Super Security in the City

Chapter 4640: light of rice

Luo Jun said: "So that's it, it's amazing!" Then he said: "I have not been the King of Destiny for a long time, and after becoming the King of Destiny, I have left the earth for a long time. Your news is really very well-informed Ah!" Tian Qingge smiled lightly, and said: "We know that the Great Universe is powerful, and now we have been planning for many years and are determined to come to Earth, so of course we must make sufficient preparations. We have our own eyeliner on Earth. Even the king can't find it, we'd better go home as soon as possible!"

Chen Yang also knew that there was Lingzun's eyeliner in the earth.

Didn't care too much about that either...

Afterwards, Tian Qingge said: "I have already said everything I need to say today. The reason why I say so much is because I love talents. Brother Luo Jun, you are still young, and you are accompanied by a beautiful woman. Why do you bother?" What about a rotten earth sacrificing its life?"

Luo Jun said: "The earth is full of vitality, how can we talk about decay?"

Tianqing sang: "The main world of the earth is the Great Thousand World. In the Great Thousand World, the climate is in disorder, pollution is everywhere, plagues are rampant, and all kinds of energy sources are close to exhaustion. Can't this be called decay? The Great Thousand World is the root, If it breaks at all, everything else will follow."

Luo Jun said: "How ridiculous this sounds. You said that the earth is decaying? Then why does your imperial skyship come to extract the energy protons of the earth? The vibrant imperial skyship needs a decaying earth to continue its life? Also, You said that the climate in the world is disordered, pollution is widespread, and plagues are rampant? From my perspective, extreme climates always occur every hundred years, and plagues are also rampant. As for pollution... for the earth's system, it is also very simple to repair. Everything It’s all just a natural rotation, so why alarmist? Let’s just say that if you want to invade, you will invade, needless to say.”

Long Weigong couldn't help but said: "You boy... who invaded whom? Back then we lived well on the earth, lived and worked in peace and contentment, and were happy. How domineering the universe emperor is, in order to occupy the earth, he directly caused meteorites from the sky to hit us. Compared with In terms of what you have done, everything we have done is really too merciful!"

Luo Jun said: "You are talking about tens of millions of years ago. I don't think our ancestor Universe Emperor was right. But now, we are born on the earth. If we want to destroy our homeland, we We can only deal with it desperately, and never back down!"

"Never retreat?" Tian Qingge frowned slightly, and said, "It seems that Brother Luo Jun is going to be obsessed with it?"

Long Kongtong said: "Tian Qingge, what are you talking about with him, let's attack him and kill him. This way, there will be less threat!"

"Yes!" Namo Yunyu also echoed.

Ni Cangshui said: "Kill it!"

The crowd suddenly became emotional.

Tian Qingge looked at Yang Jun and said, "Brother Luo Jun, what is your answer?"

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "My answer is, kill you!"

"Kill us?" Tian Qingge was slightly startled.

Long Weigong laughed loudly, and said: "It's really bragging, what a big tone."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Since that's the case, there's no need to say more, let's use our own methods!"

Wu Feier was also ready to fight, and immediately put on the armor of the gods.

The armor of the gods originally required a man and a woman to cast it. If one person casts it, it is easy to go crazy and cause big problems. However, after Luo Jun got the armor of the gods, he improved it.

Because not at any time, two people can perform together.

The armor of the gods was created by the ancients, and Luo Jun is an even more powerful master. After he improved it, he combed it with super brain spar. Today's armor of the gods can be cast by one person. Of course, the power will be greatly reduced.

Wu Feier puts on the armor of the gods, and can move to the cloudy sea to protect the whole body, and can also attack the enemy.

The battle is triggered instantly...

Tian Qingge retreated directly, he didn't intend to make a move immediately.

Chen Yang was the first to lock on Tian Qingge's aura, and he already had the desire to kill Tian Qingge in his heart.

This person is alive, but he is a great enemy. Since we met unexpectedly today, we must not let Tian Qingge live again.

He also knew that Tian Qingge had a lot of cards in his cards and it was difficult to kill.

But it doesn't matter, in the face of absolute strength, all tricks are false.

Long Weigong was the first to strike, gathering the dragon **** in his hand, and slapped Luo Jun between the eyebrows.

This palm is really simple and unpretentious, but terrifying.

Chen Yang sneered, flipping his hands is the ultimate bastard, and slapped him with a palm.


The two palms touched together, and immediately, the huge chaotic divine power strangled together, and there was a feeling of heaven and earth falling apart.

The aftermath was shocking and fierce!

Long Weigong only felt that the opponent's palm strength was boundless and terrifying, but his own all-out palm didn't gain any advantage.

At the same time, Chen Yang's body shook, and he sent out even more terrifying divine power.

He didn't do his best with this palm at all. At this time, some more power will be released...

Long Weigong couldn't help but turn pale with astonishment, immediately put on the Ancestral Dragon God Armor, and retreated violently.

But in the end, he couldn't help it, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

With just one palm, Chen Yang shocked the old emperor until he vomited blood. This scene made everyone else lose their color...

But everyone didn't care so much at this time, and they shot one after another.

Long Kongtong instantly displayed his magic weapon, the seven death nails!

The seven mourning nails are like seven thin needles attacking Luo Jun's upper, middle and lower three directions...

