Super Security in the City

Chapter 4715: Thunder Dragon Mosquito

"Live a good life?" An Ruosu savored Luo Jun's words carefully. She was born as a spirit since she was a child and coexisted with her sister An Xin. This situation is the same as that of Hei Yi Suzhen and Bai Suzhen back then...

Later, her sister died, and she followed Chen Ling.

Over the years, she has been by Chen Ling's side. It seems that I have never had a life that truly belongs to me.

It's not that Chen Ling is overbearing, it's just that she never had a body of her own, so in the end she had to become a soul.

"What's wrong?" Luo Jun asked when he saw that she didn't speak.

An Ruosu said: "I... don't know how to live a good life. I haven't thought about this problem for so many years. I just feel very at ease with Brother Ling..."

Luo Jun said: "You see, there is also a weapon spirit in my Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram. He only wants to obtain the Xiaoyao Immortal Body, and then live freely. You are already a very powerful immortal soul. If you leave, I can still live without Senior Ling. Of course, your form will be a little inconvenient, but when it suits you, maybe I can help you find a body. When you have a body, you can also find the one you love in the future, and then Do you want to live your whole life? Of course, you don’t have to find a loved one to live. In short, you can be free, come and go freely, see the scenery you want to see, and be the person you want to be. This is the meaning of our lives!"

An Ruosu's eyes flashed brightly and she said, "Is this really possible?"

Luo Jun said: "You can do this now."

An Ruosu pondered, her eyes sometimes complicated, sometimes excited, sometimes frustrated.

Luo Jun didn't bother her either.

After a long time, An Ruosu said: "I'm not used to being alone. Over the years, I rarely walk alone."

Luo Jundao: "No matter what you do in life, you need to take the first step bravely. As long as you take the first step, the second and third steps will become easier."

An Ruosu said: "Can I follow you first?"

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said: "Of course, I want it. But I have to explain first that what I am going to do is very dangerous, and maybe I will implicate you."

An Ruosu said: "I'm not afraid, no one can kill me."

Luo Jun knew An Ruosu's abilities. An Ruosu himself was an ancient demon mosquito. Later, he evolved into an ancient dragon mosquito because he swallowed Ying Zheng's dragon energy. Later, when he was on Danube, he evolved into the Dark Dragon Mosquito.

He thought that he also had a demon mosquito back then, but unfortunately he was completely burned to death in the calamity fire.

Now that I have An Ruosu, the Dark Dragon Mosquito, I don't know if it can be regarded as a kind of reincarnation.

Luo Jun's attack on An Ruosu was very effective, and then he sacrificed the Ancient God of Thunder. Now that there is no super brain crystal in the Ancient God of Thunder, it is precisely because of the lack of a weapon spirit. An Ruosu is not afraid of the thunder inside the Ancient Thunder God, and he was also integrated into it by Taiyi Supreme before. So right now, we have just entered the interior of the Ancient Thunder God.

Luo Jun was not idle either. He was very familiar with the Ancient God of Thunder. At the moment, according to An Ruosu's abilities and habits, An Ruosu and the Ancient Thunder God can better integrate.

An Ruosu actually has many similarities with Hei Yi Suzhen, but she is not as powerful as Hei Yi Suzhen.

Not to mention the ninth level of thunder tribulation!

An Ruosu is also composed of many thoughts, and each thought is filled with dark elements and the power of the dragon mosquito... The dragon mosquito makes her immortal and can swallow a lot of energy. An Ruosu did swallow a lot of things, so her thoughts were very powerful.

Luo Jun felt carefully and found that An Ruosu had a total of 36,000 thoughts, and each thought could be turned into a dragon mosquito. It can also turn into dark particles...

Dark particles can also kill enemies!

But her own magic power is not too strong.

Luo Jun felt that she also needed to survive the thunder tribulation to become stronger. Moreover, her thoughts were powerful enough and she was immortal, so the chance of successfully surviving the thunder tribulation was very high.

Of course, this matter should not be rushed.

Luo Jun first let her blend into the ancient thunder god's thunder pool. The thunder pool can always automatically absorb the thunder energy from the outside world.

He helped An Ruosu control the ancient thunder god.

It took about half a year for An Ruosu and the Ancient Thunder God to completely merge into one. When An Ruosu reveals her true form, the ancient thunder **** can turn into armor and wear it on her body...

At the same time, she can also use the ancient thunder god's sword energy and thunder to kill enemies.

Then you can turn into countless dragon mosquitoes, dragon mosquitoes with the power of thunder, it is really electric...

It's like An Ruosu has completely absorbed the ancient thunder god... Now, although she has not survived the thunder tribulation. But thunder below the seventh level has no harm to her at all...

An Ruosu likes the ancient thunder **** very much.

When necessary, Luo Jun can also let An Ruosu turn into an ancient thunder sword to kill the enemy. When transforming into the Ancient Thunder God Sword, An Ruosu's body entered the thunder pool of the Ancient Thunder God.

