Super Security in the City

Chapter 915: Demon King Arm

Thousands of mountains and evening snow, thousands of miles of clouds.

Luo Jun and the others were riding on the cranes and between the vertical and horizontal clouds. At this time, they really seemed to be living in the world of Xianxia. Luo Jun was suddenly shocked, and he discovered that everything he was in was really no different from the world of Xianxia.

Life is like a story in a joke, and everything happened so real.

The Star Demon Palace is located in an underground grotto with countless blood rakshas.

The so-called blood Rakshasa is actually a kind of creature with no thought but strong combat effectiveness. This kind of blood Rakshasa is a zombie.

The owner of the Star Demon Palace is called the ancestor of Raksha. The ancestor of Raksha was originally a human, but after he was born, somehow, his body changed. He was covered with long red hairs, and he had a big mouth and long fangs. Moreover, the ancestors of Raksha are infinitely powerful and invulnerable.

Later, the ancestors of Raksha created the Star Demon Palace. He caught many living people, and then fed his own blood to these humans. After these humans took food, their bodies began to mutate. They also grow long red hairs and start to become irrational and inhuman.

But later, some humans continued to mutate after becoming blood rakshas.

Usually it depends on the power of these rakshas, ​​just look at their coat color.

The black hair raksha is more powerful than the red hair raksha, and the green hair raksha is more powerful than the black hair raksha. And the most powerful is the White Haired Rakshasa.

The ancestor of the Rakshasa is a golden-haired Raksha that no one can replace.

The ancestor Raksha guarded the Star Demon Palace, and he often went out and arrested people, which was a major harm to the entire Tianzhou. but. The ancestor of Raksha was also very good at being a human being, so he never spurred those great powers to kill him.

But this time, Luo Jun and others are going to grab food from the tiger's mouth.

Before dawn, the five-thousand-mile journey was crossed by the cranes.

In a blink of an eye, everyone has come under the cliff.

Dawn gradually broke, and the morning glow in the distance revealed a clue.

Between the sky and the earth, there is a gray area, and the surrounding mist is looming.

The Star Demon Palace is in the cave under the cliff.

When everyone fell to the front of the cave, Luo Jun said to Xiao Ling: "You just hover over here, don't come down. If you find something wrong, fly away immediately."

Xiaoling nodded.

Later, Luo Jun gave Batu in his arms to Xiaoling.

Lin Feng and others also confessed their cranes.

After that, these cranes hovered in the mid-levels of the cliff.

Luo Jun and others looked at the cave, and the cave was dark.

It was thousands of meters deep inside, and they didn't know what was hidden inside.

But no matter what, the four of them have to break in.

"Go!" Lin Feng took the lead. Luo Jun and others immediately followed behind.

Entering the grottoes, but not standing still, there is a smell of soil around him.

Then, strong wind blew up.

I saw a dozen red-haired rakshas appearing. These red-haired rakshas are all blue-eyed and fangs, and their eyes are fierce and chilling.

They stand like humans, with red hair all over.

"Roar!" The Red-haired Rakshas roared sharply, and slaughtered them all together. Their power is incredible, and their speed is as fast as lightning.

If Luo Jun, who had been energized before, encountered such red-haired Rakshas, ​​it is estimated that Luo Jun would only have to suffer. But today, Luo Jun and others are no longer the same.

The two red-haired Rakshasa in front of him smashed and killed him, Luo Jun didn't say much, and instantly sacrificed the fire evil.

The Fire Fiend Sword split into two and ejected out.

Two fire swords instantly penetrated the two red-haired rakshas.

In an instant, the two red-haired rakshas were burned to ashes. The power of that fire evil spirit was terrifying to the extreme.

The red-haired Rakshasa looks ugly and eats dirt all the year round, which is extremely disgusting. Use them to shoot horror movies without makeup. And these things are extremely bloodthirsty.

The other red-haired rakshas attacked Qin Lin and others separately. Qin Lin lifted the sword and killed two rakshas. Lin Feng was faster, and he ejected the absolute sword. With a flash of cold light, that Jue Xian Sword killed the four Red-haired Rakshasa.

The remaining two red-haired rakshas were quickly killed by Cheng Jianhua.

After solving these rakshas, ​​Luo Jun and the others did not stop, and continued to go deep inside.

After walking for dozens of steps, people's heads flashed around, and the fishy smell became more intense. There were dozens of red-haired rakshas in front of him.

Luo Jun smiled coldly and said: "Look at me." After he finished speaking, he sacrificed the essence of the evil spirit again.

Afterwards, he gathered the power of the essence of Fire Fiend.

"Here!" Luo Jun shot out with a palm.

So the essence of the evil spirit turned into a silver star.

It thumped and thumped, and that little spark was spotted on the blood Rakshasa, and the blood Rakshasa suddenly howled in pain, and his whole body began to be incinerated gradually. In the blink of an eye, dozens of red-haired rakshas were all incinerated to ashes.

The four continued on.

But soon, they encountered a hundred red-haired Rakshasa.

"Third brother, continue to perform." Lin Feng said.

Luo Jun said: "Good!" He once again displayed the fierce fire.

Suddenly, weeping everywhere.

But at this moment, the black-haired raksha and the green-haired raksha sprang out from behind the red-haired raksha.

These two kinds of rakshas are faster and more flexible. In the blink of an eye, he was fighting over.

