Super Security in the City

Chapter 907: Buddhist scripture hall

Yuntianzong also has its own rules!

The first is that when you are away from home, the brothers and sisters must not calculate with each other, they must help each other. Any violations shall be severely punished.

The second is that there is no private fight between the same family. If necessary, they must go to the heavenly punishment platform.

The third article is that the disciples of Yuntianzong must not commit adultery, and must not do bad things first.

There are more than ten door rules, but the third one is the most meaningful. Generally everyone talks about adultery and captivity, but the third article says that adultery is not allowed. Means, you can grab it!

In Tianzhou, it is the world of the immortal family. It is really the law of survival to **** you a magic weapon and take your life. Therefore, even if the Yun Tianzong is a big sect, it will not say that it is not allowed to grab magic weapons.

Luo Jun was familiar with these door rules the next day, and he didn't take it too seriously.

At six o'clock in the morning, the morning light shone on Tiangu Peak. Looking at the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains from Tiangu Peak, it is truly magnificent.

At this time, Tianxin gathered all the disciples to start morning exercises on the mountain peak. All the disciples meditated cross-legged, and they were full of hearts in the morning sun.

Luo Jun did what he did. Now that he has come, he is at ease.

The morning class lasted for about two hours. After two hours, Tianxin let the disciples go away, leaving only Luo Jun.

"Luo Jun, I know that your mana is not weak. Maybe you think you can't learn anything with me," Tian Xin said.

Luo Jun immediately said: "Big brother, you must not say that, at least, I dare not think so."

Tianxin was very satisfied with Luo Jun's answer, and he said: "We Yuntianzong practice profound arts, usually by choosing exercises in the Tibetan scripture hall. It is not what the master practices, we practice whatever, because this varies from person to person. "

"The Tibetan Scripture Hall?" Luo Jun suddenly came to his spirit.

Tian Xin continued: "After the average disciple's cultivation level reaches the supernatural channel, he is eligible to enter the Buddhist scripture hall once. Everyone can only choose one technique." He paused, and said, "Your cultivation level is now natural. It is possible to enter the Tibetan scripture hall once."

Luo Jun was overjoyed immediately.

Tianxin said: "This is the hand card, you take it. Later, you go to the Tibetan Scripture Hall by yourself. If you don't know the way to go, then ask your apprentices."

"Yes, big brother!" Luo Jun took over the card, full of joy.

Luo Jun didn't ask other juniors later, he was Chuntao who asked.

"Chuntao, do you know where the Tibetan scripture hall is?"

Chuntao was startled slightly, and then said: "The Tibetan Scriptures Hall is in the Yuntian Palace. If you go, enter the gate and turn to the left. You will naturally see someone guide you."

Luo Jun said, "That's it, okay."

"Are you going to the Tibetan Scripture Hall to choose exercises?" Chuntao said.

Luo Jun said: "Yes."

Chuntao said: "Everyone has only one chance to enter the Tibetan Scripture Hall. Master Yang, if you enter the Tibetan Scripture Hall, you must make a good choice. Moreover, you can only choose one method."

Luo Jun said: "Okay, I see."

In the afternoon, Luo Jun went to Yuntian Palace alone.

The most tricky thing here is that there is no mobile phone contact. He wants to contact the elder brother and the second brother.

Luo Jun really wanted to make an appointment at this time.

And at this moment, Luo Jun has no means of transportation. From this lonely mountain to the Yuntian Palace, if you can fly directly, it is simple. But to walk over, it was really cheating.

Luo Jun wants to go down to the solitary mountain first, which is a two-thousand-level stone ladder. Luo Jun climbed down the stone ladder and then walked in the direction of Yuntian Palace.

The mountain peak is surrounded by woods, and the greenery is continuous.

Even the sun is difficult to shine.

This is like a virgin forest. Yun Tianzong is really able to build such a heavenly palace in this virgin forest, and it is really the power of an immortal.

Luo Jun climbed several hills and encountered beast attacks on the way. It took an hour to arrive at the receiving platform. This hurt Luo Jun's self-esteem.

"Mother, sooner or later I will have a divine beast to fly." Luo Jun said secretly.

In this Tianzhou, there is no beast, just like there is no car in the world, it is too inconvenient to travel.

In the big world, you can still pay for a car without a car.

Here, no money will work.

Luo Jun went to Sendai first.

There is a formation on the Jixiantai to support it, this formation is to monitor everything in the Yuntianzong, but it is not lethal. There are also four true gods guarding. Once an outsider invades, Tianzong Yun will immediately respond.

Luo Jun entered the receiving platform and was immediately known by the true **** of Yuntianzong. His threat was also eliminated, and it was confirmed that he was a disciple of Yun Tianzong.

Therefore, Luo Jun was unimpeded.

Luo Jun also didn't find anyone, he came to the Tibetan scripture hall soon.

There are also master guards in front of the Buddhist scripture hall, as well as formations.

In fact, if it weren't for the permission of Yuntianzong, it would be extremely difficult for other people, even peerless masters to walk in front of the Buddhist scripture hall. But Luo Jun arrived unimpeded all the way, and there was not even a cross-examination person on the road.

When I came to the Buddhist scripture hall, I saw that the door of the Buddhist scripture hall was like white jade.

