Super Security in the City

Chapter 921: Tian Xing Division

"Why should I help you save Xiaoling?" Ling Yunfeng asked Luo Jun suddenly.

Luo Jun couldn't help but stay.

Perhaps it is the sentence, ask others why, and ask yourself why.

Ling Yunfeng continued: "The relationship between Kongtong Patriarch and the Tianxing Division is very close, and it is highly respected in the entire Yuntian Sect. This time, he was obviously dragged into the water unintentionally. But since he has been dragged into the water, then he will. He must be saved. Xiaoling can die and be taken away, but she can’t be by your side. They are missing a crane, so where did this crane go? There must be an explanation. . And this time, they arranged the explanation on you. The only thing they didn't expect was that you would be so tough and unsatisfied to make things so stiff."

"With Kongtong's ability, does it take so much trouble to conceal a crane?" Luo Jun was puzzled, and there was still hatred in his eyes.

Ling Yunfeng said: "The Yuntian School is the number one fairy gate in the world, and the daily consumption of food and clothing in it is a very deep river and lake. As for the beasts, there is even more indescribable benefit transfer. A crane has no chance. It’s unreasonable to disappear for no reason. Although I don’t know about the realm of sacred beasts, I also know that the sale and delivery of every sacred beast must be carefully planned. They need to ensure that the world is seamless, otherwise, If things go out, then if the blame comes down from above, Patriarch Kongtong will also be very passive."

Luo Jun gradually understood. "This time their plan is to plant the crops on me, and then take Xiaoling away. After filling the vacancy, everything will be fine."

Ling Yunfeng said: "Yes. If they hadn't known you had Xiaoling, they wouldn't have come up with this plan."

Luo Jun slapped the table and said bitterly: "If I have your cultivation base, they will dare to calculate it on my head."

"That's right!" Ling Yunfeng said: "Your sentence has reached the point. The reason they came to calculate you is because they think you are just a trivial three-generation disciple on Tiangu Peak."

Luo Jun gritted his teeth, what he wanted to say, and finally resisted. He wanted to say that one day, the old man Kongtong would pay the price. But in the end, after thinking about it, he didn't say anything.

No matter how much you say, it's better to do it.

Ling Yunfeng continued: "Also, you have to leave Tiangu Peak and Yuntianzong immediately. After that, you will become a disciple who rebels. Maybe Yuntianzong will send a law enforcement team to chase you down."

"Why should I leave? I never thought of betraying the door." Luo Jun said.

Ling Yunfeng said: "This matter is not over yet. Next, Xiaoling is dead, and they will arrest you. If you don't run away, I'm afraid you will die faster. Once you are arrested by the Tian Xing Division, You won’t have a chance to speak. Patriarch Kongtong definitely has this ability."

Luo Jun couldn't help but his hairs stood upside down, and he suddenly felt the darkness of the Yuntianzong.

The water inside is too deep.

"I'm going to see the Supreme Master." Luo Jun started suddenly.

Luo Jun rarely experienced darkness in the great world. Although there is darkness in the world, he can use his network, power, and strength to break it. But here, he actually evolved into a vulnerable group.

Luo Jun said angrily: "I don't believe it, this entire Yuntian School is unreasonable."

Ling Yunfeng said indifferently: "Even if the Supreme Master teaches justice for you, he still has to weigh the entanglements of interest. Maybe he doesn't know the darkness inside Yun Tianzong at all? But many things affect the whole body. Besides, you can’t see the Supreme Master. The Supreme Master has gone deep and simplified, and I rarely see the Supreme without summoning. What's more, you? And before you see the Supreme, maybe the people from the Heavenly Criminal Division You have been arrested and brought to justice. Within a short while, you can be convicted and rectified on the spot."

Luo Jun's hair was immediately horrified.

"Do I have no other way but to escape?" he said in fear.

Ling Yunfeng said: "You have a few brothers. If it is another day, you will be able to cultivate to the Ninth Heaven. You can go up to the heavens and listen to everything clearly. Only then will you be innocent."

At this moment, Tian Xin reported from the outside: "Master, the Division of Tian Xing is here."

Luo Jun couldn't help but lose his color.

Ling Yunfeng said: "I only have one person, so I will also compromise with Tian Xing Si and Kongtong Patriarch, and they will give me enough benefits. You should also understand that I can't protect you now, at least on the face of it. , I won’t protect you again. I’m going to try my best to block the people of the Heavenly Criminal Division, you go quickly. As for whether you can get out and survive, it depends on your good fortune."

Luo Jun looked at Ling Yunfeng and said, “Thank you, Ling Yunfeng. Today I don’t call you master because I didn’t think you were my master. But I will treat you as my respected senior, maybe One day, I will treat you as a friend."

Ling Yunfeng smiled slightly, he didn't say much, got up and left Luo Jun's room.

Luo Jun stopped staying and took Batu to leave Tiangufeng quickly.

