Super Security in the City

Chapter 4425: Sky Realm Master

Luo Jun smiled and said: "Okay, I also know what you and your wife are thinking. But what I gave you is not too much. If you enter Baoshan together, how can you let you return empty-handed! That's it. .”

Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang were really happy in their hearts. Seeing that Luo Jun's attitude was firm, they immediately thanked him again!

At the end is Mingyue, and Mingyue will come with her, and it is indeed soy sauce.

But Chen Yang still took one hundred heavenly pills and one hundred million pure yang pills to her, which is a thank you!

Mingyue received these pills, and she was also very grateful, and she was extremely happy.

Chen Yang packed all the elixirs into the Jiexumi Villa, and as for the magic tools and so on, they each chose their favorite ones.

After some division, everyone is full and happy.

After taking all the treasures, Chen Yang observed that the prisoner cow in the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit was exhausted, so he threw the prisoner cow out immediately.

The prisoner bull once again returned to the abyss underground sea.

Then, Chen Yang led everyone quickly out of the underground cave and into the void.

Entering the void, the sky outside is completely dark.

In the dark world of the tomb of the gods, there is endless weirdness and coldness...

This place is indeed not for normal people.

Chen Yang wanted to return to the road from time to time...

The God Tomb Realm is rather special. It is not easy to leave at will, and it takes a lot of effort to leave.

However, at this moment, an accident happened.

A terrifying sense of crisis emerges spontaneously from the hearts of everyone...

Luo Jun also noticed something was wrong.

At this time, everyone was still on Chen Yang's black lotus throne, which had already come into the clouds.

The clouds here are all pale and blood-colored.

And before everyone knew it, an old man in a blood robe appeared ten meters ahead!

The old man appeared silently. He looked to be in his sixties, with a thin figure and long and thin black hair. When people looked at him, they would shudder!

Chen Chen glanced at the old man and was shocked. Because he couldn't see through the old man's cultivation at all.

This shows one thing, that is, the old man's cultivation is far above his own.

Chen Yang was also a peerless master back then, and after smelling the old man's breath, he judged that the old man's cultivation base had reached the Tianyu realm!

Tianyu Realm... is only one step away from the Celestial Realm.

In the current era, the Sky Realm is an absolutely terrifying existence.

It is possible to handle people like yourself with one finger.

"The visitor is not kind!" Chen Yang thought to himself.

Qiao Ning, Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang also felt the terror of the old man, Qiao Ning immediately said: "No, he may have come for our treasure, this man's cultivation level seems to be terrifying! There are such terrifying masters competing in the world."

Chen Yang took a deep breath, and said to Qiao Ning and the others: "Don't act rashly, listen to me in everything, and I will guarantee that you will be fine!"

Qiao Ning and the others were already panicking, but now seeing that Chen Yang was so calm, they felt a little relieved.

Looking at the old man, Chen Yang cupped his fists and said, "Under Luo Jun, who is so sacred without asking your lord?"

The blood-robed old man's eyes were very sinister, he glanced at Chen Yang and the others lightly, and his gaze finally fell on Luo Jun. After staring at Chen Yang for a long while, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "The old man has always known that there is a treasure here, but after searching for more than a hundred years, there has been no clue or whereabouts. But the old man is more careful, here A secret enchantment has been laid. When you broke in, the old man has already noticed, and the process of you taking the treasure, the old man also saw it. Alright, now you hand over all the treasures and elixirs, the old man I won’t embarrass you, let you go.”

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Before I hand over the treasure and the elixir, my lord should tell me, who are you?"

The blood-robed old man smiled coldly and said, "Why, do you want to write down the old man's name so that you can take revenge in the future?"

Luo Jun said, "Whatever you think."

Qiao Ning and the others were terrified as they listened, thinking to himself, if you can't beat this man, can you stop being so stubborn. Originally, the other party said that as long as the baby doesn't kill people, if you make it clear that you want to take revenge in the future, I'm afraid they will kill the weeds!

The old man in the blood robe was also very surprised. He didn't expect the other party to answer so arrogantly, so his eyes turned cold and he said, "Boy, you seem to be looking for death!"

Chen Yang's eyes sank, and he said, "You still haven't said, who the **** are you?"

The blood-robed old man said: "Then you remember it, the old man is called Wu Xingjian, and he is called the ancestor of Tianwu!"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay, Patriarch Tianwu, I've written down your name. Today, I'm here to tell you clearly. You want my treasure, elixir, it's impossible! I I won’t give you even one grain. I know you are a strong man in the Tianyu Realm...but you may not be able to defeat me. If you leave now, our grievances today will be wiped out. If you insist on taking the treasure, then Don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"Do you know the realm of this old man?" Patriarch Tianwu was also taken aback at this time.

Luo Jun said: "There is nothing in the sky and on the earth that I don't know."