Luo Jun inserted his hand card into a hole beside the door. After the hand card was inserted, the door opened.

"It's quite advanced." Luo Jun couldn't help being amused, as if he was punching in. But some of the pitfalls is that after the hand card is entered, it can't be played again.

This thing is one-off.

Entering the Tibetan Scripture Hall, the situation inside was not what Luo Jun had imagined.

When thinking of the Buddhist scripture hall, Luo Jun would think of the Buddhist scripture pavilion of Shaolin Temple in the Great Thousand World.

But in this Tibetan scripture hall, there are jade slips. The jade slips are layered, some are white, some are blue, and some are flame.

The Tibetan Scripture Hall is not too big, only one floor.

There are about a thousand jade slips.

Luo Jun also heard that there is only one jade slip for each jade slip in the Tibetan Scripture Hall. Once taken away, it is difficult for others to learn the exercises again.

Therefore, Yuntianzong's practice has its uniqueness and particularity.

However, the jade slips were made by the great abilities of Yuntianzong, and many exercises actually have the same effect. They will continue to improve.

There is no level in the exercises. Once you have practiced it, Taizu Changquan can defeat the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong.

Luo Jun began to look at these exercises.

He picked up a jade slip, which had small characters on it.

"Ling Tian Jue!"

Luo Jun glanced at the others again. There was the Heaven Defying Jue, Tai Xuan Sutra, Yang Gong and Prajna Gong on it.

Luo Jun saw some headaches. These exercises have only one name. How can I know if these exercises are good?

He began to think.

"Senior Ling has a three-corpse soul, a magical skill that transforms the three clears. Chen Tianya has the Taiyi Profound Gold Scripture. And what does the **** emperor have? I don't seem to know. I only know that the **** emperor has a magical power seed, which is very powerful. What about myself? What about my current practice? I have mana, good fortune swordsmanship, star sublimation art, and galan tai chi power. It seems that my kung fu is too complicated and there is no systematization. So now, what do I need? What? Is there any benefit to practicing one more exercise? Would it be more complicated?"

After Luo Jun pondered for a long time, he suddenly left the Buddhist scripture hall in stride.

"I don't need so many exercises. Try to improve mana and practice Garan Tai Chi to the extreme. This is what I want."

Luo Jun left the Tibetan Scripture Hall without looking back.

As soon as he left, in the cloud palace, the Supreme Master of Sect Master withdrew his eyes.

The Supreme Master is called Yunhuaying.

There was another person in front of Yun Huaying, who had white hair and was extremely old.

"Elder Yan, what do you think?" Yun Huaying said.

Elder Yan said: "Sovereign, I really did not expect that he would not take any exercises. You know, the exercises in the Tibetan scripture hall are very attractive to cultivators. This son It's not easy!"

Yun Huaying said: "Look, Tianzhou hasn't changed for many years. Now that the immeasurable killing has arrived, maybe they can break the game."

Elder Yan said: "But Supreme, these few of them, I'm afraid they will achieve something in the future, they will not be obedient people!"

Yun Huaying laughed and said, "Is there a true **** who is not an arrogant man? How can he have great achievements if he is only a promise? Look, everything is good fortune, right?"

Elder Yan was taken aback, then smiled and said, "The Supreme said that."

Luo Jun returned to Tiangu Peak and locked himself in the room.

"Mana, strength, strength, all laws have the same origin! To kill the enemy, to make all things, all rely on mana. Mana can be Taiyi Profound Golden Sword Qi, Emperor Platinum Qi, or Three Corpse Yuanshen, It can also be Garan Tai Chi Jin. It depends on how you use it."

Luo Jun had a kind of understanding in his heart.

"What I have to do now is to increase my mana. No amount of mana will increase. No matter how many techniques are used, it's bullshit. Among the heavenly continents, there are many opportunities. There are also many opportunities in the Yuntian Sect. I can't just be so stupid. Cultivation requires more pill and nourishment. Also, I also have to find a way to go back to the Great Thousand World. In the Great Thousand World, I also promised the Yin-Yang Zidian Double Snake's pill. All of these need to be realized. "

Luo Jun then found Chuntao.

"Chuntao, I have something to ask you."

Chuntao immediately said, "What do you want to ask?"

Luo Jun said: "Generally speaking, ordinary disciples eat some nutritious meals provided by the Zongli every day. That is enough. But after the sixth heaven and seventh heaven of Taixu. Those nutritious meals are obviously not enough, and we want What do I need to do to get more nutrition?"

Chuntao couldn't help but glanced at Luo Jun and said, "What is your cultivation base?"

"What do you think?" Luo Jun asked with a smile.

Chuntao said, "The slaves have no experience and can't tell at all."

"Look at this." Luo Jun stretched out his hand, and immediately, the Tai Chi formation imprint appeared.

The Taiji Array Slowly rotates, and it is incomparable.

Chuntao couldn't help but lose her color and said, "You can already gather mana?"

She always thought that Luo Jun was a disciple who had just started, and she had no power.

In Yuntianzong, being able to enter the realm of supernatural power is a big leap, which is a threshold for officially entering the fairy gate.

Yuntianzong has strict requirements. If you don't enter the supernatural power realm within three years, you will be asked to leave the Yuntianzong.

Yuntianzong does not accept waste.

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