Super Security in the City

Chapter 4508: Snowstorm

Meng Qingchen was silent beside him, knowing that Chen Chen kept the blue and purple clothes because he liked them in his heart. I also know what he thinks about her... She is such a proud person, how can she accept that two women serve one husband together. In addition, she didn't have much feeling for Chen Yang, she just thought he was knowledgeable and loyal, that's all!

Of course, after hearing what Chen Chen said about those things in the main universe, there were some ripples in her heart. It's just that this scene completely brought her back to reality.

However, Luo Jun didn't notice that Meng Qingchen was thinking so much at this moment... In his life in the main universe, he never really got together with Lan Ziyi from the beginning to the end. So here, if I finally have another chance, I don't want to miss anything. I also know that once I let Lan Ziyi go, I'm afraid I will have no chance.

As for Meng Qingchen...he didn't think too much about it, he just thought it would be good to let nature take its course.

No matter in the life in the main universe or in this primordial universe, he has always been sincere and sincere when dealing with feelings.

Never force others.

After chatting that night, Lan Ziyi and Meng Qingchen each found a bedroom in the Moon Dance Hall to live in.

Chen Yang meditated cross-legged in his bedroom, slowly recovering his vitality. Trying to use the mana on his body, etc., he found that it was already extremely difficult to break through.

It feels that the place where the shackles of the eighth realm is located is closely connected with the cells in the brain domain, and at the same time, it is connected with the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit and the Wormhole Primordial Spirit. What's more terrible is that the Great Origin Technique has penetrated into every cell. Including the Great Destiny Primordial Spirit and the Wormhole Primordial Spirit are also filled with the original power of the Great Origin Technique.

These cells and Yuanshen are combined to form a powerful mana backup!

Once it is used, it can indeed reach the point of being invincible!

But the tragedy is that these combinations are like a boundless black hole inside.

In the past, Chen Yang was very confident, thinking that as long as there were enough pills, he could go straight to the sky. It is only a matter of time to reach the realm of semi-holy and quasi-holy!

But now, he has no such confidence.

The body is too heavy to fly!

No matter how many pills come in, it seems that they can't fill the bottomless pit of the body.

It's not just about pills, there are many wonderful mysteries, laws, and combinations that I haven't figured out yet.

Luo Jun felt that there must be some key things he didn't understand, otherwise, he wouldn't have been forced to practice the Great Origin Technique last time.

"When things are over here, go to Balongxing first. After controlling Balongxing, set up a trap and wait for Chen Hongmeng to come. At the same time, I will use the super brain spar to check all the cells in the body, including the two Zun Yuanshen, let's see what I didn't understand."

"Actually..." Chen Yang thought of another thing. "If the normal trajectory is followed, Chen Hongmeng will go to the Eternal Star Field to reincarnate. If I wait until he is reincarnated, and then kill him, I will be safe. But there is also a problem here, Ziyi has not gone to the Eternal Star Will Qiao Ning and Mingyue Xianzun still go there? What if the trajectory is completely changed? Then I will face a stronger Chen Hongmeng in the future. Also, if my cultivation base cannot continue to be strong, Then the Lingzun crisis will finally be resolved by Chen Hongmeng. Things seem to be getting more and more out of control... Forget it, no matter what else. The Lingzun crisis can be resolved later. If Chen Hongmeng does not kill, the entire multiverse will be destroyed in the future. Destroyed once!"

After thinking about it, Luo Jun felt that he couldn't let go of any chance to kill Chen Hongmeng!

Because there is still a chance to try and make mistakes... and the more you delay, the more difficult it will be.

The next morning, the Queen of Fire God summoned Chen Yang.

In the side hall of the main temple, there are no idlers. Luo Jun was taken to the side hall by the servants... The Queen of Fire God swung the servants back and set up a barrier.

But I don't want anyone to overhear the conversation here!

Today, the Flame God Empress wore a fiery red dress, which was bright and moving.

There was always a coldness in her beautiful eyes.

"Sit!" The Vulcan Queen took a seat in front of the table, and motioned Chen Yang to sit opposite.

The food and wine are already set on the table!

Luo Jun complied and sat across from him.

The Queen of Fire God raised her glass and said: "This cup, I respect you, you are indeed a rare talent."

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and said, "Your Highness, I appreciate it!" He drank it down in one gulp. Then he poured himself a cup, turned to the flame god, and said: "Unexpectedly, by mistake, several Dharma kings under His Highness's subordinates were killed, and the Huo Yao spar was taken away. These are all our faults! Your Highness today You can forgive me a lot, and I am extremely grateful!"

