Super Security in the City

Chapter 4493: Lord's runaway

At the same time that Gongyang Cong was killed by Xun Tianhuang's palm, the four girls of the Red Spirit also cut out the deadly sword in spite of everything. The four sword qi charged towards Xun Tianhuang, but Xun Tianhuang didn't even look at it, only to see a sound wave suddenly appeared in front of him. These sound waves form a vortex...

The four sword qi slashed on the sound waves, and were immediately smashed into pieces. Afterwards, those sound waves made a sharp whistling sound, and ruthlessly killed the four girls of the Red Spirit.

The four girls of the Red Spirit suddenly felt that the sound of magic was attacking and killing them, as if there were countless demons and ghosts entangled in front of them. His own laws and mana were all destroyed by the magic sound at this moment.


The magic sound attacked and killed, and the four girls immediately spat out blood and fell heavily to the ground.

This is just Xun Tianhuang's automatic defensive counterattack, so the power is not that great. Otherwise, the four daughters would have died without a place to bury them in this instant.

Changes are only in the blink of an eye...

After Xuntianhuang gave up collecting the wormhole particles, Chen Yang immediately manipulated those wormhole particles to merge with the particles in the hands of Alatian and Bellale.

Ala Tian and Bella Lei were immediately wrapped in wormhole particles, and the wormhole particles in their hands also broke out!

At the same time, the Great Destiny Yuanshen grabbed a hundred trillion Saint Yuan Pills in a hurry.

I can only pack so much...

Because the war has already begun, if it is delayed, there will be more casualties. Luo Jun simply ordered the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit not to do anything, but to keep on spitting out the Divine Fire of Destiny quickly!


The Divine Flame of Destiny rushed fiercely into the sea of ​​holy essence pills, and the infinite pills burned, and the spirit of holy essence rolled and galloped, forming a majestic momentum.

Those elixirs are life-seeking!

At this moment, Xun Tianhuang was in a turmoil, almost going crazy. Regardless of other things, he quickly rushed into the inside of the Shenyin Lyre... and then freed his hand to grab the unburned Shengyuan elixir.

You can catch as much as you can!

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit pierced through the Shenyin Lyre from the other side and ran out quickly.

After it ran out, it quickly involved the four Red Spirit girls in its thoughts.

Chen Yang's body also quickly formed a void gate through the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit, and shuttled in.

After entering, he joined the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit and killed the four angels of magic sound together.

The Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Sword released a tyrannical sword light.

Now that Luo Jun has been cultivated at the seventh level of the Creation Realm, his skill has become even deeper.

The cultivation base of the four magic sound angels is only at the sixth level of the Creation Realm, so how dare you underestimate the attack of Chen Yang and the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit. The four of them quickly gave up on the wormhole particles, formed a formation in a flash, and created a magic sound barrier together!


The four of them worked together and finally blocked the attack of Chen Yang and the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit.

Luo Jun and the Great Destiny Yuanshen didn't come to kill the enemy, so they didn't want to fight.

Those wormhole particles quickly ran to merge with the wormhole particles that Ala Tian and Bellare fought.

Luo Jun and the Great Destiny Yuanshen went to Ala Tian and Bellale together again.

Ala Tian and Bellale didn't bother to catch the wormhole particles anymore, and swung their swords together to fight against the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit and Luo Jun.

At this time, the primordial spirit from the wormhole finally completed the fusion.

Three Luo Jun appeared on the field.

The three Luo soldiers instantly forced Alatian and Bellale back...

The four magic sound angels attacked and killed quickly again...

Ala Tian and Bellale hesitated for a moment, then followed suit. Luo Jun let the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit quickly unfold the fate vortex...

Everyone rushed into the confusion of fate at once.

Chen Yang quickly opened the teleportation array he had prepared before, and behind him, the Void Gate appeared.

He rushed in with the wormhole primordial spirit. Following that, the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit also rushed in...

After they all rushed in, the void gate disappeared.

In the next second, Chen Yang and the two primordial spirits came to the teleportation array far away from the Yanyang galaxy.


Chen Yang looked around the void universe and let out a long breath of relief.

It was dangerous, but in the end the plan was successful.

This time, the best thing is to destroy Xuntianhuang's Shenyin Lyre.

At that time, Xun Tianhuang had no intention of catching Chen Chen, and only wanted to save his own elixir.

Thinking about it is also heartbreaking for Xun Tianhuang, who has accumulated thousands of years of wealth! Just like that, someone set it on fire...

Chen Yang then took stock of the situation on his side.

The four daughters of the Red Spirit also jumped out of the idea of ​​​​the Great Destiny Yuanshen, and Xue Ling invited them to the Jiexumi Villa to cultivate. Their injuries were a bit serious, but luckily none of them were fatal.

Give it some time and it will recover!

And the many thoughts of the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit are full of holy yuan pills. After careful inventory, it is about ninety-nine trillion.

This number has already surprised Luo Jun. He felt that he had never owned so many pills in his life!

It's a pity that I couldn't get more...

If it wasn't for saving the four daughters of the Red Spirit, they should be able to get some more.

