Super Security in the City

Chapter 4432: Sanqing Qi

After thinking about it this way, Chen Yang suddenly settled down. It feels like everything is starting to fall back under control again...

"After I go out, I'm going to see Senior Mo Xiangwang, the spirit of the universe, and then go to Danube to see what happened. If what happened is the same as what happened to me in the main universe, then Chen Hongmeng will go Going to Tyrannosaurus is inevitable... In other words, it doesn't matter if he doesn't go. As long as my cultivation base reaches the half-step saint, I can relearn the big calculation gene technique. At that time, no one can stop me from killing Chen Hongmeng The crisis of the spirit venerables can be solved easily, and I can even enter the imperial sky boat and settle all the spirit venerables!"

After Chen Yang sorted out all his thoughts, he randomly selected two magical artifacts and entered them into the Jiexumi.

Then, his idea hit the puppet **** again, thinking that if the puppet **** was tamed, then the treasure behind the bronze gate could be his own. All the treasures here can be taken away.

He came before the puppet god. The puppet **** is expressionless...

Chen Yang shot at the puppet **** with his spiritual thoughts, and immediately found that the puppet **** seemed to be empty, but was actually connected to the entire treasure and even the surrounding time and space tides. If you rashly attack the puppet god, the most serious consequence is that the entire treasure land will collapse, and all of them will be sucked in by the time black hole and become time particles.

It's too dangerous!

Chen Chen also finally understood why Meng Qingchen and others did not dare to attack the puppet god.

If you don't attack, you can still take two treasures and leave!

Once you attack, you may die here.

Senior Xiao Ling is really smart, he knows to give the comer a little favor, so that the other party will not have evil thoughts.

Chen Chen finally gave up the idea of ​​attacking the puppet god.

Then, he found the right timing and left Yuhua Cave, rushing out of the time and space tide in one breath.

Today, Luo Jun's cultivation has reached the early stage of the fifth level of the Creation Realm, the Vientiane Realm!

With a flash of figure, he quickly shuttled through the universe, and first came to a nearby dead star.

Then, Luo Jun sacrificed the magic weapon Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot!

In the past, the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot was a magic weapon of black clothes Suzhen, and Luo Jun had never used it to play with it. He only knew that the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot was extremely fast after sitting on it. The nine dragons are activated together and then used to fight, the effect is also very good.

This time I finally have the opportunity to hold it in my hand, so naturally I have to study it carefully!

Probe into the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot with the mighty magic power of creation. The Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot was originally only the size of a fist, like a model.

When the cultivation base is weak, no matter how the magic power hits the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot, there is no reaction.

It is different now. Chen Yang's mana is as thick and majestic as the sea of ​​stars. Under the fierce impact, the internal structure of the Jiulong Chenxiang chariot is immediately revealed. Chen Chen pinpointed its entrance, and his mana went in smoothly.

As soon as I entered, I immediately discovered that the body of the Jiulong Chenxiang chariot was a world!

In this world, there is a dragon aura that fills the sky, and the dragon aura contains thunder.

The thunder and the dragon's energy are perfectly fused and fissioned with each other to form the true power of the heaven and earth dragon.

There is a core inside this world, and within the core is a huge mine pool.

The Thunder Pond is the driving force for the Kowloon Agarwood Chariot.

Once activated, the thunder pool can also automatically absorb the external thunder force.

In addition, there are some magic circles in the world of Jiulong Chenxiang Chariot, which are a kind of mastery of space and time.

After cooperating with each other, coupled with the master's divine power, the Nine Dragons Chenxiang Chariot can instantly enter a hyperspace shuttle state, and the speed is extremely fast!

Chen Yang also felt that the real bodies of the nine dragons were all the ancient heavenly dragons back then!

The spirit and dragon energy of the ancient celestial dragons are in the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot. Once activated, the nine ancient celestial dragons can also exert great power!

"As expected of a celestial weapon in the hands of a sage!" Luo Jun was extremely satisfied with Jiulong Chenxiang. In his previous life, he had never used a celestial weapon, and he had been using his own black hole spar all the time! In this life, I don't want to use black hole spar anymore.

And one thing that surprised Luo Jun even more was...

He suddenly discovered that there was a kind of energy in the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot...

This kind of qi is what Chen Yang has always dreamed of... the qi of Sanqing.

Yuanshi Tianzun has the spirit of Sanqing in his body.

The Qi of the Sanqing is the innate Qi of Hongmeng, which is extremely powerful. But back then it was not as good as the Primordial Purple Qi, but this does not mean that the Sanqing Qi is not good!

That's just because the primordial purple energy is too strong!

Luo Jun secretly said: "My Three Corpse Primordial Spirit cultivated by qi-transforming the Sanqing, after all, lacks the irrigation of the Sanqing Qi. If I cultivate the Sanqing Qi, after that, the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit and the Cold Soul Primordial Spirit will be destroyed. Can become as powerful as my main body, and once the battle starts, the two primordial spirits will appear with me, but it will be difficult to tell the truth from the fake! Daozu had this ability back then!"

Thinking of this episode, Chen Yang became happy, and felt that there still seemed to be God's will in the dark.

