Super Security in the City

Chapter 4767: Be open and honest

Bai Qing was stunned for a moment, and his breathing suddenly became rapid. He is not a foolish and loyal person and must support the Lu family.

Now there was such an opportunity, and he met Yuan Shen Ji, who was willing to accept him as his disciple. That is equivalent to reaching the sky in one step, accompanied by a big tree. Now that he has the identity of the disciple of the original Shenji, who will bully him in the Bai family in the future? The senior officials of the Yuan family will not take action against the Bai family again...

Bai Qing wanted to agree, but he still thought about a lot of things. He thought that he still relied on his two seniors, Luo Jun and Ye Liuli, to have this opportunity. I just agreed directly now, I'm afraid it's inappropriate.

Just when he hesitated... Yuan Shenji spoke again and said: "Brother Bai, don't think too much. The decision I made has nothing to do with Brother Luo Jun and Miss Ye. It's just because, between Tie Xinlan and her daughter, When you are bullied, you are the first to stand up. This incident is enough to illustrate your character..."

Bai Qing suddenly realized, but at the same time he couldn't help but look at Luo Jun.

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said: "You are not my subordinate, nor my subordinate. As a friend, I will support any decision you make. However, one day in the future, if I and Yuan Shen Ji Do you want to deal with me if you become an enemy or an enemy? I am not being alarmist, but many things are possible in the future. If you think about it, can you accept and handle it well? "

Bai Qing's heart was already extremely excited. After hearing what Luo Jun said, he felt that the hot blood in his body finally calmed down.

He looked at Yuan Shenji and said: "Master God, it is indeed very tempting to be your disciple, but what Senior Luo Jun said makes sense. If you become enemies in the future, I will never be able to help you deal with him."

Yuan Shenji smiled slightly and said: "I'm just giving you an option. Naturally, I won't force you to do anything. If Brother Luo Jun and I become enemies one day, I won't let you make multiple choice questions in the middle." He paused. After a pause, he said: "My words are valid for three years. You can come to me at any time. And before I accept you as my disciple, I will not give any instructions to the Yuan family if they make any move against your Bai family, let alone Interference, I hope you can understand this!"

Bai Qing nodded, then stood up, bowed deeply and said, "Thank you very much!"

Yuan Shenji smiled and said, "No need!"

Luo Jun and Yuan Shenji continued to chat...

Yuan Shenji said: "Brother Luo Jun, I took a look at your cultivation, and it doesn't seem to be very powerful. But I can feel that the energy in you is very terrifying... I am afraid that even if I try my best, I may not be able to take you down." Next. Not to mention that you have Miss Ye by your side to help you. I believe that even if other masters in Blackwater City attack together, they may not be able to keep you here."

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Guanyuan, I also feel that your cultivation has been integrated with the entire genetic network, as if you are the genetic network, and the genetic network is you. It is indeed not wise to be your enemy. Lift.”

Yuan Shenji smiled and said: "We don't understand each other yet. Judging from how you punished Mu Nianxing and Mu Yun, Brother Luo Jun, I think Brother Luo Jun can be friends with me. If the Yuan family does something It’s inappropriate, or my approach is inappropriate, Brother Luo Jun, you might as well say it directly, as long as you can explain the truth, then I have no reason not to listen!”

Luo Jun stared at the original **** machine.

Ye Liuli has never dared to look at Yuanshenji, just because Yuanshenji is so handsome, and his charm is simply unstoppable.

Yuan Shenji was stared at by Luo Jun for a moment. He couldn't help but smile and said, "Brother Luo Jun, why are you staring at me all the time? I don't like men."

Luo Jun chuckled. He didn't expect Yuanshen to have the opportunity to say such a thing, and said hurriedly: "Ahem, I don't like men either. Brother Yuan can definitely rest assured about this."

Ye Liuli and Bai Qing couldn't help laughing while listening to their conversation...

They had always regarded Yuanshenji as their formidable enemy in their hearts, but they never expected that the atmosphere would be so harmonious when they first met!

I never expected that Genshin Impact would be such a funny and charming person.

Ye Liuli thought about it carefully, and it seemed that she had indeed not heard some negative news about Yuanshenji.

Bai Qing also began to think. It seemed that there was really nothing wrong with what Yuan Shenji and the Yuan family had done. Especially this Yuan Shenji... He is indeed famous now, but as a member of the Yuan family, he is also impeccable in his work for the Yuan family.

Yuan Shenji returned to the topic and said: "Brother Luo Jun looks at me, do you want to understand me?"

Luo Jun said: "Yes!"

Yuan Shenji said: "Do you understand?"

Luo Jun said: "I'm afraid no one in the world can see you clearly, Brother Yuan."

Yuan Shenji said: "Actually, I am who I am, the me you see. You see my true face, but you are not sure that this is my true face."

Luo Jun said: "Maybe!"