The ancient thunder god's dragon energy was also completely absorbed by An Ruosu!

When necessary, An Ruosu can also transform into an extremely powerful ancient thunder dragon!

The nine ancient heavenly dragons were all absorbed by An Ruosu, including the holy power inside, etc., all were absorbed by An Ruosu.

It can be said that with the help of Luo Jun, An Ruosu's abilities have greatly increased.

It is worth mentioning that during the past six months, An Ruosu and Ye Xinghun also became very good friends. Ye Xinghun also taught An Ruosu a lot of things. Sometimes, An Ruosu would ask Ye Xinghun to turn the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram into a green cloak and put it on her body.

She can also cast the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram!

An Ruosu has cultivated to the point where she can ignore many things. Her own power is very strange, pure, and immortal, and she can also absorb the enemy's power. If coupled with the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram, her strength is very terrifying!

Luo Jun also deliberately found an opportunity for An Ruosu to survive the eighth or even ninth level of thunder tribulation.

After surviving the ninth level of thunder tribulation, An Ruosu's ability will not be weaker than that of Heiyi Suzhen...

And there will be some stronger features.

This is not to say that Luo Jun has the ability to turn decay into magic. In fact, An Ruosu's own situation is strange enough. First of all, An Ruosu is also a natural spiritual body. Secondly, she became one with the Ancient Demon Mosquito back then, but she also surpassed the Ancient Demon Mosquito. Later, by coincidence, it evolved into the Archaic Dragon Mosquito... and then swallowed countless dark particles in the dark tide, thus evolving into the Dark Dragon Mosquito.

This time, Luo Jun asked An Ruosu to swallow the nine ancient dragons of the ancient thunder god, which was another evolution!

It can be said that An Ruosu himself did not practice much, and he relied on the devouring of the ancient dragon mosquito all the way here.

And relying on his immortality to be so arrogant!

She just has to survive the ninth level of thunder tribulation. By then, the more things she devours, the more powerful she will become!

Luo Jun didn't expect An Ruosu to be so strong. This was definitely an unexpected surprise for him.

An Ruosu does not need to rely on Luo Jun now. In the past, she had to rely on Chen Ling, because she is the body of the soul and needs Chen Ling as a carrier. But now, the Ancient God of Thunder is her shell and carrier, and Luo Jun gave her the Ancient God of Thunder, and she has become extremely confident.

In fact, it was not Chen Ling who treated her badly before. The main reason is that Chen Ling's ability is still far behind compared with Luo Jun's.

In the void, I saw An Ruosu's true form, a young girl wearing purple thunder armor.

The Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram turned into a red cloak and draped over her body. At this moment, she looked so heroic.

I saw her magical power running the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram, pushing her forward with lightning in the dark universe...

She only felt that the power in her body was endless, and the power in the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram was also endless. For a moment, she felt extremely happy. She felt that she had never been so free and happy in her life...

Unable to bear it, he screamed.

As for Luo Jun, he was chasing after him closely.

Still can’t catch up!

Finally, An Ruosu felt that enough was enough and stopped.

Luo Jun caught up after a while.

"Brother Luo Jun!" She made a face at Luo Jun, stuck out her tongue, and said, "You are so slow!"

Although she is older than Luo Jun, in some respects, she is still Luo Jun's elder!

Because Luo Jun used to be a junior in front of Chen Ling, but An Ruosu called Chen Ling brother.

However, An Ruosu has always been inexperienced in worldly affairs, with a mind like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.

In stark contrast, Luo Jun has already experienced vicissitudes of life... and knows everything. So the two of them worked together, and finally An Ruosu called Luo Jun her brother, which she felt was very cordial.

There is another reason for this, and that is that Ye Xinghun and An Ruosu have a close relationship. Ye Xinghun called Luo Jun the master...

An Ruosu encouraged Ye Xinghun to call Luo Jun his brother, but Ye Xinghun didn't dare to call him after being beaten to death.

Luo Jun didn't have any airs. It was okay for Ye Xinghun and An Ruosu to call Luo Jun brother.

But Ye Xinghun does nothing in this regard...

He just wants to call Luo Jun his master!

In the end, An Ruosu had no choice but to respect Ye Xinghun's choice.

Luo Jun came to An Ruosu, looked at her heroic appearance, and saw that she had come out of her sadness, and felt happy deep down in his heart.

Seeing her, he easily thought of Chen Feirong.

Invisibly, I love her even more...

Then he smiled slightly and said, "You and that stinky boy Xinghun bullied me together, and I want to cause trouble for Xinghun!"

"No!" An Ruosu quickly protected him and said in a slightly domineering tone, "As long as I'm here, no one is allowed to bully Xinghun!"

The red cloak immediately rubbed An Ruosu's face, looking extremely happy.

Luo Jun laughed.

How could he really cause trouble for Ye Xinghun?

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