Super Security in the City

Chapter 913: Blue feather

"Are there only so few cranes?" Luo Jun couldn't help but wonder.

They stopped a hundred meters away.

Cheng Jianhua said: "It should be more than that."

Qin Lin said: "The distance is still a little far away, and there is no way to control them with mental power. Let's hide in there quietly, and when we get closer, we will use great mental power to control their brains. What do you think?" Lin Feng said: "Jianhua, are you sure there is Crane King?"

Cheng Jianhua said: "In the archives of Tianzong Yun, there is indeed the saying of the crane king. Tianzong supervises the world, and there is a lot of information in it, but I am not sure whether the information is true or false."

Lin Feng said: "It is not difficult to catch cranes, but if there is a crane king, if we catch the cranes quietly, we will surely make the crane king angry. Moreover, the crane king will also recognize that we are the younger generation. There is no room for transfer."

Cheng Jianhua said: "Brother Feng, you are very worried."

Luo Jun also felt that Lin Feng's concerns were correct, so he didn't say much.

Lin Feng immediately raised his voice and said, "Can Senior Crane King be here? Junior Lin Feng ask to see you."

Luo Jun and others did not speak, but Lin Feng shouted three times in a row.

After three sounds, all the cranes on the top of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda flew into the sky. The crane was so fast that it rushed out of the sky in the blink of an eye.

When the cranes spread their wings and fly high, they are spectacular and beautiful.

At this time, the voice of a middle-aged man came from the night sky. "Who came, what happened to me?"

"It's Crane King!" Lin Feng and others were surprised.

Lin Feng immediately said, "Senior Crane King, can you show up to meet?"

"Alright, it depends on what you juniors want to do." The middle-aged man said. When he fell silent, a crane flew out from the top of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda.

On the crane stood a man in white.

The white-clothed man looked in his thirties, but his face was like a crown, handsome and elegant.

When the cranes flew, they swooped down and landed.

Before landing, when the crane's wings fluttered, the ground was dusty.

It's really like a helicopter landing.

Afterwards, the middle-aged man jumped off the crane's back.

This man, the greatest feeling he gives is the ethereal, ethereal artifact. The man's eyes were bright and deep, he first glanced at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Lin Feng.

The two sides are separated by about five meters.

The man asked Lin Feng, "Your name is Lin Feng?"

"Yes!" Lin Feng said.

The man said, "What are you looking for?"

"Senior Crane King?" Lin Feng said.

The man said, "My name is Xiao Yu."

"Senior Xiao!" Lin Feng clasped his fists in a gesture.

Luo Jun and others also shouted: "Senior Xiao!"

Xiao Yu smiled slightly and said, "You juniors, it's still a bit polite. If you come here, you will have to do something to my crane, you have already lost your life. Come on, what do you want to do?"

Lin Feng said: "Senior Xiao, we want to lend you four cranes. It only takes one year, and after one year, we will return it by ourselves."

Xiao Yu was slightly surprised, and then said, "One year? Why is it one year?"

Lin Feng said: "The younger generation is confident that after a year, they can train their own soul for the main body to fly. Then, naturally, the crane mount will not be needed."

"Haha..." Xiao Yu couldn't help laughing, and said: "What an arrogant little baby, I have cultivated for a thousand years, and now I am only in the middle of the eighth heaven. Well, you are only the peak of the seventh heaven, you dare to say that it will be a year It's the Nine Heavens within."

Lin Feng said: "It took only two years for the juniors to transform from their physical body to the peak of the Seventh Heaven."

"Huh?" Xiao Yu was slightly startled.

Lin Feng continued: "The juniors are from the Great Thousand Worlds. In that Great Thousand Worlds, the aura is thin, and the elixir is scarce. Even so, the juniors can have such good luck. Then, within a year, reach the Nine Heavens, why not?"

Xiao Yu said, "Are you serious?"

Lin Feng said: "The junior dare not deceive the senior."

Xiao Yuzai carefully stared at Lin Feng and the four of them. He finally said, "Okay, I understand a little bit. The three of you are the destiny, but this little guy has a different talent since childhood, and his brain is different from ordinary people. They are not simple. This character, it’s no wonder that there is such arrogance." He paused, and said: "It's just that, even if you can reach the Ninth Heaven, what about it? What does it have to do with me? Why should I borrow your crane mount?"

Lin Feng said: "If the predecessor borrows the crane mount for a year, then the predecessor will reap the friendship of the four of us. If in the future, we will achieve amazing achievements, we can all do one thing for the predecessor. This is a reward, and even if we fall, the predecessor The loss is not big. No matter how you look at it, this is a good deal."

"No one can speak big words without words." Xiao Yu smiled and said: "You little baby, you are a good eloquent, with a lot of tongue. But if it is based on your words, I will borrow the crane mount. Here you are. If I am so easy to talk, I'm afraid all my cranes have become other people's mounts."