Yuan Shenji said: "I have been observing you, Brother Luo Jun, and I also want to see you clearly, Brother Luo Jun."

Luo Jun said: "Then can you see clearly?"

Yuan Shenji said: "I can't understand, I can't see clearly, I don't know anything. But vaguely, I have an intuition, that is, you can be trusted."

Luo Jun said: "Then I'm really flattered!"

Yuan Shenji said: "I feel that Brother Luo Jun, you are probably closely related to the prophesied Son of Light, and Miss Ye, you have the aura of Da Xuefeng. Previously, the Snow Mountain Goddess was killed, and Da Xuefeng was It must have been you, Miss Ye, who took possession of it, right?"

Everyone was shocked.

Ye Liuli was surprised: "How did you know?"

Yuan Shenji smiled slightly and said: "Son of Light, Daxue Purifies the World, and the aura of Daxuefeng on your body... I have heard about the Snow Mountain Goddess. At that time, there were people in the Yuan family who wanted to cause trouble for you. I I knew that the Snow Mountain Goddess was not a good person, so I stopped her."

Luo Jun and Ye Liuli suddenly realized that they also believed that what Yuan Shenji said was absolutely true. People like Yuan Shenji would absolutely disdain lying.

Yuan Shenji said again: "Brother Luo Jun, can you tell me where you are from, and what is the purpose of coming here? What is your purpose? I really hope that we can have a frank talk."

Luo Jun suddenly switched to speaking in the language of the earth and said: "Brother Yuan is a happy person. Okay, let's talk openly and honestly!"

At this moment, Yuanshenji immediately began to decipher Luo Jun's language and explore the origins behind it from the words in Luo Jun's language.

As a result, a lot of information about the earth is revealed in the text.

The blue planet from the distant solar system also appeared in his mind.

After a long time, Yuan Shenji smiled at Luo Jun and said: "Brother Luo Jun, your hometown is very peaceful and very beautiful. I really didn't expect that such a small planet could give birth to such a magical and great person like you. "

Luo Jun said: "I really don't dare to take the word great seriously!"

Yuanshenji can only explore some information about the earth through text, but it is absolutely unable to explore many deeds on the earth clearly.

He did not argue with Luo Jun about the word great, and continued: "The distance between the earth and our infinite star field is really terrifying. Brother Luo Jun, I don't know how you came here? And you came so far away. , are you traveling, or are you here specially?”

Luo Jun said: "I came here specially, and I came here for you, Brother Yuan!"

Yuan Shenji was slightly startled and said, "Come here for me? Did you know me, Brother Luo Jun, when you were on earth, thousands of light years away?"

Luo Jun said: "Not bad!"

Yuan Shenji was so shocked that he couldn't help himself, then he smiled bitterly and said, "Am I so famous?"

At this time, Ye Liuli stopped interrupting.

Bai Qing listened carefully.

Luo Jun said: "We live under the same universe, but the vitality, elements, etc. we absorb are all related. Before that, I must tell you a long-standing story, Brother Yuan."

Yuan Shenji was very interested and said: "I am willing to listen!"

Luo Jun began to talk about his origins.

Now he feels that it doesn't matter if he talks about it. Anyway, if the other party doesn't want to, he can only fight...

If you are really willing, you can save yourself a lot of trouble.

Luo Jun kept talking, kept talking, about the great catastrophe of the earth's spiritual master, about the great fate, the great destiny, the immortal world, the six-dimensional death, and later the appearance of Taoist Hongmeng, about the three thousand universes, and then the chaos and the final battle. , surveyed the future with the help of Supreme Time, and then used the divine water of time to go back to five hundred years ago, and then had various duels with Chen Hongmeng. Keep talking until Chen Hongmeng enters the sea of ​​light. Finally, how did I get to this place, etc...

I talked about it for half the night...

After I finished speaking, it was almost the next day...

In this Blackwater City, there is no so-called day and night, but there is a timer to record the difference between each day.

Yuanshenji listened very carefully.

After hearing this, I was also very shocked.

Originally, he considered himself to be well-informed and knowledgeable.

But now that Luo Jun came, he felt like a frog in a well.

"Is there really such a magic as the Grand Computing Gene Technique, which can mobilize the genetic power of the entire universe?" Yuan Shenji couldn't help but ask Luo Jun after a long time.

Luo Jun nodded and said: "Of course there is!" After a pause, he said: "But I don't dare to teach you. Now that I tell you this to Brother Yuan, I am actually taking a huge risk. What if I This statement is a reminder to you, allowing you to realize the Grand Calculation Gene Technique on your own...and then you are unwilling to help me destroy the star elemental matrix, then you will be doomed."

Yuan Shenji said in a deep voice: "I am indeed very interested in this kind of large-scale computational gene technique. If I learn it, won't I be able to compete with the Hongmeng Taoist you mentioned?"

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