Everyone didn't know how to respond for a while, and they took this series of attacks.

Fortunately, Grandinu's adaptability to the new body was not high, so although these attacks made everyone unable to move, they could not cause too strong an impact on everyone.

After standing up again, everyone immediately launched a new round of charge.

Grandinu still used similar means to block everyone's attack.

As usual, everyone was blocked by her dazzling means.

But after repeating this several times, everyone also figured out Grandinu's skills. Relying on the physical experience accumulated in these charges, Sambashu and Gil were the first to come to Grandinu and fight her in close combat.

However, Grandinu was prepared for this. She opened her arms and two space cracks appeared in front of her. She reached into the cracks and took out two ice cone-shaped crystal sticks from them. Soon she and Sambashu and Gil were entangled together.

"This body was conceived with the flesh of the Beast Demon King Germoa as its womb, and it absorbed the powerful physical strength of the Beast Demon Clan. Close combat is not the weakness of this body!" Even though more and more people broke through the strange space created by those strange little balls, Grandinu's close combat was still easy.

Ilias, who was watching from the sidelines, looked at Grandinu who was not at a disadvantage in close combat. She was anxious and it was really difficult for her to think of a way to expel the opponent's soul from this perfect body.

Suddenly, in the melee, Gil asked: "Hiyama, why don't you use the Shadow Sword?"

Samba explained: "It's not that I'm afraid of rubbing against you and accidentally absorbing your shadow power."

Hearing this conversation, Ilias immediately had an idea. She looked at Samba and shouted: "Hiyama, give me the Shadow Sword, I have an idea!"

Considering the risk of the parabola being intercepted, Samba decisively withdrew from the melee, thrust the Shadow Sword in front of Ilias, and then went to fight with Grandinu again.

However, just after running out two steps, Bakuda, who was still trying to break through the strange space, suddenly turned back.

"Bakuda, what are you doing?"

Bakuda said embarrassedly: "Leader, I really can't break through the attacks caused by those micro-celestial bodies. Sure enough, fighting is not my forte. I'll come to see if there is anything I can help with Ilias."

Nodding, Samba no longer cares about Bakuda and continues to buy time for Ilias.

Bakuda came to Ilias's side, carefully watching Ilias cast various incomprehensible magic on the Shadow Sword, and thoughtfully reached into his leather jacket.

A few seconds later, as if he had made up his mind, he nodded heavily.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 220 The Dragon from the Universe

When Ilias's confident shout temporarily diverted Sambashu from the fight with her, Grandinu suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"No, stop her!"

Grandinu quickly pushed aside the short sticks of Gilfisa and Cobruda, dodged the spear of Salamandis and the soft whip of Tina, and was about to move towards Ilias, but ran into GOGOV's fist head-on.

As more and more people broke through the strange space, Grandinu gradually fell into the quagmire of close combat.

You have to know that there are a total of twelve people, including the Disaster Demon siblings, GOGOV, Budo and Sambashu. Therefore, even if Grandinu can resolve the siege of four or five people, as long as Sambashu and his team fill in the position quickly enough, Grandinu will find it difficult to break through the blockade of everyone.

"Hiyama, it's done!"

Sambashu briefly withdrew from the melee again, took back the Shadow Sword from Ilias, and rushed into the battlefield again.

Seeing Sambashu rushing with the Shadow Sword, Kiel and others also reacted quickly. They immediately stopped surrounding Grandinu like making dumplings, but while controlling Grandinu's range of action as much as possible, they made room for Sambashu to attack.

With the cover of Kiel and others, Sambashu almost effortlessly inserted the Shadow Sword into Grandinu's body.

"This sword no longer absorbs the power of shadow?"

When the Shadow Sword pierced into his body, Grandinu felt that the shadow power in his body did not move at all, but his soul was peeling off his body and gathering towards the location of the Shadow Sword.

