Super Security in the City

Chapter 4311: new gate

Qin Yunshuang was too lazy to care about these things with Luo Jun, and continued: "I tell you, when you are really facing an opponent, it's useless to play tricks like you. But it's too far for me to tell you this. If you can't get in, what are you going to do? Don't mention it. The ability to fry the hair and close the pores is to remember the feeling that makes you instantly horrified. For example... the danger is coming, and the tip of the knife pierces your heart, what does that feel like?"

Luo Jun said: "That should be very scary, very scared, and then run away!"

Qin Yunshuang said: "I'm not talking about your reaction, but the feeling of fear. For example...this..." He suddenly shot and pointed to Luo Jun's eyes. Luo Jun immediately backed away in panic.

Qin Yunshuang said, "remember this feeling?"

Luo Jun said: "I'm very scared!"

"Does it feel creepy?" Qin Yunshuang asked.

"No!" Luo Jun said, "I'm just scared!"

Qin Yunshuang was very speechless and said, "You are really stupid enough. If there is a ghost behind you in the middle of the night and open your claws to grab you, can you imagine the feeling?"

"It's very scary!" Luo Jun said.

"I'm talking about the feeling of the hair standing on end!" Qin Yunshuang said. Luo Jun said: "That's very scary!"

Qin Yunshuang was speechless and said, "I'm really scared, but what I want you to remember is that kind of..."

In Neijia Quan, it is always preferred to pass on males rather than females, because many subtle explanations need to be refined in daily life, so various metaphors are needed.

In fact, the most common feeling to remember when frying hair is the feeling of being thin and suddenly closing.

But Qin Yunshuang was too embarrassed to tell Luo Jun.

Many metaphors are vulgar.

So those boxers are reluctant to accept female disciples.

At this time, Qin Yunshuang felt that Luo Jun was really rotten wood that couldn't be carved, so he said: "That's all I want to tell you, you can understand it yourself. As if I never found you."

"Broken hair..." Luo Jun pretended to close his eyes and felt it with his heart. Suddenly, he stretched out his arm, his mind moved, and the hairs all over his body exploded immediately.

"Is that so?" Luo Jun looked at Qin Yunshuang cautiously and asked.

Qin Yunshuang's beautiful eyes were like electric eyes, and he immediately noticed that Luo Jun's hairs were standing up, and they were standing up for a long time. She was stunned for a moment... You know, it took her a month to realize that the hairs were fried. She told Luo Jun for three days, and she also wanted to provoke this kid.

She never imagined that this guy would do it in the blink of an eye.

"How is this possible?" Qin Yunshuang felt incredible and unbelievable.

Luo Jun breathed a sigh of relief, returned to normal, and then asked softly, "Miss Qin, then... have I passed the test?"

"You have learned Neijia Quan long ago, right?" Qin Yunshuang suddenly asked Luo Jun in a cold voice. Luo Jun was surprised and said, "Ah? What? I haven't learned it before!"

Qin Yunshuang pushed Luo Jun with a palm, and Luo Jun immediately stepped back and fell to the ground.

Qin Yunshuang stepped forward and grabbed Luo Jun's arm again to check his pulse. I only feel that his pulse is weak, he is completely an ordinary person, and he has no trace of entry and learning at all.

"Is he really a genius?" Qin Yunshuang withdrew his hand and asked Luo Jun suspiciously, "How did you do it just now?"

Luo Jun stood up and said, "I...I don't know either! Just imagine that there are ghosts behind to eat me, and then I stand up."

Qin Yunshuang said: "That's not that simple. This kind of thing is one thing, but it's extremely difficult to do. Did you just run into a dead mouse just now? Do you do it again?"

Luo Jun immediately demonstrated it again.

Only then did Qin Yunshuang determine that Luo Jun was not taking a chance, but really mastered the way to get started.

She finally realized that the young man in front of her might be a rare martial arts could she know that Luo Jun was the best in the world at that time. Now that he is a human being, everything about martial arts is just a trick in his eyes.

A complex color flashed in Qin Yunshuang's beautiful eyes. After a long time, her emotions calmed down. She patted Luo Jun on the shoulder and said, "You've entered the door, so stay here tonight. I'm going back with the eldest lady. Discuss it again, and I can tell you with certainty that your destiny has changed since then."

After she finished speaking, she left.

Luo Jun watched her back go away, only to think that her back was very beautiful. These girls are in great shape.

After Qin Yunshuang left, Luo Jun felt a little regretful and felt that he showed his talent too quickly. But just now, he just wanted to tease Qin Yunshuang. This old problem, once it is released, it will be committed again!

Luo Jun is in a good mood, feeling that he has really returned to his youth...

It seems that when I was in Africa and hooked up randomly in bars, I didn't have to take any responsibility... This feeling is too happy...