But there is no rush, as long as one's cultivation is improved a little bit. Then in many places in the entire Yanyang galaxy, I can walk sideways.

The damage to the wormhole primordial spirit is a bit serious, but it is not a hindrance, and it can be recovered if given more time.

As for Gongyang Cong...

It would be better if he died.

Luo Jun didn't like Gongyang Cong in his life, but after forcing him to cooperate in this way, he killed him again, which was somewhat unbearable.

Now that he himself was beaten to death by Xun Tianhuang, it can be regarded as a kind of karma!

After figuring out the situation, Chen Yang decided to find a wormhole. Then stay inside the wormhole to practice.

He knew that many of his wormhole particles were captured by the other party, and those particles had his own spiritual imprint and aura on them. The other party will definitely be able to find it based on those things...

Nine Dragons Agarwood chariot quickly shuttles through the void...

Shrine of the Holy Voice…

Xun Tianhuang stayed alone in his bedroom in the main temple.

Today, his divine music lyre has been completely destroyed.

He originally had 1,200 trillion pills...

After his efforts to rescue, he only got back two hundred trillion pills.

He lost a thousand trillion pills!

Not to mention, the Shenyin Lyre, which he relied on for survival, was also destroyed. This divine-sounding lyre is the supreme instrument he uses to control the rhythm of heaven and earth...

It can be said that this is the most serious betrayal and loss he has suffered since his birth. none of them…

The whole person who is looking for the sky is going to carry it on his back.

For three whole days and three nights, he didn't say a word in his bedroom.

Thinking of Gongyang Cong, he felt that even though he had already smashed him into pieces, he still couldn't understand his hatred.

Thinking of that thief, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

What a shame, what a shame!

Thinking of the excitement, Xun Tianhuang was exhausted physically and mentally, and spat out another mouthful of blood.

One day later, Xun Tianhuang summoned all the masters under his sect and chased and killed Chen Chen at all costs.

He was really angry, so angry that he lost his mind. He can ignore the Holy Music Star and the Holy Music Temple. In short, he will kill Chen Yang at all costs.

He did still have Chen Yang's wormhole particle breath imprint in his hand. He had been angry for the past few days, but he never forgot to use these breath particles to track the opponent.

Right now, he has determined the position of Chen Yang, and the next step is to arrest and kill people.

The four magic sound angels, Ala Tian, ​​Bella Lei, and the six elders under the sect all dispatched...

A group of people is mighty, and soon left the Holy Music Star!

Chen Yang successfully found the previous wormhole, and then jumped into the wormhole. The wormhole primordial spirit bathes in the wormhole, enjoying and absorbing it to its fullest.

Luo Jun and others are hiding in the core thoughts of the wormhole primordial spirit.

In the core idea, Luo Jun let Xue Ling and others enter the glazed jade pot to recuperate.

Three days later, the wormhole primordial spirit fully recovered.

Luo Jun then merged with the two primordial spirits.

At the same time, let some wormhole particles be transported out to protect itself from being absorbed by the wormhole.

Then, he started to practice!

The pills are eaten one by one trillion one by one, and they are eaten without money...

After consuming thirty trillion pills, he finally allowed his cultivation to reach the peak of the seventh level of the Creation Realm from the early stage of the Seventh Level of the Creation Realm...

Followed by sprinting Yae...

This sprint is even more difficult.

Luo Jun felt that it was not so difficult in the past, but now because of the Qi of Sanqing in his body, coupled with the endless void abilities of the wormhole primordial spirit and the great destiny primordial spirit, every time he sprints to the shackles and barriers, his body Like a leak.

It is impossible to achieve the goal of combining human and sword into one, all at once!

It's as if you are running wildly, and someone is always pulling you behind, making you unhappy. It's like you're inflating and there are two holes leaking...

Continue to take the pill!

trillion after trillion...

In the blink of an eye, all the remaining pills were swallowed.

The medicinal power in the body is majestic and can destroy the stars and the world.

Driven by Luo Jun, this medicinal power rushed towards the place where the barrier was shackles.


again and again…

But he still couldn't break through that barrier.

It seemed that his own strength was not pure enough when he sprinted against the barrier.

It's an indescribable feeling!

After countless sprints, the medicinal power gradually began to weaken.

"This is terrible. If one hundred trillion pills can't reach the eighth level of creation, wouldn't it be over? Where is the problem?"

Luo Jun suddenly became anxious.

I thought it was because my body was too big, so I only needed to prepare enough pills, and then I could cultivate to the eighth level of the Creation Realm in a logical way.

But now it seems that the problem is not that simple.

There is a very core point here that I have not discovered.

The medicinal power is still ferocious, but it still cannot break through that layer of shackles and barriers.

Gradually, the medicinal power began to rebound.

Chen Yang was gradually unable to digest the power of the medicine...

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit and the Wormhole Primordial Spirit are already in the state of Dzogchen.

To absorb these medicinal powers, one must rush to the eighth level of the Creation Realm to expand the cells of the whole body...

Or quickly form these medicinal powers into Taoist moves and chop them out!

But that is tantamount to wasting the medicine pill for nothing.

At this moment, Luo Jun was extremely depressed...

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