Super Security in the City

Chapter 4442: New and old hatred

Chen Yang sneered and said, "Is there anything I don't know?"

The space behemoth knew that the negotiation could not be reached, and immediately acted. I saw a cold light flashed in its eyes, and it activated along with the tentacles all over the body, and quickly lengthened. In an instant, it enveloped the entire world around it, really covering the sky and the sun, densely packed!

Chen Yang couldn't escape, nor could he leave.

Countless tentacles quickly entangled him, and then, these tentacles absorbed the surrounding strange substances, and then burned.

The surrounding world suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames, extremely ferocious!

Luo Jun quickly cast the cold soul soul, but the cold soul soul turned into a pair of ice armor and wore it on his body. The tentacles turned into flames and burned, and when they touched the ice power, they immediately turned off the flames.

Luo Jun's mana is strong and majestic, but right now he won't be trapped by this beast!

He knew where the death spot of this space behemoth was, so he didn't entangle with this beast right now, after breaking through the fire of its tentacles, he quickly killed the inside of the behemoth. He wanted to enter the space behemoth's body and find the eternal spar at its core. After getting the eternal spar, this beast has no power.

But at this time, the space behemoth was also afraid of Chen Yang and did not dare to open his mouth. Just run the tentacles quickly, and link the surrounding dark matter and so on to burn and kill them together.

Chen Yang circulated the thunderous sword energy again, and the thunderous sword energy formed a storm of sword nets, beheading and tempering all the tentacles of future offenders!

Soon, Chen Yang came to the chest and belly of the space behemoth.

If the beast doesn't open its mouth, it will just go in!

Chen Yang quickly cast the Great Sky Eye Technique!

Immediately, two rays of the sun god's light shot over.

Blessed by the majestic divine power of the fifth level of the realm of creation, these two divine lights really have the power to exterminate heaven and earth. However, the outer skin of the space behemoth is really hard, and it resisted for a while. A moment later, two rays of sun **** pierced his body with a hole.

Chen Yang's figure flashed, and he quickly got into it.

As soon as it entered, the flesh and blood of the space behemoth quickly healed.

Countless flesh and blood squeezed towards Chen Yang, as if they wanted to squeeze Chen Chen into meat sauce.

Luo Jun once again drove the Thunder Sword Qi to open the way...

And soon found a blood vessel of the space behemoth, and then quickly entered the blood vessel. In the blood vessels, the blood is thick.

Under the urging of the giant space beast, the blood directly turned into divine fire and burned.

Inside the Divine Fire, there is still the power of thunder!

Regardless of these, Chen Yang still resisted with his cold spirit.

At the moment, no matter how powerful the space behemoth is, it can't hurt Chen Chen in the slightest, let alone stop Luo Jun from advancing!

In the blood vessels, there is still a lot less resistance. Chen Yang's speed was very fast, and he reached the core of the behemoth's internal organs in a minute, and then broke out of the blood vessel!

The space behemoth is a derivative of the eternal spar, immortal.

Broken blood vessels, destroyed internal organs, that's nothing.

Standing on the giant beast's stomach, Chen Yang shot around with his divine sense, and immediately found that the giant beast's spar was in the dantian.

The space behemoth also sensed the crisis, and at this moment its body began to squeeze inward.

Those tentacles actually drilled into the body, including countless flesh and blood, internal organs, all of which turned into terrifying divine power and killed Chen Yang.

This is completely not taking your body seriously.

Naturally, Chen Yang was not a fuel-efficient lamp, his figure flickered quickly, and flew towards the dantian.

At the same time, turn the cold spirit into a divine sword!

Then, the body is hidden inside the Excalibur.

He urged the divine sword with all his strength, and the divine sword carried the power of heaven and earth, directly piercing the dantian of the space behemoth.

When he reached the depths of his dantian, Chen Yang saw the long-lost eternal spar.

At this moment, the eternal spar is covered with blood-colored slime, and the flesh and blood in the dantian are also closely connected with the eternal spar...

Chen Yang stretched out his hand and quickly grabbed the eternal spar in his hand.

In an instant, the eternal spar suddenly changed into a soft mucus, which immediately wrapped Chen Yang's arm. At the same time, countless tentacles penetrated into the depths of his arms, desperately absorbing Chen Yang's mana and flesh.

Chen Yang was also prepared for this, but regardless of these, he quickly moved the cold spirit to wrap all the slime of the eternal spar and freeze it.

Then, with a flash of his figure, he flew outside.

The space behemoth lost the eternal spar, and its body began to collapse rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, the entire space behemoth turned into nothingness of dark matter, which was completely absorbed by the surrounding wormholes.

Chen Yang quickly flew upwards, and after a while, he returned to the corridor.

The cold soul soul froze the eternal spar, so that the eternal spar could no longer absorb Chen Yang's flesh and blood.

Right now, with the eternal spar in hand, Chen Yang didn't want to stay any longer, so he quickly flew out of the purple cloud vortex.

