Super Security in the City

Chapter 4749: little princess

Luo Jun said: "Under the current circumstances, do you think it is necessary for us to make such a false promise to you?" After a pause, he said: "You are also people who have mastered the mystical realm, and you cannot be deceived by my few words. .”

Bai Qing and Luna thought it was the same, and immediately said in unison: "Then tell me!"

At this time, Ye Liuli also said softly to the little girl Lu Xuanbing: "Little sister, you don't have to be afraid. After we finish talking, we will let you go and we will never hurt you."

Lu Xuanbing nodded vigorously, with tears in his eyes, and said, "Thank you, sister!"

Luo Jun was talking to Bai Qing and Luna Ming about the multiverse and Hongmeng Dao Master, and also talked about his return to this place with the help of the Temple of Time. How come the fight with Chen Hongmeng has reached this point?

It's not that Luo Jun is a talkative person who digs his heart out when he meets everyone. It's because these two people are indeed key figures and may be a breakthrough point. You don’t have to accomplish anything today, but you have to tell your reasons. Let everyone know where this threat lies...

Although everyone will not believe it immediately, if Luke has no choice, he can only choose to cooperate with him.

This is why he wants to tell everything!

Let Luke know that he can be relied on.

After Luo Jun finished everything, Luna Ming and Bai Qing were greatly shocked and could not recover for a long time.

"Is this all true?" Lunaming and Bai Qing couldn't believe it.

Ye Liuli walked over and said: "Maybe you will think that my husband and I want to seize some dark element matrix, but even if the original divine machine comes in front of us, our husband and wife will not be afraid at all. The reason why we did not go immediately We are looking for Yuan Shen Ji because we are new here and don’t understand the situation. And if we go to find Yuan Shen Ji, we are not going to face Yuan Shen Ji alone.”

Lunaming immediately said: "So you want to find my master through us, and then destroy the dark element matrix?"

Luo Jun said: "Not bad!"

Lunaming immediately said: "This is absolutely impossible!"

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said: "I have said everything that needs to be said. I promised to let you go before, and now it is time for us to fulfill our promise." After a pause, he added: "Whatever you think , we will not force you, or follow you to find Luke. You just need to bring us what we want... and we will also give you a big gift."

Ye Liuli understood what Luo Jun meant, and immediately grabbed the original red jade from the storage bracelet and threw it in front of them.

"This woman will be left to your disposal. This is the end of our relationship, you go!" Luo Jun finally said.

Luna Ming and Bai Qing couldn't help but be overjoyed when they saw Yuan Hongyu being arrested. I originally thought that my whereabouts had been completely exposed, but I didn't expect that Yuan Hongyu didn't escape at all...

Lunaming Baiqing was seriously injured, but he is still able to move. After Yuan Hongyu glanced at the scene, she immediately said to Luo Jun and Ye Liuli: "Who are you? Do you know what it means to offend me?"

Luo Jun was too lazy to pay attention to Yuan Hongyu.

Bai Qing knocked Yuan Hongyu unconscious with one palm, and then grabbed it into his storage ring.

Then, he clasped his fists at Luo Jun and said, "Mr. Gao Yi, we are deeply grateful, so let's say goodbye!" But he couldn't wait to run away, fearing that Luo Jun would change his mind.

Luna Ming was stunned for a moment, but soon realized what he was doing. He took Lu Xuanbing's little hand, hugged his fist, and said goodbye.

Luo Jun and Ye Liuli didn't stay long and allowed them to leave.

After Luna Ming and others left, Ye Liuli asked Luo Jun, "Should we follow them?"

Luo Jun shook his head and said: "Since we let him go, we won't bother to follow him. If they find out, wouldn't it make us look like villains?"

Ye Liuli said: "That's true. Can we let the clues we finally found be cut off like this?"

Luo Jun smiled and said, "You think it's a pity?" Ye Liuli asked back, "Don't you think it's a pity?"

Luo Jun said: "If I felt it was a pity, I would not let them go. We are here to do an act of justice, so we should not act unfairly. If we tortured them to extract confessions or something like that, we would Let's not be honest with our words, but we should be honest with our name. I haven't thought about the detailed plan. Let's take one step at the moment and see one step at a time. It doesn't necessarily mean that we have to attack Luke first. If we understand the situation and the opportunity is right, we can deal with Genshin Impact first. Machines are also available.”

Ye Liuli thought about it carefully and realized that Luo Jun's words made sense.

So he said: "What about us next?"

Luo Jun said: "Eat when you should, drink when you should, play when you should!"

Ye Liuli's heartstrings were already tense, and she was quite ready to give up her vacation and go to work. But I didn't expect that I would continue my vacation after working two hours of overtime, and I was immediately overjoyed.

Afterwards, the two returned to the mechanical star to eat, drink and have fun.

