Super Security in the City

Chapter 4743: son of light

On Black Sand Star, there is no distinction between day and night.

Viewed from above, the entire Black Sand Star is a black desert except for the mountain peaks. At first glance, it looks like a desert ocean... When it is calm, black sand slowly hovers in the sky above, and a thin layer of sand floats on the black sand ocean below. And when it's violent, there are huge waves, and the sky is full of sand and dust.

There are also many ferocious insect beasts hidden in the black sand.

Let's say that Luo Jun and Ye Liuli soon arrived above the legendary Blackwater City.

Blackwater City is underground, and there is a quicksand volcano underground.

The volcano erupts with magma every day. When the volcano is resting, countless black sands fall into the magma and are melted into fire... As the volcano erupts, in an instant, countless red fires spray into the sky. .

In the sky, a strong wind blew, and countless violent fire and sand came.

Black sand and red fire sand merge together to form a strange landscape.

Such beauty makes people unforgettable for the rest of their lives just by looking at it.

Luo Jun and Ye Liuli happened to encounter a volcanic eruption when they arrived here.

Are places where volcanoes erupt suitable for survival? Obviously not suitable. But Blackwater City is not a simple person. They have already made various barriers to protect the entire Blackwater City.

Luo Jun and Ye Liuli watched the fire dancing on the sand, and it was difficult to regain their senses for a long time.

Although they had seen countless beautiful scenes in the void of the universe, the dancing fire and sand in front of them was so unique and beautiful in the dark sandstorm.

After admiring the quicksand sky with dancing fire and sand, we entered Blackwater City smoothly.

There is an entrance to Blackwater City, and the barrier at the entrance is also guarded. Luo Jun and Ye Liuli came to the entrance, handed over some elixirs, which counted as admission tickets, and then did some registration and went in smoothly.

The so-called registration means just mentioning a planet and a name.

In this infinite star field, there are more than a thousand planets, and there are all kinds of creatures and creatures. Therefore, the appearances of Luo Jun and Ye Liuli are definitely not unique. They are very similar to the mainstream Chongyun Star people.

Although there are various aliens in the Infinite Star Field, there are also countless planets. But the master is an absolute Chongyun star.

The Gene Network back then was founded by Yunze from Chongyun Star!

Today's Chongyun Star people are even more powerful, and practitioners from other planets are not worth mentioning in front of the Chongyun Star people.

The appearance of Luo Jun and Ye Liuli could easily be mistaken for people from Chongyun Star. So when they came to the entrance of Blackwater City, the gatekeeper was very respectful.

Entering Blackwater City, you will see a different style.

Completely different from the windy and sandy sky outside, Blackwater City exudes tranquility and freshness.

There is a white jade plate made of a magic weapon in the sky. The white jade plate illuminates the entire Blackwater City brightly...

There is a small river in front of us, and there are streets on both sides of the small river. The streets are lined with a dazzling array of shops…

Entering it, you can see that the shops sell various runes, magic weapons, some fairy wine, fairy fruits, some healing elixirs, etc.

At the same time, there is Xianhongyuan…

There are some low-level female monks in Xianhongyuan for the entertainment of rich men. Even if you don't have any cultivation, you can still go in and enjoy it as long as you have enough pills.

Luo Jun and Ye Liuli were walking among them. Ye Liuli took over the Snow Mountain Demon's lair and had a lot of pills in her hands, so she was a very rich little woman.

Ye Xinghun and An Ruosu were happily in the white jade bottle at this time, while Ye Liuli was wearing a silver cloak transformed from the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram, looking dashing and heroic.

I wandered around Blackwater City all the way, and then I found out that there will be a very big festival in the supermarket in three months, called Blackwater Carnival. It is said that heroes from all over the world will come here, and then all the princes and kings will bring out some rare treasures to be auctioned, exchanged, etc.!

Luo Jun and Ye Liuli were very interested in this Blackwater Carnival. They found a hotel called Xuan Yuting and ordered some fairy wine, fruits and so on.

After that, I heard many monks nearby talking about the Blackwater Carnival.

Ye Liuli complained that the fairy wine and fruits tasted boring... After getting along with Luo Jun for a long time and eating a lot of Yuanxing's delicacies, she gradually fell in love with them. Luo Jun smiled and said, "Let's go back to the cleaning bottle later."

While he was talking, his ears suddenly caught the key words in the conversations of the diners.

They spoke of the Children of Light…

A diner said: "Hey, Brother Yu, have you heard? This time, Blackwater City is said to have found the legendary luminous stone. With the luminous stone, you can find the prophesied Son of Light."

"Prophecy? Son of Light?" Luo Jun frowned slightly.

Ye Liuli also heard it and said to Luo Jun: "I have also heard about the prophecy of the Son of Light."

