Super Security in the City

Chapter 4528: close to natural danger

Chen Yang knew very well that no matter how meticulous his plan was, he still needed the help of luck. If you are too unlucky, you will still fall short!

After checking Qi Lianshan's physical condition, he conducted various analyzes and comparisons of his mana, and finally he came to a conclusion. That is, Qi Lianshan can't contact Lang Xingyun now!

After figuring this out, Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

This is also expected...

If Qi Lianshan and Lang Xingyun can still contact each other after such a long distance, it can only be said that Luo Jun's luck is too bad.

Afterwards, Luo Jun planted a soul chain in Qi Lianshan's body. This soul chain locks Qilian Mountain's blood vessels and meridians tightly...

After doing all this, Luo Jun woke up Qi Lianshan.

After Qi Lianshan woke up and turned around, he suddenly sat up...

Looking around, he saw Yang Jun and Fanxiu and King Shenglong who were meditating cross-legged.

I can't hide my horror...

It took him a while to come back to his senses, and looking at Chen Yang, he asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

Chen Yang said: "Let me tell you the truth, I am Luo Jun."

"You are Luo Jun?" Qi Lianshan couldn't help being shocked: "How is this possible? My master has already gone to hunt you outside the Yanyang galaxy, why are you here?"

Luo Jun laughed and said, "Could it be that you haven't figured it out yet? Your idiot master was tricked out by me. It was because I tricked him away that I came here to look for you! Otherwise, Fanxiu and Shenglong are courting death when they come here like this?"

"You led my master away?" Qi Lianshan was shocked to the extreme.

Then, he immediately asked alertly: "What do you want to do?"

Chen Yang said: "I want to kill Lang Xingyun!"

"Kill my master? Hmph, you don't have the ability. No one can kill my master!" Qi Lianshan said.

Luo Jun said: "I know that your master has a time oven. If the time oven is not destroyed, no one can kill him!"

"How... how could you even know about the oven of time?" Qi Lianshan was shocked again.

This is incredible!

Luo Jun said: "I will give you two choices now, one is to die... the other is to cooperate with me to kill your master. From now on, you will be the master of the Temple of Time!"

Qi Lianshan was stunned.

For a while, I couldn't say a word.

Luo Jun didn't force him, just waited like this.

He didn't think it was a difficult multiple choice question. Facing life and death, how many people can stand aloof?

Don't look at Fanxiu and Shenglong Dharma King risking their lives to save them now, but if they are threatened with life and death by themselves, they will also betray Feng Taxue.

They came here to risk their lives, but there is still a chance of life.

As for Qilian Mountain right now, if they don't cooperate, they will die immediately. This is an essential difference!

After a long silence, Qi Lianshan said, "I don't want to betray my master, but I don't want to die either."

Luo Jun said: "Sorry, there is no third choice for you now! And you have to figure it out, you must fully cooperate with me to kill Lang Xingyun, because if I fail, you will die first. You can feel Get off this soul chain I planted in your body, and see if you have a chance to undo it."

Qi Lianshan carefully felt the soul chains in his body, and penetrated them with the divine power of time. Soon, he came to the conclusion that it was impossible for him to break this terrible soul chain! The soul chain is too delicate and profound, and its profound meaning is still above the divine power of time.

At this moment, Qi Lianshan couldn't help feeling ashamed.

Luo Jun said: "Have you considered it?"

Qi Lianshan looked at Luo Jun and said, "My master is not that easy to kill. I don't think you can kill my master."

"This is my business! You know your master very well, so you said that I can't kill your master. But you don't know there is still room for manipulation! I often do impossible things ...Just like before, there was almost no possibility of me rescuing Feng Taxue. But look, isn't the possibility much greater now?" Luo Jun said.

Qi Lianshan said: "What I can't figure out is why Xuntianhuang will help you? Does he want to die?"

Luo Jun said: "Because the real Xun Tianhuang has already been killed by me! The Xun Tianhuang who came to you is just transformed by my soul."

"Transformed by the Yuanshen?" Qi Lianshan couldn't believe it, and said, "How can you hide it from my master?"

Luo Jun laughed, and said, "Look, this is something you think is impossible. But, I managed to hide it from your master."

Qi Lian Shan didn't know what to say.

Yang Jun said: "How is it? How did you think about it?"

Qi Lianshan was silent again, and after a while, he said, "I will cooperate with you!"

Yang Jun said: "Okay, since we cooperate, then everything is easy to talk about!"

Qi Lianshan said: "However, how can I trust you? What if you and I kill my master together, and then you kill me again?"

