Super Security in the City

Chapter 4463: Primal Golden Flame

When Meng Qingchen heard that Chen Yang said that there would be enough pills in one place, she was very happy.

Lan Ziyi asked, "Will there be any difficulty?"

Luo Jun smiled and said, "It will be much less difficult than dealing with the four dharma kings." Lan Ziyi felt relieved when he heard that.

Afterwards, Luo Jun drove the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot and began to go to Tyrannosaurus Star.

The Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot in the void is lightning and thunder, so fast that it exceeds the speed of light...

Meng Qingchen then went back to the Jiexumi Villa to practice, and Lan Ziyi went back to the glazed jade pot. Everyone can be regarded as not bothering each other...

Luo Jun is not the kind of owner who just goes to chat with them when he has nothing to do.

In the glazed jade pot, Lan Ziyi sat cross-legged in front of the wooden house. She felt the Huoyao essence in her body merge with the source of life, and she felt that her whole body was filled with unparalleled strength. I also feel comfortable physically and mentally. This kind of comfortable feeling is unprecedented.

She also knew in her heart that all of this was brought to her by Chen Yang.

When she didn't see Chen Yang, she had a very bad impression of him. I feel that this person is despicable and shameless, with no bottom line at all. But after this contact, I feel that this person is generous and refined, and he has the demeanor of a gentleman. This kind of gentlemanly demeanor cannot be pretended... It is a kind of temperament of him.

I thought that if Chen Yang stayed by his side, he would definitely stalk him, but in the end, he never communicated much, let alone came here to show his hospitality.

"Is this where his methods are so clever?" Lan Ziyi smiled wryly, and said in his heart, "If my Dao heart is not strong enough, wouldn't I really fall into his hands? However, he is also such a smart person, when he knows that these methods are It's not going to work. If that's the case, why does he keep doing it?"

"Tianyao and Daoist Hidden Dragon are also devoted to him. It seems that except for Hongmeng's affairs, he is impeccable and almost perfect." Lan Ziyi couldn't figure it out, and secretly said: "Why does he have to be an enemy of Hongmeng?" ? Although Hongmeng's cultivation is far behind him, but he is a smart person, he should know that his luck is on Hongmeng, and it is really not a good thing to be an enemy of Hongmeng."

Lan Ziyi thought about it, and felt that there were many things and logics that could not be figured out.

Thinking about it afterwards, I feel a headache, and finally I can only think about it.

Soldiers come to block the water and cover it with soil!

During this day, the peaceful situation was suddenly broken.

The thing happened to Meng Qingchen. Meng Qingchen was still meditating in Jiexumi Villa, but at this moment, countless strands of golden threads suddenly sprang out from the meridians in her body. These golden threads were extremely hot. As if to pierce her cells, flesh and blood.

The pain is unbearable!

To the extreme!

Meng Qingchen uttered a painful roar...Blood gushed out from her pores.

Chen Yang sensed this change immediately, and was taken aback, and quickly came to Jiexumi Villa.

As soon as she entered the living room, she saw that Meng Qingchen's purple clothes had been stained red with blood, and she herself was writhing on the ground in pain. A scorching breath emanated from her body, with a burning smell.

Seeing this, Chen Yang couldn't help but lose color, and quickly sacrificed the cold soul soul. The cold soul soul formed a white mist, covering Meng Qingchen like lightning, and then, the white mist softly entered Meng Qingchen's internal organs.

After the white mist circulated up and down Meng Qingchen's whole body, she finally began to calm down.

Then, those golden threads also disappeared.

The pain of Meng Qingchen also disappeared, and the whole person fell into a state of collapse.

Chen Yang withdrew his cold spirit, his face was extremely heavy. Because he knew that Meng Qingchen's situation had not been resolved. He has already figured out the situation of Meng Qingchen by using the cold soul soul.

At this moment, there is a golden thread in Meng Qingchen's body. This golden thread is very cunning, entwined and inlaid in her meridians and blood vessels. When it doesn't erupt, the golden thread doesn't seem to exist, but once it erupts, it will materialize and carry a high temperature that can melt ten thousand dharmas. No matter how strong Meng Qingchen's mana was, he couldn't suppress this terrifying burning divine power.

Meng Qingchen also understood her own situation at this time, she took a bath in the bathroom of the room first, and then changed into a new dress.

After she came out, although her complexion was normal, she could feel that her vitality had weakened a lot.

"That person is called Huanglong Fawang!" Meng Qingchen said after coming to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's face darkened, and he said, "Did he tell you?"

Meng Qingchen said: "This kind of golden thread is called the original golden flame. He planted the original golden flame into my body with the third divine eye. Before that, the toxin and poisonous fire were raging in my body. You are busy helping me to remove the toxin And the poisonous flame, the original golden flame sneaked into my meridians and blood vessels. I was in too much pain at the time, so I didn’t notice this layer. Now that it’s happening, the original golden flame is also sending me these messages. This message is He hid in it early in the morning..."