They culled fiercely and were extremely tough. Especially those Qingmao Raksha, their body skills are very flexible.

Luo Jun and the others were slightly surprised, but they were still in danger. Luo Jun turned around, and then displayed good luck swordsmanship. Thousand Dao Jianguang fought wildly.

The sword intent of the Earth Fiend Sword was extremely frozen, which made these blue-haired rakshas and black-haired rakshas unable to bear.

Lin Feng and the others didn't have to take action at all. In an instant, all Rakshasa had been killed on the spot.

To kill such a monster, Luo Jun did not have any kindness or softness at all.

"Roar!" At this moment, an angry roar came from inside. Then, ten white-haired rakshas appeared.

The eyes of these white-haired rakshas are sharp and clear, but they are by no means comparable to those of the previous rakshas.

The White Haired Rakshas then roared and culled.

Their strength is stronger, and they cooperate with each other and each have their own formations.

Luo Jun and others became solemn.

"Eternal divine light!" Qin Lin sacrificed a great sword.

Lin Feng grabbed it with one hand. The Devil May Cry formed a large black handprint, directly grabbing the three white-haired Rakshasa in his hands. In an instant, these three white-haired rakshas were refined into ashes.

With a flick of his finger, Luo Jun split the earth evil sword into two, directly slashing two white-haired rakshas.

Cheng Jianhua also sacrificed the Sun Menstrual Wheel.

All four of them shot, even this fierce white-haired Rakshasa, it was nothing.

"Who? Dare to break into my magic palace?" At this moment, the voice of the Raksha ancestor came.

Then, a figure flashed.

Luo Jun and others saw a golden-haired Raksha ancestor.

"Kill!" Lin Feng didn't talk nonsense.

He shot it directly, it was Devil May Cry Mudra!

The black poisonous handprints grabbed and photographed Raksha ancestors.

Luo Jun didn't talk nonsense, he performed Tai Chi Xuantian Slash.

Qin Lin's eternal light also killed him.

"Sun Menstrual Wheel, kill!" Cheng Jianhua shouted.

The four ultimate moves, together to kill the Raksha ancestor mercilessly.

The ancestor of Raksha was not a fuel-efficient lamp, he roared wildly, and in an instant, the golden hair on his body was close to his body, forming a golden armor.

Later, his hands were even more weird. That arm suddenly became thick and strong.

This arm is surprisingly the Demon King's arm.

"Boom!" The ancestor of Raksha unfurled the Demon King's arm and hit Lin Feng's Devil May Cry handprint with a punch.

With a bang, Lin Feng's Devil May Cry handprint was instantly torn by the Raksha ancestor. Moreover, the fist slammed into a fist remnant soul, and this remnant soul took the power of the fist and slammed towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng paled slightly, he instantly cut out the Ultimate Sword.

The Jue Xian Sword slashed three swords in a row, before smashing the remnant soul of the fist into pieces.

"Go die!" The ancestor Raksha roared again, and volleyed towards Luo Jun.

Luo Jun's Tai Chi Xuantian Slash was extremely fierce, but the demon king's arm of the Raksha ancestor suddenly became strong, and the Tai Chi Xuantian of the reborn General Luo Jun was cut to pieces with a punch. Moreover, the arm suddenly became bigger and extremely huge, and the palm of Tathagata Buddha grabbed towards Luo Jun.

Luo Jun couldn't help but lose his color, he instantly condensed the essence of the earth evil.

An ice wall quickly formed in front of Luo Jun.

The ice wall thickened rapidly, but the arm of the demon king of the ancestor of Raksha was faster, and with a bang, the ice wall in front of Luo Jun was blasted to pieces.

"Cut!" Qin Lin cut the eternal light towards the arm of the ancestor of Raksha.

With a bang, the arm shot out brilliant sparks, but it didn't hurt anything.

"Sun Moon Yuan Shen Yin!" Cheng Jianhua also desperately.

He instantly displayed the highest meaning of the Sun Menstrual Wheel.

The sun-moon prayer wheel condensed into a blazing fire ball, with a bang, this sun-moon-primordial seal hit the ancestor of Raksha.


The ancestor Raksha let out a scream.

His entire body was incinerated to ashes in an instant, leaving no residue.

Only, the Demon King's arm flew out.

The Demon King's arm was free, and he wanted to fly away. Luo Jun immediately pointed out the essence of earth evil.

The evil spirits quickly wrapped the arms of the Demon King, and then frozen them!

With a bang, the Demon King's arm was frozen into a popsicle, and then he fell straight to the ground.

Luo Jun and the others are overjoyed. Although they have gone through untold hardships, no matter what, the Demon King's arm has been obtained.

Afterwards, a group of four hurried out of the Star Demon Palace, and then recruited their respective cranes.

The four of them straddled the crane, and the crane flew up into the sky, rushing in the direction of Tianzong Yun.

In this battle, the cooperation of the four was quite tacit and successful. Moreover, Cheng Jianhua also had no reservations. Invisible, Lin Feng and Qin Lin had more trust in Cheng Jianhua.

But Luo Jun is still on guard against Cheng Jianhua. However, Luo Jun didn't have much to say right now. Another point, Luo Jun still believes in his eldest brother's ability and judgment.

In the afternoon of the same day, the four returned to Yuntianzong in a crane.

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