Super Security in the City

Chapter 4484: breakthrough again

When Luo Jun came to Guangyao Xing, he felt that this planet was somewhat similar to that Guangyao Xing.

Most of the light stars are desert areas...

On the outer surface, there are no living plants or trees at all. Mountains and rivers have all dried up.

Luo Jun also has some understanding of the light star. Those who know the light star live inside the light star. It was the same with Guangyao Xing back then... Chen Chen then sneaked into the interior of Guangyao Xing.

In the inner world, everything becomes its own world.

Chen Yang saw beautiful mountains and rivers, vast forests, and the endless sea.

The Bright Star was originally a place where nothing could be pulled out. Later, the owner of the Temple of Light came here to create the Temple of Light. And a complete world was built inside the light star.

He made the surface of the light star into an existence similar to the sky. The sunlight passes through the obstruction of the surface, and finally refracts into the interior of the light star, so it becomes very suitable.

After Luo Jun entered the interior of the light star, he felt as if he was walking on the surface of another planet.

Inside the light star there is also the sky, the clouds.

These clouds in the sky were created with the help of formations...

Luo Jun quickly dived into a deep sea, came to a place of 10,000 meters under the sea, and found a sea cave to hide in.

Then I went to Jiexumi Villa to start practicing.

Right now, he has 2 trillion and 300 billion Saint Yuan Pills in his hand.

In addition, there are 100,000 divine pills!

He first swallowed 300 billion Saint Yuan Pills...

Sure enough, when 300 billion entered the body, it was completely tickling. So I swallowed another trillion...

The cultivation base has already reached the peak of the sixth level of the realm of creation. The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit and the Wormhole Primordial Spirit absorbed it together, and the two uncles absorbed the elixir, which really broke Chen Chen.

But there is no way, enjoy the benefits they bring, when you upgrade, when you get the benefits, you can't leave them behind.

If they don't break through together, Chen Yang won't be able to get over this hurdle.

All glory, all losses!

After eating the one trillion elixir, the strength in the body became more and more full. But still unable to break through the last shackles...

Chen Yang simply swallowed the last trillion pills and the hundred thousand pills.


The power of the elixir in the body is as majestic as the stars...

Turbulent and galloping, terror is extinct!

Chen Yang quickly absorbed the cosmic vitality around him, the Sanqing domain had opened up around him, and the Sanqing Qi was absorbed violently.

All the mana, vitality, and elixir gathered together, as if launching a final general attack, they rushed towards that high ground!


Violent impact, attack!

Relying on his experience, Chen Yang resolved all kinds of demonic obstacles in practice.

The Super Brain Stone is also working...


With blood-red eyes, the three primordial spirits gathered their strength together and finally broke away from the last shackles.

At that moment, there was a feeling of enlightenment immediately.

All the cells began to bloom with new vitality, and the cells and meridians were connected to each other, greedily absorbing the vitality of the outside world.

The magic power in the body is advancing by leaps and bounds again!

After reaching this state of Nirvana, Luo Jun's magic power became even more handy. Absorbing the vitality of the universe from the outside world is even more fierce and unparalleled.

Chen Yang's confidence also rose, and he was no longer afraid even after meeting the Fire God.

Ten days will pass quickly!

The vitality in Chen Yang's body has been replenished and has reached its peak state!

It is the initial stage of the seventh layer of the realm of creation!

Unfortunately, the pill is still missing!

If the pill is enough, keep swallowing it. At least there is no problem reaching the peak of the Seventh Layer of the Creation Realm...

It's just that at least one hundred trillion pills are needed!

Those two primordial spirits need to absorb too many pills...

Wormhole Yuanshen is capable of nuclear fusion, splitting and merging continuously.

The Destiny Qi of the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit is endless, which also causes the medicine pills they need to be endless.

Luo Jun secretly said: "We have only reached the seventh level of the Creation Realm now... If we want to hit the ninth level of the Creation Realm, I am afraid that it will not be enough to squeeze out all the pills on Tyrannosaurus Star! I didn't experience this before."

After thinking about it, I didn't have such powerful two primordial spirits back then!

When practicing, the speed is not so fast!

There must be an effect if there is a cause!

Now that his cultivation has reached the seventh level of the Creation Realm, Chen Chen's self-confidence has also increased a lot.

Not to mention killing the enemy right now, anyway, self-protection is definitely more than enough.

He quickly left the light star, and then flew towards the holy music star again.

Chen Yang didn't want to play the autumn wind on the bright star, first of all, he didn't want to offend the Temple of Light. Because the strength of the Temple of Light is extremely strong, and I am not here to rule the world, why should I offend them all. no need...

Furthermore, although there are organizations like the Xunyin Society in Guangmingxing. But Chen Yang estimated that there would not be too many pills...

It is not enough to get ten million pills now.

So, let's catch a sheep and squeeze it hard!

This Xun Tianhuang insulted the Earth's Great Emperor Tianzang, and he himself got the benefits of Tianzang, so he had to vent his anger for Tianzang, and by the way, he also wanted to get back the earth's face.

