Super Security in the City

Chapter 4776: condemn

Ye Liuli naturally knew that Si Yun Qianxue could not be killed, but just now he had tried so hard to compete, and even with the help of the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram, he could not win. She had no choice but to complete the counterattack with the help of Ye Xinghun. She never thought that such an attack would kill Si Yun Qianxue.

Bai Qing and others quickly gathered around.

Luo Jun came to Ye Liuli like lightning, hugged her pale face into his arms, and said softly: "It's okay, it's okay, you didn't mean it. Don't be afraid, I will take care of all the big things for you. "

Ye Liuli was not a person who was afraid of getting into trouble, but she knew very well that Si Yun Qianxue was a very important person. With good use, many of a man's troubles can be solved. But now, I have pushed the matter into an irreversible abyss, so I feel a little confused.

At this time, with Luo Jun's affirmative comfort, her inner panic dissipated a little.

When the Bai family saw Si Yun Qianxue being killed, they were also panicked, but soon felt a little relieved.

Because in this way, Luo Jun and Ye Liuli were tied to the same boat as them, and they couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

But no matter what, they couldn't gloat at this time.

Let's say that after the four heavenly maidens searched everywhere and found that Si Yun Qianxue was really dead, they stopped entangled with her. Knowing that his mistress is no match, and neither are the four of them, he must flee immediately.

How could Luo Jun allow them to leave? He shouted loudly and said, "Stop leaving!"

Then they grabbed Ye Liuli and stepped forward to stop him.

The body shook and flew over the four heavenly maidens in an instant. At the same time, he grabbed the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram from Ye Liuli and suppressed her.

The Eternal Sky Mysterious Map quickly grew in size, turning into a light-magnetic world that enveloped all the four heavenly maidens.

At that moment, everything around was filled with silver light and magnetism, endless light and magnetism...

In the light and magnetism, there is endless power of light and magnetism, the power of time, and the power of space.

The four heavenly maidens gathered together, their faces full of vigilance.

Luo Jun and Ye Liuli came to them.

The Great Goddess Longmen Xuanying said sternly: "Why, you still want to kill people and silence them?"

Luo Jun snorted coldly and said: "We have even killed Si Yun Qianxue, are we still afraid of killing a few more of you?"

"Fight them!" Ertian Nu Tu Ling said angrily.

"Yes, let's fight!"

The four heavenly maidens didn't say much, and immediately took action together.

Luo Jun immediately said to Ye Liuli: "Liuli, step aside and I will handle it!"

Ye Liuli was about to help, and couldn't help but be puzzled when she heard this, but she didn't say anything more and stepped aside.

The cultivation of the four heavenly maidens are all created by Gong Shen, so they are powerful if they attack together at this time. They each sacrificed their magical weapons and attacked fiercely.

Luo Junjun had nothing to fear in the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map. Facing their various magical weapons, he punched four times in a row.

Each punch was extremely powerful, and coupled with the blessing of the light and magnetism in the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram, it was like four heaven-destroying fists, directly smashing all four magical weapons of the four great goddesses.

Then, Luo Jun's figure changed.

At the same time, the four heavenly maidens are separated by the optical and magnetic world...

The four heavenly maidens are all trapped in the optical and magnetic world and cannot see each other. Luo Jun came behind one of them and pressed...

The goddess felt an invisible hand pressing down from behind her. In an instant, all the laws were suppressed...

She naturally wanted to resist and used her divine power to resist. However, all the magical power of law on her back was suppressed, as if the sky and stars were suppressing her, and she was unable to move!

Then, Luo Jun's fingerprints were pressed on her snow-white neck...

Immediately, divine power entered her body, causing the mana in her body to be hit instantly. Then, her whole body couldn't bear it anymore, and she fainted.

In this Eternal Sky Mysterious Map, Luo Jun is an absolute god.

Although the realm of the goddess is still above him, she can't compete with him at all.

Luo Jun's true power is already more powerful than the saint.

The power and energy absorbed by the saint are relatively high-level, and Luo Jun's current power of light and magnetism is extremely powerful.

Then, Luo Jun quickly followed the same example and knocked all four goddesses unconscious. After that, he locked them all with soul chains and trapped them in the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map.

After doing all this, Luo Jun returned to Ye Liuli.

Ye Liuli smiled bitterly and said, "You asked me to step aside just now, were you afraid that I would accidentally kill them again?"

Luo Jun didn't hide anything and said: "Ha, it's true."

Ye Liuli was not worried and said, "What do you plan to do with them?"

Luo Jun said: "It's not clear yet, but it's better to keep them alive than to kill them."

Ye Liuli said: "That's true!"

Afterwards, the two left the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map together.

The Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram turned into a silver cloak again and was draped over Ye Liuli.

Luo Jun and Ye Liuli came to the Bai family.

