Super Security in the City

Chapter 4511: action begins

Facing Meng Qingchen's ridicule, Luo Jun laughed dumbly, and said: "In my eyes, beauties are like flowers. I have the heart to love and protect flowers, but I have no intention of picking flowers. For them, they helped me before, Naturally, I want to save them. Now that they are safe, there is nothing I can't bear to do."

Meng Qingchen and Lan Ziyi were slightly stunned when they heard the words, and after careful consideration, they felt that Chen Yang was really such a person. In the hearts of the two women, a kind of respect spontaneously arose.

Meng Qingchen has no doubts about Chen Yang's character. Lan Ziyi fell into a kind of confusion and incomprehension again...

She had heard Luo Tianyao and Master Hidden Dragon talk about Luo Jun before. In their words, they were full of admiration for Chen Yang, which made her very puzzled at the time.

Now, after getting along with Luo Jun for a long time, I also feel that Luo Jun is upright.

"Is all of this just pretending? But...Facing a powerful enemy like the Vulcan Queen, it is extremely life-threatening. Can he be sure that he can turn the tables against the wind and solve everything? If it is pretending, Then he is the biggest gambler in the world. But what is the point of gambling? Just to lie to me? Impossible, I am not so important. He is not so lustful. With his cultivation , If you really want to find a woman, what kind of woman can you not find?" Lan Ziyi fell into a daze.

Luo Jun didn't know that Lan Ziyi had thought so much at this moment, but now he was thinking about Lang Tianque in his heart. He felt that Feng Taxue did a lot of planning and ensured his own safety. But he couldn't put all his hopes on Feng Taxue.

After he entered the Flame Planet, he first sent a message to Feng Taxue, saying that he was going to build a teleportation formation outside the Flame Sun Galaxy. It's time to travel through the void, leave quickly!

Feng Taxue expressed understanding and understanding!

Chen Yang took Meng Qingchen and Lan Ziyi out of the Yanyang galaxy again.

After a distance away from the Yanyang galaxy, Chen Yang carefully built a teleportation array!

It is actually not easy to build this kind of teleportation array.

Moreover, during fierce battles, molecules and magnetic fields are not fixed, so it is very difficult to shuttle.

So this method is not common. Otherwise, during the battle, as long as the enemy prepares the teleportation array in advance, wouldn't they just leave if they want?

In fact, during the battle, the molecules went berserk, and the magnetic fields were completely disrupted. It is as difficult as trying to thread a thin thread into a tiny needle in a mess of hemp.

And Chen Yang now possesses the underlying logic of the large computational gene technique, and possesses the Super Brain Stone, which can do this!

It is equivalent to saying that the enemy is still calculating with ordinary computers. Normally, the weather is calm and the calculation is no problem. Once it is an emergency, ordinary computers can't do the calculations at all, and it is very likely that the main brain will overheat and crash directly.

Luo Jun's is a supercomputer that surpasses modern technology, and can successfully complete this calculation.

This is his unique advantage!

Of course, this teleportation array cannot be maintained forever. As time goes by, the teleportation array will gradually weaken.

Teleportation array is a very delicate thing.

It cannot be compared with other formations!

After setting up the teleportation array, Yang Jun proposed to let Lan Ziyi and Meng Qingchen wait here.

Lan Ziyi and Meng Qingchen objected in unison, Lan Ziyi said: "Although our cultivation is far inferior to yours, it is better to have something than nothing. When you are evenly matched, if we join the battlefield, won't we turn the tide of the battle? "

Meng Qingchen also said: "That's right, if you both lose, we help you, won't you win?"

Luo Jun was speechless after being refuted by the two women, and said: "Okay, take you!"

Lan Ziyi and Meng Qingchen laughed together: "It's not too bad!"

It took Chen Yang about two days to go and come.

After returning to Flame Star, Meng Qingchen and Lan Ziyi have been living in the glazed jade pot.

Chen Yang told them not to make a move easily.

The two women also know the severity, they know that the battle level is too high, and if they come out too early, not only will it not help, but it will become a burden instead!

Chen Yang and Feng Taxue met in the clouds.

Feng Taxue said that she had already made arrangements for her funeral. Next, she will send a message to Lang Tianque in a unique way, asking Lang Tianque to come over.

Luo Jun said: "It's not yet a hundred years, and you contact him again, he won't be suspicious, right?"

Feng Taxue said: "I have my own way, you don't need to worry about this!"

Luo Jun said: "Alright then!"

Afterwards, Feng Taxue took Chen Yang to the extreme north.

The extreme north of Flaming Star is also full of scorching heat.

Chen Yang suspects that the core of Flaming Star is a volcano...

In the extreme north, there are barren mountains and rocks all around, and there is no human habitation.