Feeling something was wrong, she quickly released her hand holding the crystal staff, pulled her hand back from the grip of Gil and others, cast a hardening magic on her arm, and swung a knife at the Shadow Sword.

There was a crisp sound.


The Shadow Sword broke, and the soul that was about to be separated from the body was able to occupy the magpie's nest again.

"Hahaha, dear, the Shadow Sword is broken, you have lost your last chance."

Grandinu laughed triumphantly.

However, there was no panic on Sambaxiu's face: "Not yet."

Sambaxiu smiled slightly, pulled out two identical Shadow Swords from behind, aimed at Grandinu's waist and abdomen, and stabbed hard.

The familiar feeling of soul withdrawal came again, and Grandinu didn't bother to think about where Sambaxiu's two Shadow Swords came from. He continued to use the glass-like arm as an indestructible weapon and smashed the Shadow Sword heavily.

After two crisp cracking sounds, two more broken shadow swords appeared.

Just as Grandinu held her breath and used her muscles to expel the three shadow swords that had been inserted into her body, Sambaxiu took out two more shadow swords and stabbed them into her body.

Grandinu was going crazy. She broke two more Shadow Swords, and then accumulated the magic power in her body, transforming herself into a bomb ready to explode.

She exerted force suddenly, releasing the magic power in her body in one breath.

The overwhelming magic power was like the terrible thrust of an explosion, which bounced away the people around her.

At the same time, she raised her hand to grab Sambashu's wrist, fearing that if she was not careful, the other party would take out two more Shadow Swords.

"Where did these Shadow Swords come from..."

Grandinu, who was furious, wanted to ask, but she had already found the answer.

When her eyes bypassed Sambashu's body and looked at Ilias, she saw that a small furnace had been set up beside Ilias at some point, and a weirdo who was completely ignored by her was frantically taking out weapons from his leather jacket and throwing them into the furnace.

That weirdo was naturally Bakuda. Bakuda threw a weapon into the furnace, and a red Shadow Sword appeared under the furnace.

When the Shadow Sword gradually cooled down, Ilias on the side would cast several spells on the Shadow Sword at a very fast speed.

"How is this possible!"

Although he knew that it was a taboo to be distracted during the battle, how could Grandinu still maintain his sanity at this moment?

Uncontrollably surprised, Grandinu's attention was completely attracted by the "assembly line" that copied the Shadow Sword like a printing document.

When she came to her senses, she had been stabbed with a Shadow Sword by everyone who surrounded and beat her.

"Get out of this child's body!" With a roar from Gil, Grandinu's soul once again began to peel off this body that did not belong to her.

Grandinu wanted to repeat the same trick and break these Shadow Swords.

But this time was different from the previous one. There were a total of twelve Shadow Swords, which was equivalent to opening twelve drains for a pool. The speed was definitely not comparable to the previous one or two.

Almost instantly, Grandinu's soul was expelled from this body.

Since the huge negative energy was bound to Grandinu's soul, when Grandinu's soul left the body along the twelve shadow swords, most of the negative energy in the body was lost.

Gradually, the body shrank like dehydrated fruit pulp.

Finally, after returning to the size of a normal baby, there was no more change.

"Damn it, why can you hold the Shadow Sword? Doesn't the Shadow Sword only recognize him!"

Grandinu's soul gradually condensed in the air, and she asked because she was unwilling.

The kind-hearted Bakuda answered her doubts: "This is naturally because those Shadow Swords are fake. Although they have the appearance and functions of the Shadow Sword, they do not have the 'soul' of the Shadow Sword. They are just defective products that I made with other temporary imitations."

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Grandinu never thought that he would fall into the hands of such an inconspicuous guy. He was furious and gathered the huge negative energy absorbed from the dark planet.

A moment later, a giant Grandinu appeared in front of everyone.

Sambashu handed the child to Bakuda: "Bakuda, you take the child away first, as for this angry bad woman, leave it to us."

After that, he used the Qi skill·Rairamon to summon Daitanix.