Another three hours later, Chen Chen left the terrifying purple cloud storm. "Finally got it!" Standing outside Ziyun Storm, Chen Yang felt the mucus wrapped around his arm and let out a long sigh of relief.

After that, he didn't stay any longer, drove out the Jiulong Chenxiang chariot, and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a sudden change occurred in the void.

This change came very abruptly...

I saw that the void energy all over the sky began to gather, and finally formed a void gate.

Soon two more people walked out of the void gate.

These two people... Chen Yang knew each other. After seeing these two people clearly, his face suddenly changed.

Those who came were the undead Ice Phoenix, Lan Ziyi, and... Chen Hongmeng!

At this time, Chen Hongmeng was dressed in a snow-white robe, with a calm demeanor and determination in his eyes.

However, his cultivation has already reached the second level of the Creation Realm!

Luo Jun remembered that when he first came to Ziyun Storm, his cultivation was at the peak of the Heavenly Rank Realm. Although he was able to defeat the second level of the Creation Realm at that time, his cultivation was still at the peak of the Celestial Realm.

And now this Chen Hongmeng is actually at the second level of the Creation Realm...

Then I'm afraid that a master at the fourth level of the Creation Realm may not necessarily be Chen Hongmeng's opponent.

When Chen Yang was shocked, his divine sense quickly fired, and he also found that Lan Ziyi's cultivation had reached the third level of the Creation Realm.

In the main universe, Lan Ziyi's cultivation at this time should be at the second level of the Creation Realm.

It's all improved...

"My good master, I didn't expect that we could meet here. It really is a fate!" Chen Hongmeng looked at Luo Jun and sneered. In his eyes, there is a cold killing intent.

Lan Ziyi was wearing a long purple dress, beautiful and fairy-like, and she was also looking at Chen Yang with cold eyes at this moment.

Luo Jun glanced at Chen Hongmeng, and his gaze soon fell on Lan Ziyi. All his life, he loved Lan Ziyi but couldn't, the relationship between the two was so close.

In his memory, Lan Ziyi had never looked at him with such eyes.

So at this moment, he was not used to it.

At this time, Lan Ziyi said to Chen Hongmeng: "Is he the despicable and shameless master you said?"

Chen Hongmeng nodded, and said, "That's right, he is the good master who keeps trying to help me. If it wasn't for my great fortune and fate, I would have died at his hands more than ten years ago."

Listening to the conversation between these two people, Luo Jun felt it was funny. At the same time, he quickly collected his thoughts, smiled at Chen Hongmeng and Lan Ziyi, and said, "My dear boy, it's rare that you can still call out after so many years. I call Master. It's just that your tone and attitude today seem to have won the battle, and I'm already your defeat? Come, come, show your skills, and let me see how you have grown in the past few years? "

Chen Hongmeng's eyes grew colder, and he said: "For more than ten years, I have lived in your nightmare even in my dreams. Chen Chen, don't worry, I will never let you down today. I know your cultivation has already Even higher, but even if you die today, I will make you pay a heavy price!"

Luo Jun laughed loudly, and said: "My dear boy, as long as you can die, you can pay any price for your teacher!" After a pause, he said: "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense. You two go up together!"

Chen Hongmeng was about to make a move...

Lan Ziyi opened his mouth to stop it first, saying: "Wait a minute!"

Both Luo Jun and Chen Hongmeng were surprised and looked at Lan Ziyi together.

Lan Ziyi stared at Yang Jun, and said, "I have heard many stories about you, and know that you were once a great person. You are very good to Tianyao, Yunshuang, and Master Hidden Dragon. You once defeated Zhonghua The Great Emperor, the God Emperor, and even the Devil Emperor, it can be said that in the entire Great Thousand World, no one is your opponent. But I don’t understand, why do you treat your apprentice like this? You were the most respected person in Hongmeng’s heart back then. Why did you have to Do you want to do this? You want luck, and there are many kings of destiny in the three thousand worlds. If you deprive other people of their luck, Hongmeng will not understand you! Why do you want to do this? Can you solve my doubts?"

In fact, this was also Chen Hongmeng's doubt.

Over the years, Chen Hongmeng has been doubting and self-doubting. There's nothing he can be sure of...

Especially when he went several times to get the treasure of the insect emperor Linghui, after going there, he found that it was empty.

He always felt as if he had been living in the shadow of Chen Yang.

Luo Jun looked at Lan Ziyi, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but found that he had nothing to say.

What can I say?

What can be explained?

After a long while, he smiled and said: "There is no reason for this. I am invincible in the world. If you want to deprive a person of luck, naturally it can only be the luck of the King of Destiny in the Great Thousand World. This seat deserves the best Yes, it's that simple!"

Both Lan Ziyi and Chen Hongmeng were startled.

Lan Ziyi nodded and said, "This explanation is very good!"

Luo Jun said: "You asked me a question, and I also have some questions to ask you."

Lan Ziyi was not in a hurry to call, and said, "What do you want to ask?"

Chen Yang said: "When did you get here? What are you doing here? Why do you come out to block my way? Do you think you can beat me?"

Lan Ziyi said: "You have four questions!"

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