Super Security in the City

Chapter 4691: Crisis lurks

After listening to Yuan Wuxin's words, Empress Liuli felt sour water rising in her stomach. She was extremely nauseous, and goosebumps also appeared on her back.

If that is the fate, it would be the greatest torture in the world for Empress Liuli. Life would be worse than death!

She looked at Yuan Wuxin and suddenly sneered, saying: "You are prepared with both hands. Do you think that I came to you without any backup plan?"

Yuan Wuxin's expression changed slightly, then he smiled and said: "My good disciple, stop pretending to be mysterious in front of my master. In the face of absolute strength, all feints are in vain. Right now, my strength is perfect, and your energy is exhausted. How do you block it?"

Empress Liuli said: "Really? Just wait and see!"

At this time, Luo Jun had also been communicating with Empress Liuli.

At the same time, Luo Jun's sword power and the Liuli Empress were once again integrated. Luo Jun's strength has recovered a lot, and at this time it can be regarded as replenishing the vitality of Empress Liuli.

Yuan Wuxin immediately saw that Empress Liuli's energy and energy had become much stronger, and she couldn't help but be surprised and said: "It seems that you do have a backup plan, but this little energy alone is far from enough."

Empress Liuli snorted coldly: "You don't have to worry about whether it's enough or not."

Yuan Wuxin didn't have the heart to kill the Liuli Empress at this time, and he had gone all out before because the chance of winning was not high. At the moment, he feels that he has a winning chance... he uses Wuji Sword Technique to form a Wuji hand seal.

The sword energy turned into a golden handprint in his palm, like countless divine swords pieced together, and then moved towards the Liuli Empress.

Without saying a word, Empress Liuli slashed with the Taichu Sword in her hand, and the sword energy was as cold as the ninth level!


Yuan Wuxin's big hand seal was chopped into pieces by the sword energy of Taichu Sword.

This immediately made Yuan Wuxin furious, and he pointed out the Wuji Sword. The Wuji Sword cut through the void and struck at the Taichu Sword's sword energy. It instantly cut the sword energy into pieces, and then struck towards the eyebrows of the Liuli Empress.

At this moment, a gate to the void appeared behind Empress Liuli.

Empress Liuli lay back and entered the gate of void.

The Wuji Sword was about to rush into the Void Gate. Yuan Wuxin was surprised when he saw this and quickly stabilized the Wuji Sword.

He was also afraid that the Wuji Sword would follow him in, but he would not go in himself. At that time, the Wuji Sword will fall into the hands of Empress Liuli.

After Empress Liuli entered the Void Gate, the Void Gate immediately disappeared.

Yuan Wuxin also wanted to take the opportunity to enter the Void Gate, but this was simply impossible. Because it is difficult to travel through the gate of the void. If the other party does not support you, you will only get lost in the chaos of time and space.

Yuan Wuxin sensed quickly and immediately realized that Empress Liuli seemed to be tens of billions of miles away...

If you chase him like this, it will be impossible to catch him. I'm afraid that if the other party's energy has recovered by then, more changes will occur.

Yuan Wuxin spent the Law Source Crystal, but still failed to capture the Liuli Empress, which made him extremely angry and unwilling, and thought to himself: "How can this **** open the Gate of the Void in this situation? Even if she laid down the teleportation array in advance, during the fight, the energy was so violent that even I couldn't form the teleportation array and leave. Why could she do it? This is incredible. And the tenth performance she showed today Two swords can actually break my thirteen swords... This **** is getting more and more powerful. Given time... no, there is no need for holiday time. If I didn't have the Dharma Source Crystal here today, I would She is no longer her opponent. How should I resist her next time? Do I really want to run away? Although I have many disciples, how much affection do these disciples have for me? In times of crisis, I will not add insult to injury. Already thank God.”

Thinking of this, his face became extremely solemn!

Empress Liuli stood still in the dark void, and the gate to the void in front of her had disappeared.

Luo Jun also ran out of her belly.

Empress Liuli was a little worried: "Will Yuan Wuxin chase me?"

Luo Jun didn't care: "Let him chase. Let's take the opportunity to recover our strength. When he comes, we will kill him."

Empress Liuli was slightly startled, and then said: "He is also a person who is afraid of death, so he definitely doesn't dare to come." After a pause, he frowned and said: "I guess he is going to escape. If he escapes, It will be a little difficult to find him again.”

Luo Jun said: "I have locked onto his aura. I can chase him wherever he escapes. But if he doesn't stop, it will be difficult for us to catch him. We still don't have enough manpower. If we are powerful enough, It’s almost enough if the experts help intercept it.”

Empress Liuli sighed and said: "Yuan Wuxin's Wuji sword practice has reached this point, and there are not many people in the entire universe who can compete with him. Although there are many masters in my Heavenly Sword God Domain, in front of Yuan Wuxin, they are all Not enough to watch.”