Seeing this, Wudao, Ilias and Gil followed closely and summoned their own Qimon.

The brothers and sisters of the disaster looked at each other and became giants.

And GOGOV was not far behind and immediately boarded the Extreme Victory Robot.

"Sambashu, let's merge!" Wudao's Qimon is the same as Ilias's, not big, and not the kind that can transform independently.

In addition, Gil and Sambashu, Ilias and Sambashu have merged before, so Wudao asked for a fusion.

"Add me one more." Ilias didn't want to rush forward to play tail swing with Grandinu, so she immediately echoed.

Samba Xiu also understood the situation of Wu Dao and Ilias's Qi beasts and did not refuse.

But just when the three were about to unify their minds and merge, thunderclouds rolled in the sky.

Soon, thick dark clouds covered the sky.

After a thunderclap, in the flash of lightning, a huge dragon head poked out from the clouds.

Then a dragon claw broke through the layers of clouds and mist and rushed straight to Qi Tunxing!

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 221 The Great Dragon's Target is Samba Xiu

The huge dragon claw, a single one is enough to cover Qi Tunxing.

Seeing this huge dragon claw coming towards him, Samba Xiu could only pause the merger with Wu Dao and Ilias and control Qi Tunxing to roll and dodge.

Before Sambashu could catch his breath in this sudden attack, a dragon claw also came from the sky, but it did not come towards Sambashu, but aimed at Grandinu who was surrounded by people.

Grandinu, who was still gloating over Sambashu's embarrassment a second ago, did not even have time to laugh triumphantly, and had to avoid the oppression that fell from the sky like Sambashu.

"What on earth is this?" Wudao, whose fusion was interrupted, asked an angry question. His eyes followed the two dragon claws upwards, and what came into view was a huge standing blue mechanical dragon.

Just as a child who enjoys burning ant nests will not care about the resistance of ants, the huge dragon will naturally not respond to Wudao's question.

It just stood there, standing there, with its huge size giving everyone present the most simple sense of oppression.

Fortunately, there was Samba Xiu who could answer Wu Dao's doubts: "This is the Great Dragon, the god responsible for maintaining the balance between good and evil in the universe."

"Balance between good and evil? Could it be that it appeared to protect Grandinu?" Xun Chan was angry after hearing Samba Xiu's explanation.

Samba Xiu continued to be vigilant against the Great Dragon, saying: "The last time the Great Dragon came to Earth was six years ago, when the Five-Star Team Dairanger fought against the Haoma clan. It was said that the Great Dragon felt that the battle between the two sides was meaningless, so it came to Earth to force the two sides to cease fire with absolute force."

"So this guy came to Earth this time to protect Grandinu, what a joke! Such a guy, what qualifications do you have to be a god!" Xun Chan shouted out his attitude.

At this moment, the Great Dragon's scarlet eyes lit up with a dangerous red light, and the huge dragon head slowly turned.

Just when Xunchan thought that his shouting had attracted the attention of the Great Dragon and was about to aim the gun of the Extreme Victory Robot at the god who had been derelict in his opinion, the Great Dragon turned his head to the direction of Jiqi Tunxing.

He opened his huge mouth and a beam of light as thick as a skyscraper shot towards Jiqi Tunxing.

Without a moment's hesitation, Samba Xiu decisively manipulated Jiqi Tunxing to turn back into Daitanix. While avoiding this huge and terrifying breath, he also realized one thing: "The Great Dragon is coming for me!"

Based on Samba Xiu's understanding of the Great Dragon, if he felt that the battle between them and Grandinu was meaningless and that this visit to Earth was to replicate the mediation method six years ago, then the Great Dragon should launch an indiscriminate attack on both sides at this moment, instead of releasing this highly targeted breath.

"The Great Dragon is not here to protect Grandinu. Its target is me. Mr. Gil and Mr. Xunchan, Grandinu is in your hands. I will lead the Great Dragon away!"

