Super Security in the City

Chapter 4355: catastrophe

The Changbai Four Monsters are not frightening, so it is naturally impossible to be scared off by the words of Hidden Dragon.

Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang were anxious and panicked when they saw that Master Canglong was about to die on the spot... Luo Tianyao couldn't help but said to Kun Ting: "Kunting, I can promise you whatever you want. But let Master Canglong be spared. , he has nothing to do with this matter. It all started because of me, and it ends with me, okay?"

She is really a righteous master.

It also has its own responsibility!

Qin Yunshuang saw that Li Fei was casting a spell, and in a hurry, he rushed to Li Fei quickly.

However, her ability is not worth mentioning in front of Li Fei. Li Fei's other hand gently sticks out...

Qin Yunshuang felt that an invisible wall suddenly appeared in front of him, the whole person hit it and was immediately bounced back. At the same time, I felt like my body was about to break apart.

Quentin looked at Luo Tianyao, but his eyes were indifferent. He didn't speak... It's not that he wanted to pretend to be cold at this time, but he knew that he had no right to speak at all. As for Zhenren Hidden Dragon...he is even more eager to die.

At this moment, that Xu Changfeng opened his mouth and said to Li Fei, "Fourth brother, that's alright!"

Li Fei didn't really want to kill Hidden Dragon, so he immediately withdrew his mana. Immediately, Master Canglong took a deep breath and gasped, and his face gradually returned to normal. His eyes were full of fear... Although he was prepared to face the doom when he entered the world, he did not expect that the doom would come so quickly.

Xu Changfeng's eyes fell on the real person Hidden Dragon.

Immortal Canglong suddenly felt an invisible pressure enveloped him, and he didn't dare to move.

He felt that everything about himself seemed to have been seen through by the other party, and he did not dare to make any mistakes.

After a long while, Xu Changfeng said: "Hanglong, it's not easy for this old man to think about your cultivation, and I was respectful to the four of my brothers just now, so I don't want to kill you today, and I don't want to ruin your Taoism. However, you don't want us to The four brothers are acting like fools... Now, the old man is here to question you, don't lie. If there is a lie, don't blame the old man for being ruthless, you know?"

There was no fear hidden in the eyes of Master Canglong, and he nodded again and again and said, "Yes!"

Xu Changfeng said, "Where is the expert behind you at the moment?"

Zhenzhen Canglong said in a deep voice: "When he helped the junior kill the master next to Quentin, he felt that the Holy See would still have a backer. For safety's sake, he left in a hurry. When he left, he told the junior. , this trip can be as short as seven days, or as long as a month."

"How long has he been gone?" Wei Chen asked.

Canglong Zhenren said: "Today is the eighth day!"

Qin Yunshuang and Luo Tianyao were startled at the side, and they thought of Luo Jun at the same time. It seems that Luo Jun has just been out for eight days... But Luo Jun can never be the master behind that!

Xu Changfeng said, "Who is he? How old is he?"

Canglong Zhenren said: "He..."

Xu Changfeng said coldly: "After thinking about it, if there is half a lie, this old man will kill you!"

Master Canglong took a deep breath and said under great pressure: "When he saw the junior, he covered his face and never showed his true face. So the junior really doesn't know who he is! What the junior said, every sentence It's true, and I will never dare to lie."

"You lied!" Li Fei snapped.

Sweat dripped from the forehead of Hidden Dragon's forehead, and said, "In the face of life and death, the poor Daoist dare not tell a lie!"

Xu Changfeng stopped Li Fei's next move and stared at the real Hidden Dragon.

The real Hidden Dragon lowered his head.

Xu Changfeng said, "Raise your head and look into this old man's eyes."

Real Hidden Dragon had no choice but to raise his head in humiliation.

Xu Changfeng stared at Hidden Dragon for a long time. The atmosphere is very depressing…

Everyone knows that the life and death of Master Canglong is only within Xu Changfeng's thoughts...

After a long time, Xu Changfeng said, "You lied!"

Immediately, the souls of the real people of Hidden Dragon escaped, and the whole person was like falling into an ice cellar, and quickly said: "Junior dare not!"

"You have no chance!" Xu Changfeng said word by word.

Hidden Dragon's face turned pale, and he took a step back.

Xu Changfeng said to Li Fei beside him: "Since he is not honest, then kill him!"

"Okay!" Li Fei grinned and was about to start.

Seeing that Hidden Dragon is really going to die on the spot...

At this moment, Master Canglong suddenly shouted, "Hold on!"

"Hold on as long as you say, how old are you." Li Fei sneered.

Hidden Dragon Master hurriedly said: "It's not me, it's the master behind me who wants to talk to you. He left a spiritual imprint on the junior's head!"

"Oh?" Xu Changfeng immediately became interested.

At this moment, Luo Jun really urgently contacted the real person Hidden Dragon.