Anyway, there is still a lot of time, hundreds of years...

The next morning, Luo Jun went to work in the warehouse as usual.

After all, Qin Yunshuang hasn't come to arrange the next step, so he can't be the uncle first.

At about nine in the morning, Minister Yu from the logistics department came over.

After he came over, he called Luo Jun by name. Wang Xueqin was startled and asked Minister Yu if Xiaoyi had done something.

Minister Yu smiled and said, "No crime, but good things. Miss Qin personally asked Chen Yi to go there. In the future, Chen Yi will not do these things here again."

When Luo Jun left, he said to Wang Xueqin, "Sister Qin, thank you for taking care of me for so many days. I will never forget your kindness to me."

He is indeed a person with clear grievances, although Wang Xueqin is not a very kind person. But she did help herself a lot, and when the time was right, Luo Jun would repay her with one or two...

Following Minister Yu, he left the warehouse and then came to the back office.

In front of the office, a black sedan was already waiting there.

In front of the black car was a bodyguard in black, and a beautiful woman in a white professional suit was waiting.

After Luo Jun came over, the beauty smiled slightly and stretched out her hand: "Hello, Chen Yi, I'm Xu Yun, Miss Qin's life secretary. Miss Qin arranged for me to pick you up, what do you need in life in the future? , you can also find me."

The bodyguard in black opened the door for Luo Jun.

Luo Jun pretended to be flattered, and then got into the car.

The black car carried Luo Jun towards the castle...

Xu Yun was sitting next to Luo Jun, Luo Jun smelled the fragrance on her body and felt it was very nice.

But he didn't show anything, his eyes kept staring outside...

After the car entered the castle, Xu Yun asked Luo Jun, "How do you feel?"

Luo Jun froze for a while, pretending to wake up from a dream, and said, "It's a wonderful feeling. I never thought that I would be able to enter this place in my life. Before this, I didn't dare to do it in my dreams."

Xu Yun smiled slightly and said, "In the future, you will slowly get used to it."

The castle of the Temple of the Sun is like a beautiful and vast park. Besides the castle, there are some continuous villas.

The car drove inside for about ten minutes, not very fast, and finally came to a courtyard.

In the courtyard, there is a beautiful fountain, and there are many clusters of flowers competing for beauty.

The car stopped in front of the courtyard, and Xu Yun led Luo Jun into the courtyard.

"What place is this?" Luo Jun asked Xu Yun with a hint of timidity after looking around.

At this time, the sun is very good, and it is shining in this courtyard.

The wind in the air is sweet.

Luo Jun was also in a good mood, and finally left the attic and the ghost place of the warehouse. He used to be able to endure all kinds of hardships, and he can endure hardships now. But suffering is a last resort. Who doesn’t want to live a good life, eat well, and live well?

Xu Yun told Luo Jun, "This is Miss Qin's home."

Luo Jun secretly said: "My God, does Qin Yunshuang, this little girl, want me to live with her? It's not bad." He likes to be accompanied by beautiful women.

"What did you bring me here for?" Luo Jun put away his thoughts and asked Xu Yun again. Xu Yun said: "Well, you will live here in the future. The room has been arranged for you, come with me!"

Xu Yun led Luo Jun towards the gate of the villa.

There are also several servants in the villa who are cleaning, all of them are aunts, and they are all Chinese.

After they saw Xu Yun, they saluted and said hello.

Xu Yun ignored them, took Luo Jun to a bedroom on the east side of the second floor, and said to Luo Jun, "You will live here in the future."

The bedroom was huge, about 100 square meters.

There are beds, desks, TVs, and equipment for practicing exercises, etc. There is also a large balcony.

This condition, this environment, really has nothing to say.

If ordinary people come here, they will definitely feel like a dream. But Luo Jun has lived in Asgard, what scenes have never been seen before...

But for now, I still have to pretend to be Grandma Liu to enter the Grand View Garden and perform to the fullest without revealing any flaws.

After the performance, Xu Yun said again: "Your clothes, we have already prepared for you. You go to take a shower first, and then change into clean clothes. There is a menu on the table, you can call to order what you want to eat. , we will deliver it to you as soon as possible. Miss Qin is a little busy today, but she will come to you as soon as she comes back. "

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Okay!"

Xu Yun said, "Let me teach you how to use a water heater first."

After he finished speaking, he led Luo Jun into the bathroom and taught him in detail.

After teaching, Xu Yun left her phone number to Luo Jun and said, "You can call me if you have any questions."

Luo Jun said: "Okay!"

After this, Xu Yun just left.

After Xu Yun left, Luo Jun closed the bedroom door.

He didn't relax immediately, but continued to pretend to be a little white, wandering around and being amazed, as if he had never seen the world.

Mainly because I'm afraid that there will be cameras and the like in it, and it's always a full set for acting!

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