Luo Jun said: "That's true!"

Empress Liuli sat cross-legged, recovering her strength while saying curiously: "You set up the teleportation array before, but at that time I thought your preparations were superfluous. Now it's fortunate that you have such a plan, but I'm surprised. During the battle, the molecules and magnetic fields were so violent, how did you manage to teleport smoothly? Even me, under such circumstances, could only travel more than a hundred miles through the void, and that was already the limit."

Luo Jun smiled lightly and said: "What you can do, I can do. What you can't do, I can also do."

Empress Liuli felt a little uncomfortable, but after thinking about it carefully, she knew that what Luo Jun said was true. "Then tell me, how did you do it?"

Luo Jun said: "It's very simple. Find the pattern, calculate the time and position, grasp the glimmer of time, and then travel. However, this is easy to say, but it is also difficult to do it."

After Empress Liuli pondered for a moment, she felt that it was too difficult, so she simply stopped worrying about it.

The two of them recovered their strength.

One day later, the two men's strength returned to its peak state.

Empress Liuli would start looking for trouble again with Yuan Wuxin.

Luo Jun said: "I feel that Yuan Wuxin is no longer on the Yuantian planet. He is indeed scared and is fleeing all the way south. His cultivation level is not weaker than ours, and he never stops. We want to catch up behind him, but I’m afraid it will be very difficult. No, I can’t say it’s difficult, it’s almost impossible.”

Empress Liuli frowned, then became irritable and said, "Am I unable to take revenge in this life?"

Luo Jun also frowned, and then said: "Hey, I have an idea."

Empress Liuli's eyes lit up and she said, "What's your idea?"

Luo Jun said: "Yuan Wuxin has never known my existence. He must have locked onto your aura. If you chase him from behind, he will keep running."

Empress Liuli immediately understood what Luo Jun meant and said, "Then you quietly intercept him, right?"

Luo Jun said: "I ran in front of him, prepared the teleportation array, and then I went to fight him. You take the opportunity to pass through the teleportation array... so that we can meet up."

Empress Liuli became excited and said, "This is really a great idea."

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said: "But this is also very risky. We have used similar methods to track the enemy before, but then there was an accident and the entire army was almost wiped out. What if I can't stop him, what if he comes back to look for me? Please wait. That's very dangerous...because if we separate, there will be too many variables."

Empress Liuli said: "Variables are variables. If you want to kill him, how can it be possible without taking risks?"

Luo Jun has had countless adventures in his life, so he is not afraid now.

Empress Liuli apologized and said, "I just want you to be involved in this kind of crisis..."

Luo Jun smiled and said: "This is nothing. I have experienced more crises than you think. You just have to be more careful..."

Empress Liuli thought for a moment, then suddenly took out the Tears of Hidden Flowers and said, "If I really die first, just take the Tears of Hidden Flowers and leave."

Luo Jun was stunned and did not take the initiative to reach out and said: "This..."

Empress Liuli smiled slightly and said, "Why, you don't want it anymore?"

Luo Jun wanted it all in his dreams, and said, "It's just, aren't you worried that I'll just walk away?"

Empress Liuli said: "If you want to kill me, you can do it one day ago."

Luo Jun took the Tears of Hidden Flowers and said, "I promise you, as long as I live, even if you are gone, I will help you kill Yuan Wuxin."

Empress Liuli said: "With your words, I feel relieved."

Luo Jun and Empress Liuli exchanged their respective mark breaths, etc., so that they could lock each other's direction.

Then, Luo Jun said: "When we fought Yuan Wuxin before, I felt that our strategy might be wrong."

Empress Liuli said: "Strategy? What's wrong? Do you have any better strategy?"

Luo Jun said: "You fight Yuan Wuxin and try your best to drain his vitality and mana. Or I fight Yuan Wuxin first...and you wait for the opportunity to make a move. It's too difficult for the two of us to fight together and lose him together!"

Empress Liuli said: "That's true, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Luo Jun said: "I didn't know much about Wuji Kendo at first."

Empress Liuli said: "Now, it's up to you to fight him first?"

Luo Jun said: "Of course, I have to intercept him first!"

Empress Liuli said: "But, how should we intercept it?"

Luo Jun said: "I don't think we can rush this matter. Just chase him slowly and let him go in the direction we want. Don't press too hard... I will march in a hurry. One day, I will be able to stop him." .”

Empress Liuli said: "That's all we can do."

Luo Jun still has a hidden worry in his heart, and that is Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao has disappeared now. Luo Jun doesn't know what happened to him.

But he always felt that Xuan Zhenghao was a time bomb.

It's just that Luo Jun has no better way to prevent it.

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