Super Security in the City

Chapter 4680: Great golden elixir


The phantom of the Heavenly Sword sent out by the Liuli Empress collided with Luo Jun's Mountain and River Divine Palm. The divine power in the palm of the Mountain and River God is so majestic that it seems to be able to suppress everything in the world.

The phantom of the Heavenly Sword was full of fierceness. At the moment of the collision, all the sword energy shattered into thousands of sword thorns and strangled it, directly tearing apart the Shanhe Divine Palm.

Then, the sword stabs condensed into sword energy again and continued to kill Luo Jun. Luo Jun wrapped the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram in his palm, grabbed it, and captured the sword energy into the world of mountains and rivers.

In the world of mountains and rivers, several fists gathered together to kill the phantom of Xiangtian Sword.


The phantom of the Heavenly Sword was finally shattered!

At the same time, the world of mountains and rivers absorbed all the power of sword energy into Xiantai.

Empress Liuli was still calm and calm, and without blinking, she suddenly took a step forward.

When she took a step forward, Luo Jun felt like she was a sword, and the sword took another step closer to his heart.

"The combination of man and sword is so terrifying!" Luo Jun was horrified, feeling that the ability he was proud of was completely unable to be used at this moment. This Liuli Empress seems to have endless energy.

"The original Longtian Emperor had a state of suffering in his body, and his power was endless! The current Liuli Empress is in the Heavenly Sword God Realm, and all the power of the Heavenly Sword God Realm seems to be at her disposal!" Luo Jun knew in his heart that the Liuli Empress' cultivation was certain. She is not a saint, but the Liuli Empress can beat the saints in the world in the Heavenly Sword God Realm.

Empress Liuli sent out another palm, and the phantom of the sword appeared again that day, and lightning struck at Luo Jun's eyebrows.

Luo Jun did not dare to incorporate this phantom into the space crystal. Outside the Heavenly Sword God's Domain, he could still use the space crystal to kill the sword intent of this phantom. But within the Heavenly Sword God's Domain, it's simply not possible. Because the main body of Sky Sword is still in the sky, it can guide all directions for the phantom of Sky Sword.

Just like turning on Beidou navigation, you will never lose your way!

At the same time, we don’t dare to use the world of mountains and rivers to forcefully absorb it. Its power must be weakened first, and then the world of mountains and rivers can be used to absorb it.

But this is not a long-term solution!

Facing the phantom of Empress Liuli's Heavenly Sword, Luo Jun's eyes were cold and he slapped it with two palms.

In front of this girl, Luo Jun no longer dared to use his sword.

Sword moves, sword aura, and sword intent are like a mouse meeting a cat in front of the phantom of the Heavenly Sword!

Two consecutive shots of the palms shattered the phantom of the Heavenly Sword into pieces. Luo Jun then swept the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram and absorbed the energy of the phantom of the Heavenly Sword into the world of mountains and rivers...

Suddenly, Luo Jun's energy surged, and Empress Liuli was unable to hold down Luo Jun.

The two sides fought very quickly, and there were several moves in the blink of an eye.

Although Empress Liuli's Heavenly Sword Phantom was powerful, it was all broken by Luo Jun.

Luo Jun became more and more brave as he fought!

"Okay, very good!" Empress Liuli's expression finally changed.

She only wanted to recruit Luo Jun as her apprentice, so she never showed her ultimate power. She was also afraid of accidentally killing Luo Jun... But now, she found that she really couldn't take down the opponent without moving her true strength.

"Boy, it was you who forced me to do this!" Empress Liuli became angry. Suddenly, her appearance was solemn, and her hands formed seals!

As her handprints changed, an even more terrifying heavenly sword appeared!

The Heavenly Sword body in the void also burst out with infinite energy, and all of this infinite energy was projected onto Empress Liuli. A cold light flashed in Empress Liuli's eyes, and she shouted: "I want you to **** it again!"


The phantom of the Heavenly Sword burst out with thousands of feet of golden light, and this terrifying Heavenly Sword violently slashed towards Luo Jun's head.

It’s really a sword that spans the nine heavens!

At this moment, Na Xuan Zhenghao immediately emerged from the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map.

Xuan Zhenghao was already prepared, and at this time he knew that the other party was serious about it.

So he jumped out immediately, and then struck hard at the terrifying Heavenly Sword.

The sky sword exploded, splitting Xuan Zhenghao's palm print, and then split Xuan Zhenghao's body. Xuan Zhenghao's body turned into countless heavenly particles, which wrapped around the heavenly sword crazily.

But this heavenly sword was so powerful that it completely ignored Xuan Zhenghao's entanglement and continued to kill Luo Jun.

Although Xuan Zhenghao did not block the Heavenly Sword, it also weakened a lot of the Heavenly Sword's power.

Luo Jun took three steps back, then struck with both palms!


The Heavenly Sword had already knocked out all the particles of Xuan Zhenghao's true body, and together with the power of Luo Jun's palms, it quickly shattered Luo Jun's palms.

At this time, although the power of this heavenly sword was weakened again, it was still terrifying and continued to kill Luo Jun.

Luo Jun circulated the spirit of time again.

The Time Soul performs time dislocation, time storm and various magical spells.


In just one move, the sword passed through the spirit of time.

Wormhole Soul followed and strangled him.

The Heavenly Sword didn't stop, and passed through the wormhole Yuanshen again, heading straight for Luo Jun.

Luo Jun was extremely helpless and did not dare to use his sword. At that moment, he roared loudly, and Yun gathered the power of everyone and all the vitality of the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram.

He wrapped his hands around the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram, then grabbed the Heavenly Sword and pressed it in hard.

Thousands of divine powers crush them together!


Finally, the Heavenly Sword was crushed to pieces, and its power was absorbed by Luo Jun's mountain and river world.

