Super Security in the City

Chapter 4725: dark forest

Pulse light wave particles may seem invisible, but they have terrifying refining capabilities. Luo Jun's Eternal Sky Mysterious Map resisted the attack of gravel, but at the same time, he felt that the water in the mountains and rivers in the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map had evaporated, the land had turned into coke, and all vitality seemed to be disappearing.

At the same time, in the magma world, all the magma has evaporated into black carbon-like powder particles.

As for the fighting spirit world, all the fighting spirits also turned into nothingness...

The space ocean is also being attacked by pulsed light wave particles...

This kind of pulsed light wave particles has reached the point where it is irresistible and pervasive. Due to his strong cultivation, Luo Jun was not injured by the pulse light waves...but the internal world of the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram could not withstand these pulse light wave particles.

"Damn it!" Luo Jun desperately resisted the gravel attack and pulsed light wave particles while sensing the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map.

At the same time, he also sensed the glazed jade pot and many situations inside Jie Xumi Villa.

In the glazed jade pot, the sea water has dried up, the peach blossoms have all turned into nothingness, the land has turned into coke... and cracks have appeared around the jade pot.

Not to mention Jie Sumeru, the inner space of Jie Sumeru no longer existed, and Jie Sumeru also turned into charcoal. After Luo Jun's thoughts were perceived, they turned into fly ash.

But An Ruosu, wearing silver armor, ran out directly, with lightning flashing all over his body, but he was safe and sound.

The two-dimensional world inside the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram finally reached a large scale. At this moment, under the attack of such pulsed light wave particles, it began to be unable to support it, and finally it all turned into nothingness.

The wormhole soul and time soul were originally in charge of the formation, and they trapped the time ocean inside.

At this time, the pulse light wave particles had already entered. The two souls worked together to protect him, but he was fine.

At the same time, pulsed light wave particles also entered the ocean of time.

But pulse light wave particles can't do anything to the time ocean, so it seems that nothing happens in the time ocean.

What makes Luo Jun particularly depressed now is that he feels that although this external attack is very powerful, it is not a big problem for him to resist it. But what made him feel depressed was that he couldn't stop the pulse light wave particles.

Just like parallel existences, the pulse light wave particles passed through many of their own resistances and directly entered the core.

The Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram itself was very powerful, but now that it was in such a mess, he was really heartbroken!

Fortunately, the space crystal was not damaged.

Because pulse light wave particles do not strangle the power of space. It does not have much effect on the power of space or time.

At present, Eternal Sky Mysterious Map is no longer afraid of pulse light wave particles. Because everything inside that can be destroyed by pulse light wave particles has been destroyed, and the rest, even if you don't resist, doesn't matter.

Luo Jun regretted in his heart and thought that if he had known this, he might as well have hidden the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map in his belly to protect it.

But at the time, I didn't know enough about the attack and was a little scared, so I used the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram to resist it.

He checked the Vast Xuantian Formation and found that the Ocean of Time, the Soul of Time, and the Soul of the Wormhole were all safe and sound, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

External attacks continue.

But now those attacks have weakened a lot...

Luo Jun asked An Ruosu to enter the world of mountains and rivers in the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map. The world of mountains and rivers still exists, but the world inside has become coke...

Ye Xinghun is also intact.

Ye Xinghun and An Ruosu traveled around the world of mountains and rivers, and were heartbroken to see the inside of the world of mountains and rivers like this.

Luo Jun suffered heavy losses for no reason and was extremely annoyed. At the same time, he was also frightened. He didn't know who was responsible for such an attack. I thought that if I met such a master, I would definitely be no match for him.

The terror of this kind of attack is comparable to that of large-scale computational genetics.

However, after carefully perceiving this kind of attack, I felt that this kind of attack seemed to be very lethal, but it still couldn't be compared with the big calculation gene technique. The attack of big computing gene technology can penetrate all dimensions. But this kind of attack cannot deal with time and space, and cannot even penetrate one's own defense.

The strange thing is that this attack penetrated his own defense and shattered all those tangible things.

Suddenly, Luo Jun had too many doubts in his heart.

He continued to move forward and found that the Xi Yao Star had been completely destroyed.

It was not just Xi Yaoxing who was destroyed...

Luo Jun looked around, sensing billions of miles of void with his spiritual mind, and found that all the planets had turned into ashes.

In other words, the attack just now directly destroyed the entire star system.

If this attack were to hit the solar system... I'm afraid the solar system would also turn into ashes.

How terrifying it is to destroy a star system with one attack!