The Flame God Empress smiled faintly, and said: "This hall already understands the reason. If it wasn't for the Emperor Dragon and the others who were attracted by the color that day, they wouldn't have developed to this point, right?"

Chen Yang nodded and said: "We saw the Huoyao spar that day first, and then I let Qingchen go to investigate the situation. My original intention was not to least, as long as they remain kind, we will never become robbers." Behavior. This is the principle and criterion of my life, Chen Yang!"

Flame God Empress said: "Your character, this hall can trust! This matter, stop here, let's not talk about it!"

Chen Yang hurriedly said, "Thank you, Your Highness!"

The Flame God said afterwards: "This hall also understands that you are from the earth. This place on the earth seems to be very far away from us."

Luo Jun said: "It's really far away!"

The Fire God said, "Are you traveling around in the universe?"

Yang Jun said: "I have my own goals and my own things to do. It's just that I don't want to disclose them!"

The Flame God Empress didn't force it, and said, "Then can you tell me about your origin?"

Yang Jun said: "Don't you know the origin? I come from the earth."

Flame God said afterwards: "This hall knows some things on the earth through Lan Ziyi's mouth. Meng Qingchen also said something, but they didn't say much. Especially about you, what they said Rarely. Our hall wants to hear your story!"

Yang Jun said: "Ah, Your Highness, this is a private matter of your Majesty, it is really inconvenient to disclose it!"

A look of disappointment flashed in the eyes of the Queen of Fire God, but she couldn't force it, so she said again: "Well, can you tell me what you have done in the past two months? , how did you improve your cultivation so much? If you were given another three and a half years, wouldn't you want to..."

Chen Yang smiled wryly, and said, "Your Highness, the progress of cultivation is not calculated in this way."

"Oh, is that so?" Fire God said back.

Luo Jun said: "In our hometown there is a plant called moso bamboo. It didn't grow very much in the first two years, but when the roots matured and stabilized, it suddenly exploded and grew to a height of more than ten meters within a month. The same is true below, It’s just a lot of accumulation! Although this kind of rapid outbreak is very enjoyable, but if you want to improve your cultivation level later, you don’t know how many years you will have to accumulate. Maybe you will stop here after spending your whole life.”

After hearing what Luo Jun said, the Vulcan Empress suddenly felt useful, and felt that this was normal. A rare smile appeared at the moment, and said: "You are too modest, I believe that you will make great progress in the future. Otherwise, you would not dare to say what is in your heart in front of this hall. The reason why you dare to say it is because It's because you're confident enough."

Chen Yang smiled, but stopped making excuses!

The Flame God said: "Okay, this hall also knows that you can't stay with us for long. Time is tight and the task is heavy. There is actually only one thing that this hall wants you to do!"

Yang Jun said: "Your Highness, we have said our ugly words before. If you let me go down to accomplish something that is difficult to do, or to die, then I will forgive you!"

The flame **** said: "You can rest assured on this point. This hall knows that you are a smart person, so why would you let you go to death. This hall is not stupid, and will not do something that will be backlashed."

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Please tell me!"

The Flame Queen was about to speak...

Chen Yang thought of something, raised his glass again, and said, "Your Highness..."

The Flaming Queen was stunned, and said, "What?"

Luo Juncheng said: "Outside the Yanyang Galaxy that day, Your Highness was chasing after me. At that time, I wanted to find a trap to lure Your Highness into it, so the words were so frivolous. Thinking about it today, I feel terrified Uneasy. I will apologize to you for this glass of wine!"

After talking, drink it up!

The Queen of the Vulcan God did not forget Chen Yang's dirty words that day, but felt that the situation had changed and it was useless to mention it again. But there are still grudges and discomfort in his heart, and now Chen Chen took the initiative to bring it up and apologized. The trace of unhappiness in her heart really disappeared.

"The matter is over, so don't mention it again!" The Vulcan Queen also drank a glass of wine, accepting Chen Chen's apology.

Afterwards, the Flame God said: "All along, you probably don't know what the real name of this hall is?"

Luo Jun said: "I really don't know!"

The flame **** said: "The real name of this temple, even in the temple, is rarely known. My surname is Feng, Feng Taxue!"

Luo Jun is a smart person, and he knew that she suddenly announced her real name because she wanted to get closer. It can also be seen from this that what she wants to do by herself is a private matter. And it should be very difficult, otherwise she would have done it by herself.

"Good name!" Chen Yang complimented naturally.

Feng Taxue said: "From now on, you can call me Taxue in private!"

Luo Jun hurriedly said: "Don't dare!"

Feng Taxue smiled faintly, but stopped dwelling on this question.

Then, he said: "You haven't said, what have you done in the past two months?"

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