Super Security in the City

Chapter 4474: March period

The Queen of the Flame God hated Chen Yang deeply, and when she heard Meng Qingchen said that she had a deep relationship with Chen Yang, she wanted to smash Meng Qingchen to ashes.

Naturally, Meng Qingchen wasn't insane, she knew that Chen Yang had left a psychological shadow on these people. I have to grab this card...

After staring at Meng Qingchen for a moment, the Queen of Fire God took a deep breath and said to the Holy Dragon King: "I want to keep this girl by my side."

Huanglong Dharma King's heart skipped a beat, he still wanted to enjoy Meng Qingchen.

But now that the Queen of God has spoken, what can he say?

King Shenglong nodded and said: "Everything is under your Highness's arrangement!"

The Flame God Empress said to the Emperor Dragon King: "The original golden flame you left in her body can be removed."

King Dragon had no choice but to respond: "Yes!" Then, rubbing his hands lightly, the original golden flames began to emerge from Meng Qingchen's body. These golden flames were finally swallowed by the Dragon King in one gulp.

"Let's go!" The Vulcan Queen then led everyone back to Flame Star.

After Luo Jun came to the periphery of the Flame Star, he felt that the spiritual imprints of Lan Ziyi and Meng Qingchen were all inside the Flame Star, and they were in the Flame Temple.

He thought with his toes, and knew that they had been caught.

"Hey, it's still such a bad step!" Chen Yang sighed.

"Qingchen fell into the hands of Huanglong, I'm afraid it will end badly. And Ziyi, too, she swallowed the fire crystal. The queen of the fire **** will definitely not let her go... If I didn't insist on going to that small planet , they will not fall to this point. I brought them this indiscriminate disaster, so I must rescue them. If I break in now, it will be useless!"

After Chen Yang took a deep breath, he quickly began to form the formation.

He first zoomed in on the Yuanshen of Destiny and waited outside the flame star, and then flew towards the distance by himself.

After flying to a safe distance, they began to build a void gate.

After that, a void formation was created inside the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit. At critical moments, you can travel instantly.

This kind of instant travel is not easy, the farther the distance, the more difficult it is.

If the shuttle environment is not good, Molecular Rage is more likely to fail.

However, the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit has super brain spar, which is equivalent to a large stabilizer, so it is not afraid of molecular violence.

After doing all this, Chen Yang made the Great Destiny Yuanshen take the form of his body, dressed in white, and flew towards the flame star.

The Great Destiny Yuanshen quickly came to the Huoyao Mountain where the Flame Temple was located, and then broke into the barrier.

After entering the barrier, the elder Yehuo who was in charge of the barrier immediately issued a warning.

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit turned into waves of fire, floating in the void.

After the flame **** queen and others got the warning, they knew that the other party was coming again.

In other words, it took less than half a day for the Vulcan Empress to return to Huoyan with Meng Qingchen and Lan Ziyi. At this time, she still has no time to refine Lan Ziyi...

The Queen of Fire God left her original golden flame on Meng Qingchen. As for Lan Ziyi, she couldn't control it either. Because the original golden flame can't help Lan Ziyi...

So she directly captured Lan Ziyi into her magic weapon to suppress it.

The descendants of the Fire God were in the Fire God Temple, so she asked Meng Qingchen to sit beside her.

The Holy Dragon King also quickly came to the Fire God Temple.

The Queen of Fire God didn't want this matter to be known to everyone, so she immediately sealed the entire Fire God Temple.

Then, she lightly launched the original golden flame.

Suddenly, Meng Qingchen was in unbearable pain and let out a tragic hiss.

She used Meng Qingchen to force Chen Yang to show up.

Luo Jun controls the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit, and observes the world from the perspective of the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit.

Meng Qingchen was being tortured, he could feel it immediately.

I also understand that the other party wants to force him to show up...

Chen Yang had no intention of hiding, so he quickly drove the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit to the outside of the Fire God Temple.

Then, with a flash of figure, he entered the Fire God Temple.

The Fire God Temple has set up an enchantment, but this enchantment did not prevent the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit from entering.

The Great Destiny Yuanshen came to ten meters in front of the Holy Dragon King and the Flame God Empress, and stood still.

Luo Jun also saw Meng Qingchen rolling in pain through the perspective of the Great Destiny Yuanshen...

My heart can't help but pick up...

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit ignored this, without any emotional change.

Fortunately, the Flame God Empress did not intend to torture Meng Qingchen, but to force Chen Chen to show up. Now that Chen Yang has shown up, there is no need to continue to torture Meng Qingchen, and he paid off immediately. At the same time, secretly surprised in his heart, said: "He really didn't die..."

The pain on Meng Qingchen's body also disappeared, and she immediately sat up, raised her eyes and saw Chen Yang barging in, her heart skipped a beat. Secretly, why did he come in like this? What's next? Does he have a way to save himself?