Luo Jun felt that even though he had reached the heavens now, he could destroy a planet with one punch. But it is absolutely impossible to destroy an entire star system in one attack.

He recalled the attack just now, and gradually realized that the attack did not seem to be an attack from the immortal cultivator...

It's more like an attack from a civilization.

Because the attack ball produced endless pulse light wave particles after hitting the Shining Star... like nuclear fusion.

It's like a high-end technological attack force, a weapon specially produced for this kind of galaxy.

After a long time, all the aftermath of the attack disappeared. Luo Jun looked around in all directions. It was as if the star system had never existed before.

This terrifies him!

Obviously not long ago, this was a galaxy larger than the solar system. I don’t know how many people there are, how many living creatures there are...

And in the blink of an eye, a star system was wiped out.

Luo Jun was extremely confused and a little scared, and he was not in the mood to mourn for this galaxy. He doesn't want to cause trouble now, he just wants to leave this place as soon as possible and completely refine the ocean of time.

After that, think about other things.

The figure flew with lightning in the void, and soon left this empty space.

Don't dare to delay and continue flying.

During the flight, I checked the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map, and the more I checked, the more troubled I became. If I had known this, I would have avoided the Shining Galaxy at all costs...

He couldn't understand why he was so unlucky. The technology tree that washed the galaxy was so powerful and had billions of creatures. It must have existed for hundreds of millions of years at least...

Nothing has happened in billions of years. Less than three hours after I entered, you suffered a disaster?

This can't be such a coincidence, right?


It’s hard to understand!

If he wasn't anxious to get rid of Chen Hongmeng, he would have gone out of his way to figure this out.

But now, I still just want to kill Chen Hongmeng first.

But this is how things tend to develop. The less you want to cause trouble, the more something will happen at this time.

This is a type of quantum entanglement.

Jun Luo was in the void when suddenly there was light and shadow chasing him from behind.

Luo Jun secretly said: "It's not good, this matter is really not that simple."

The light and shadow behind him were extremely fast, and Luo Jun felt that he could not escape. Furthermore, he was fed up with his anger and didn't want to escape. He immediately settled in the void, waiting for the arrival of light and shadow.

Boom boom boom…

There was actually a wave of air breaking through the void...

To be precise, it was not a wave of air, but a strange sound.

Light, shadow and lightning came and finally stood a hundred meters in front of Luo Jun.

That light and shadow is not a person, but a rather weird ship...

In Luo Jun's opinion, that thing looked a bit like an alien flying saucer in a science fiction movie. But it doesn’t look like a flying saucer…

The overall appearance is silver, with many silver particles entangled around the periphery.

It would be more appropriate to describe it as a spaceship.

A muzzle and four muzzles appeared in front of the spaceship.

Then, the spaceship quickly approached Luo Jun and stood five meters in front of Luo Jun. The speed of the spaceship was extremely fast before, but now its propulsion is like a normal car.

Luo Jun guessed that the destruction of the Xinyao Galaxy just now was related to this spaceship, but he also felt that the overall energy of this spaceship should not be able to send out such an attack wave. Maybe there is a more powerful civilization and fleet behind this spaceship.

Luo Jun stared at the spaceship and said nothing.

A door opened underneath the spaceship, and two people wearing black armor came out.

His face and everything else couldn't be clearly seen, but he looked just like a human being, with his whole body covered in black armor.

After these two people appeared, they came to Luo Jun.

In their armored hands were guns flashing with blue light waves.

Luo Jun's spiritual thoughts enveloped the two people and found that they had no cultivation level. At the same time, the eyes see through, the mind deconstructs the entire spaceship, etc.

Then he discovered that there were two aliens in the black armor. The skin of these two aliens was pale and transparent.

There are many wrinkles on the face, as if it has been soaked in water.

Both of them have blue eyes.

As for the spaceship...

Luo Jun's spiritual thoughts shrouded him and he discovered that the internal core of the spaceship was the engine. There was nothing else in the engine, it was all silver quanta, and the quanta produced nuclear fusion. In the center of quantum nuclear fusion, there is a blue gem, which looks like a gem and an advanced chip.

It is a very advanced civilization!

Before Luo Jun could speak, one of the two people spoke first.

The language spoken was naturally something that Luo Jun had never heard before.

But Luo Jun can instantly deconstruct his language and the civilization behind it.

The alien asked Luo Jun: "What civilization are you from? Why can't you feel your flying device? Why can you fly in space?"

Luo Jun discovered from his language that this alien came from a distant dark light wave galaxy...

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