Super Security in the City

Chapter 4713: Not a good match

Luo Jun stared at Taiyi Supreme with a sneer on his lips: "A way to survive?"

Taiyi Supreme said: "I am willing to make a blood oath to you and be loyal to you from now on. So what if you kill me? But if you spare my life, you will get my eternal loyalty. This time I am completely loyal to you. You are convinced, and all your anger has been wiped out. As long as I can live, I don't care about anything, dignity, face, etc., it doesn't matter anymore."

A glimmer of light appeared in Ye Liuli's beautiful eyes, but she felt that it was good to have a helper like Taiyi Supreme. She now believes that Taiyi Supreme has completely surrendered... and Luo Jun also has absolute means to control Taiyi Supreme.

However, Ye Liuli didn't say much. She still knew something about Luo Jun.

Knowing that Luo Jun could not let Tai Yi go.

Sure enough, Luo Jun sighed at this time and said: "Taiyi, I am not a murderous person. If you surrendered to me earlier, as long as you really no longer harm others, I don't even need you to help me. I can let you go. But now, with all the blood and blood feud, how can I let you go?"

Taiyi Supreme said: "Meng Qingchen has killed so many people, but you can still make her pay for her crimes."

He has Xuan Zhenghao's memory, so he also knows about Meng Qingchen. After a pause, he continued: "Keep me here and I will do more merit, isn't it good?"

Luo Jun couldn't help but think of Meng Qingchen...

I sighed deeply in my heart.

Time flies so fast, Meng Qingchen has passed away for so many years.

He looked at Taiyi Supreme and said: "Meng Qingchen did kill many people, but the ones she killed were not my close relatives. This is why I can forgive her and let her plead guilty and meritorious service. I never think that I am an absolutely selfless person, and I will be as selfish as possible when it comes to my relatives and children. But you..."

Taiyi Supreme couldn't help but despair, and said: "Is there really no way to survive at all?"

Luo Jun said: "I can't lie to you about a dying person."

Taiyi Supreme was in great pain and said: "Although I have lived for a long time, there is too much time in between that is useless. Now I finally feel the seven emotions and six desires, but why can't I live? I don't want to die, really I don’t want to die! I don’t want to be your enemy, but at that time, either you or I would die!”

"What's wrong with me? What did I do wrong?" Taiyi Supreme burst into tears.

Both Luo Jun and Ye Liuli felt his deep regret and pain.

A being who has lived for billions of years is even more unable to let go when it comes to death.

Just like an ordinary person has accumulated a huge amount of wealth little by little, how can he be willing to give it away to others?

But young people don't cherish life because they don't feel that life is precious yet!

Luo Jun had no sympathy for Taiyi Supreme. Although he was not a ruthless person, he was definitely not a mother-in-law's kind of person.

"Taiyi, tell me, when did you take over Xuan Zhenghao's body?" Luo Jun asked.

Taiyi Supreme finally collected his emotions, and then said to Luo Jun: "Xuan Zhenghao is too greedy. He has mastered too much Tianyou Divine Blood that does not belong to him. Especially my Tianyou Divine Blood, which has absolute supreme power. . I pretended to surrender to him. After he devours everyone, I can take the initiative at any time and occupy his body and even his memory. I have been waiting for the opportunity..."

Luo Jun was shocked and said: "I understand, you can control his body even before going to the Gate of Eternal Life, right?"

Supreme Supreme Taiyi said: "That's right! Later, he devoured True Lord of Nothingness and True Lord Lingluo. Then there is really no room for change. It is already easy for me to control him!"

Luo Jun said: "Later on, Liuli and I had a decisive battle, and you finally got the chance, right?"

Taiyi Supreme nodded and said: "Yes!"

Luo Jun said: "You are indeed very powerful. If Liuli and Fei'er hadn't risked their lives to help me, I would have died in your hands. You almost killed me several times... Do you know? In the black hole, I and I Liuli really almost died. Fortunately, we had the power of yin and yang to preserve the true essence. Later, I took the opportunity to control the two-dimensional mother energy in the two-dimensional world and survived."

Taiyi Supreme was extremely bitter and said: "Only now do I know that the power of heaven and the way of destiny cannot be resisted by human beings! I should have surrendered to you long ago. If there is still a chance, I will never be your enemy! "

Luo Jun said: "There is another question, why didn't you find Siam earlier? If he had been here early in the morning, we might not have had a chance to survive."

Taiyi Supreme said: "At first, I was also recuperating and suppressing the chaos in my body, and it was too late!"

Luo Jun suddenly realized and said: "That's it!" Then he said: "You hurt Fei'er, Fei'er is not dead now, he can still live. I can forgive you for this, provided that you sincerely regret it. How can you Even if you kill me this time, I don't care. However, Emperor Xuan is my friend, and senior Chen Ling and his wife are seniors I respect. And Daochang Zhang... I am not qualified to forgive you for these three **** accounts. So, You have to die, do you understand?"