Luo Jun was very interested and said: "What prophecy?"

Ye Liuli said: "Now that the Yuan family has revitalized the Star Alliance Empire, they have carried out a large-scale purge of the Lu family's forces and also controlled the major princes and kings. If they are not careful, the Star Alliance law enforcement team will Kill them. The Star Alliance wants to build an empire that cannot be overthrown. It is rumored that they want to clear out all the princes and kings, and then send their own officials to manage the major planets."

Luo Jun said: "This is also human nature!" After a pause, he said: "The five thousand years of history on earth have long proven that it is dangerous to enfeoff kings."

Ye Liuli said: "The Yuan clan wants to control all the enfeoffed officials and suppress them with magic and medicine. In this way, no one will be able to resist in the future. Once this kind of rule is formed, it will be monolithic. No matter how cruel the Yuan clan is in the future, There is nothing anyone can do.”

Luo Jun was unmoved and said: "No matter how powerful the rule is, as long as it is unpopular, it will not last long."

Ye Liuli smiled bitterly and said: "My lord, you can't use the history of the earth and that way to look at the situation here." After a pause, he said: "The time here is very long. They have controlled it for tens of millions of years, even It can be done for hundreds of millions of years. Do you know how miserable people have been during these long years? The world will become a playground for those rulers. Rulers who are fearless and rulers who have absolute control will It’s terrifying. The Yuan clan’s cruelty is even worse now than it was back then… so the world has actually been dominated by the Kuhara clan for a long time!”

Luo Jun said: "What you said makes sense! But it has nothing to do with us, because this kind of thing will happen everywhere in the universe where there are people."

Ye Liuli said: "That's true!" She is not a compassionate person.

Then, she added: "Getting back to the subject, this prophecy means that when the Luminous Stone appears in the public eye, it means that the Son of Light will also appear. The Son of Light will bring long-lost light to the Infinite Star Territory. From then on, Infinity The Star Territory will usher in peace and beauty for a long time.”

Luo Jun said: "What are the original words of the prophecy?"

Ye Liuli said: "The luminous stone comes out, the light comes, the darkness decays, and the heavy snow purifies the world!"

Luo Jun said: "Generally, all prophecies are concocted with conspiracy. Are you talking about this Son of Light? Could it be fabricated by someone to deal with the Yuan clan?"

Ye Liuli said: "There are many Taoist masters in the Infinite Star Territory, and each one is better than the last. It is still difficult to deceive others. This prophecy was sent through the genetic network. It is said that many monks dreamed of the appearance of luminous stones in their dreams. , and left these words.”

Luo Jun said: "The genetic network can also be manipulated."

Ye Liuli said: "The only masters who can plant these prophecies in the genetic network are Luke and the original **** machine. The original **** machine will definitely not do this. You can't think of a way to deal with yourself. Luke, He has been seriously injured, and he probably no longer has this ability. So there is only one explanation, which is a prediction of the future by the Gene Network, or a push."

Luo Jun touched his nose and said: "It's a bit evil. If someone hadn't concocted it, I would always feel that this thing..."

Ye Liuli said: "What?"

Luo Jun exchanged ideas and said, "This thing seems to be talking about me."

"Are you talking about you?" Ye Liuli's body trembled, then her eyes lit up and she said, "You are an opto-magnetic life form, which is consistent with the theory of photons. In addition, the heavy snow...Icefield Star, Xuefeng...are really true!"

Luo Jun said: "No one should know that I am here."

Ye Liuli said: "This prophecy has been circulating for more than ten years, so... no one will target it after you come."

Luo Jun said: "It's really weird! It seems that I have to go and see this luminous stone."

Ye Liuli said: "Well, then we have to wait three months?"

Luo Jun nodded.

The two listened in detail to the various discussions of the diners next week, and then they knew that the luminous stone was in the hands of the Lord of Blackwater City.

The lord of Blackwater City is called Muchen!

The entire Black Sand Star is owned by the Mu family, and the Mu family is also known as the Black Sand King!

The power of the Mu family is definitely extraordinary, and they have always been close to the Yuan family.

This time, Muchen found the luminous stone and wanted to give it to the Yuan family. But considering that the Blackwater Carnival was just around the corner, after discussing with the Yuan family, they considered the luminous stone as a gimmick. The Yuan family actually wanted to see if Luminous Stone could find the so-called Son of Light this time...

On the surface, it's the Blackwater fact, the entire Black Sand Star is already undercurrent.

After Luo Jun figured this out, he and Ye Liuli left Xuanyuting, then went deep into the ground, and then hid in the white jade bottle.

The white jade purifying bottle is inside the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map, and Ye Xinghun only needs to stay within the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map.

He is now the weapon spirit of the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram. He is one with the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram and cannot leave.

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