Super Security in the City

Chapter 4499: sucker Punch

In the sky above Xuntianhuang, the Great Destiny Yuanshen transformed into its main body, and a Destiny Sword slashed down!

At the same time, the body of the wormhole primordial spirit also appeared one after another, followed by a wormhole sword.

These two primordial spirits are now also of great skill, with the great origin technique in their bodies, and the strength of the seven peaks of the realm of creation.

The sharpness of the two swords is by no means something that Xun Tianhuang can easily avoid. Xun Tianhuang paled slightly, not daring to underestimate it, quickly changed direction, and fell downwards. At the same time, the Yin Shensi was entangled between the hands, and the hands also formed seals at the same time. Nayinshensi rushed out quickly, and wrapped the Destiny Sword and Wormhole Sword tightly together!

After wrapping it, Yinshensi burst out terrifying sound blades and sound waves!

The sound waves rolled, and it was as if there was a divine fire in the divine thread, frantically strangling the Wormhole Excalibur and the Destiny Excalibur. The power of the two divine swords was quickly destroyed by Yinshensi...

But at this time, the wormhole primordial spirit and the great destiny primordial spirit strengthened the wormhole vortex and destiny vortex again, trapping him firmly again!

The five daughters of Xueling appeared next, and used the Wanfa Imperial Formation to kill the Wanfa Excalibur.

With repeated waves of Xun Tianhuang's sleeve robe, he cracked the Ten Thousand Magic Sword!

Luo Jun drives the Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Sword, and also kills towards Xuntianhuang. Under Chen Chen's control, the Primordial Heavenly Dragon Sword was extremely ferocious, cutting stars with the sword.

Xun Tianhuang could easily dispel the Ten Thousand Magic Sword, but he didn't dare to underestimate the Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Sword, so he could only resist it with Yin Shensi. His Yin Shensi is also an extremely powerful magic weapon, and it can change as you wish.

Luo Jun's magic power is unparalleled, and he can absorb the spirit of the three cleans. Although his realm is not as good as that of Xuntianhuang, he is not at a disadvantage when fighting.

At the same time, the wormhole primordial spirit and the great destiny primordial spirit also came up with a few swords or punches from time to time.

Attacking in turn like this immediately made Xun Tianhuang tired of coping.

Xun Tianhuang wanted to escape, but was quickly stopped by Chen Yang and the two primordial spirits. After a long time, he became a beast in prison.

His mana was rapidly depleting, and his mental strength was also being violently destroyed by Chen Yang.

If this continues, it must be a dead end!

Xun Tianhuang complained again and again, a sense of desolation emerged spontaneously.

But more is not reconciled, he felt unwilling to die.

"No, this hall can't go on like this. If mana and mental power continue to be consumed like this, it will be a dead end." Xun Tianhuang secretly said: "This hall must rush out at all costs...I can't go to Thunder Star. If I am seriously injured, I will enter Thunder Star, I'm afraid that Lei Tian will take the opportunity to attack. Because a seriously injured Xun Tian Huang has no bargaining power. I want to return to Sheng Yin Star's womb, where he will do nothing to me."

"Roar!" Xun Tianhuang roared with bloodshot eyes.

He had never been so embarrassed in all these years.

Now, he has to do whatever it takes.

At this time, any pills, honors, everything is not important anymore. The only thing that matters is being alive...

"Sound Demon Juetian Blood Shadow Dafa!" Xun Tianhuang grabbed the sound silk in his hand, and the sound silk suddenly turned into sharp thorns and cut into his body.

Immediately, blood was dripping!

The golden Yinshensi turned bloody...

Blood dripped from Xun Tianhuang's eyeballs and eyebrows.

The blood in the body boiled up and let out a ghostly howl...

At the same time, all the rhythms in the void swarmed in.

The power of the rhythm shuttles through the rhythm channel, and quickly gathers towards Xun Tianhuang's body.

His blood turned into an infinite blood mist, and the blood mist was full of particles, blood-colored particles surged... Every blood particle was like a demon.

Although Luo Jun was well-informed, he had never seen such a scene. I also know in my heart that the other party is going to work hard...

Without thinking too much, first cut out an Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Sword Qi!

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, majestic and peerless!

It's just that, when this sword qi kills the general, those blood particles quickly bite and swallow the sword qi in the blink of an eye.

The blood particles seem to represent a dark melody world, which can devour everything tangible and intangible. The sword energy cuts in, all demons are killed together, and the sound screams destroy all the laws and powers.

"Wrap it up!" Chen Yang's eyes turned cold, and he quickly changed his strategy, letting the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit turn into fate mist particles to entangle towards Xuntianhuang.

He needs to figure out what is going on in Xun Tianhuang now.

The particle of fate completely enveloped Xuntianhuang...

This time it was wrapped in, the blood particles immediately backfired, but they wrapped the soul of destiny.

Luo Jun's Destiny Primordial Spirit was originally a small world composed of the Qi of Destiny, but at this moment, the Destiny Primordial Spirit was enveloped, as if he had fallen into a big world. In that dark world, the power of rhythm and the evil blood element merged and devoured everything.

Destiny Yuanshen wants to bite back, disintegrate, etc...

