Super Security in the City

Chapter 4735: Unpredictable

Luo Jun immediately asked Zhiyun Zhiyun, how long will it take for Chen Hongmeng to leave the Sea of ​​Light? Or in other words, is it possible to kill Chen Hongmeng in the Sea of ​​Light while he is not yet accomplished?

The Cloud of Life and Death told Luo Jun that it would take two hundred years at the earliest for Chen Hongmeng to leave the Sea of ​​Light. Moreover, there will be no accidents during this period, because the Sea of ​​Light is a world that outsiders cannot enter. It is all light, so there will be no adventures and so on.

This is the result of the ultimate calculation of the Cloud of Life and Death.

At the same time, it was impossible for Luo Jun to go to the Sea of ​​Light to kill Chen Hongmeng. Because although Luo Jun is an opto-magnetic life form, the light is a higher-level existence, and the further it enters the core of the Sea of ​​Light, the more dangerous it becomes. By then, before he gets close to Chen Hongmeng, he will most likely have been refined by light and become part of the Sea of ​​Light.

Then, Luo Jun asked the cloud of life and death, how long can Chen Hongmeng stay outside after leaving the Sea of ​​Light? This is a very important value. After obtaining the accurate value, Luo Jun could determine how long he would hide in the black hole...

The Cloud of Life and Death told Luo Jun that this kind of self-evolution would only take two hundred years at the slowest!

In other words, after Chen Hongmeng came out, he only had two hundred years to cause trouble for himself.

This is no different from practicing. If you want to improve your cultivation faster, you can also rely on some chance encounters. After Chen Hongmeng came out, what he needed to do was how to delay his own self-evolution. Therefore, no matter what he does, the limit is to stay for two hundred years! This is the affirmative answer given by the Cloud of Life and Death to Luo Jun!

After Luo Jun received this answer from the Cloud of Life and Death, his confidence greatly increased and he felt that the trouble was not that big.

Because now when we go to eliminate the mother dark elements and star elements in the big computational gene technique, there will be no resistance like Chen Hongmeng. Without Chen Hongmeng, other things would be much easier to solve.

After solving the big computational gene technique, he took his family and ran to a huge black hole to hide.

Practice quietly for a hundred or two hundred years, and wait for Chen Hongmeng to naturally upgrade. By then, he will be free again.

Although hiding is a bit frustrating, there is no other way.

After much thought, he felt that this was a good ending. What Chen Hongmeng wants to pursue is a higher dimension. Now the universe has given him a higher dimension to pursue without destroying the universe. That is the best of both worlds.

"Cloud of Life and Death, you told me before that hunting Chen Hongmeng was the best choice. That was the result of your many calculations. But now, although I successfully hunted Chen Hongmeng, I let Chen Hongmeng be killed. Hongmeng got a bigger adventure." Luo Jun still felt a little guilty, feeling that the calculations of the Cloud of Life and Death were unreliable most of the time, and he was afraid that there would still be some accidents.

Thinking of this, Luo Jun asked the cloud of life and death again: "Is there any absolute way to solve the current crisis? No accidents are allowed and everything can return to peace!"

After hearing Luo Jun's question, the Cloud of Life and Death began to calculate again.

This calculation took quite a long time...

After a long time, the Cloud of Life and Death told Luo Jun that as long as Luo Jun could solve two things, then the Three Thousand Universes would be absolutely safe within ten thousand years!

As for ten thousand years from now, it is unlikely that there will be any danger. Unless there is another existence like Chen Hongmeng... But since the birth of the universe, there has only been one Chen Hongmeng in such a long time.

Therefore, it is unlikely that a genius like Chen Hongmeng will appear just after 10,000 years and as soon as the general outline of elements is stabilized.

A genius like Chen Hongmeng has only appeared in tens of billions of years, and it is even more strange that his character is so extreme.

Maybe there will be such geniuses in the future, but geniuses may not necessarily be so extreme.

Moreover, as long as Luo Jun holds the Tears of Hidden Flowers, he can destroy the general outline of elements such as dark elements and star elements in the future!

There are two things Luo Jun has to do. First, destroy the dark elements and star elements, so that the power of the big calculation gene technique will be completely lost.

Second, destroy the world of chaos and prevent the door of chaos from opening.

"Destroy the world of chaos?" Luo Jun was stunned when he heard this...

Chaos World, Chaos Gate, that is his way home!

"Why destroy it? Is it because the star elements and dark elements in other universes still exist? But I can't destroy the star elements and dark elements in all worlds... This is simply impossible." Luo Jun thought about it and felt that the problem was not Here it lies.

The cloud of life and death quickly clarified Luo Jun's doubts.

That is, big computing genetics is a kind of fire...

If the Gate of Chaos is open normally, travel across three thousand universes is possible. During the exchanges, if any sporadic information about large-scale computing genetics is leaked to other universes, it is likely to trigger a prairie fire again.

From a time cycle perspective, as long as the loop is completely closed in the Hongmeng Universe, the fire of the Great Computational Genetic Technique will always be imprisoned in the Hongmeng Universe.

As for the main body of the universe...

He will never know what he went through later, let alone that he once sent a soul consciousness to save three thousand universes and so on!

In other words, after the main body of the universe eliminated Yuan Sheng, its historical mission was nearly completed. After that, the main body will still have the energy of chaos, but there will be no Hongmeng Dao Master from the multiverse participating. Then Luo Jun in other universes will not encounter disaster.

Everything will be on track! With the help of Mo Yu, the main body of the main universe will also successfully resolve the six-dimensional death crisis. At that time, the body will be truly at ease.