"There are many people who speak big words, but not many destiny." Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yu said: "I have been in this Big Wild Goose Pagoda for many years, and for many years I have been uncontested in the world. These cranes of mine are all my descendants. I don't want them to be involved in cause and effect. You go, No matter what you say, I cannot lend you this crane."

Lin Feng couldn't help being silent.

He didn't expect Xiao Yu to be so determined.

This Xiao Yu was not an unreasonable person, and Lin Feng and others could not kill people and seize cranes. Furthermore, the opponent is a mid-eighth heaven master with a peerless magic weapon. Even if the four are combined, they may not be his opponents.

"If that's the case, it's a nuisance." Lin Feng clasped his fists and said, "The juniors wait for goodbye!"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he said to Luo Jun and others: "Let's go."

Luo Jun and others naturally didn't say much, nodded and followed Lin Feng.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly seemed to think of something, and he shouted.

Lin Feng and others are overjoyed.

Xiao Yu said: "Uh, don't get me wrong. I'm not going to give you a crane mount, but I want to know, among you, can anyone break the formation?"

Luo Jun laughed and said: "In this world, there is no formation that I can't break."

"Good fellow, such a big tone?" Xiao Yu looked at Luo Jun.

Luo Jun said: "It's not a big tone, you will know if you try."

Xiao Yu said: "Okay, okay, okay, if you can break these few formations of mine, I will count you as powerful."

"If I can break it, Senior will borrow our four crane mounts for a year, how about it?" Luo Jun said.

"That won't work." Xiao Yu said: "It's my business to break the formation. How can I let my son and grandson be a bet, it's absolutely impossible."

Luo Jun couldn't help but feel depressed.

"Then you still can't break it?" Xiao Yu asked.

"Broken, of course broken." Luo Jun said without thinking.

Xiao Yu said, "Then come with me." After he finished speaking, he jumped onto the back of the crane. The crane flapped its wings and flew, and immediately fanned the dust towards Luo Jun and the others.

Luo Jun and others were also out of luck, so they immediately became ashamed.

Damn it, bullying!

At this time, Luo Jun and others could not help but curse in their hearts. It's great to fly, you bully!

"The third brother, can you really break the formation?" Lin Feng asked.

Luo Jun said: "It should be possible."

Lin Feng stopped asking more, he knew that since Luo Jun said so, he must be sure. The four quickly pushed open the heavy and old door of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, and then climbed layer by layer to the top of the tower.

Inside the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, there are spider webs. And there are many cranes inside.

The air is full of stinky smells, and the feces of cranes are everywhere.

Entering the tower, I didn't feel that these tall cranes had any immortality.

It was so easy to finally reach the top of the tower.

The tower on the highest floor was completely new.

The top is luxurious, all decorations are jewels, and the floor is carpeted.

The smell below can't enter this layer at all.

At this time, Xiao Yu was sitting on a red sandalwood armchair.

When Luo Jun and the others arrived, Luo Jun said, "Senior Xiao, what about your formation?"

Xiao Yu said: "I have always been fascinated by the formations. Over the years, I have made many formations and cracked many formations. Right now, there is a formation I carefully designed, called the True Dragon Nine Palaces formation!"

After he finished speaking, he took out a night pearl.

He urged the mana, and the pearl that night suddenly emitted endless brilliance. Guanghua formed countless silk threads, and finally formed a true dragon nine palace formation!

The real dragon nine palace formations covered the entire room, with silk threads everywhere.

Xiao Yu said: "There are thirty-six thousand threads of this thread, and every red thread, once touched, represents death. Of course, the current formation is my experiment and does not have real lethality. My formation is just research, not trying to kill. You walk from in front of you to my front, if your body is not dyed red, you will be considered successful."

Luo Jun said: "Okay." He paused, and said: "This true dragon nine palace formation, with the nine palaces as a guide, hides eight or sixty-four hexagrams. The child contains Guishui. Ugly hides the soil Guishui Xin. Gold. Yinzang Jiamu Chuo Wutu. Maozang Yimu. Chenzang Wutu Yimu Kuaishui. Tibetan Canghuo Wutu Gengjin. Noon Tibet Dinghuoji soil. No hidden soil and Yimu Dinghuo. Shenzang Geng Jin Renshui Wu Earth. Unitary Tibetan Xinjin. Xuzang Wutu Xinjindinghuo. Haizang Renshui Jiamu. Mysterious, indeed mysterious."

Xiao Yu's expression suddenly changed, and he said, "My true dragon nine palace formations are imaginary and real, real and imaginary, and there are so many things, can you actually see the real body at a glance?"

If it wasn't for this formation that he created, Xiao Yu would really suspect that Luo Jun was familiar with this true dragon nine palace formation before.

Luo Jun smiled and said: "Senior's cultivation base is supernatural powers, I can't match it. But if you talk about the formation, I am the ancestor. The senior's formation has too many false and real minds, but I can see through it at a glance. As it is."

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