Meng Qingchen really couldn't be optimistic, because she knew how powerful the Vulcan Queen was. Moreover, even if Chen Yang could beat the Vulcan Queen, the lives of himself and Lan Ziyi were still in the opponent's hands.

Chen Yang is playing the game of rats, there is no chance of winning!

She felt that Chen Yang shouldn't appear so recklessly...

But after thinking about it, he felt that Chen Yang was smarter than himself. Since he dared to come, he must have some calculations.

At the moment, a glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes.

"I'm just a primordial spirit sent by my master!" The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit spoke first, and said, "So, even if you kill me, it will be useless!"

"Yuan Shen?" Meng Qingchen suddenly realized when he heard the words, and he was slightly relieved when he knew that Chen Chen's real body was not here.

The Queen of Fire God stared at the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit with cold eyes, and said, "Really?"

Great Destiny Primordial Spirit said: "Not bad!"

The shock in the flame **** queen's heart was still there, and she couldn't figure out why the other party was able to escape from the wormhole.

After calming down, he said word by word: "This hall remembers that during the process of chasing your master that day, his words were extremely obscene and his attitude was arrogant. I don't know how he is feeling today? Now, these two women They are all in the hands of this hall, if this hall wants them to live, they can live; if this hall wants them to die, they must die!"

Luo Jun was outside the void, at this time controlling the Great Destiny Yuanshen, and said: "The reason why you spoke lightly to Your Highness that day was just to provoke you and lead you into the wormhole. However, Your Highness is very wise, even in In a fit of rage, he was never fooled. Admire, admire!"

"Hmph!" The Vulcan Empress sneered, but she felt a little better in her heart.

She was very angry with Chen Yang before.

Chen Yang then clasped his fists in salute, and said, "Please forgive me, Your Highness!"

Shenglong Dharma King never said a word, but secretly controlled the overall situation.

The flame **** empress felt calmer, but she wouldn't just let it go, she immediately said: "Do you think that everything can be written off if you give up now?"

"Of course it's impossible!" Chen Yang smiled and said, "Anyway, we took the fire crystal. In addition, the three Dharma kings of His Royal Highness also died at my hands. Naturally, these hatreds were not because I bowed my head or kowtowed. It can be solved by head."

Flame God said afterwards: "You reminded me. Right now, I want you to kneel and kowtow. Otherwise, I will kill your woman immediately."

Meng Qingchen was stunned for a moment, although he knew that the person in front of him was the soul of Chen Yang. But if you want Yuanshen to kowtow, it is not much different from Chen Yang kowtow. Can someone as arrogant as Chen Yang suffer this humiliation?

But if he doesn't suffer this humiliation, he will be tortured again!

For a moment, Meng Qingchen felt that he was extremely aggrieved.

This feeling is really uncomfortable. But I was born with a bias and there was no way to escape from it...

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Your Highness, it's okay if you want me to kowtow. But I came today to make a deal with you. If I tell you about my deal, you're not interested. Then, I'll tell you when the time comes." It's not too late for you to kowtow."

"Deal?" The Vulcan Empress was taken aback, and said, "What deal?"

The light of hope flashed again in Meng Qingchen's eyes.

Shenglong Dharma King softly conveyed his thoughts to the Queen of Fire God, saying: "Your Highness, this son is cunning!"

The Flame God Empress replied: "This hall will save it!"

Yang Jun said: "Killing Meng Qingchen is of no benefit to you. Also, I know you captured Lan Ziyi. You want to refine Lan Ziyi and then grab the Huoyao essence from her, yes no?"

Flame God said: "Not bad!"

Yang Jun said: "But that's not the fire spar after all. You want the fire spar because you want to use the fire spar to improve your cultivation level again. I can help you improve your cultivation level..."

"You?" The Flame God Queen couldn't help laughing, it was a contemptuous smile, and said: "With your meager cultivation, how dare you say that you can help the hall to improve?"

Luo Jun chuckled, and said: "Your Highness, don't underestimate me. I can walk on the ground inside the wormhole. Didn't you kill a primordial spirit by Your Highness earlier? After jumping into the wormhole, I had a good swim, and then A wormhole primordial spirit was built with wormhole particles. May I ask, can His Highness do these things?"

The Vulcan Empress was suddenly at a loss for words.

Shenglong Dharma King said in a deep voice: "Okay, boy, don't talk about him here... Now your two women are in our hands. If you make empty promises, it's not a bargaining chip!"

The Flame God Empress also said: "Not bad!"

Yang Jun said: "My deal today is that you give me three months. After three months, I will come to fight your highness with my real body. If I win, you let me go. If I lose Then, the lives of the three of us will be entrusted to you."

"Three months?" A ray of light flashed in the beautiful eyes of the Flame God Empress.

Chen Yang said, "That's right, it's three months!"

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