Super Security in the City

Chapter 4427: gentleman

Since Luo Jun's rebirth this time, apart from the first time when he possessed Chen Yi, he was still out of control. Everything you do afterward is under control. Of course, when Chen Hongmeng's luck was deprived later, he really lost control. But that is not life-threatening...

At this moment, Chen Yang really felt panic!

Now he felt that the power of reincarnation and toxins in his brain were attacking and killing, and the feeling of drowsiness also attacked and killed him.

This feeling is probably like when Lan Ziyi was hit by Gaia's Great Reincarnation Technique.

Chen Yang couldn't help wanting to fall asleep... Once he fell asleep, life and death would be beyond his control.

He doesn't dare to put his life in Qiao Ning's hands now, not to mention that he hasn't established a life-and-death trust with Qiao Ning in this universe. Even if absolute trust has been established, with Qiao Ning's abilities, it's still difficult to protect herself!

Chen Yang's face changed drastically, and he quickly calculated the power of reincarnation, thinking that with his own magic power, it would take at least ten years to digest it. The main reason is that after a person enters a deep sleep, he loses his sense of autonomy. You have to wait for the power of reincarnation to weaken, and you start to gradually become stronger, so that you can wake up.

"My lord, my lord..." Qiao Ning looked at Chen Yang anxiously, and she felt that Chen Yang's eyes were becoming distracted.

Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang were also extremely anxious.

They wanted to do something for Chen Yang, but they didn't know what to do.

Luo Jun looked at Qiao Ning feebly, as well as Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang, and then said with difficulty: "I was hit by the power of reincarnation of the ancestor Wu that day, and I really can't resist it right now, so I'm about to enter reincarnation She fell into a deep sleep. It will take at least ten years to wake up from this deep sleep." After a pause, she looked at Qiao Ning and said, "Miss Qiao, I know that you will definitely meet a person named Chen Hongmeng in the future , that is your destiny. He has a great hatred with me. If I am killed by him, then... all crises will not be resolved. You must not reveal any whereabouts of me to him... After you leave this time, don't Check my whereabouts, can you?"

Qiao Ning felt a little baffled, but when she saw that Chen Yang was in such a crisis, she made such a solemn confession, she immediately nodded and said, "Okay!"

Luo Jun then said to Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang: "Next, I'm going to sleep. You take my body and find a place to hide it, don't think about cultivation, don't provoke any foreign enemies, just keep going. Do you understand when I wake up?" Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang hurriedly nodded and said with tears, "Senior, don't worry, unless we die, we will definitely protect your body!"

After Luo Jun finished explaining, he sighed and said, "Is this his luck? It's been a waste of more than ten years!"

After saying that, he couldn't hold on any longer and fell into a deep sleep.

Qiao Ning looked at Luo Jun who had fallen asleep, feeling mixed feelings in her heart.

Mingyue couldn't say anything at the side.

After Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang looked at each other, they made a decision in their hearts.

Qiao Ning felt that Chen Yang's appearance was very abrupt, but Chen Chen did give her too many benefits. She didn't understand the meaning of Chen Hongmeng's last words... Who is Chen Hongmeng? Why would Chen Hongmeng be his destiny?

Who is this Luo Jun?

She was very curious, but she held back and didn't ask Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang what.

After a long time, Qiao Ning said: "I will take you out of the God's Tomb Realm now. Although this God's Tomb Realm is very hidden, there are too many strong people in it, and you are not safe here. After we go out, we will part ways, and you don't want to Let me know of any whereabouts of yours."

Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang nodded and said, "Okay!"

After returning to Tianzhou, Qiao Ning and Mingyue said goodbye to Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang.

Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang took Luo Jun's body to an isolated island deep in the South China Sea.

They found a swamp on the isolated island, then hid Chen Yang's body inside, and then hibernated in the swamp.

The two were extremely grateful to Chen Yang, so they decided that they would never leave this swamp as long as Chen Yang didn't wake up for a day.

Qiao Ning also took Mingyue to an isolated island in the North Sea. She wanted to use the elixir in her hand to break through to the Ten Heavens of the Void.

Before practicing, Mingyue had a conversation with Qiao Ning.

Mingyue said: "Miss, this Young Master Chen is really strange."

Qiao Ning sat cross-legged, thoughtful, and said: "It's really strange, he seems to know everything. But anyway, he is really sincere to me... I don't know why, he would mention that before falling asleep. A man named Chen Hongmeng."

Mingyue said: "What's even more strange is that he said that if you reveal his whereabouts to Chen Hongmeng, all crises will not be resolved. What kind of crisis is he talking about?"

Qiao Ning said: "I don't know, and I can't figure it out! Maybe, I will understand in the future! Maybe!"

Outside the earth, on a dead star, after a year of rest.

Chen Ling's injuries finally healed.

