Super Security in the City

Chapter 4647: Out of Fengyun Pavilion

Tian Qingge immediately said: "The first elder, it is for the sake of our 20 million Lingzun people that the subordinates will let Tianzhou stop moving forward first!"

Elder Baixian said: "Oh, is that so? Tell me in detail!"

Tian Qingge really worked hard for the whole empire, and immediately said: "The earth has changed too much in these years. Back then, when we first discovered the earth, we found that the threat on the earth was no more than Yuanjue. At that time, with our It is easy to destroy the earth with strength... But as time goes by, we find that the strength of the earth is getting stronger and stronger. First, we found that the star master was building the star palace, and then we found that the king of destiny appeared. Fortunately, the king of destiny is here This replacement has become even more terrifying! The earth has been preparing for catastrophe! On the other hand, our strength has not increased over the years!"

At this time, another Elder Yunkong said: "It can't be said that the previous mana level of the earth was too backward, so these years seem to be advancing by leaps and bounds. But we have already reached the bottleneck era. There should be no saints on the earth yet. Bar?"

Long Qianjue said: "Our information shows that the veteran saint has already ascended to the fairy world. There is indeed no saint on the earth today, and the only saint can only be the star master."

Tian Qingge added: "Although Luo Jun's cultivation base has not become a saint, his strength is definitely stronger than that of a saint."

Long Qianjue frowned and said: "What is the origin of this person, why is he so weird?"

Tian Qingge said: "We also did some investigations on Luo Jun. This guy's appearance is very strange. He was very weak when he was young. When he was fifteen or sixteen years old, he suddenly seemed to be possessed by someone. All the way to counterattack, you can defeat a master like the God Emperor within a few years. It is said that he is the reincarnation of the disciple of the Taishang Daozu... Regarding this, the subordinates are skeptical."

Long Qianjue said: "Oh, what do you suspect?"

Tian Qingge said: "The subordinates feel that the Taishang Daozu is the same, and his disciples cannot have such abilities. This son is very, very weird. Given time, he will be absolutely invincible in this universe!"

Long Qianjue smiled wryly, and said: "You are making this son too mythical, if there is a chance, I would like to see it!" Tian Qingge said: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for telling the truth, you are definitely not him opponents. You can’t even add three together!”

Long Qian was absolutely at a loss for words.

"Okay, okay!" The god-robed elder couldn't help it anymore, and said, "Let's not just talk about how powerful Chen Yang is here, no matter how powerful he is, can he surpass the power of our empire Tianzhou world? We not only have the power of the world, but also the power of faith. This time, we are not planning to fight alone."

"Not bad!" Master Shenpao immediately agreed.

Tian Qingge said: "I am here today, definitely not to pour cold water on everyone, let alone to blow everyone's will. But there is one thing, I think we must not underestimate the enemy now! The earth has grown to be equal to us, or even stronger. It is so superior. Every decision we make is related to the life and death of the empire. We have the world power of the empire, which is our trump card. So does the earth have any countermeasures? I believe, there is absolutely Otherwise, they are just waiting to die! Their countermeasures, after my repeated analysis, are on the Star Lord’s Hall of Stars. The Hall of Stars gathers the treasures of the future spar, as well as other treasures, and there are also In addition, in the interior of the earth, Xuan Zhenghao also got the one-yuan boat. It is said that the one-yuan boat is about to produce the world's power. Of course, with Xuan Zhenghao's ability, the world's power it will produce will not be too much Powerful. At present, we must think of a good way and deal with it before we can go to the earth! Otherwise, if we go blindly, it will be a disaster. The earth can be defeated, but we cannot be defeated!"

After everyone listened to Tian Qingge's words, they began to discuss.

Everyone also realized the seriousness of the matter, and at the same time began to discuss countermeasures.

After discussing, discussing, and finally agreeing that the biggest threat to the earth is not Chen Yang, but Star Lord.

They were already on guard against the Hall of Stars, and built a fake Imperial Skyship. They knew that Star Lord might use the Hall of Stars to blow up the Imperial Skyship...

But, can this trick deceive the star master?

They are beginning to have doubts about this now.

A group of people thought left and right, and offered their own suggestions, but none of them had a good solution.

The evolution of the matter has entered into a deadlock of a dilemma.

Three days later, Tian Qingge finally came up with an idea! He said to everyone: "We have to adapt now, change our formation, or layout, but this actually doesn't mean much. All in all, we need variables...Here, I think we must spare no effort to get through Fengyun Pavilion, let the seniors of Fengyun Pavilion come out and deal with the current situation with us!"

The setting of Fengyun Pavilion is an absolute prohibition of the Imperial Skyship!

There is a space-time altar inside, and there are many restrictions!

Those who go in to study, if they don't understand, they really can't get out.