After Bai Qing and Luna Ming escaped, they ran all the way without any delay.

After escaping for a while, Bai Qing and Luna Ming found that Luo Jun and others were not chasing them, so they stopped, still in shock.

"By the way, this original red jade must be disposed of first." Bai Qing said.

Luna Ming said without hesitation: "Our Lu family and the Yuan family have long been sworn enemies. This Yuan Hongyu is the cousin of the Yuan Shenji. Let me kill it. Brother Bai will not be put in a state of eternal doom!"

Bai Qing smiled and said: "When I take action, it will be beyond redemption. What's the harm in killing one more Yuan Hongyu?" After saying that, he grabbed Yuan Hongyu. But without giving Yuan Hongyu a chance to speak, he directly chopped it into pieces with one palm, causing his body fragments to turn into ashes and scatter in the void.

After dealing with Yuan Hongyu, Bai Qing said again: "Brother Lu, what do you think of Luo Jun and Ye Liuli's words?"

Lunaming was startled, then asked: "Brother Bai, what do you think?"

Bai Qing smiled bitterly and said: "To be honest, Luo Jun has never taken any action, but I can be sure that Luo Jun's ability is definitely more terrifying!"

Lunaming was horrified and said: "We can all use dark elements to absorb more genetic power. If you and I join forces, we are still far behind Ye Liuli..."

Bai Qing said: "If what they say is true, then Luo Jun is a master who can defeat even Taoist Hongmeng!"

Luna said: "The things they said are too mysterious and unbelievable. I still think they want to use this to find my master."

Bai Qing said: "If this is really the case, why did you let us go? Are you following us secretly?"

Luna said: "It's not impossible!"

Bai Qing said: "I think this possibility is very small."

Luna asked: "How can you see it?"

Bai Qing said: "He knows very well that even if we escape, we will not go to Master Luke. Because we are not fools and would not have thought that he would follow us! Since we are all well aware of things, what is the point of doing so? What are the benefits? Also, it would always be better to arrest us and torture us to extract confessions, etc. Does Brother Lu think he can withstand any torture? "

Luna Ming said: "I can definitely do it!"

Bai Qing said: "Okay, even if I believe you can do it, Brother Lu, what about the little princess?"

Luna Ming couldn't help but be speechless.

After a long while, he said: "Brother Bai, what do you mean...what they said is true?"

Bai Qing said: "Actually, I believe it deep down in my heart."

Luna said: "That's ridiculous."

Bai Qing said: "It's precisely because it's ridiculous!"

Lunaming was startled and said, "What do you mean?"

Bai Qing said: "Think about it, if you really want to deceive, why would you come up with such a ridiculous story? Moreover, the abilities of Luo Jun and Ye Liuli are really terrifying! They have come across thousands of mountains and rivers, is it just for the mother body? Elements? Is this necessary?"

Luna said: "This..."

After a long time, he said to Bai Qing: "Then what does Brother Bai think I should do next?"

Bai Qing smiled and said: "I can't tell you what to do. For Brother Lu, I, Bai Qing, may not be completely trustworthy."

Luna felt embarrassed...

Bai Qing said: "This is understandable." After a pause, he said: "The reason why I took action this time is because I don't want anything to happen to Master Luke. Now Master Luke is the last flag in the Star Territory. If this flag also If it falls, the entire Star Territory will crawl under Yuan’s feet!”

Luna Ming said: "The Bai family is involved in this. If the Yuan family finds out, it will be a disaster. Brother Bai, your sacrifice is really too great."

Bai Qing said: "Nowadays, everyone in the entire Star Territory is in danger...but most people choose to obey and endure. But if everyone obeys, then there is really no hope for the Star Territory."

Luna Ming was extremely grateful and said: "If our Lu family can make a comeback in the future, we will never forget the great kindness of the Bai family!"

Bai Qing said: "You are serious."

Lunaming continued: "Brother Bai, me bringing the little princess is too conspicuous and will bring you unnecessary trouble. So let's just say goodbye today?"

A complicated look flashed in Bai Qing's eyes. After thinking about it, he still clasped his fists and said, "Then Bai will say goodbye!"

Lunaming nodded and thanked him again.

Bai Qing turned around and walked away, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

After Bai Qing left, Lunaming also quickly left the place.

After flying to another place, Lunaming stopped.

Lu Xuanbing stepped out of his sleeve robe.

"Your Highness!" Lunaming shouted with great respect.

At this time, Lu Xuanbing was not as panicked as before when he faced Ye Liuli and others...

She looked extremely calm, and her eyes were like an ancient well that had remained unchanged for thousands of years.

"Your injury..." Lu Xuanbing asked.

Lunaming said in a deep voice: "The injury is quite serious, but not fatal!"

Lu Xuanbing nodded and said: "Open Thousand Anni's Darkness, don't make any more mistakes."

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