Chen Tianya has already recovered...

With the help of Qingmu Emperor Qi, everything can be done with half the effort!

During this year, Chen Hongmeng was nourished by Emperor Qingmu's aura, and with Chen Ling's various pointers, his cultivation reached the seventh level of immortality.

This speed is already considered very fast.

After recovering, they returned to the earth, and returned to the God's Domain of the Great Thousand World.

After arriving at God's Domain, Chen Tianya left immediately.

During this year, he did not communicate with Chen Hongmeng. Between father and son, they are always like enemies.

Chen Ling wanted to take Chen Hongmeng as his apprentice, but Chen Hongmeng refused. He felt disgusted by the word "master" and didn't want to be a teacher anymore.

Chen Ling also expressed his understanding.

Then, Chen Hongmeng officially entered God's Domain.

Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing temporarily guarded the domain of the gods, which could be regarded as protecting Chen Hongmeng.

Chen Hongmeng met Luo Ning and Situ Linger in God's Domain.

Some things that are predestined, go round and round, but will eventually meet.

In this world, Situ Linger and others did not have such a tragic test in the God's Domain Exam. The final result is still that Situ Ling'er and others successfully entered the domain of God... probably, this is the destiny!

After Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing stayed in the God's Domain for a while, they also noticed that Chen Chen was no longer in the Great Thousand World. They also felt that they could not guard Chen Yang forever, so they left anyway. They are not used to staying in the big world for a long time...

On a certain day, Chen Hongmeng pondered for a long time.

In order to prove his luck, he found a cliff and jumped off.

When he jumped off the cliff, he didn't use any energy, blood or mana, but there was a deep pool under the cliff.

He... was unharmed!

After coming out of the deep pool, Chen Hongmeng looked around, and gradually began to feel that this world seemed strange. Luck, the universe, etc., are all strange.

He felt as if he was the child of destiny, and seemed to be manipulated by fate. So, who is in control of fate?

At this moment, Chen Hongmeng seemed to understand something.

At this time, he was no longer afraid of Master Luo Jun.

He felt that he would never die!

One day, in the ancient castle of the Temple of the Sun, Chen Hongmeng came to visit.

Luo Tianyao, Qin Yunshuang and Master Hidden Dragon received him.

In Luo Tianyao's villa, the food and wine are all ready...

After Chen Hongmeng glanced at everyone, he opened his mouth and then closed it again. After thinking for a long time, he said, "There is something I have to tell you. Maybe you will be shocked after hearing it."

Luo Tianyao said first, "I know what you're going to say."

Chen Hongmeng was surprised immediately, and said, "Do you know what I'm going to say?"

Luo Tianyao said: "Chen Chen has attacked you, he wants to deprive you of luck, doesn't he?"

"How do you know?" Chen Hongmeng was taken aback.

Qin Yunshuang said, "He told us when he came back."

Chen Hongmeng was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It must be in his mouth that I must have wolf ambitions. He is a great gentleman, if he wants to do something to me, it must be my fault!"

Luo Tianyao said in a deep voice, "He didn't say that."

Chen Hongmeng felt that he still hadn't seen through Luo Jun, and said, "Then what did he say?"

Luo Tianyao said: "He told us the whole story, he said that he took you to the bottom of the sea, put you in the furnace, and wanted to deprive you of your luck, but it was a pity that Chen Tianya and Dongfang Jing ruined."

Chen Hongmeng said: "Did you say anything else?"

Master Hidden Dragon said: "The teacher said, instead of letting us listen to others, it is better for him to tell us directly."

Qin Yunshuang said: "Hongmeng, you must be careful. Because he said that next time he looks for you, he will not come to deprive you of luck. He will kill you directly. Now he is going to find you in another world. The other Kings of Destiny are going to deprive him of his luck. He will not let you go..."

"Shuang'er..." Luo Tianyao became anxious and immediately scolded her.

Qin Yunshuang was not convinced, and said: "Sister Tianyao, the truth is so, why can't we say it? Hongmeng is a good person."

Luo Tianyao said angrily: "So in your eyes, Chen Yang is a bad person? Have you forgotten? How many times he has saved our lives. He could have avoided doing this, but he always took strange risks..."

"That's not a risk at all. He's very capable, and he's always sure of it every time!" Qin Yunshuang said: "I also admit that he is good to you and me, but that doesn't mean we have to condone him to do evil. He is a gangster who treats him well with hypocrisy, but in the end he wants to deprive him of his luck and even kill him. He has admitted such despicable acts, hasn't he? Such a person, is it because he is kind to us? Should we thank him? I'm sorry, Sister Tianyao, I can't do it!"

Master Hidden Dragon snorted coldly and said, "Miss Qin, you think you are just, don't you?"

Qin Yunshuang said: "I am a person and do things, but I only want to be worthy of my conscience!"

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