If outsiders are not cultivated enough, once they enter, they will die.

Fengyun Pavilion is an absolutely secretive place in the empire.

"Get through the Fengyun Pavilion?" Long Qianjue was startled, and said, "What do you mean? How do you get through?"

Tianqing sang: "Use the power of the world to force it away!"

Everyone is pale.

Tian Qingge's idea is really too bold and crazy.

Long Qianjue frowned again, and said: "There are many seniors in Fengyun Pavilion, and some seniors may have cultivated to the critical point. If they are accidentally injured by the power of our world, it will be a great sin!"

"This is absolutely impossible!" Elder Bai Xian immediately vetoed it.

"Why not?" Tian Qingge said: "Do we have to wait for the enemy's sharp sword to blow away? I think it is imperative!"


Everyone couldn't make up their minds.

And then there are all kinds of discussions...

After a long time, Long Qianjue's eyes flashed brightly, and he said: "Now the empire has come to the point of life and death. I am not talented, but I am the supreme. Since I am in this position, I have to take responsibility. I feel light What the song said is not unreasonable! No matter how many crimes there are, they should all be counted on this emperor alone! Blast away Fengyun Pavilion!"

"Your Majesty is holy!" Tian Qingge couldn't help being overjoyed.

Elder Bai Xian and the others felt Long Qianjue's determination and understood that it was not easy for him to make such a decision.

After a long time, Elder Baixian stood up and said, "Since His Majesty has made a decision, we will absolutely support it. If there is any responsibility, it is definitely not His Majesty's responsibility. Our elders are willing to shoulder the responsibility together with Your Majesty!"

Long Qianjue was very moved when he saw the elders like this.

After making a decision, they really used the power of the world very quickly.

No matter how powerful that Fengyun Pavilion is, under the violent bombardment of the power of the world, the altar of time in Fengyun Pavilion finally collapsed, and the numerous restrictions in it were also blown up...

Then, countless howls and angry voices came out.

Long Qianjue and others used the power of the world to cover the entire hundred miles of Fengyun Pavilion to prevent the energy explosion from affecting innocent people.

After the aftermath of the explosion gradually dissipated, many masters in Fengyun Pavilion came out one after another.

The leader is Long Ao, the venerable saint, and the quasi-sage Fang Xiyang is following behind Long Ao.

Then there are masters like Lian Potian, Xiong Chuhe, and Guishan Silao who came out together. These people are either the Nine Layers of Creation or the Eight Layers of Creation, and they are all top-notch masters in the world.

After they appeared in the void, Long Qianjue immediately led all the elders and Tian Qingge to visit.

Long Ao's eyes were cold, and he said: "You guys are so brave, you dare to forcibly break open Fengyun Pavilion!"

Long Qianjue said in fear and trepidation: "We are guilty, but now that the empire has reached a critical moment, we have no choice but to make such a bad move. I hope the old ancestor will forgive us!"

Let's apologize together!

Long Ao did not continue to attack, but went to the meeting hall of the Grand Palace first.

In the meeting hall, Tian Qingge talked about all the current situation and problems.

He is an extremely smart person, and he quickly talked about how to break the situation now, and fixed the problem on the Hall of Stars.

Although Long Ao is the respected saint, he is not arrogant. He listened patiently to many analyzes and suggestions from everyone. During the entire discussion process, all the masters of Fengyun Pavilion just listened and did not interrupt.

After finishing everything, Long Ao said: "I still need to think about this matter carefully." Then he announced the end of the meeting. But they didn't investigate the crime of bombarding Fengyun Pavilion...

Long Ao didn't come up with a plan, and it was expected by Tian Qingge, if there is a solution as soon as he comes out, it seems rash.

Three days later, Long Ao summoned Long Qianjue and his party again.

At the meeting, Long Ao said: "In the past few days, I have thought about it carefully, and I think your worries are very reasonable. Regarding the Hall of Stars, we must not be careless. Even His Majesty Zulong has passed away. It can be seen that the earth is not simple. If you want to win, you must first solve the star master and the star palace, right?"

Tian Qingge stood up and said, "Yes, old ancestor!"

Long Ao said: "Even if we use the Imperial Skyship to attack Mars, there is no certainty of victory, right?"

Tian Qingge said: "It's not difficult to say victory, but I'm afraid that the Star Lord will perish with us. It's really scary to have the future master and the future spar in his hands. All plans will be understood by him in advance. But the future It’s not a constant layer, and he can’t be absolutely accurate.”

Long Ao said: "For the future spar, the master of the future and other magical arts, the old man has also done a lot of research. The future spar is a great weapon, but according to what you said back then, His Majesty Zulong was used by the future crystal instead." Stone. Therefore, we are not without a chance now!"

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