Batu is still young, so he can still fly by himself. But definitely can't carry Luo Jun.

After descending the Tiangufeng, Luo Jun dived into one hundred thousand mountains. It is surrounded by lush greenery.

It was one o'clock in the afternoon and the sun was fierce.

Luo Jun did not rush in a hurry. He has many years of anti-reconnaissance experience. First, he found some herbs and applied it all over his body. Including Batu, Luo Jun also wiped herbs on Batu's body.

After that, he found a hidden place and dug out a big hole with the earth evil sword. After that, he made vents and so on in the pit, and then covered the soil and grass transport mana on it.

Subsequently, Luo Jun used the essence of the evil earth to freeze the ground, so that Luo Jun would have a basement. The exhaust inside is well done.

Luo Jun set up the camp and so on in the pit, and then he lay in it comfortably.

Luo Jun thought clearly, he had stored a lot of food and water before. Luo Jun also prepared the herbs Batu ate, and he planned to stay here for ten days and a half. After Elder Na Kongtong thought he had left the nearby mountain of Yuntianzong, he left again.

It is impossible to confront these people head-on. Luo Jun now just wants to live for nothing.

He has rarely been so aggrieved since his cultivation. But in this Tianzhou, he has learned to be a man with his tail clamped.

In the Kongtong Pavilion in the Divine Beast Realm, the elder Kongtong Thunder was furious.

"What the **** is going on?" Elder Kongtong lost his temper at Mo Qingyu and Zhao Boquan.

At this time, where did the two dare to conceal anything, they immediately told the facts.

Zhao Boquan tremblingly said: "Uncle Leiyun, this time it is Patriarch Leiyun's niece who wants a crane, Patriarch Leiyun also opened his mouth. The disciples just saw that three generations of disciple Luo Jun had such a crane, so they moved. Brains. How can you think that Luo Jun is so stubborn?"

"Do you think that this animal realm is their vegetable garden?" Elder Kongtong was furious. He said again: "Also, why don't you discuss such a big matter with me first? Why don't you tell the truth? Even I have to hide it. Do you still have me as an uncle in your eyes?"

"Uncle Shi, calm down!" Mo Qingyu said quickly: "Uncle Shi, the disciples thought it was just a small matter, but they did not expect things to develop to this point!"

But his heart is slanderous, you old fox. Smile every time we take advantage, and every time we do bad things, try to pretend not to know. If you know it, you will scold and scold it desperately. How can we tell you?

Mo Qingyu also knew the wishful thinking of Elder Kongtong.

You do all the bad things anyway, and I don't agree with it anyway. Anyway, every time I know it, I stop it.

Anyway, none of this has anything to do with me.

This is the wishful thinking of Elder Kongtong.

So this time, Mo Qingyu and the others thought it was a simple matter, and they would never report it to Elder Kongtong.

Elder Kongtong may not be clear in his heart, but he will always pretend not to know.

Only this time, in order to cover up the scandals of Mo Qingyu and Zhao Boquan, his approach was indeed a bit extreme.

At this moment, people from the Criminal Division came to report.

Tian Xing Division is an existence that everyone is afraid of in Yun Tianzong. This department is a bit similar to Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty. It is also somewhat similar to the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

The ranks of the Tianxing Division are chasers, torture officers, tortureds, and law enforcement elders.

Pursuits and arrests have always been held accountable by chasers. So the one who came at this moment was a chaser, and this person was called Wei Zheng.

Wei Zheng was in his forties. He was wearing a black shirt and his face was serious and meticulous. His cultivation is between the five heavens of Taixu.

After Wei Zheng came in, Mo Qingyu and Zhao Boquan were very polite and hurriedly greeted them with fists. The status of these two people is actually higher than that of the chasing envoy Wei Zheng. But helplessly, Wei Zheng's status is special, so in front of Wei Zheng, they didn't dare to be arrogant.

After Wei Zheng came, he was respectful to Elder Kongtong. "Kongtong Patriarch!"

"How are things going?" Elder Kong Tong asked coldly.

Wei Zheng said: "Patriarch, things are not going well, the three generations of disciple Luo Jun has already escaped."

"Escape?" Elder Kongtong's eyes flashed anger, and said: "Did Ling Yunfeng let him go?"

"Obviously, without Ling Yunfeng's acquiescence, he cannot escape." Wei Zheng said. He paused, and then said: "Master, if you have no other instructions, then our Heavenly Criminal Division will handle this matter by ourselves. We will send a master from the Heavenly Criminal Division to hunt down this person."

"Wait!" Elder Kongtong said.

Wei Zheng said: "What is the command of the patriarch?"

Elder Kongtong said: "You don't have to deal with the matter of chasing this person. I will deal with it myself, and you will convict it. After I kill the evil animal, I will release the official document."

Wei Zheng said, "Master, it's better to be skilled at hunting down and killing people. Are you sure you don't need to send someone from the Heavenly Criminal Division?"

"No need." Elder Kongtong said.

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