Ancestor Tianwu said: "Okay, okay! You are quite a character. I believe that you must have some special abilities, otherwise you wouldn't be so arrogant. Originally, I didn't want to embarrass you. Now that you are so arrogant, I think it's true. A person who will take revenge. In this way, the old man can't keep you."

He paused and continued: "But don't try to threaten the old man by destroying the treasure. If you dare to do this, the old man will make life worse for you and your companions. If you cooperate obediently, the old man will give you a happy reward." way of death."

Chen Yang said: "Don't worry, I will never destroy the treasure!"

After finishing speaking, he said to Qiao Ning and the others: "This man's cultivation base is too high. Even if you want to help, it will be useless. Now, you stand back and watch the battle from the sidelines. I will deal with this old dog!"

Qiao Ning was very worried, and said, "Can you really handle it?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry about me."

"Senior, we will live and die with you!" Xuan Tianchou said firmly.

Chen Yang said: "Well, I've accepted my wish. You guys just wait and go, if you have a chance, do it again!"

Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang had no choice but to agree. Afterwards, Qiao Ning and his party withdrew.

Chen Yang stood opposite the ancestor Wu that day.

"Boy, you are just in the realm of the imaginary fairy. It is only a matter of an instant for the old man to kill you." The ancestor of Tianwu stared at Chen Yang and said coldly. At this time, he was actually a little suspicious.

After Chen Yang took a deep breath, he smiled slightly and said, "Stop talking nonsense, let's do it! I want to see how you kill me in an instant."

Patriarch Tianwu nodded, and then suddenly pointed out a finger!

Huge energy burst out from the fingertips in an instant, and then, he tapped Yang Jun's eyebrows!

The power of this finger is the divine power of the Tianyu Realm!

It contains the law of the supreme avenue, and the law of time in it exceeds the limit!

Once pointed out, the Dao will be destroyed!

Chen Yang opened his eyes sharply. At this moment, the pure yang elixir was already running quickly.

At the same time that the finger was killed, the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit immediately appeared, forming a vortex of fate.

The ancestor of Tianwu's fingers plunged into the vortex of fate, and immediately felt the magic of the world of fate.

"Boy, you really have a lot of talent, no wonder you dare to speak wild words!" Ancestor Tianwu noticed that the laws of time and fate inside the Destiny Primordial Spirit were extremely mysterious and profound.

However, he also felt that the cultivation base of the Destiny Primordial Spirit was still in Xuxian, so he could directly penetrate through it with brute force regardless of the time and fate!

He sneered at the moment and said: "But this old man can't help it!"

Qiao Ning and the others watched anxiously, and they didn't know how powerful Chen Chen's cultivation was. But I can feel that Chen Yang should be far weaker than the ancestor of Tianwu...

After Luo Jun's Destiny Primordial Spirit appeared, he blocked the sight of Tianwu Patriarch.

At the same time, he directly swallowed ten billion pure yang pills into his stomach.

In an instant, the berserk medicinal power surged through his body like a flood breaking a bank.

This medicinal power soars to the sky, destroys the earth, and kills the stars!

With Chen Yang's current body, he absolutely couldn't bear the power of the medicine.

In fact, he is not naturally adventurous, let alone reluctant to part with these pills. He can hand over the elixir, but he is afraid that after the treasure is handed over, the other party will come to kill them again.

Right now, with the elixir, he can still fight.

If all the pills were handed over, it would be a dead end. Chen Yang will never let himself step into a dead end...

In the thousands of desperate situations, no matter what, you must fight your way out!

The power of the medicine was rampant in the body, and there was a bang...

But it directly helped Chen Chen break through the gate of the cave fairyland.

At this moment, Chen Yang became a master of the cave wonderland!

The medicinal power continued to rampage in the body, extremely ferocious. Chen Yang used the power of the medicine to calculate various laws in his body, allowing his cultivation to continue to improve...

In a short while, it will be the middle stage of Cave Wonderland!

Then, the peak of Cave Wonderland!

The meridians in the body were torn, and blood spurted out.

Such a charge is too fierce.

Although Chen Yang knew all the laws and mysteries, he had enough savings. But this kind of practice is really too anxious.

The mind can keep up, but the body cannot.

After the finger force of the ancestor of the Tianwu entered the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit, it was originally intended to penetrate the Destiny Primordial Spirit. Suddenly, I found that the Destiny Primordial Spirit began to become stronger...

He immediately keenly felt that the other party's cultivation base had quickly reached the peak of the Cave Wonderland from the Void Wonderland!

"Oh my God, what kind of freak is he? He can go directly from the virtual fairyland to the peak of the cave fairyland. If he goes up to another level, won't he also reach the sky realm?" At this moment, the ancestor of Tianwu really felt fear.

He no longer dared to underestimate Luo Jun...

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