Super Security in the City

Chapter 4783: Nail Excalibur

Although Yuan Tianji was reluctant, he was finally convinced by Yuan Shenji. Yuan Shenji also comforted Yuan Tianji. First of all, he was 60% sure of winning. Secondly, if the Yuan family loses, then they can move out of the Infinite Star Territory together. They can also dominate one side outside the Star Territory and create their own dynasty! Therefore, this matter will not cause much loss to Yuan Tianji and the others.

Yuan Tianji's mood gradually improved after Yuan Shenji's analysis.

After that, Yuan Shenji asked Yuan Tianji to discuss with the people below about what he was about to face. Everyone should be prepared to face victory, but also to be prepared to face failure, etc.!

Be sure to be mentally prepared!

After Yuan Shenji finished explaining, he and Si Yun Qianxue followed Luo Jun and Ye Liuli to a peaceful place in Senge Star to settle down.

After that, they all entered the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map.

The four of them will verify their cultivation together every day.

Among them, Luo Jun always has high opinions that make everyone convinced.

Especially after Luo Jun demonstrated various aspects of the Super Brain Crystal, Yuan Shenji and Si Yun Qianxue were completely convinced.

Yuan Shenji said: "Brother Luo Jun, before I met you, I always thought that I was the smartest person in the world. Now in front of you, I realize that I am just a grain of sand under the sky, and I don't know how high the sky is."

Luo Jun said: "Brother Yuan said this, he is really too self-effacing. Everyone needs a process of enlightenment... If you had met Taoist Hongmeng first, you would have walked in front of me. In fact, without Before I met Taoist Hongmeng, I thought I was very smart. But later... Taoist Hongmeng is a terrible enemy, but what I learned from this terrible enemy is incomparable to anyone."

Yuan Shenji said: "Master Hongmeng is indeed the number one divine man in history. It's a pity that this man's heart is not right!"

Luo Jun said: "It's not that he has evil intentions."

Yuan Shenji was startled for a moment, but then he also reacted and said: "Yes, it can only be said that our pursuits are different. When our cultivation has reached our level, it no longer matters what is good or evil, but our pursuits are very different."

Good, evil...

What is right and what is evil?

Is it right to be kind to others? Is it evil to treat people badly?

Are people the only criterion for measuring good and evil in this world?

For people, this is indeed the case.

But people like Luo Jun and Yuan Shenji have already surpassed this category.

Their realm has reached the point where they are one with heaven and earth, and the life and death of human beings is actually not worth mentioning in their eyes.

They can live for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of years...

The life of an ordinary person only lasts for more than a hundred years, which can be said to be a blink of an eye.

Luo Jun's thoughts instantly started to tumble.

Later, he said to Yuan Shenji: "Originally, loving something comes from the heart and does not require efforts to maintain it. Over the years, I have been maintaining my love for life, loving my own life, and loving Other beautiful lives. In this way, I can respect every living creature. I hate killing innocent people...but now as time goes by, I find that I need to constantly remind myself to love other people's lives. I am now 4 years old Shang Qian, I already have this idea. I am really afraid that in the endless years, I will become more and more indifferent, and even ignore the lives of other people."

Regarding Luo Jun's confusion, Yuan Shenji said that he also had it.

This is also something they need to figure out and overcome in their practice.

In other aspects, Luo Jun seems to have no much direction in his practice now.

It just needs to be deepened step by step.

Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, it was only one month away from the decisive battle.

Luo Jun and his party immediately set off and flew in the direction of the aqua star.

Yuanshenji has always been in good condition, warm and moist, without the slightest anxiety, as if nothing is important.

His mentality is indeed very good, and it doesn't matter whether he wins or loses. It’s good to win, but it’s okay to lose…

Regardless of winning or losing, he felt that he would be able to live the life he wanted and leave this star field to see the wider universe.

On the eve of the decisive battle, Luo Jun and his party came to the outer space of Aqua Blue Star.

Luke has also arrived, but Luke only brought the elders of Xuanjing and Xuanyin.

In the void, after the two parties met, they exchanged some pleasantries and then rested separately.

Just wait until the time comes for the decisive battle.

During the brief contact, Luo Jun clearly felt Luke's solemnity...

Obviously, Luke's side is very concerned about this decisive battle.

This is their only chance to make a comeback!

The night passed quickly.

This decisive battle was very secretive, and no outsiders were invited to watch the battle.

Yuan Shenji was dressed in white and came out of the dust, and he just came to Luke.

Luke was still wearing a red robe, serious and solemn.

As a middleman, Luo Jun also came between the two.

He solemnly talked about this decisive battle and reiterated all the details, and then said: "You two, each rely on his own ability!"

Then exit!

