Super Security in the City

Chapter 4454: word of love

Luo Jun smiled and said: "I don't say it, not because I don't know you, but because I know you too well!" Lan Ziyi was stunned, and then said: "Are you kidding, I only know you For a few days, why do you say that you know me... why do you know me too well... it's a joke."

Luo Jun said: "You treat people with sincerity, life and death. If you recognize a person as a friend, you will trust him with your life. Lan Ziyi will never betray a friend no matter what difficult or painful situation he is in." After a pause, Smiling slightly, he said, "Am I right or not?"

Lan Ziyi was stunned for a while, and said: "You praise me so much, I feel a little blushed. I'm not sure if I will really share life and death with my friends under difficult circumstances. Because everyone is afraid of death , I am no exception. If I am not afraid of death, I will not be forced to stay by your side."

Yang Jun said: "Who is not afraid of death? But in your heart, there are many persistences that are more important than death."

After finishing speaking, she turned to Meng Qingchen and said, "Miss Meng, you are also like this."

Meng Qingchen was thinking deeply about what Luo Jun said just now, but didn't notice what Luo Jun was saying right now. Hearing this, he couldn't help but bewildered, and said, "What?"

Lan Ziyi sneered suddenly, and said: "Chen Chen said that you are also a person who values ​​love and righteousness, and can die for his friends."

Meng Qingchen came back to his senses, and said lightly: "I can't afford to wear such a high hat. Back then on the Danube planet, I abandoned Yu Tian Zhenyi without hesitation and ran for my life alone. The sky and the earth are too big to compare My own life is the greatest."

Lan Ziyi said to Yang Jun: "I think you are becoming more and more like a nagging god, you are just talking nonsense!"

Chen Chen didn't feel annoyed, he laughed, and said: "Whatever you think..." Then he said to Meng Qingchen: "The reason why you can abandon Yutian Shinichi without any burden is because from the very beginning, you were Use Yutian Shinichi. When one day, you meet someone you really love deeply, you will be willing to give everything for him, even your life!"

Meng Qingchen said: "That's even more impossible, because I, Meng Qingchen, will never fall in love with any man in my life. You are fine, anyone..."

Luo Jun chuckled, and said, "Miss Meng, what you said is too absolute, which is very bad. Of course, I don't bother to argue with you."

Meng Qingchen said: "We've only known each other for a few days, and we haven't spoken more than a hundred sentences. You don't even know what kind of person I am, and you don't know what I've been through."

Yang Jun said: "Of course I can't empathize with your previous experiences. You say I don't understand you, maybe! It's just that you said you won't fall in love with anyone, it's just a joke."

Meng Qingchen said displeased: "Why is this a joke?"

Luo Jundao: "A farmer lives in the mountains, but he tells people that he doesn't yearn for the prosperity outside or the sea at all, and he will never go out in this life. Do you think this farmer is wise or stupid? Who? Can you say that you are not interested in the prosperity of the world and the sea at all? I think that can only be said by people who have experienced the prosperity and seen the sea. You said you will not fall in love with anyone, have you ever loved anyone? ?Have you ever experienced love? Have you experienced the unforgettable love and lovesickness? You haven’t! You haven’t experienced it. How can you say that you won’t fall in love with any man in the future? There is not only Tao and law in this world , There are seven emotions and six desires in Taoism. Among the seven emotions and six desires, the word love has the greatest magic power. Love can make a man who loves power, money, and food quit power, money, appetite, etc.!"

Lan Ziyi couldn't help but interjected: "Mr. Luo Jun, you are so understanding, it seems that you must have experienced something unforgettable!"

Luo Jun smiled lightly and said, "I have experienced life and death, poverty and poverty."

Meng Qingchen was still stubborn, and said: "For us cultivators, the seven emotions and six desires are the greed, hatred and ignorance of ordinary people. Especially the appetite and love you mentioned are all low-level fun!"

Chen Yang sighed, and said, "Girl Meng, if you want to dominate the Danube, that is also greed, hatred and ignorance among the seven emotions and six desires; what is the difference between you and mortals? It's just that most mortals want to dominate a country, or There are many countries. The area you dominate is just bigger... That's why I said your structure is too small. As for feelings, of course you will not fall in love with ordinary people. If one day, you meet someone whose cultivation base surpasses yours Gentleman Pianpian, you may not be tempted."

Lan Ziyi immediately said: "Are you talking about yourself?"

Meng Qingchen glared at Lan Ziyi, and said: "This joke is not funny at all."