After saying that, Sambashu controlled the Titanix to rise higher and higher, and finally turned into a rocket and headed towards outer space.

The target was out of sight, and the breath was meaningless. The Great Dragon stopped destroying the surface of the earth, looked up in the direction where Titanix left, switched from the standing dragon god form to the soaring dragon form, and chased after Titanix.

Seeing this, everyone understood that what Sambashu said was true. This terrible Great Dragon was really coming for Sambashu.

After confirming this, everyone immediately understood that Sambashu was going to sacrifice himself to save everyone. They were shocked and didn't know what to say for a while.

Martial Arts and Ilias reacted the fastest. After understanding the danger Sambashu was facing at this time, they had no time to worry about their own safety, and hurriedly controlled their Qi beasts to chase after Titanix.

Perhaps it was their impatience that forced them to burst out with powerful strength. The two Qi beasts, which were not known for their speed, actually had an extraordinary speed. They soon overtook the Great Dragon and saw Daitanix in the distance.

After feeling the Qi of Wudao and Ilias, Sambashu slowed down a little, maintaining a range that would not be caught up by the Great Dragon but could be caught up by the two at the moment.

When the two controlled the Qi beasts to the side of Daitanix, with the help of the Qi emitted by the Qi beasts, Sambashu asked fiercely: "Why are you two here? Go back quickly, merge with Gil, and help him defeat Grandinu!"

"He has his brothers and sisters to help him, and GOGOV to help him, it shouldn't be a problem to take down Grandinu. On the contrary, you chose to face such a guy alone. Do you think Wudao is a coward?" Wudao was stimulated by Sambashu's fierce tone and became angry. He threw away the respect for his master that he usually carefully maintained, and simply expressed his inner dissatisfaction with his own emotions.

Sambashu never questioned Wudao's character, so in the face of such a straightforward question, he had nothing to say except the simplest denial.

Sambashu's brief denial made Wudao and Ilias feel more uneasy. Ilias asked quickly: "Sambashu, have you thought of a way to deal with this guy?"

Sambashu sighed and said: "We can only pin our hopes on the devouring ability of Daitanix itself. I plan to try to treat the Great Dragon as a planet to see if it can be transformed into something like the fate of the star. So you two can't help much, so hurry back to Earth to help Gil and the others."

Hearing Sambashu's expulsion again, Ilias spoke first without waiting for Wudao to object: "I won't go back. Let's die together and live together. Instead of going back to Earth and worrying, it's better to go with you. Witness the end!"

"There is really no need to go back," Wu Dao continued, "If a warrior loses his loyal lord, it means he loses his future. From then on, the sword is not sharp and the blade is not sharp, so there is no meaning to live. Samba Xiu, if you die, then I will..."

"Stop, stop, stop the corny words, don't make the atmosphere like a heroic sacrifice, it's too unlucky..." Samba Xiu was choked for a while, and after a long while, he swallowed a mouthful of non-existent saliva, as if to cheer himself up, "Let's merge, let this arrogant dragon see our power!"

"Okay, merge!" Wu Dao and Ilias shouted in unison.

Accompanied by the shouts of the three, under the traction of the Qi, Daitanix transformed into Qi Swallowing Star, and the two Qi beasts also began to separate and transform.

Ilias's King Cobra is the same as last time, divided into three parts: head, fleshy wings, and torso. Although the fleshy wings still transformed into a cloak and embedded in the back of the Star-Swallowing, the head and torso are combined into a hook with a hand guard, and are not assembled on the right hand of the Star-Swallowing, but combined with the left hand formed by the tail of the Star-Swallowing.

The Martial Arts's Squid is divided into two parts, the tentacles and the torso. Several tentacles are like ribbons, cross-woven into two hems and attached to both sides of the waist of the Star-Swallowing, while the torso is transformed into a pirate hat after a simple transformation and worn on the head of the Star-Swallowing.

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