At the same time as he made a move, Mo Yunyu's Yunyu Tiansuo turned into the Yunyu Excalibur and slashed over fiercely.

Against the Cangshui, Jingbu, Abandoning Luan, Shui Linglong also made a move together.

Ouyang Yu turned on the Eternal Sacred Furnace, sending out hundreds of flaming swords to kill Luo Jun.

Wu Fei'er was not idle at this time, and he circulated out of the Lingqing Cave, covering the surroundings.

Then backhand suppressed Ni Canshui, Jingbu, Qiluan and Shui Linglong!

With the strength at the pinnacle of the Nine Layers of Creation, what's wrong with suppressing these people?

It's just that Long Weigong also made a timely move, unleashed the Dragon God Cave, and then suppressed the Lingqing Cave.

Wu Fei'er intercepted the attack of Ni Cangshui's group, and then rotated the Mie Tian Blade, transforming into several Tian Mie Blades to kill these people. Several people were immediately exhausted...

Facing the seven mourning nails at Long Kongtong, Chen Yang let the Taikoo Thunder God Sword come out by itself, quickly transformed into thousands of forms, intercepted the seven mourning nails, and then slashed back. Then, Taikoo Thunder God turned into nine dragons, and rushed towards Long Kongtong. The nine divine dragons pulled each other, unleashed the power of infinite thunder and gods, and suppressed Long Kongtong, making him exhausted.

Long Weigong also sacrificed the magical weapon Jiujue Ling, and killed thousands of sound blades.

The sound blade forms a storm!

Chen Yang punched with his left hand, and with one punch, he shattered the sound blade storm into pieces.

Long Weigong's body was shaken suddenly, and he activated the Ancestral Dragon Divine Power and the Dragon God Mixed Hole in the Ancestral Dragon God's Armor, all activated together, and came to kill Luo Jun!

This power turned into a golden giant fist!

Luo Jun didn't even look at it, so he sent three palms in succession.

One force down ten will!

Three palms are issued, one palm is stronger than the other!

The first palm shook the golden giant fist into layers of ripples, the second palm completely shattered it, and the third palm killed Long Weigong.

With a loud roar, Long Weigong turned on the ancestral dragon armor, forming a dragon **** storm, and finally managed to catch Chen Chen's palm force.

At this time, Mo Yunyu's Yunyu Excalibur came to kill. Chen Yang stretched out **** from his right hand, clamped his sword edge, and did not wait for the opponent's divine power to change, his Time Yuanshen quickly surrounded him and trapped him.

Follow, Chen Yang double-fingered luck!

With a bang, the Cloud Feather Excalibur broke inch by inch!

Chen Yang patted Mo Yunyu with his right palm!

Because the Yunyu Excalibur was destroyed, Mo Yunyu's mind lost control for a moment. At this time, Chen Yang's palm force came to kill him, and he was even more shocked.

With all his strength, he slapped his palms in succession, but they were defeated by Chen Yang's palms, and hit his chest one after another.

Mo Yunyu immediately spurted blood and was seriously injured.

Luo Jun was about to finish Mo Yunyu, at this moment, Tian Qingge cast the magic mirror, swept away, and absorbed Mo Yunyu into the magic mirror.

Ouyang Yu's Eternal Excalibur came at the same time.

At this fleeting moment, Li Huo's golden pupils burst out from Chen Chen's eyes!

The two divine fires covered the Hundred Flame Divine Swords at full speed, and with their huge divine power, directly melted them all into ashes.

At this moment, Chen Yang is rich and powerful!

There are endless resources behind it that are useless.

He seemed to have run out of tricks, but he was actually still waiting for Tian Qingge to make a move.

The confrontation was only in the blink of an eye, but in this instant, Mo Yunyu was seriously injured. Long Kongtong was besieged by the ancient brontosaurus...

Long Weigong returned without success and suffered some injuries.

Ouyang Yu also returned without success.

Chen Yang was a little worried about Wu Feier, because he was also afraid that Tian Qingge would attack Wu Feier. But at the same time, Chen Yang also knew that he couldn't protect Fei'er too well, as it would limit her growth. This is also what Wu Feier doesn't want...

After a short fight...

The masters of the enemy couldn't help but be terrified. How could they have imagined that the opponent was so powerful?

After Chen Chen forced the masters to retreat, he was still out of breath and heartbeat, as if he had inexhaustible strength.

Long Weigong and the others felt chills in their hearts, but at this moment, they couldn't retreat.

Luo Jun took a step forward and forced Long Weigong to kill him.

Long Weigong roared again and again, and then moved his palm...

The dragon god's chaos exploded to the extreme, and the two palms killed in a row.

Luo Jun sneered: "The light of rice grains also shines brightly!"

After finishing speaking, there were three backhand palms.

Boom boom boom!

After three palms, Long Weigong retreated thousands of miles away.

Luo Jun followed quickly, not giving Long Weigong a chance to breathe.

Seeing that Long Weigong was about to die on the spot...

At this moment, the Ancestral Dragon Armor on Long Weigong's body suddenly burst into phosphorescent flames, and his whole body seemed to be on fire.

"The puddle explodes, heaven and earth return together!" Long Weigong roared fiercely, his whole body suddenly huddled together, and then he came towards Chen Yang...

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