Super Security in the City

Chapter 955: Two demon

Luo Jun didn't think so much, in fact, he really needs the **** pill now. Because taking a **** pill, he might be able to make up for the brain cells he lost. However, he felt that his elder brother definitely needed that divine pill more than him, so he would never take it by himself.

In Luo Jun's heart, the friendship between brothers is more important than anything.

Su Yanran didn't say anything more when she saw it. She said, "Don't worry, I will bring you this."

"Thank you!" Luo Jun was relieved.

Later, Luo Jun remembered one more thing, he said: "By the way, I still need some Guiyuan Dan."

"More?" Su Yanran couldn't help but wonder.

Luo Jun said: "Yes."

Su Yanran said, "How much do you want?"

Luo Jun said: "Give me a thousand more."

"Big Brother, that's not a soybean!" Su Yanran said.

Luo Jun laughed and said: "Of course I know it's not yellow beans, but I know you must have a way. I helped you fix the Sacred Sword, this is a favor. You give me a thousand Guiyuan Dan, Just repaid this favor, what do you think?"

Su Yanran was taken aback for a moment, then she pondered for a moment, and then said: "Okay!"

Luo Jun said, "Then when do you think you can give me the Guiyuan Pill?"

Su Yanran said: "When you return from overseas, I will send someone to deliver it to you."

"Thank you very much," Luo Jun said.

Su Yanran said: "I should like to thank you for this matter. I have taken too much advantage."

Luo Jun went on to say: "By the way, I still want to go back to the Great Thousand World. Can you send me back once?"

Su Yanran was startled slightly and said, "Are you going back?"

Luo Jun said: "It's not going back, but there is still a promise to do over there. I want to return to Yuandan because of this."

Su Yanran said, "How long are you going to go?"

"Not more than a month." Luo Jun said.

Su Yanran said: "I can't give you an answer to this matter now. After you return from overseas, let's talk about it, okay?"

"Good!" Luo Jun said.

Subsequently, Luo Jun left Tianchi Pavilion.

After that, Luo Jun went to see Lan Jianyi.

This time, Lan Jianyi was not Luo Jun, who was received in the Hou Mansion. He was in a restaurant.

In the private room of the restaurant, Lan Jian gave a feast at one point.

Gu Changlin and Gu Changjun accompanied Lan Jianyi. There is another woman.

The woman looked twenty-five or sixteen years old, mature and gorgeous. She was dressed in red, her eyes were charming, and a single look could catch a person's soul. Luo Jun found out that this woman was a kind of imperial sister like Su Qing, and that Luo Jun liked it. But Su Qing is a very serious woman. But the woman in front of her is exuding a seductive style all the time.

There is still a big difference between the two.

"The son!" Luo Jun held his fists respectfully.

Lan Jian smiled slightly and said, "Brother Luo, I'll introduce you. I believe Uncle Changjun and Uncle Changlin don't need to introduce more. And this is Nie Meiniang, this time I'm going to sea, I'm afraid you will be lonely on your journey. Mei Niang has been arranged to accompany you. Mei Niang has a wealth of experience in sailing, and I believe she can help you. Of course, everything is dominated by you this time."

Luo Jun glanced at Nie Meiniang, he smiled and said, "Thank you, son."

When Lan Jian saw that Luo Jun was not resisting, he heaved a sigh of relief. He went on to say, "Sit down."

Luo Jun also sat down, his heart was like a mirror. Lan Jianyi didn't trust herself, so she sent Nie Meiniang to monitor her. This is not surprising, with Lan Jian's suspicious character, how can he feel relieved. It's normal to send someone, but it would be strange if you don't send someone.

"Master Luo, the slave family respects you." Nie Meiniang said delicately, holding the glass.

Luo Jun also toasted.

Nie Meiniang smiled Bai Meisheng, she went on to say, "Master Luo, the slave family is weak on this journey, but I must rely on your care."

Luo Jun laughed and said, "Don't worry, Mei Niang, I like taking care of women the most in my life."

Although he expressed his liking for Su Yanran in front of Lan Jianyi, it is normal for men to like several women in this era.

Furthermore, Luo Jun didn't care much about what Lan Jianyi thought now. Anyway, no matter how well or perfect he did in front of him, Lan Jianyi would never give himself a chance to climb up.

This meal was a pleasant one.

After that, Luo Jun and Nie Meiniang set off in a carriage.

As for the things needed to go to sea, Lan Jian had already prepared them.

Just wait until you arrive at Beihai Wharf and you can start.

The carriage arranged by Lan Jian was a luxury carriage, with Luo Jun and Nie Meiniang sitting in it. There is a horseman driving a car outside.

As for Luo Jun's Fire Dragon Horse, he simply returned it to Tianchi Pavilion.

As the sun went down, the carriage left the imperial city all the way.

At this moment, the carriage was driving on an official road.

Nie Meiniang smiled and looked at Luo Jun all the time. Luo Jun smiled and said, "Why is Miss Nie staring at me? Is there a flower on my face?"

Nie Meiniang said: "There is no flower, but I think Luo Gongzi is indeed handsome and admirable."