Yang Jun said: "Only a fool would kill you. I will control you with the soul chain, and then you will control the Temple of Time. This is equivalent to using the Temple of Time for me. Wouldn't it be a hundred times better to keep you alive than to kill you?" There is no deep hatred between me and you, why should I kill you?"

Qi Lianshan was at a loss for words.

Chen Yang said: "As long as you cooperate obediently, I will never kill you! And after that, I will leave this star field. At that time, you will almost be free. If I find you in the future, you will be free if you listen to me." Yes. But it is more likely that I will never look for you again in this life. In short, I will not make things difficult for you in the future!"

Qi Lianshan thought about it for a while, and felt that it made sense, so he immediately said: "Okay!"

Yang Jun said: "Now, I want you to take me to the place where the oven of time is."

Qi Lianshan said: "Yes!"

Luo Jun said: "Actually, I know where the Time Oven is. But I'm afraid that I'll alarm Lang Xingyun... It's very important that you don't alert Lang Xingyun."

Qi Lianshan said: "Okay, I know!"

Chen Yang turned back to look at Fanxiu and Shenglong Dharma King, and asked, "How do you feel now?"

King Shenglong and Fanxiu opened their eyes together.

Fan Xiu said: "We can't die, but this injury won't heal for a while."

Luo Jun said: "There will definitely be opportunities to make up for it in the future. As long as you are alive, you will have unlimited possibilities. Once you die, there will be no possibilities."

Then, let Qi Lianshan lead the way...

A group of people passed through the time gate of the Temple of Time and quickly came to the depths of the earth.

Deep in the center of the earth, it is like a huge tiankeng furnace.

The furnace is surrounded by jagged rocks...

In the furnace in the middle, there is a white mist all over the sky, and the mist is surging, making it difficult to see what is going on inside.

Qi Lianshan said to Luo Jun, Fanxiu and Shenglong Dharma King: "This is the periphery of the oven of time. We have set up ninety-nine and eighty-one time obstacles on the periphery. As long as someone trespasses on these mazes, they will be completely trapped." Enter the small time turbulence created by the oven of time. Although this time turbulence is not as good as the real time turbulence, it is not difficult to strangle the master of the nine layers of creation.

Even if the opponent is powerful enough to break through these obstacles, as long as someone breaks in, Lang Xingyun can sense it no matter where he is.

Once sensed, Lang Xingyun will decide whether to come back depending on the situation. If you can do it, come back, if you can't do it, you can only give up!

After hearing Qi Lianshan's introduction, Fanxiu and Shenglong Dharma King couldn't help but rejoice that their group went to Qi Lianshan first, otherwise the plan would face failure before it even started.

Luo Jun asked Qi Lianshan, "As long as we break in according to the established rules and routes, it won't disturb Lang Xingyun, will it?"

Qi Lianshan said: "Not bad!"

Luo Jun said: "In short, you must not disturb Lang Xingyun! Also, don't fool me, I can sense the oven of time from some breaths of Lang Xingyun, you should know that I am not easy to fool! You It's best not to be foolish and loyal, let alone take your own life to make this joke!"

Qi Lianshan said: "I know!"

Luo Jun said: "Then lead the way!"

Qi Lianshan led the way, and under his control, a path suddenly opened in the white mist in the oven. The road is white jade steps...

Everyone walked down the jade steps. After walking about two hundred steps, they came to a miniature golden furnace.

The golden furnace cauldron is closely connected with the ground.

Qi Lianshan introduced to Luo Jun and the others again, saying that the golden cauldron is connected to the star core of the time star, and through the star core, absorbs the time power of the ocean of time. Inside the cauldron, countless times of time have been fused against the current, and finally formed this terrifying time oven.

Once the time oven is activated, a time channel will be formed.

At the same time, if Lang Xingyun enters the oven of time, it can create countless downstream and countercurrents of time. Even if the planet is broken, it will not hurt his oven of time.

Once Lang Xingyun enters the oven of time, it will be difficult for outsiders to kill him again!

At the same time, he can also use the time oven to escape to a million light-years away...

The oven of time is where Lang Xingyun's immortal weapon resides.

Luo Jun said to Qi Lianshan: "My plan is, in outer space, we will fight Lang Xingyun. Then force him to use the time channel of the time oven, and then break the time oven after he enters the time channel. At that time, he will be trapped in the turbulent flow of time, and he will never be able to survive!"

Qi Lianshan was taken aback, and then said: "This is really a big poisonous plan!"

Luo Jun said: "If you don't make careful preparations, how dare you attack him!"

Qi Lianshan said: "But there are also problems."

Luo Jun said: "Say it!"

Qi Lianshan said: "You may not be capable of forcing my master into the time tunnel."

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