Chen Yang coughed dryly and said, "Miss Lan, I am a decent person. You see, even if you are my prisoner, I don't disrespect you at all."

Lan Ziyi said: "That's why I say you are a gentleman!"

Chen Yang couldn't help but blush.

Meng Qingchen didn't want to talk about these nonsense at all, so he said immediately: "Let's get down to business, son, please continue to preach for us."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay!"

Then he said: "What I'm going to tell you right now is to start from the macro perspective...Ms. Meng, your primary problem right now is that you don't have a firm heart... Dominating the Danube is a joke. When you think it's a joke, This is the time for you to improve. Because your pattern has finally been opened. Also, the problem of conscience...everyone has evil thoughts and good thoughts in their bodies, and it is impossible for any living being to be pure evil or pure bad. Unless the creature is a dementia, for dementia, there is no distinction between good and bad. There are many demons who take pleasure in killing people with enlightened thoughts, and think that doing so means enlightened thoughts."

Meng Qingchen said: "Thinking is clear, that's how it is! The teacher told me before that if my nature is evil, but I want to be a good person, then my thinking will definitely not be clear. We must follow our own heart. Pursue what you want to pursue!"

"You're wrong!" Yang Jun said: "There is a prerequisite for good thinking, that is, to pursue your own pleasure without hurting others. If your good thinking is to constantly cause harm to others, and then make yourself happy, After a long time, there will be various karmic backlashes. At critical times, you will also face the torture of inner demons. Only if you behave yourself and sit upright, in this way, no evil spirits can invade your spiritual righteousness."

Meng Qingchen's body shook again, and then fell into deep thought.

Lan Ziyi nodded and said, "I agree with your statement."

At this moment, Luo Jun couldn't help but think of Chen Hongmeng...

Chen Hongmeng's later pursuit was simply a heinous crime, and it was under the circumstance of harming the three thousand universes...

But he will not be disturbed by demons...

So, are these ideas of yours absolutely correct?

I relied on these concepts to reach the point of defeating the Emperor of the Universe.

What about Chen Hongmeng?


When a person's cultivation reaches beyond the laws of the universe, these worldly thoughts, good and evil, can no longer bind him in any way. Because at that time, in his eyes, people and creatures are all kinds of molecules that can be decomposed.

In his eyes, time, space, etc. are just some data!

The reason why Chen Hongmeng was able to be so proud and independent was because he really had no feelings.

But the current Chen Hongmeng has not reached that point yet.

But, why did he become what he was later?

Fashen observed him and said that sometimes he was abnormally calm.

Could it be that there are two personalities in his body?

One is a normal and hot-blooded personality, and the other is the Hongmeng Daoist?

"It should be like this!" Chen Yang gradually understood.

In this world, after all, there is only one Primordial Daoist.

In front of Daoist Hongmeng, all the principles and laws may be wrong. He is an absolute exception...

Meng Qingchen fell into confusion completely, and she never thought that she could fall into this confusion again after she had cultivated to this level. This should be the confusion she had before she practiced back then!

Luo Jun's thoughts returned to reality, and then seeing Meng Qingchen in a daze, he also knew that his words had a great impact on her.

He knew enough about Meng Qingchen and Lan Ziyi, especially after being with Meng Qingchen in the previous life, Meng Qingchen had confided many thoughts to him.

The reason why Meng Qingchen continued to improve later was because she fell in love with Chen Yang and knew the goal of life.

"Ms. Meng, your Meng family lineage has always been the owner of the Purple Mansion. Every mansion master is amazingly talented. But only in your father's generation... your father has a lot of talent. Therefore, you There is a lot of pressure from your father... Then you also bear the pressure from your father. You have been practicing hard, just wanting to support this family for your father. It is a pity that you were still a step late, which caused your father to be dreamed by your uncle Kill Huashan. After you come back, kill your uncle Meng Huashan and take charge of Zifu. It is unprecedented for a daughter to become the master of Zifu. You are under a lot of pressure. You have been guarding Zifu tremblingly for so many years. Mansion, you want to dominate the entire Danube star, but in fact it is to glorify the lintel. You want to divert internal conflicts and weaken the internal enemy in foreign wars... Your sight has always been on the Danube star. But now, You have already left Danube, so what you want now is to kill Chen Hongmeng?"

Meng Qingchen looked at Chen Yang in surprise.

"How could you... know me so well? Even Chen Hongmeng and the others don't know so well, right?" Meng Qingchen felt inconceivable.

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