But the blood particles are vast and boundless, flooding in endlessly, and the fate particles are also a little helpless.

Luo Jun immediately restored the Destiny Primordial Spirit to its original appearance, and then rushed out.

In that dark world, the Yuanshen of Destiny charged continuously, flying tens of thousands of miles in an instant, but none of them flew out of the dark world.

"What kind of magic is this? So mysterious?" Chen Yang was horrified, feeling that he still underestimated Xun Tianhuang after all.

As the owner of Shengyin Star, Xun Tianhuang really has two brushes.

However, Chen Yang thought with his toes, and knew that after the technique of Xuntianhuang was cast, the price he had to pay must be extremely high.

But no matter what price Xun Tianhuang has to pay, if he can't win Xun Tianhuang today, the consequences will be unimaginable. I'm afraid that I don't have the good fortune to live until the day when I see him pay the price.

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit was trapped, and he couldn't escape that dark world no matter what.

At the same time, Xun Tianhuang's body had completely turned into blood particles.

The misty world of blood particles is like a dark demon **** that can devour everything in the universe.

The vortex of blood particles quickly attacked and killed Chen Yang.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, quickly absorbed the wormhole primordial spirit, and then swayed into the blood particle vortex.

Inside the blood particle vortex is that dark world.

Chen Yang knew that Xun Tianhuang used his own blood to create this dark world, so it was impossible for Xun Tianhuang to withdraw or escape.

Then simply combine the three primordial spirits into one and break them together.

The five daughters of Xueling are still in the mind of the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit, and Luo Jun wants to join the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit, but is trapped in the dark mist. The surrounding blood particles are densely packed, and the ghost howls again and again...

Blood particles rushed over quickly, entangled him, and began to bite.

Chen Yang's body shook violently, and the blood particles were shaken away. These blood particles are also powerful. Once bitten, they are like countless tentacles, which can grow infinitely, and drill into Chen Chen's flesh.

Chen Yang shook it with super brain power, and then he shook it away!

The Great Destiny Primordial Spirit galloped quickly in the darkness, trying to join Chen Yang...but he flew billions of miles, but he couldn't break through the space barrier.

What's more terrible is that Chen Yang gradually began to lose his sense of the soul of destiny. The blood particles in this dark world are also evolving, and they are beginning to block all possible signals. Even if it is between the primordial spirit...

"Blood particles, evil elements... oh... what the hell. You, Xuntianhuang, are the master of the Holy Sound Star. Why is this lore move full of demonic energy and evil? I don't represent justice, and neither can you." It represents evil. That's right... This kind of extreme move must be based on the premise of harming oneself, and must exert its greatest power in a short period of time. This way is an evil way! That's why it is so dark and evil But, Xuntianhuang, Xuntianhuang, do you think you can trap me to death? You can’t kill my great destiny soul, and you can’t kill me. And as long as I spend with you, you will collapse on your own !" Chen Yang thought secretly.

Those blood particles began to condense, and finally formed twelve blood shadow demon gods!

All the blood shadow demon gods are faceless existences, but they radiate evil all over their bodies!

After they surrounded Luo Juntuan, they suddenly roared at Luo Jun...

In an instant, the **** mouth of the Blood Shadow Demon God spit out terrifying sound blades and sound whistles.

The storm, the sky and the earth are torn apart!

Those magic sounds seemed to penetrate people's eardrums and internal organs.

Chen Yang's wormhole particles automatically protect his body, wrapping him up and down.

Like a set of colored glaze armor...

When the magic sound came, it was quickly broken down by the wormhole particles.

The sonic attacks of the Twelve Demon Gods were completely useless to Chen Yang.

Then, the twelve demon gods quickly changed their moves again, turning into twenty-four huge demon **** fist marks.

Twenty-four demon **** fist seals came fiercely, and the power of each punch was exterminating the heavens and the earth!

Twenty-four fist prints strike and kill with lightning, and they are as dense as raindrops!

Chen Chen wouldn't be so stupid, he took it hard, his body flickered, and he flew upwards.

At the same time, with a roar, he joined forces with the wormhole primordial spirit to unleash an ancient sky dragon thunder sword!

With a flash of sword light, a path of blood was cut!

In the blink of an eye, he left the encirclement of those fist marks.

Then, the figure quickly shuttled in the dark world.


Soon, those fist marks came around again, surrounded the Chen army again, and attacked and killed them again!

Those fist marks can travel instantly in the void.

Chen Yang still used the old method to find a point of breakthrough.


It broke out again.

Fist seal continued to hunt down, but still couldn't help Luo Jun.

Even so, Chen Yang was still very frustrated, and thought: "Old man, do you think I have nothing to do?"

When those fist marks surrounded him again...

"Roar!" Chen Yang did not continue to escape.

In the few fights just now, Chen Yang evaluated the power of these fist marks.

Immediately let the wormhole primordial spirit turn into a wormhole vortex.

He himself presides at the center of the wormhole vortex.

Twenty-four fist marks entered the vortex of the wormhole, and Chen Chen joined forces with the wormhole primordial spirit.

The wormhole particles immediately started strangling, smashing all the fist marks into pieces in an instant.

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