He quickly used his mana to absorb the Sanqing Qi from the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot, and soon, he drew out the Sanqing Qi about the size of a fist.

Then, the Qi of Sanqing was condensed into the size of a pill.

Then, another gulp!

The Qi of the Sanqing immediately began to rampage in his body, and the Qi of the Sanqing was created by nature. Even if he is weak at the moment, he will not be assimilated by Chen Yang's powerful mana.

Having said that, if it is assimilated, it is tantamount to failure.

Chen Yang wanted to control this Qi of Sanqing, and then slowly cultivate it to a strong state. At that time, the Qi of Sanqing will be able to completely change the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit and the Cold Soul Primordial Spirit.

The Qi of Sanqing wandered in Chen Yang's body, and he even felt as if he wanted to break out of his body.

Luo Jun sealed the Qi of the Sanqing, and fused with the Qi of the Sanqing with his own blood.

However, the integration process was not smooth. Sanqing Qi has its own particularity...

Nothing seems to match it.

Luo Jun besieged Sanqingzhiqi with powerful magic power, making Sanqingzhiqi unable to move.

At the same time, he wrapped his own essence and blood with mana to infiltrate the Qi of Sanqing.

This is a long process, which is related to the molecular structure and operation of the Sanqing Qi.

It is necessary to maintain an absolute balance, if there is a mistake in the process, the sanqing qi will be polluted and you will die!

That was definitely not the result Chen Yang wanted.

In the Qi of Sanqing, there is also the power of a saint belonging to Yuanshi Tianzun.

This makes the qi of the Sanqing more complicated.

If it is pure Sanqing Qi, as long as the amount is enough, it will be much easier to master.

But the current situation is that there is too little sanqing qi, and there is still the power of a saint among them.

If Chen Yang is only at the fifth level of the Creation Realm, then don't even think about it now.

Fortunately, he was also a quasi-sage. At the same time, he also comprehended large computational genetics. Computing Genetics can be said to be the existence of all things, and the computing power in it is even more terrifying.

So now, Chen Yang began to slowly calculate the various structural molecules in the Sanqing Qi. I also gradually began to understand the relationship between the Qi of Sanqing and the universe of heaven, earth and the universe...

Another month later, Chen Chen finally fully grasped this wisp of Sanqing Qi.

Between heaven and earth, Qi is the mother of all spirits!

Both animals and plants need Qi!

People and animals live with one breath, and plants also need all kinds of air for their survival!

Therefore, Qi is the mother of all spirits, not the mother of all things.

The Qi of Sanqing and the Qi of Chaos are different Qi, and the Qi of Chaos can melt into all things.

The Qi of Sanqing can quickly absorb the pure divine power between heaven and earth, which is equivalent to absorbing the magic power of external molecules, and has the priority to use it.

It is even possible to forcibly transform the structure of things that could not be blended with each other through the Qi of Sanqing, so that they can blend together.

"So, after I have the Qi of the Sanqing, even if I don't have a physical body, the Yuanshen can find a body and transform it through the Qi of the Sanqing. Let the physical body and the Yuanshen be perfectly integrated! Now it seems that the original Taishang The other two primordial spirits of Daozu found a flesh body...not necessarily a flesh body, but a body similar to a flesh body made of other substances. That's why they have such abilities!"

Luo Jun gradually began to understand.

After that, he completely absorbed the Sanqing Qi, and operated a small part of his mana to fuse with the Sanqing Qi.

After a while, the Qi of Sanqing became stronger.

Then, the Qi of Sanqing continued to eat away at Chen Yang's mana.

Chen Yang didn't dare to let the Qi of Sanqing directly merge with his mana completely, for fear that the Qi of Sanqing would eventually be overwhelmed.

As it is now, the Qi of the Sanqing is slowly absorbing the power of the outside world to strengthen itself. Therefore, the purity of the Sanqing Qi can be maintained...

It took another month for Chen Yang to finally let Sanqing Qi convert all his mana into Sanqing Mana.

As for the holy power in it, it was perfectly dissolved and absorbed by Chen Yang!

The holy power is too weak, so after entering the body, it has almost no effect!

After doing this, when he uses his mana again, he can quickly absorb external substances. If you compete with others, you have a natural advantage. Because what he chooses is the opponent's.

In the same realm, the other party is definitely not his opponent!

Unless the opponent has practiced the Great Origin Technique!

After mastering the Qi of Sanqing, Chen Yang only felt his body refreshed, and the vitality of heaven and earth was more smoothly integrated into his body. The whole person is in a state of boundless comfort!

He tempered the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit and the Cold Soul Primordial Spirit with the Qi of Sanqing!

The two primordial spirits are irrigated by the Qi of the Sanqing, and become more intelligent, and absorb the external mana more freely.

Chen Yang felt that he still needed to find physical bodies for these two primordial spirits, so that they would become stronger when they fought against each other.

At that time, if I face anyone, it will be three against one!

Just think about it!

"I need to find that kind of solid body for them, but it can be turned into softness at any time and returned to my body. Or, just use my body? I cut off my arms and give them legs to condense?" Luo The army's brains turned quickly.

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