Taiyi Supreme was in so much pain that he could not speak. He wanted to speak, but could not utter a single word.

Luo Jun said: "It will be soon!"

Then he moved the Taichu Sword and completely defeated Taiyi Supreme.

The Tears of Hidden Flowers circulated, completely refining Taiyi Supreme into ashes.

After that, he put away the Taichu Sword.

Things in the Heavenly Sword God Realm can be considered to have come to an end now.

Luo Jun said to Ye Liuli who was beside him: "I'm sorry, Liuli, I want to take this Taichu Sword with me too."

Ye Liuli's eyes darkened and she said, "I promised you this, so it's natural for you to take her away."

Luo Jun took a deep breath and said, "Fei'er is here with you, I'll just take care of you, Donai."

Ye Liuli nodded and said, "Don't worry, as long as I live, I will protect her!"

Luo Jun said: "I'm going to see Fei'er."

Ye Liuli said: "I'll send you there!"

Inside Tianjian, Luo Jun put down the prepared jade slips. The jade slips explained some things and expressed some thoughts. Then he kissed Wu Fei'er goodbye...

Outside the Heavenly Sword God’s Territory…

Luo Jun wears a black Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram cloak...

The Ancient Thunder God Sword and the Taichu Sword are both in his Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram.

He looked back at the Sword God Realm that day, feeling a little disappointed in his heart.

When leaving, Ye Liuli said: "I won't see you off." Then he turned around and left...

So now, he is just a person.

When he was about to leave, a voice came from behind.

"Wait!" It was Ye Liuli's voice.

Luo Jun was happy and turned around.

Ye Liuli was wearing a fiery red dress, extremely noble.

She swayed and came to Luo Jun.

The two stared at each other...

There were faint tears in Ye Liuli's eyes...

After a while, she said: "Originally I didn't want to send it to you, but I just thought... I thought that if you go, you will have a narrow escape. If you really die and never come back, I think I will regret not sending it to you. .”

Luo Jun raised his hand and wanted to pat her shoulder, but he still didn't feel embarrassed.

Ye Liuli continued: "You asked me to stay here to take care of Miss Fei'er. Are you simply worried about Miss Fei'er's safety, or do you mean that you don't want me to follow you? Or maybe it's because you feel guilty about Miss Fei'er. Because she was seriously injured trying to save you, but you..."

Luo Jun was definitely not an emotional idiot. He couldn't understand Ye Liuli's thoughts. He took a deep breath again and said, "If you protect Fei'er here, I will feel more at ease. At the same time, if Fei'er is really thrown away, Here I am with you, and I really feel shameless in my heart. Although I can have many reasons to support my behavior, they can't hide the fact that I also like you."

Ye Liuli couldn't help but tremble when she heard him say "like".

Luo Jun added: "In my life, I am really not a dedicated and dedicated man. I don't know whether I like you or love you. The only thing I can be sure of is that if you are in danger, even if you are thrown away I will save your life without hesitation."

The tears in Ye Liuli's eyes finally couldn't help but burst out.

In fact, she had seen the past in Luo Jun's memory, and she also knew Luo Jun's temperament. I know that although he is not devoted, he is sincere to every woman he loves and is willing to give everything.

She also knew that Luo Jun and his previous relationship had been completely separated, and there was no way he could go back.

"You are not the person I imagined!" Ye Liuli said to Luo Jun after being silent for a long time: "I once imagined that the Taoist monk in my heart was more handsome and stalwart than you, and maybe he was about the same ability as you. . But there will never be any other woman. I should be held in his hands."

Luo Jun was stunned for a moment, but he didn't know how to answer the call.

Ye Liuli said: "I can't bear to share a man with another woman. Although this is very common, it is not allowed in my world. So I really never thought about snatching you from Fei'er... I said I would help you before, and I really intend to help you. When the matter is over, if everyone is still alive, I will wave my hand and leave. Absolutely cool and unrestrained, without taking away a trace of cloud. If you want to keep me, you will never be able to keep me. of."

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said: "That's it!"

Ye Liuli also smiled, but this smile was a little desolate. "But you disrupted all my plans and you made me feel very uncomfortable at the moment."

Luo Jun said naturally: "I'm sorry!"

Ye Liuli felt inexplicably annoyed and said, "I don't want to hear you say sorry. You can say anything now, but this sorry sentence makes me the most unhappy."

The emotions in Luo Jun's heart were complicated and inexplicable, and he was impulsive, but he wanted to hold this woman in his arms at all costs. He knew that this was what she needed most right now...

He understands women so well.

But he doesn't want to do this...

After much thought, he said: "When people face what they think is true love, they will be very impulsive and desperate. If you come with me now, it will be just an impulsive choice on your part. You will regret it in the future. You are A very good woman, in the future, you will meet the Taoist companion you want. And I, Luo Jun, am definitely not a good match!"

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