For the current Luo Jun, once the Gate of Chaos is destroyed... it will really be a complete farewell to the past.

No chance to meet again...

Suddenly, Luo Jun felt melancholy. Although the destruction of the chaotic world is still a distant thing, thinking about that moment will make you feel very uncomfortable. It seemed like all my years of experience, hard work, etc. were all in vain.

But then he felt a sudden enlightenment, and felt that this was how things should be, and that this way of development could solve all the troubles!

"How to destroy the chaotic world?" Luo Jun asked.

The Cloud of Life and Death told Luo Jun that by incorporating a certain amount of Tears of Hidden Flowers into the chaotic world, the chaotic world will completely change and transform into another power. It will not affect the stability of the universe, but it will no longer have the ability to travel through the multiverse.

Luo Jun asked: "How to enter the world of chaos?"

The Cloud of Life and Death told Luo Jun that one could enter the world of chaos through the Gate of Eternal Life.

Luo Jun was stunned.

I thought that changing the chaotic world was a very distant topic...

Unexpectedly, it was so close to Chi Chi.

The Cloud of Life and Death also told Luo Jun that after entering the chaotic world, he could still reach where he wanted to go through the chaotic world.

In other words, I have now gone to the world of chaos, and then through the world of chaos, I can reach the infinite star field!

"I want to enter the chaotic world again in the future, what can I do?" Luo Jun asked.

The Cloud of Life and Death answered Luo Jun: "After the Tears of Hidden Flowers changed the world of chaos, no one can enter the world of chaos from now on."

"..." For a moment, Luo Jun's mood was full of mixed emotions. It was extremely complicated. He didn't know whether he should think this was a good thing or a bad thing. But I still can’t help but ask why no one can enter...

The Cloud of Life and Death told Luo Jun that no one should be able to enter the chaotic world, and the only entrance in the future is the Gate of Eternal Life. But the eternal wormhole of the gate to eternal life is closing. The Gate of Eternal Life has the mission of the Gate of Eternal Life. At this stage, the mission of the Gate of Eternal Life is nearly completed. As for the future, that is a matter of the future.

Since the birth of the Gate of Eternal Life, few people have come...

Luo Jun has another doubt, that is, he has closed the door to other universes. But the chaotic worlds of other universes have not been closed... Will there still be trouble?

The cloud of birth and death said that the chaotic world has existed since the birth of the universe. In so many years, travel across the multiverse has never happened... As long as the source is blocked, there should be no other problems.

Hongmeng Universe is the source of all troubles!

Luo Jun was slightly startled, and then thought to himself. The Hongmeng Rebellion was a cataclysm of destruction that wreaked havoc on the three thousand universes. By closing the door, he also closed all the sources of the chaos.

Afterwards, Luo Jun asked the cloud of life and death about Ye Liuli. Deep in my heart, how could I not miss Ye Liuli...

Through the cloud of life and death, Luo Jun discovered that Ye Liuli had indeed entered the door of eternal life.

It turned out that Ye Liuli had been looking for traces of Luo Jun since she entered the Gate of Eternal Life, but at that time Luo Jun was on his way to find Chen Hongmeng and kept running quickly.

Ye Liuli found it very difficult to find the coordinates while running... and he couldn't identify Luo Jun's aura. Luo Jun had the ability to calculate Chen Hongmeng's aura and location, but Ye Liuli did not have this ability.

Ye Liuli then predicted Luo Jun's next situation. Three situations appeared in the prediction of the Cloud of Life and Death. One is that Luo Jun kills Chen Hongmeng and then returns to Heavenly Sword God. One is that Chen Hongmeng kills Luo Jun... and then the universe is destroyed. There is another scenario where Chen Hongmeng escapes, unable to be pursued by Luo Jun, and then goes to the Infinite Star Territory.

Ye Liuli saw that Luo Jun was also in danger in the Infinite Star Territory, so after weighing his options, he decided to go to the Infinite Star Territory to make more preparations for Luo Jun. She couldn't just go back to Heavenly Sword God Realm and wait for Luo Jun. She was afraid that she would never be able to wait.

Ye Liuli has her own ideas. She feels that if Luo Jun successfully kills Chen Hongmeng and returns to the Heavenly Sword God, then he will enter the gate of eternal life again after knowing that she is looking for him. Find your own. Therefore, Infinite Star Field is the best choice.

At this time, Luo Jun also discovered that among Ye Liuli's several predictions about the future through the Cloud of Life and Death, there was never the possibility of Chen Hongmeng entering the Sea of ​​Light!

Luo Jun continued to check and found that after Ye Liuli went to the Infinite Star Territory, she quickly developed a grudge against the Snow Mountain Goddess in the Infinite Star Territory and started a decisive battle. The Snow Mountain Goddess chased Ye Liuli. In order to avoid the pursuit, Ye Liuli completed the dimensionality reduction and dimensionality improvement. Afterwards, he completed the counterattack and occupied the Snow God Peak, the home of the Snow Mountain Goddess!

Nowadays, Ye Liuli is the king of the Snow God Peak and has recruited many masters from the Infinite Star Domain to serve her.

After learning that Ye Liuli was fine, Luo Jun breathed a long sigh of relief, and then he wasn't too anxious. At the same time, Ye Liuli's breath and so on were identified again.

The Infinite Star Territory is now a place that Luo Jun must go to. Therefore, Luo Jun had a detailed understanding of the genetic power of the Infinite Star Territory.

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