Luo Jun laughed and said, "So, Miss Nie admires me?"

Nie Meiniang said, "Of course."

Luo Jun said, "What is Mei Niang waiting for?" After he finished speaking, he grabbed Nie Mei Niang's hand, and then pulled Nie Mei Niang onto his lap.

Nie Meiniang was taken aback, but immediately screamed, she lay down in Luo Jun's arms and hooked Luo Jun's neck, and said softly, "Master Luo, you really hate it."

Luo Jun smiled slightly, and he said, "Why do I hate it? The more disgusting is still behind." As he spoke, his hand rubbed Nie Meiniang's thigh.

Nie Meiniang immediately panted.

Luo Jun kissed Nie Meiniang's lips, and the two had just met each other, and the sky thunder would start a fire in a while.

In fact, Luo Jun has no scruples. He had been abstinent for a long time anyway, and this figure of Nie Meiniang was the type he liked. He doesn't mind coming to such a friendly match.

So at this time, Luo Jun's hands were even more presumptuous, and went deep into the hinterland.

But just when Luo Jun's hand was about to touch the sensitive area, Nie Meiniang suddenly pushed Luo Jun away.

Nie Meiniang blushed, and she quickly returned to her position. "I thought Luo Gongzi was a gentleman Qianqian."

Luo Jun smiled and said, "A fair lady, a gentleman is so awkward! If I'm indifferent to the beauty of the world like Ms. Nie, wouldn't it be too bad a man?"

Nie Meiniang looked at Luo Jun, who smiled.

Having said that, Luo Jun was also funny in his heart. I made you molesting me at the beginning, but I didn't know that I was the ancestor of molesting women. You are too tender to play this hand with me.

Nie Meiniang originally thought that even if Luo Jun had a high level of cultivation, she was emotionally a little pig brother. He wanted to take this to hold Luo Jun, but he didn't expect that Luo Jun was actually an veteran.

In this first clash, Nie Meiniang was defeated.

"Mei Niang, you see that this journey is far away, not very lonely. Let's continue to do what we didn't finish just now, right?" Luo Jun offered to invite.

Nie Meiniang said: "Master Luo, please respect yourself. Although the Nu family is not a good girl, how can you have **** with you on this carriage."

Luo Jun laughed, he deceived Nie Meiniang, and an absolute wall came. Said: "Mei Niang, what you said means that when we stay in the inn at night, we can be worth a thousand dollars for the Spring Festival?"

Nie Meiniang blushed, she felt Luo Jun's strong masculine aura. "Master Luo, you respect yourself."

Luo Jun smiled, rubbing his hand on Nie Meiniang's thigh, but his mouth softly said in Nie Meiniang's ear: "How to respect yourself, you have to ask Mei Niang to teach me."

"You..." Nie Meiniang felt her ears soft.

Luo Jun is funny in his heart, to see if you girl is still showing off in front of me.

"Huh!" Luo Jun suddenly thought of something. He secretly said: "This Nie Meiniang was sent by Lan Jianyi to monitor me, and she must be Lan Jianyi's confidant. I might as well start from her and completely capture her heart. This way, I will have a lot of initiative. And, in the future There may be a place for Nie Meiniang to help. After all, she is more familiar than herself here."

When Luo Jun thought about this, he suddenly had this idea.

Anyway, it was already sold out, and he still talked so much about humanity and morality.

"Master Luo, you..." Nie Meiniang gritted her teeth and pushed Luo Jun away.

Luo Jun laughed and stopped bullying Nie Meiniang. Luo Jun is a master of love, but he knows when to stop.

"Master Luo, let's talk about business." Nie Meiniang said after finishing her clothes and hair.

Luo Jun said: "Okay, let's talk first."

Nie Meiniang said, "Master Luo, do you know who else Lan Tingyu brought with him this time?"

"I don't know." Luo Jun said frankly.

Nie Meiniang said, "Don't you do some homework in advance?"

Luo Jun said: "Let's do our homework together at night, what's the hurry?"

"Master Luo, you shouldn't treat the slave family as a frivolous person. The slave family can't let you be so frivolous." Nie Meiniang said angrily.

Luo Jun immediately said: "I mean we talked all night, discussing how to deal with Lan Tingyu! Why is this so frivolous, Mei Niang?" He paused, and then said: "Oh, Mei Niang, shouldn't it be Do you want to be crooked?"

Nie Meiniang is also a Fengyue veteran, but in front of Luo Jun, she has no power to parry.

At this time, Luo Jun said in a serious tone: "Are there other masters around Lan Tingyu?"

Nie Meiniang took a deep breath and said, "Lan Tingyu invited two masters to hunt for treasures this time. Those two masters are the Peacock King Yang Xuan among the Four Great Demon Immortals, and the Fragrant Fox King Yu Feihong."

Luo Jun suddenly changed his expression. "Are you kidding? If Lan Tingyu asked two big monsters to go together, wouldn't it be cannon fodder if we went this time? It would be extremely difficult to deal with a Lan Tingyu. Those monsters are all masters of the Nine Heavens."

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