When absorbing it, I found that although this heavenly sword was very powerful, its power was not that exaggerated.

But in this Heavenly Sword Divine Realm, Heavenly Sword is so unpredictable. It seems that other forces have no effect on it...

Empress Liuli said nothing, then struck out with another sword!

Endless energy!

Even more difficult than the Dragon Emperor...

Luo Jun suddenly remembered his trick to defeat Emperor Long Tian...

The Dharma of heaven and earth, the great golden elixir!

I also have the Ancient Thunder God, Senior Chen Ling, Zhang Daoling and Emperor Xuan on my side...

Go all out, what are you afraid of?

Thinking of this, Luo Jun quickly retreated and decided to make a desperate move.

The great golden elixir of the laws of heaven and earth circulates out quickly, and as soon as the great golden elixir comes out, it bursts out with a dazzling golden light.

Crazy absorbing the divine power of all things around...

Including sword intention and sword energy!

It is not that Luo Jun cannot understand and calculate this kind of sword intention and sword energy, so there is no problem in absorbing it now.

He felt that he knew how to use the Eleventh Sword. Once it was in operation, he might also be able to use the divine power of the Heavenly Sword. Just thinking about it carefully, she is definitely not as powerful as Empress Liuli!

So I didn’t use the sword at all!

After all, this was Empress Liuli's territory. She was new here, so she would definitely not be as good as her opponent in operating the Heavenly Sword.

To be forced to this point, Luo Jun really didn't expect it!

At this moment, Tianjian struck at Dajindan.

The Great Golden Pill spun wildly, but after being hit by the Heavenly Sword, it was immediately bounced away.

This is a move that Luo Jun came up with after repeated pondering. In the early days, the magic power of the Great Golden Pill was not concentrated to the extreme, so it could easily be broken by one blow. So I used the principle of Tai Chi to release energy...bounce the opponent's power while absorbing the opponent's power.

The Heavenly Sword continued to pursue and killed the Great Golden Pill three times in a row.

Luo Jun is always behind Dajindan. If Empress Liuli wants to kill Luo Jun, she must kill Dajindan first.

The Great Golden Pill kept absorbing the surrounding divine power, and after being killed three times by the Heavenly Sword, it absorbed a lot of the killing power of the Heavenly Sword.

The fourth time the Heavenly Sword attacked, Luo Jun was so determined that he shook the Great Golden Pill violently, and the Heavenly Sword came to kill. With a boom... in the fierce bombardment, the Heavenly Sword was smashed into pieces.

Empress Liuli's expression changed drastically, and she felt that things seemed to be getting out of control.

The mana in Luo Jun's body is losing crazily...

But the Great Golden Pill is getting more and more powerful!

The great power of the Great Golden Pill is that it absorbs all the power like crazy, absorbs the power of Luo Jun, absorbs the power of the enemy, and absorbs the power of all things...

And the deeper Luo Jun's magic power is, the faster it can be absorbed. The time for Luo Jun to use the golden elixir will also become shorter...

The Great Golden Pill exploded and struck towards the Liuli Empress like lightning.

Empress Liuli roared loudly, and her figure suddenly changed, turning into the shape of a heavenly sword!

Man and sword unite!


The Heavenly Sword transformed by the Liuli Empress came to kill the Great Golden Pill.

The Heavenly Sword body in the void also burst out with unparalleled divine power, and this divine power continuously gathered into the Heavenly Sword transformed by Empress Liuli.

The Heavenly Sword and the Great Golden Pill collided and killed each other.

Dajindan was unexpectedly defeated and was ejected thousands of miles away. Luo Jun stood on the Great Golden Pill. As soon as he stood still, the Heavenly Sword came to kill him again.

The Heavenly Sword in the void was always above the Liuli Empress, seemingly motionless, but in fact Luo Jun and the Liuli Empress were already thousands of miles away from the Sky Temple.

Empress Liuli wanted to chop the Great Golden Pill into pieces at this moment, but she chopped it off with her sword, but the Great Golden Pill did not break into pieces.

Another slash with the sword, not only did the Great Golden Pill not break, but it became even stronger!


At this moment, the Heavenly Sword and the Great Golden Pill each retreated more than a thousand miles!

Luo Jun felt that he could no longer hold on, and the power of the Great Golden Pill had reached its peak.

So, Dajindan killed the general again.

The Heavenly Sword transformed by the Liuli Empress killed again.


The Heavenly Sword was bounced away again.

The golden elixir did not retreat even one step.

But at this moment, the Heavenly Sword transformed by the Liuli Empress did not fight with Luo Jun. Instead, it flew towards the Heavenly Sword itself in the sky. In the blink of an eye, he entered the interior of the Heavenly Sword itself.

Covered in fog, Empress Liuli can no longer be seen!

"No!" Luo Jun said secretly: "This girl must have gone into the Sky Sword body to recover her divine power. If I attack the Sky Sword body, I am seeking death. When she recovers a little, I will run out of power. You ran away first, so don’t blame me for running away too!”

With this thought in mind and no other thoughts, he drove the Great Golden Pill to fly out of the territory!

The energy of the Great Golden Pill at this time was terrifying to the extreme, and with Empress Liuli entering the Heavenly Sword body to practice, no one could stop Luo Jun.

In the blink of an eye, he entered the purple mist of the clouds, and then broke through the barrier of the Heavenly Sword God Realm, and then left the Heavenly Sword God Realm.

After leaving the Heavenly Sword Divine Realm, Luo Jun quickly withdrew the Great Golden Pill.

The mana in the body was almost exhausted.

Wu Fei'er also ran out of mana...

Luo Jun didn't care about anything else and wanted to let the Ancient God of Thunder take their group of people to leave first...

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