Two hours later, Chen Yang returned to Shengyin Star.

On Shengyin Star, the scenery is beautiful.

Chen Yang didn't want to find any helpers, so he flew directly towards the North Pole.

It didn't take long to fly to the legendary snow field.

On the snow field, it really was a blizzard...

The north wind is howling...

Between the sky and the earth, there was a misty white mist, covering the area like sticky white cotton candy that couldn't be torn apart.

Amidst the howling, there was also a strange howling sound, tormenting the eardrums of the creatures.

Chen Chen listened to the howl outside, only to feel disturbed for a while. Secretly said: "This kind of natural howling sound is so terrifying, I'm afraid that experts below the level of creation will be directly enchanted by this sound."

Chen Chen didn't think too much, and quickly entered the confusing blizzard.

Inside Blizzard, snowflakes and white mist were intertwined, and sound howling was mixed in, like a grand melee of all armies.

Chen Yang is not afraid, walking in it is like strolling in a courtyard.

At the same time, he drove out the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment.

After a while, the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit merged into the blizzard and turned into white mist.

There are many thoughts on the body of the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit, and thoughts can hide the physical body of the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit. But the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit couldn't hide Luo Jun and the Wormhole Primordial Spirit in his thoughts.

To be precise, Chen Yang and the wormhole primordial spirit can be hidden in their thoughts. It's just that once they hide in, the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit can't change at will.

Moreover, it is easy to be found by hiding it.

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit can only be completely fused with one's own body, and then transformed into other objects, and no one can recognize it.

Once you join high-quality creatures like Chen Yang and Wormhole Primordial Spirit, it will immediately become very discordant.

After crossing the snow field, the scenery ahead changed again. Looking back, Luo Jun found that the blizzard was still raging in the snow field, but the front was a northern scenery. Although it was also frozen for thousands of miles, under the sunshine, the snow mountains and the snow scenery set off each other, but it was so beautiful and refreshing.

Such a view is intoxicating!

Chen Yang didn't come to enjoy the beautiful scenery, he came to find the elixir.

Gongyang Cong also told him that in the Temple of Holy Music, Xun Tianhuang himself is in charge of the treasure house of pills.

And alchemy is the Presbyterian Church.

There are also a lot of pills on the Presbyterian Church... The disciples of the Holy Voice Temple collect spiritual energy and resources from various places every day, and then let the Presbyterian Council concoct alchemy.

Chen Yang had calculated that the treasure house of the Presbyterian Church and Xuntianhuang were not easy to get.

Hard grab, definitely not!

Must be outsmarted.

Luo Jun doesn't absolutely believe in Gongyang Cong, so let's find out first.

His goal is to steal enough pills first, and then improve his cultivation again.

As long as he can reach the eighth level of the realm of creation, he can find a way to kill Xun Tianhuang. After killing Xun Tianhuang, the problem of Shengyin Temple will not be too big.

Luo Jun turned the Great Destiny Yuanshen into a wind and flew towards the Holy Music Temple in the Qingxue Mountain.

He himself hid in the dark and watched patiently.

The Great Destiny Yuanshen flew for ten minutes, and then saw the Holy Music Temple.

The building of the Temple of the Holy Voice is magnificent and magnificent.

There is also an enchantment around the periphery...

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit clings to the barrier, feels the barrier carefully, and finally turns the whole person into the same particles as the barrier.

It's like blending into the enchantment.

After a while, the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit successfully entered the barrier of the Holy Voice Temple.

The interior of the Holy Voice Temple is even more beautiful...

Scores of gardens, and stretches of lakes...

The lake and the blue sky and white clouds set off each other, making this lake like a mirror of the sky.

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit has always turned into a breeze, flying around in the void...

After flying for about half a day, Luo Jun also got a general idea of ​​the situation of the Shengyin Temple.

The Presbyterian Church is in the area of ​​Danshen Palace in the back mountain...

Dan Shrine is heavily guarded.

Every day, the Pill God Palace can refine approximately 10 billion Saint Yuan Pills!

This number is very good, but the daily consumption of the Holy Voice Temple is also high.

The Holy Voice Temple needs more pills to distribute enough Saint Yuan Pills to its disciples every month, especially the elders, angels, etc.

About one billion Shengyuan pills can be saved in Xuntianhuang's hands every day.

Over time...

In three years, Xuntianhuang could only save one trillion pills.

Fortunately, Xun Tianhuang has been in charge of the Shengyin Temple for countless years, so he should have many, many elixirs. How many there are... Chen Yang didn't even research it. Not only was Chen Yang unable to research it, but no one in the Shengyin Temple knew how many pills he had.

Chen Yang thought that Xun Tianhuang would also consume pills for his own cultivation, but if he has accumulated tens of thousands of years, at least there must be a thousand trillion pills!

After calculating Xun Tianhuang's family property, Chen Yang was a little excited, thinking that if he could successfully kill Xun Tianhuang, then he could reach the peak of the Ninth Layer of Creation Realm.

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