But in a hidden place, there is an enchantment covering it.

Outside the barrier, it was bleak.

Inside the enchantment, there are singing birds and fragrant flowers, like a fairyland on earth!

And the palaces of Feng Taxue and Lang Tianque are inside this barrier.

Luo Jun didn't break into the barrier, because Feng Taxue told Luo Jun that the barrier was created by Lang Tianque himself. Once an outsider breaks in, he will know.

Chen Yang is confident that he can break the barrier perfectly, but he doesn't want to scare the snake right now.

After that, Feng Taxue entered the barrier, the palace.

Chen Yang went into the clouds above the palace here, and completely integrated his breath with the clouds.

Huo Xing is the base camp of Feng Taxue, and she and Huo Xing are almost connected by fate, so if she helps Chen Chen hide, it will be safe.

While Chen Yang waited patiently, Lan Ziyi and Meng Qingchen's gossiping hearts burned again.

The two chatted with Luo Jun through the glazed jade pot.

Meng Qingchen said: "There is actually a hidden palace here. It seems that the Queen of Fire God and Lang Tianque seem to be old lovers! This woman, why is she planning to murder her old lover?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I know the reason. But, I don't want to reveal it! You just need to know that the Vulcan Queen did this with the determination to die."

Both Lan Ziyi and Meng Qingchen's delicate bodies were shocked.

For a woman with such a high level of cultivation to make up her mind to die, how much hatred would that be!

When they heard that it was inconvenient for Chen Yang to speak, they could guess a thing or two in their hearts, and immediately accepted the heart of gossip and maintained a respect!

Time passed by every minute and every second...

After a day and a night, it was ten o'clock in the morning...

The scorching sun shone on the flame star, and in the sky of the flame star, fire waves rolled, as if they were going to burn the world.

At this time, a figure cut through the void, and then entered the barrier.

Chen Yang didn't observe the four directions with his spiritual sense, so he didn't know that someone had entered. What he has to do now is to maintain a state of absolute breathlessness!

But soon, Luo Jun saw Lang Tianque through the great destiny soul in Feng Taxue's body.

In the main hall of the palace, Feng Taxue set up a table of wine and food.

At this time, Feng Taxue was wearing a blue tulle, her beautiful figure was looming, but she was extremely charming.

Lang Tianque seemed to be in his prime, in his forties, dressed in fine clothes, with a majestic face and a well-rounded appearance.

His eyes are as calm as water, and once he looks at someone, he gives people a breathtaking sense of fear.

Lang Tianque came alone, and when he saw Feng Taxue, surprise appeared on his calm face. Because this was the first time he saw Feng Taxue's charming side.

"Oh!" Lang Tianque sneered, sat down at the table, and said, "Feng Taxue, I know exactly what kind of character you are. I know even more what kind of mood you have towards me. Put it here today, Did you plot something messy to kill me?"

Feng Taxue sighed, and said: "Even if I can kill you, your time temple, will your brother let me go? Can our flame temple survive? It's just been so many years, I finally figured it out." Instead of being immersed in that deep-seated hatred every day, it is better to free yourself."

Lang Tianque was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "You really figured it out?"

Feng Taxue also smiled, and said: "Anyway, with my identity and ability, even if I am your Taoist companion, I am qualified!"

Lang Tianque laughed, and said: "Sufficient, of course! It's just that I dare not bear it!"

Feng Taxue said: "Is there anything in this world that you dare not do?" Lang Tianque said: "I am not afraid of heaven and earth, but the only thing I am afraid of is putting you by my pillow."

Feng Taxue said: "Don't think too much, I just said that I am qualified, but I didn't say that I want to be your Taoist companion. In the future, I will be willing to help you. However, I hope you can publish in the Eight Great Temples A statement, saying that our Flame Temple will be protected by the Time Temple in the future. How about it? This request is not too much!"

Lang Tianque said: "It's not too much at all, there's no problem at all! After I go back this time, I can issue this statement. It's just... how will you repay me?"

Feng Taxue smiled slightly, and said: "I'm ready, tonight, I will use my body to repay you well."

"Tonight?" Lang Tianque laughed and said, "Unfortunately, I can't wait any longer."

Feng Taxue blushed and said, "But it's... still broad daylight."

Lang Tianque said: "In this enchantment, what is the difference between day and night, what do you think? I like snowing!"

Feng Taxue said: "I cooked this meal myself, we should finish the meal first, right?"

Lang Tianque looked at the sumptuous dishes on the table, and he was even more sure that Feng Taxue was sincerely surrendering. He wouldn't suspect that there was poison in these dishes... because it was poisonous or not, and he would never be able to hide it from his eyes.

He can directly decompose any ingredient of the dish, and can make various combinations!

In fact, it is a very stupid thing to poison such masters as them!

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