to perceive the genes around us. But this speed is very slow and there are no rules. I believe that there must be rules. , just starting at the micro level will definitely not find the law. We have to start at the macro level…”

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Yes, my idea is to start from the macro, but how to start from the macro?"

Luo Jun said: "Cosmic sequence!"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "Cosmic sequence?"

Luo Jun said: "When I met Rui Rui, he told me some cosmic sequences. I have to find a way to start based on these sequences."

Xuan Zhenghao became interested and said, "You should have taken it out long ago. Now tell me about these sequences."

Luo Jun said: "The sequence is the arrangement of the three thousand universes, and it was impossible for us to understand it. But the Daoist Master Hongmeng told the ruthless sequence, and after that, I used the ruthless sequence to figure out some other things. .But still incomplete..."

Xuan Zhenghao got excited and said, "Stop talking nonsense, take out the sequence quickly. You wasted my time for a month, you know?"

After he finished speaking, he sacrificed the map of the heavenly secret of creation.

Luo Jun first drew the main universe in the map of the creation of heaven... and then began to fill in other universe sequences according to the main universe.

densely packed…

Luo Jun filled a full day and night.

There is a macroscopic multiverse on the map of the creation of heaven... but it is not complete.

Based on his understanding in the boat of one yuan and his understanding of genes, Xuan Zhenghao also began to fill it up.

The two cooperated with each other, and it took another month to finally fully fill in the sequence of the entire multiverse.

At that moment, the picture of the Heavenly Mystery of Creation was colorful and splendid.

It seems that the entire starry sky is lit up, full of magic.

Luo Jun and Xuan Zhenghao looked at the multiverse in the Heavenly Mystery Map, and they both smiled knowingly when they looked at each other.

Of course, now is not the time to be happy.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Next, we need to find the keyword, that is, a gene that allows us to instantly sense the existence of the entire gene network. An identical gene that exists in countless universes. This is the keyword we are looking for! Through Search by keywords, so you can pull up the entire gene network!"

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Let's start."

The spiritual thoughts of the two entered the multiverse map...

Although the multiverse map was drawn by them, it is real enough.

Genes exist in the air, and have been introduced into the multiverse map in large numbers.

After these genes entered the multiverse map, various fission began to occur.

Luo Jun and Xuan Zhenghao travel the multiverse with spiritual sense...

Try to find the keywords in it.

This is a very important step.

Let's say that the Taoist master of Hongmeng sacrificed the magic weapon, the seeds of Hongmeng, and stayed in the seeds of Hongmeng with Situ Jing. The seeds of Hongmeng travel through the void with lightning...

It soon passed through countless wormholes... It took a month, and finally came to a vast and boundless void of the universe.

At this time, Master Hongmeng and Situ Jing came out of the seeds of Hongmeng.

Situ Jing looked forward and said, "There seems to be nothing here."

Daoist Hongmeng smiled faintly, and said, "It seems that there is nothing, but there is a lot of mystery!" After saying that, he suddenly ejected the red-flamed Hongmeng seed in his hand towards the front.

The Hongmeng Seed drew waves of fire in the void, and finally hit the wall of the void.

Once hit, the Hongmeng Divine Fire immediately ignited, and in a matter of seconds, the invisible wall was burned to ashes.

Follow, there are mountains, forests, houses, etc. ahead!

But at this time, those mountains and forests all collapsed...

A good hidden world was destroyed like this.

Master Hongmeng grabbed his hand and took back the seeds of Hongmeng.

And in the middle of the ruins of the home, a bald monk came out. But seeing that the monk was dressed in a white monk's robe, with bare snow-white feet, and looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, he was clearly a wonderful monk.

The wonderful monk is Venerable Baohua!

Venerable Baohua came slowly, and soon stood ten meters in front of Master Hongmeng and Situ Jing.

"Who is Your Excellency, why did you destroy my home for no reason?" Venerable Baohua's eyes flashed with anger.

His voice is the voice of the ancients.

But Daoist Hongmeng understood it directly, so he replied, "I am Daoist Hongmeng. I came to you today because I want you to join my command and do things for me!"

"What?" Venerable Baohua looked at Daoist Hongmeng in disbelief as if he had heard the wrong words.

He has been in the universe for so many years, and no one has ever dared to say such arrogant words in front of him.

Master Hongmeng said: "You don't have to be surprised. The Emperor of the Universe has been subdued by me. I will give him a name and ask for it. But unfortunately, he died while doing things for me. It is your honor that I came to you!"

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