Yang Jun couldn't help but said: "Primitive Golden Flame? It's so strange, I also fought against him. Why didn't he plant such a thing in my body?"

Meng Qingchen said: "It will take some time for the original golden flame to settle, and he shouldn't have this opportunity to attack you. Even if he does, you can quickly get rid of it."

Luo Jun fell silent.

Meng Qingchen continued: "I know the location of the Fire Temple. The message he left said that if I want to survive, I must reach the Fire Temple within a year. Otherwise, he will trigger the original golden flame to kill me This primordial golden flame has already merged with my flesh and blood. If you want to help me release it, it will not be a matter of a moment. And once you do it, he will be able to detect it immediately. At that time, he will immediately activate the primordial golden flame. Jin Yan, and I, will have no bones left!"

When she said this, her face was surprisingly calm, and there was a feeling of despair in her beautiful eyes.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "Miss Meng, I'm sorry!"

"It's okay!" Meng Qingchen felt a sense of desolation and despair when she heard him say sorry, knowing that he was going to abandon herself and leave. But this is also human nature. The Flame Temple is such a dangerous place. I have never met him before, so why should he take risks with me?

Luo Jun continued: "I'm sorry, if I hadn't been so bold and determined to go to that small planet to find out, you wouldn't have ended up in this situation. Life and death are hanging by a thread, and you still suffer so much."

Meng Qingchen said: "You don't have to say I'm sorry, I'm an adult, and you didn't force me to do anything. The choice is my own, so I should bear all the consequences."

Chen Yang said again: "But don't worry, I will definitely cure you."

Meng Qingchen shook his head and said: "There is no way to cure it. Only by finding the King of Dragons can we get rid of this primitive golden flame."

"Then go to the King of Dragons! I'll accompany you!" Luo Jun said word by word.

"Huh?" Meng Qingchen was stunned for a moment, she thought that Chen Chen's sorry was just laying the groundwork, and wanted to leave in a hurry. Unexpectedly, he said that he would accompany him to the Fire Temple. At this moment, an unspeakable warmth surged deep in her heart.

Because for so many years, she has never experienced this feeling.

She was sent by her father to practice monasticism outside since she was a child, and when she came back, her father was no longer alive. Later, he was in charge of the Purple Mansion, killing iron and blood, and there was no family affection to enjoy.

She is defensive against everyone, so she doesn't believe that anyone's concern is sincere.

And at this moment, she is so fragile and vulnerable.

At this time, Chen Yang didn't need to pretend.

Therefore, she believed that Chen Yang's concern was genuine.

"No need!" Meng Qingchen thought for a while, and said: "The Flame Temple is extremely dangerous, and I am under the control of the Emperor Dragon King. If you kill the three of them, once you pass, you will die. I think, even If we pass, there will be no good results, so why go to die in vain?"

Luo Jun smiled and said: "Ms. Meng, you are too pessimistic. Believe me, I have experienced countless situations that are much more hopeless than this. Later, I solved them all. What is the King of Dragons, as long as I see you When I see him, I will tell him, if he really dares to kill you, I will let him live forever. If he wants to live, he can’t die. On the contrary, as long as he is willing to let you go, I will give him a way out..."

Meng Qingchen said: "However, there is the entire Flame Temple behind the Emperor Dragon King. There must be a cloud of masters in the Flame Temple."

Yang Jun said: "That's not a problem... He can only control your situation through the original golden flame. At that time, let's go to the Fire Temple together, you walk slowly behind, and I will take a step ahead. I will sneak in first to explore If we understand the situation, if there is an opportunity, we will arrest the Emperor Dragon King first. Or arrest an important figure in the Flame Temple as an exchange. In short, this primitive golden flame seems to be unsolvable, but in fact there are many ways to solve it. Solved. Besides, no matter how many masters there are, I’m not afraid.”

Meng Qingchen saw that Yang Jun was so calm and composed, and that all the methods he said seemed to be feasible, so the hope of life was ignited immediately. Who doesn't want to live?

Luo Jun continued: "Miss Lan has absorbed the fire crystal, maybe there is a way to crack your original golden flame. Let's ask her first, maybe it doesn't need to be so troublesome."

Meng Qingchen's eyes lit up, and said: "That's true!"

After that, Luo Jun and Meng Qingchen came to the glazed jade pot together.

In front of the wooden house, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen explained the current situation. Lan Ziyi immediately checked Meng Qingchen's body...

After checking, she frowned and said: "The problem with Yuan Jinyan is not how to solve it, the main reason is that it takes too long to solve it, and in the process of solving it, it will irritate the other party and kill Meng girl!"

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