Super Security in the City

Chapter 981: General Shaowei

Luo Jun said: "The emperor, Cao Min also plans to return to the Great Thousand World first."

Xuan Zhenghao was taken aback, and then he said, "It's okay, your official position is a free one. I won't restrain you wherever you go. But if there is an important task, I will give you a chance."

"Thank you, the emperor!" Luo Jun said, knelt down on one knee.

Xuan Zhenghao said, "Well, go down."

In fact, Xuan Zhenghao came from the Great Thousand World, and Luo Jun also came from the Great Thousand World. Kneeling like this was originally unnecessary, but Xuan Zhenghao didn't want to deliberately. He was afraid that if Luo Jun didn't kneel, he would look extraordinarily special.

Later, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning left the palace.

After leaving the palace, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning breathed a sigh of relief. But Qiao Ning still had many puzzles. She said, "What the **** is going on? Who is the master and who is Luo Ling? You are all from the Great Thousand World?"

Luo Jun said: "Let's find a place to rest. It's not easy to talk here."

Qiao Ning said: "Okay!"

In the palace, after Lan Tianji and Wei Wuji had finished eating with the emperor, the emperor went to rest and let Lan Tianji and Wei Wuji go back by themselves.

Lan Tianji and Wei Wuji left the palace.

Subsequently, Wei Wuji got into Lan Tianji's carriage.

The carriage drove forward, and its wheels ran over the bluestone pavilion, making regular sounds.

The sky was dark, and it seemed that there was going to be a pouring rain.

In the car, Lan Tianji closed his eyes and concentrated.

Wei Wuji said lightly, "Brother Tianji, what do you mean today, do you know?"

Lan Tianji said: "This word of worship of the Holy Master is already shocking me to wait. The cultivation base of the Holy Master is really unfathomable. You and I are absolutely inferior, but the Holy Master didn't say anything today. I didn't blame us. What this means should be clear. That is, the Holy Spirit knows all our small actions, he just doesn't say it. He is also warning us to keep our duty. Don't say it, just don't want everyone to embarrass each other. "

Wei Wuji said: "The thoughts and methods of the sage are really hard to figure out. I am really smart this time." He paused, and said: "I just don't know why this little man in Luo Jun is valued by the sage. . Is it because he is the King of Destiny? But what about the King of Destiny? Are there few destiny kings we kill?"

Lan Tianji said: "We are courtiers, and everything is based on the will of the sacred. You can't go wrong in this way. How can we try to figure out the will of the holy?"

"Well, you old fox!" Wei Wuji didn't say anything.

After a while, Wei Wuji said again: "Then you still have to deal with Luo Jun?"

"If I dare to deal with the people saved by the sage, am I looking for death?" Lan Tianji said.

"Then do you want to win over the boy Luo Jun?" Wei Wuji asked.

Lan Tianji said: "The saint hates us as courtiers to form cliques. It's better not to be smart."

Wei Wuji said, "Hey, this dynasty incident is really too complicated. Fortunately, I have already withdrawn."

Lan Tianji said: "There are troubles in the DPRK, but there are also benefits in the DPRK."

"That's true!" Wei Wuji said.

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning returned to the inn.

Qiao Ning stayed in Luo Jun's room for the first time. She was a son and daughter of the rivers and lakes, so she was not afraid of gossip and outsiders' eyes.

After a brief narrative, Luo Jun said: "That's how it is."

Qiao Ning also roughly understood the relationship between Emperor Xuan Zhenghao and Daqian World.

Luo Jun continued: "Speaking of the emperor, when he was in the Great Thousand World, it is said that before he had any cultivation base, he almost made the Chinese emperor Luo Ling predecessor stumble. It's not that Luo Ling predecessor had a man named Long. Jade's treasure, was detoxified at the time, otherwise, Senior Luo Ling would have died in the hands of the military division."

"I don't know what happened later. I only know that the emperor joined Senior Luo Ling's camp. Guarding the Great Chumen for Senior Luo Ling. At that time, even if Senior Luo Ling was not there, no one dared Commit."

"When it comes to tactical design, the emperor has never encountered an opponent in the Great Thousand World. Even Senior Luo Ling is not an opponent in this respect." Luo Jun finally said.

Qiao Ning said: "No one dares to refuse to accept the emperor's methods now." She paused and said, "Although you now have this subtle relationship with the emperor, you can't be proud of it. The emperor is definitely not. What you see is so kind."

Luo Jun said: "Of course I understand this. I even understand that the Emperor and Senior Luo Ling deliberately want me to grow up to deal with Luo Tianya."

"Luo Tianya?" Qiao Ning said, "Your father? Is your biological father? What is going on?"

Luo Jun didn't hide from Qiao Ning. He said, "Do you know the Four Emperors of the Great Thousand World?"

Qiao Ning said: "I have heard some, but I didn't understand it carefully."

Luo Jun will tell the ins and outs, he first talked about the Four Emperors. He also talked about the relationship between the Great Chinese Emperor and the Devil Emperor, and finally talked about the grievances between himself and the Devil Emperor.