At the same time, Luo Jun used this spiritual imprint to replace the real Hidden Dragon. Canglong Zhenren also handed over control to Luo Jun.

Of course, a spiritual imprint of Luo Jun is not really so powerful.

Especially when he set the imprint, he was not very powerful, but now that Master Canglong has taken the initiative to give way, Luo Jun can only control some consciousness, and then come to talk with Xu Changfeng.

Everyone also clearly felt that the eyes and temperament of the real person Hidden Dragon had undergone some changes.

"Interesting!" Xu Changfeng said.

Real Master Canglong looked at Xu Changfeng coldly, and said, "I don't know you, and I have no grievances with you. Why are you coming here with an army of teachers?"

Xu Changfeng said: "You don't need to know why, the only thing you have to do now is to get out immediately."

Canglong Zhenren said: "I am currently in Jerusalem, and if you want me to come over, you will probably have to wait a day. I have reached a critical point in my cultivation, and the catastrophe will come to me. When I have passed the catastrophe, I will directly Fly over to meet you!"

"Heavenly Tribulation?" Xu Changfeng and the others were stunned for a moment.

Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang immediately felt hopeful when they saw that Hidden Dragon's temperament had changed drastically. Faintly felt that the expert behind this was extremely terrifying, even though they didn't understand why there was such an expert to protect the two of them.

After a long while, Wei Chen laughed firstly: "What kind of **** are you doing, and you're going to be robbed? If you want to cultivate to the point where you need to pass the catastrophe, what kind of cultivation base do you need? Is it up to you?"

Xu Changfeng said, "Are you intimidating us?"

Master Canglong smiled lightly and said, "You can also think that I'm bragging or intimidating you. But I think it won't be too difficult to wait a day. Right now, you haven't forged a life-and-death feud with me. Then as long as you are willing to wait one day, then, if I don't come, you will kill them. If I come and I lose, you can still kill us. If I win, I will spare you from dying. You should You know, one day can't go against the sky or change your life. But you can offend those you can't afford to offend."

Xu Changfeng fell silent.

"Who the **** are you?" Xu Changfeng asked after a while.

Canglong Zhenren said: "One day, one day later, if you beat me, you will know everything. Otherwise, it is better to be less curious."

Xu Changfeng took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you for a day. Just wait here. After a day, if you don't come, all of them will die!"

Master Canglong said: "No problem!"

In this way, the conversation is over.

After Xu Changfeng glanced at Luo Tianyao and the others, he said, "This old man will only wait for one day. If he doesn't show up after a day, you are ready to die!"

After speaking, they ignored them.

Luo Tianyao, Qin Yunshuang and Zhenren Hidden Dragon breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that there was still hope.

After that, Luo Tianyao, Qin Yunshuang and Zhenren Canglong returned to the other bedroom.

And Xu Changfeng called Chen Yihan and narrated some things here.

Chen Yihan's heart tensed after hearing this, and then he said over the phone, "What do you think?"

Xu Changfeng said: "The old man thought about it, and felt that if the other party was really faking threats, it would not make much sense. One more day, what can we do?"

Chen Yihan said: "The person I met before, with a trace of my father's imprint, has determined that the other person is only the Taixu Triple Heaven. The cultivation level of the Triple Heaven cannot be so fast to the point of crossing the heavens. Could it be that? Looking for help?"

Xu Changfeng said: "If he really has such a powerful helper behind him, then we have to consider it carefully. On the contrary, giving a day's time does not mean that the road is gone."

Chen Yihan said: "That's true!" After a pause, he said, "Is it not involving me?"

Xu Changfeng said: "Don't worry!"

In the tomb of King Solomon on the other side of Jerusalem, Luo Jun was so angry that he was about to die. But I didn't expect that at this time, Quentin would come to trouble again.

Killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he secretly said, "Look for death!"

But there is no way...

This can't be ignored!

At the same time, the catastrophe finally appeared.

When he was cultivating in the past, it was extremely smooth, and he had never encountered any catastrophe.

But all of this is vastly different.

When his cultivation level was raised to the Taixu Jiuzhongtian, he clearly felt that the surrounding magnetic field was beginning to be wrong, which obviously squeezed him.

Just like the feeling of triboelectric electrification, it is obvious that my magnetic field and the surrounding magnetic field have formed an indescribable state.

It seems that if you exercise too much, it will cause lightning to kill.

"You have to go through a catastrophe, let the lightning enter the body, and change the magnetic field slightly, so that it can function normally!" Luo Jun understood this level immediately.

In the past, I was the king of destiny, and God helped me!

Not anymore.

Moreover, this place is a large world, and it is extremely intolerable to cultivators, so this catastrophe has to be saved. Otherwise, in the middle of the battle, suddenly the upper body will be robbed, and it will be miserable.

Heavenly Tribulation, that is, Thunder Tribulation!

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