Super Security in the City

Chapter 4471: Frost perish

Luo Jun grabbed the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot, and the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot turned into the Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Sword.

With the sword in hand, he has more confidence.

The Flaming Queen's face was livid, and there was deep hatred in her beautiful eyes, and she said word by word: "Little thief, keep your teeth sharp!"

Luo Jun laughed and said, "Okay, little girl, you have finally caught up with me. Do you want to dedicate yourself to me after you have worked so hard to catch up with me? For the sake of your hard work and piety, then I Just about."

The Queen of Fire God couldn't help but be stunned. Originally, she thought that the other party would definitely be cowardly at this time, but she didn't expect the other party to be so stubborn.

"You're looking for death!" The Flame Queen was furious, and then stretched out her palm, slashing at Chen Chen's chest and abdomen.

Her palm is not easy...

She waved her palm force, and the surrounding flames and golden threads quickly cooperated with her palm force. Countless golden threads absorbed the mana from the outside world, and finally all condensed in her palm force.

This palm hit Chen Yang's chest like lightning!

Knowing that this palm was no small matter, Chen Yang quickly cast out the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit, which turned into a vortex of fate, and wrapped the golden palm print of the Queen of Fire God.


Unable to resist at all, the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit was instantly shattered by this palm print.

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit would not be killed just like that, and quickly condensed again.

Chen Yang stepped back...

The cold spirit turned into his real body, bearing this terrifying palm on his behalf.


The cold spirit was smashed into pieces, but quickly turned into a white mist. The mist enveloped the palm print and quickly froze it!

But this palm print was so powerful that it was not controlled by the white mist at all, and continued to attack Chen Yang.

Chen Yang condensed the Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Sword, and slashed past with one sword!

Although the soul of cold soul and the soul of great destiny did not resist the destructive palm of the queen of the flame god, the super brain spar had already broken down the power of this palm. Luo Jun gathered his divine power, but he hit the regular gap in the opponent's palm with one sword, and completely disintegrated it with one sword!


The golden palm print of the flame **** queen was directly shattered!

The Empress of the Flame God suddenly lost her color. She felt that her palm strength was unparalleled in the world, and the opponent's sword strength was not too powerful. But suddenly, all her laws and secrets were smashed into pieces.

Very weird!

It's like grabbing your own weakness all at once!

At this moment, she finally understood why the other party was able to escape from the hands of the Holy Dragon King, it really was very strange!

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit and the Cold Soul Primordial Spirit quickly turned into the appearance of Chen Yang, all three of them were dressed in white.

The only difference is that Chen Yang has the Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Sword in his hand.

The Empress of the Flaming God's eyes turned cold, and she formed a seal with her hands.

As a result, in the field of flames, countless flame gold threads quickly condensed, turning into three silk-wrapped big handprints and winding towards the three of Luo Jun.

Luo Jun, the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit, and the Han Po Primordial Spirit swam around in an instant and gathered together.

Then, the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit turned into a black vortex of fate, covering Luo Jun and Han Po Primordial Spirit. The three big silk-wrapped mudras were captured, penetrated the vortex of fate, and pierced through the mist of cold soul.

Luo Jun then slashed out with a sword, and chopped the three big silk-wrapped mudras into pieces!

Although the flame field is very powerful, Chen Yang absorbs energy with the spirit of Sanqing, but he is not blocked by the flame field.

"Damn it!" The Vulcan Queen felt that her power was much stronger than her opponent's, but she didn't know why her opponent would always break her rules.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit and the Cold Soul Primordial Spirit returned to Chen Yang's body. After Chen Yang didn't dare to attack the Flame God, he knew very well that although she could break her attack now, over time, big problems would inevitably occur.

Must be done quickly...

And there must be a trade-off, otherwise it will be difficult to be good today.

He also had a certain understanding of this flame domain after fighting against the flame **** queen.

The figure swayed, and suddenly he took the sword and slashed towards the queen of the flame god.

The sword is fierce and powerful!

At the same time, the Great Destiny Yuanshen turned into the appearance of Luo Jun's body, but fled towards the outside of the flame field.

Then, the cold soul soul jumped out of Luo Jun's head, and also held the cold soul sword to kill the queen of the flame god.

The two joined forces to attack and kill.

The Flame God Empress would not have paid attention to this kind of person who had cultivated at the fifth level of the Creation Realm. Even if the two of them killed together, she could break them apart with a flick of her sleeve. It's just that she felt that the other party was really weird, so she didn't dare to be careless at this time.

Facing the joint attack of Luo Jun and Han Po Yuanshen, she grabbed both hands in the void, and immediately, all the gold threads in the flame field were condensed, quickly forming two flame swords!

These two flaming swords killed Luo Jun and Han Po Yuanshen like lightning.


The Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Sword slashed and slashed on the Flaming Excalibur, sparking brilliant fireworks immediately.

Then, the flame sword was chopped into pieces.

Chen Yang's sword was extremely ferocious, and he found the combination law of the flame sword with ease, and the Primordial Heavenly Dragon Sword was fierce, so he won a short-term victory.

But Han Po Yuanshen was not so lucky, but was hit by the flaming sword and instantly shattered into countless fragments.

Then, the fragments turned into white mist, quickly covering the flame sword.