Once this past episode was said, Luo Jun felt that the wound was torn apart bloody. This is his most private thing, if it weren't for Qiao Ning, he would never say it.

Qiao Ning was shocked when she heard that, she said, "I didn't expect you to have such a tragic life experience."

Luo Jun said: "There are still many things, I can tell you everything if I have the opportunity."

Qiao Ning said, "You said that the Chinese emperor and the emperor deliberately asked you to deal with your father, right?"

Luo Jun said: "Senior Luo Ling has never concealed this intention, and I do need to grow up. Because even if I don't deal with Luo Tianya in the future, he will not let me go. This knot cannot be solved."

Qiao Ning said: "The emperor now sits in the world, and his masters are endless. The Chinese emperor is also the best in the world. If they want to kill Luo Tianya, do they still need you? Can they not kill Luo Tianya themselves?"

Luo Jun said: "I don't know the specifics. But Luo Tianya's practice is special. Back then, the God Emperor and the Great Emperor of China failed to kill Luo Tianya, but suppressed him on Mount Tai. It seems that they all paid it back. No way to kill Luo Tianya was found."

"So they want to use you to find a way?" Qiao Ning said.

"Maybe!" Luo Jun said.

Qiao Ning said: "But no matter what Luo Tianya is, he is your father after all. You can't kill him."

"I never thought of killing him, I just want him to go to my mother's grave and kowtow to admit his mistake." Luo Jun said.

Qiao Ning said: "Since you don't plan to kill Luo Tianya, what do you mean by the emperor and the emperor of China supporting you?"

Luo Jun said: "Senior Luo Ling treats me sincerely. He has not concealed his thoughts. At least, I went to persecute Luo Tianya. This was a big blow to Luo Tianya. In addition, there are also senior Luo Ling and the emperor behind. I don’t know what it means."

Qiao Ning smiled and said, "Maybe you can help them when you grow up in the future. Maybe they will have a big chess game and you are one of the important chess pieces."

Luo Jun said: "These are not important anymore. The important thing is that I really need to be strong."

Qiao Ning nodded.

"By the way, what are you going to do next?" Qiao Ning asked.

Luo Jun said: "Tomorrow, we will receive the order first, and then report. After the report is finished, we will go to Su Yanran."

Qiao Ning smiled and said, "Tianchi Pavilion is really like a girl in a flower house. As long as you have no use value, you can turn your face away from you at any time."

Luo Jun also laughed and said, "Tianchi Pavilion is a place for business. It's hard to talk about relationships with businessmen."

In the morning of the next day, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning stayed in the inn.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the **** declared that the **** came on time.

The **** who declared the decree didn't show much fanfare, but came on a fast horse.

The **** announced the decree when he arrived in Luo Jun's room and let Luo Jun kneel down to take the decree. Luo Jun knelt down honestly, the **** coughed, and said: "We will carry it out, the emperor's edict said, I heard that the son Luo Jun is smart, talented in civil and martial arts, and the son Luo Jun is specially named General Shaowei. The official worships the Fourth Product, I respect this!"

"Caomin thanks my emperor for his great kindness, long live my emperor!" Luo Jun said in shock.

The **** delivered the imperial edict to Luo Jun. "General Luo, you will not be a grassroots in the future, but the order officer of my Dakang court." He paused and said: "You need to go to the Ministry of Rites with this decree within three days. You arrange everything."

"Yes, thank you father-in-law!" Luo Jun wittily took out a hundred taels of gold after speaking. "Father-in-law, it's a trivial thing, but I hope to accept it."

"This, General Luo, what do you mean? This is absolutely wrong. It is only natural and righteous for me to be a slave and serve the emperor. How can I repay your benefits? No!" Xuanzhi **** said repeatedly.

Luo Jun forced it over, and he said: "This is my intention. I intend to be a friend with my father-in-law. Father-in-law, if you refuse to accept it, you are despising me."

The **** said: "Well, how can a slave look down on you, General Luo."

He received the gold, and then left with a smile.

Luo Jun immediately took the imperial decree to see Qiao Ning. After closing the door, Luo Jun said: "The emperor has really sealed me a general, and I am still a fourth-rank general. This officer is really big. I remember that Lan Tingyu and Lan Jianyi are also fourth-rank officers."

"This is very obvious." Qiao Ning said: "The emperor deliberately put you in the same position as Lan Tingyu and Lan Jianyi."

Luo Jun said: "Just being promoted to me like this, won't the court provoke criticism?"

Qiao Ning said, "Do you think the emperor cares about court criticism?"

Luo Jun said: "That's true!"

Qiao Ning continued with a smile, and said: "I guess Tianchi Pavilion will come to you soon. I'm looking for you again at this moment, I'm afraid it will be a change of face. Although the twists and turns are not small this time, but in the end you are still a blessing in disguise. If it's not like that, if you have to get to this point, just follow Lan Jianyi, it will be a lifetime."

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