The original Shenji stood opposite Luke.

Yuan Shenji looked at Luke and said: "Brother Luke, this is the third time we have fought. The first time, we were tied. The second time, I won by chance with the advantage of many people. Now it is the third time, I I hope it’s the last time. After this time, no matter whether we win or lose, we will never fight again or have any grudges between you and me.”

Luke stared at the original **** machine and said: "I have never been convinced by you before. But today, at this moment, at this moment, I really feel that I am inferior to you."

Yuan Shenji was very interested and said: "Oh?"

Luke said: "The Yuan clan now controls the entire Infinite Star Territory and the world. At this time, you can actually come and fight me fairly..."

Yuan Shenji smiled and said: "Probably, because I have already obtained it, I don't care anymore."

Luke said: "I almost got it once, and I understand that once you have power, it is harder to give it up."

Yuan Shenji said: "Brother Luke, you are a prodigy in this world and have mastered the mysticism. Do you really care about these worldly powers?"

Luke said: "Do you really not care at all?"

Yuan Shenji said: "I am not the emperor of the Star Alliance Empire, but the emperor must listen to my words. Therefore, power is not worth mentioning compared to our strength. And our strength will never Those who betrayed us. As long as there is strength, power can be had at any time."

Luke said: "That's true. You already have absolute strength, that's why you can be so indifferent. Probably, I'm still not as good as you!"

Yuan Shenji said: "Brother Luke, there is no need to be self-effacing. Moreover, the strength of your strength will be confirmed soon."

Luke said: "Yes!"

Yuan Shenji smiled slightly and said: "Then... let's get started!"

Luke said: "Okay!"

Afterwards, the two masters officially fought against each other.

Luke's True Sword was unleashed, shooting at the original **** machine with swift and lightning.

However, the original divine machine never carries any magic weapon.

The **** of his right hand pointed.

At this time, the nail on the **** actually flashed with a cold light.

The nails quickly grew longer, and actually turned into a divine sword, and then shot out a beam of sword energy towards the True Sword's sword light.


Two rays of sword light collided in the void, immediately arousing thousands of feet of fire.

The divine power of the genetic network between heaven and earth fluctuated fiercely.

The powerful masters of the two genetic networks fought hard, and the genetic network was like a tsunami in the ocean, out of control.

However, no matter how ferocious the tsunami is, it will eventually return to calm.

Tsunamis cannot destroy the ocean.

Yuan Shenji struck out with one sword, then the nails on other fingers quickly grew longer, and finally a total of ten sword rays struck out.

Under the operation of Luke, the True Sword also quickly killed the ten nail swords together.

The two sides fought fiercely, neither giving in to the other. For a moment, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, as if the stars were about to be torn apart.

The fighting continues!

The tsunami in the genetic network is getting more and more powerful...

The two strong men are competing to see who has the longest endurance...

This is just an appetizer.

Luo Jun had already retreated to Ye Liuli's side, and Si Yun Qianxue was also standing with them.

Si Yun Qianxue was still worried, looking anxiously at her husband and Luke on the battlefield.

The competition between the two sides gradually became fierce...

Ye Liuli held Luo Jun's hand. She and Luo Jun naturally hoped that Yuan Shen Ji would win.

Because Genshinji won, the initiative was on their side.

And if Luke wins, he is afraid that there will be variables.

Luo Jun was eager to solve this matter.

He didn't want any more changes.

Of course, if there must be any changes, he will accept them calmly.

The competition between Yuanshenji and Luke lasted all day and night, and every attack was earth-shattering.

The energy and vitality of these two people seemed to be endless. Luo Jun and others looked a little dumbfounded...

After that, Yuanshenji turned the ten nail swords into one and attacked.

At this time, Luke took the lead in launching the genetic network.

The genetic network behind him appeared, absorbing the divine sword of the original **** machine, and then transformed it into a stronger sword power, and killed the original **** machine.

The ten divine swords in the hands of the original **** machine quickly formed a sword light storm, and cut Luke's divine sword into ashes.

Then, he used his sword light to kill Luke.

Luke then used the genetic network to absorb it, and then killed him.

Yuan Shenji looked solemn and killed with a sword light storm.

After that, he used his sword power to kill.

Every time the Genshen Machine attacks, Luke becomes stronger.

And the original Shenji became more and more difficult.

Seeing this going on, Yuan Shen Ji will be defeated.

At this time, Luo Jun and others couldn't help but feel suspicious.

That's why Genshin Impact doesn't use the Gene Network?

Wouldn't the Genshenji be able to use this method of forming a genetic network on the back to accumulate power?

Si Yun Qianxue once saw her husband perform...

She couldn't understand what her husband was thinking at this time...

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