But the Flame Excalibur is still connected with the surrounding flame field. The infinite flame gold thread stepped forward to help, and the cold spirit soul was refined into a ball of water vapor in a flash...

The mighty Hanpo Primordial Spirit disappeared just like that!

Chen Yang couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and felt as if he had been stabbed in the brain, the pain was unbearable. But in fact the injury was not serious, because Han Po Yuanshen was already an independent body. If the cold soul soul was seriously injured and escaped back into Chen Yang's brain, it would cause Chen Chen a lot of damage.

The primordial spirit is equal to a part of the body, and it is okay to completely cut it off, because the primordial spirit can already be independent. It is equivalent to a redundant organ... But if the soul is poisoned, or cancer cells, wounds, etc., once it merges with the main body, it will cause harm to the main body.

Now the cold soul soul has been completely killed, so Chen Chen didn't suffer much injuries, but he just lost a lot of help!

At the same time, the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit has escaped from the flame field.

At the same time that Luo Jun and Hanpo Primordial Spirit attacked and killed the Empress of the Flame God, the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit deciphered the laws of the Flame Domain and escaped from the Flame Domain.

As soon as he came out of the flame field, the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit galloped with lightning, tens of thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye.

After the Flame God Empress eliminated the Han Po Primordial Spirit, she felt that the other party was actually nothing more than that.

Chen Yang's heart is bleeding, Han Po Yuanshen is his great help, being killed by this girl at this time is equivalent to losing a third of his strength.

Really heartbroken.

But this is also impossible.

After the flame **** followed, he turned his spearhead completely towards Chen Yang. Chen Chen took a deep breath, and the gate of the void behind him immediately took shape.

Everything happens in the blink of an eye...

Chen Yang lay down towards the gate of the void.

"Want to leave?" The Vulcan Empress immediately sensed the other party's intentions, and in a rage, quickly reached out to grab her. The flame field also shrunk rapidly, trying to completely trap Jun Chen.

However, it's still too late...

Others quickly disappeared into the void gate.

And the flame field shrank into a big handprint, and in the end it was only empty.

After the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit escaped, it quickly turned into a void gate.

Luo Jun and the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit are originally one, which is equivalent to the formation of two coordinates at the same time.

No matter how powerful he is in the flame field, he can't stop Chen Yang's door to the void.

After reuniting with the Great Destiny Yuanshen, Luo Jun urged the Kowloon Agarwood chariot.

Jiulong Chenxiang chariot continued to flee in lightning.

After the Flame God Empress took over the Flame Domain, she continued to pursue Chen Chen relentlessly.

The two sides started a tug-of-war again, one in front and one in the back, lightning and thunder, and fast...

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit urged the Kowloon Agarwood Chariot with all its strength, and Luo Jun sat cross-legged, sensing the Cold Soul Primordial Spirit with the power of his brain... There was nothing in the induction.

The cold spirit soul was originally very difficult to kill.

Even if it is smashed into pieces, it can quickly condense.

Because Luo Jun, the main soul, exists, the avatar soul can be restored with the help of the main soul.

It's a pity that the flame power of the Vulcan Queen is too domineering.

The cold soul soul was refined until there was no scum left.

This time, the Luo army lost troops and generals, and suffered heavy losses.

And he is still in crisis right now, maybe he will die here.

This can be said to be the biggest crisis he has faced since his rebirth.

Although he faced countless crises in the past, he also knew that he was the king of destiny, and his luck was in his body. But now it is very different, luck has long gone!

I couldn't help thinking in my mind, was it a mistake to come to save Meng Qingchen?

Soon, he shook his head and said in his heart: "If I don't save myself, how will I face myself in the future? Dao heart can't be violated, and Dao heart can't be broken! If it was me before, I wouldn't have such thoughts at all. .Now, I actually start to doubt from time to time, and it really is a different mood.”

The Queen of Fire God was chasing after her.

Luo Jun ran away desperately...

If this situation continues without improvement, today will be a dead end.

Chen Yang can only pray secretly in his heart, and encounter a wormhole or a black hole soon, that is the key to his life!

After chasing for a while, Huo Shen couldn't catch up with Chen Yang. The anger accumulated in her heart again to a certain level, and finally, she ignited the source of life again.

In an instant, the flames shot up into the sky, and the speed increased...

"Mom, here we go again!" Chen Yang could clearly feel the speed of the Flaming Queen behind him.

Knowing that the opponent is making a big move again.

"Heaven, earth, stupid universe, if I really die, you won't live long in the future! Hurry up and create a wormhole or black hole for me!" Chen Yang shouted in his heart, only to miss his mother up.

Seeing that the flame **** queen was about to catch up, suddenly, the energy fluctuations in front of her were faintly visible...

Then, Chen Yang saw a gap appear.

"'s a wormhole!" Chen Yang couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw this, and secretly said: "I still have luck."

After a while, they approached the gap, but there was a tunnel in the gap, and the tunnel appeared out of thin air in the void. Inside the tunnel, the energy fluctuates rapidly...

Countless luminous particles energy fusion, devour, change...

Thunder, lightning, fire, quantum, particles, all in it.

The weird and unpredictable space particles even covered the entire tunnel, making the tunnel look like a long river of glowing particles.

It looks like a corridor, but it is actually as vast as the sea, unfathomable.

Naturally, Chen Chen wouldn't just go through the wormhole, because the Flame Queen could also go through it.

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