Bai Qing immediately pretended to be worried and said: "Two seniors, this time the goddess is killed by us, what should we do?"

Luo Jun sighed and said: "What else can be done? Come and cover up the water with the soldiers! This is not the place to talk. Let's talk about it when we go back."

Bai Qing nodded.

The group of people returned to the Bai family.

In the hall, Bai Qing, Bai Zhengyun, Luo Jun and Ye Liuli discussed together.

A barrier has been set up in the hall, so outsiders cannot pry.

First, Bai Zhengyun asked about the situation of the four heavenly maidens. Luo Jun said that they had all been suppressed and there would be no problems.

Bai Zhengyun asked: "How do you plan to deal with them?"

Luo Jun replied: "I haven't thought about it yet, but keeping it is still a bargaining chip." After saying that, he smiled bitterly and said: "But it won't be of much use. I will kill Si Yun Qianxue this time. No matter how generous Yuan Shenji is, , and it is impossible to live in peace with us."

Ye Liuli was quite annoyed and said: "In this decisive battle with Si Yun Qianxue, I was originally at a disadvantage. I don't know why, but she suddenly couldn't block my attack. The whole thing is still a bit strange."

Bai Zhengyun was surprised: "Did the person behind the scenes take action again? But we were all at the scene and didn't feel anything!"

Ye Liuli shook his head and said, "I didn't feel a third person entering the battlefield."

Luo Jun couldn't help but hugged her shoulders and said: "Don't be burdened. Since it is a decisive battle, there will be casualties. I don't think you are wrong about this. It's Si Yun Qianxue who is so aggressive when he comes. Yes. She died in your hands. It can only be said that she was incompetent. But she was so incompetent that she was so arrogant."

Ye Liuli held Luo Jun's hand and said: "I don't feel sorry for Si Yun Qianxue's death. I just feel that you have finally speculated with Yuanshenji. Now, there is no room for turning around. If you say Before, the Bai family killed people of the Yuan family, and there was a conspiracy to be told. But now that I have killed Si Yun Qianxue, there is no longer any misunderstanding."

Luo Jun sighed slightly and said: "The matter has come to an end. It is useless to talk more. Let's get ready to face the thunderous wrath of the original **** machine!"

Bai Qing immediately said: "Are we going to start a war over this? Is it too much?"

Luo Jun said: "The current situation is not something we can do whatever we want. In fact, it is easy for my wife and I to leave. But what will you do once we leave? This is the biggest problem .”

Bai Qing said: "You can't escape even if you run away. It would be great if we could get in touch with the Lu family at this time."

Luo Jun felt annoyed when he mentioned the Lu family, and said: "I think the people of the Lu family have contributed a lot to how things have developed to this point. The current situation is also what the people of the Lu family want to see most. Look at us and When the Yuan clan fights with each other, they can easily reap the benefits."

Bai Qing said: "We should think of a way to defeat the move!"

Luo Jun said: "I have no choice now. Just take it one step at a time! You must also be prepared to retreat at any time."

Bai Zhengyun immediately said: "I, Bai Zhengyun, and Shui Lanxing swear to live together until death!"

When Bai Qing saw this, he couldn't help but sigh.

He was also helpless.

Next, the days fell into silence again.

Bai Qing really wanted to contact the Lu family, but he had no clues at all.

Luo Jun and Ye Liuli waited in such calmness without making any further moves.

They mentioned evacuating together, but it was not feasible to discuss it.

In the end, the best way is to occupy Aqua Blue Star for defense...

Luo Jun then said: "Then I can only say something in advance. If things cannot be violated, my husband and I will have no choice but to leave by ourselves."

Bai Qing said: "No matter what, our Bai family is deeply grateful to the two seniors!"

More than twenty days later, on this day, the tranquility of Aqua Blue Star was broken again.

One person came out of nowhere...

The person who came was none other than... Yuan Shenji.

Yuan Shenji was dressed in solemn black clothes.

Luo Jun, Ye Liuli and the Bai family quickly greeted them in the void.

In the void, after seeing the original divine machine, the Bai family paid homage to the divine master as usual.

Yuan Shenji ignored their visit.

His eyes were blood red, he stared at Luo Jun and Ye Liuli, and said: "My wife..."

Before Luo Jun could speak, Ye Liuli said, "Si Yun Qianxue was killed by me."

The body of the Genshin Impact shook violently.

He couldn't believe it...

But I can’t help but believe it.

After a long time, his eyes fell on Luo Jun. "Why is this? You and I have known each other since we first met. Even if my wife has many faults, you don't need to kill her, right? In a different place, no matter how your wife offends me, I will not kill her. Luo Jun, why?"

Luo Jun was extremely bitter and said: "Brother Yuan... I know that nothing I say will work now. I can only tell you that it was an accident. An absolute accident..."

"Accident?" Yuan Shenji obviously couldn't accept this explanation.

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