Hearing this, Samba Xiu let out a surprised gasp and said, "Why don't you go back and sleep for a while? Master Xia Fu is not in a hurry to go there."

Samba Xiu was really worried that Ilias would die suddenly from practicing Beast Fist.

However, Ilias shook her head firmly: "How can I let Master wait for a long time? Let's go, let's go now!"

After Samba Xiu left last night, Ilias couldn't help but flip through Samba Xiu's homemade manual. The more she read, the more frightened she was. She couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying guy would invade the earth in the future.

At this moment, she just wanted to run to Xia Fu as soon as possible to join the Beast Fist.

Sambashu was amused by the contrast between Ilias's before and after: "There's no need to be so scared. Balbon was rampant in the universe before."

"That's because of Daitanix," Ilias said unhappily, looking at Sambashu with a bit of spurring eyes, "You must definitely take control of Daitanix."

In contrast to Ilias, Sambashu became a bold one: "Okay, let's go now."

Probably because Ilias was a little anxious, Sambashu drove faster than usual. Originally, he and Xia Fu agreed to leave at 10 o'clock in the morning.

As a result, at only 8:30, a group of weirdos who defected from Balbon and the Ozu brothers and sisters had already gathered downstairs of the sports goods company SCRTC.

They were so aggressive that I thought they were here to collect protection fees.

Xia Fu was already immune to this kind of scene. Even though there were two new faces in the crowd, he only sighed in his heart at Samba's salesmanship, and he even brought foreigners to learn Beast Fist.

The foreigners in Xia Fu's eyes were naturally Ilias and Disphias. The brother and sister, one with blonde hair and blue eyes, and the other with black skin and golden eyes, did not look like East Asians at all.

"Master Xia Fu, thank you for your enlightenment to the two of them."

"Not hard, not hard." Xia Fu stroked his whiskers, and was not annoyed by Samba's introduction of people to learn Beast Fist every now and then. Instead, he had a few more smiles on his face.

Our Beast Fist is thriving!

Ⅰ Barbon's Gunhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 79: Fist Demon Predestined!

Probably because Samba always brought people to learn Beast Fist, Xia Fu became more and more proficient in enlightening people to practice Beast Fist.

After a while, he walked to Sambaxiu and chatted with Sambaxiu about Ilias's situation: "Ilias's physique and skills are good, but her heart is not strong enough and her desires are too complicated. I suggest that you can focus on the "heart" in the subsequent practice."

He took out a business card with an address and handed it to Sambaxiu: "I have an old friend who has mastered the practice method of tempering the heart. You can take Ilias to see it."

Sambaxiu reached out to take it, and even said thank you, but Xia Fu took the business card back.

Considering that the guy he recommended at the beginning was a lustful old man, Xia Fu thought about it and recommended a more reliable guy. He took out another business card: "Let's go find him."

Sambaxiu took the business card and whispered the name on it: "Zhen Zidan."

For some reason, an inexplicable feeling of grass spread in his heart.

But this feeling of grass is not the first time it has appeared. It happened when he took Wudao to visit the master named Li Lianjie last time.

Sambaxiu put away the business card, raised his hand to rub his temple, and after expelling the weirdness in his heart, he looked at Xia Fu and smiled: "Master Xia Fu, come to think of it, you haven't given me any suggestions yet?"

Hearing this, Xia Fu's eyes, which had been slightly narrowed, widened and uttered a long and meaningful sound: "Your words, it's better to let nature take its course."

Hearing something else hidden in Xia Fu's words, Sambaxiu uttered a nasal sound with confusion: "Let nature take its course?"

"Your situation is similar to that of Ilias, both of you still lack inner practice and training." Xia Fu said, stroking his beard.

Sambaxiu's doubts were not answered: "But Master Xia Fu, the plan you made for me did not overemphasize any one aspect."

"Ilias's heart is too impetuous and greedy, so it is difficult to settle her mind, so she needs inner practice to calm down," Xia Fu's tone was neither fast nor slow. This relaxed attitude made Sambaxiu put his hanging heart down a little, "Jing, I don't know what you have experienced, but your heart is extremely tough and does not need to be supplemented by practice. Your problem is that your heart is always surrounded by lingering fear."

"Ah? Isn't this very bad?" Sambaxiu frowned, with a bit of tension in the corners of his eyes, but the excitement in his body quietly increased a little, like a self-added bacteria.

"Jing, feel the flow of the Qi in your body," Xia Fu keenly sensed the subtle changes in Sambaxiu's body, put his hand on Sambaxiu's shoulder, and guided Sambaxiu to feel his own uniqueness, "Do you feel it? Fear is the source of your power, and it is also the reason why your Qi is so special."

"Master Xia Fu, this doesn't sound like the way of the Beast Fist." Sambaxiu tried to calm his inner waves, looked at Xia Fu, and forced a smile.

"Indeed, in terms of using emotions to mobilize the qi in the body, your qi is very similar to the wrathful qi of Fist Demon Xiong Gou. But I have carefully checked the nature of your qi. It is very stable and calm, and there is no impatience at all. You should be restless and aggressive. Unless you are willing to degenerate, you will not go astray." Xia Fu was very confident, and his confident tone made him slap his chest.

After hearing this, Sangbasiu immediately felt relieved. He breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Don't worry, Master Xia, I don't think I will join the Linshou Fist."

Samba Xiu, who cherishes his life, has no intention of joining the evil service organization again.

Xia Fu smiled and nodded, confident in Sangbasixiu's guarantee.

However, Wu Jianlong, who was hiding in the dark and eavesdropped on all the content, burst into a hearty, healthy and sunny laugh.

After laughing for a full three minutes, he straightened up, his eyes wandering between Samba Xiu, Wu Dao and Elise, and he had a new calculation in his heart.

"Although they are not as talented as the little lions and cannot be trained to become the God of Destruction that destroys the world, it should be quite interesting for the three of them to take over the class of the Fist Demon."

Thinking like this, Wu Jianlong's figure disappeared instantly and disappeared.

At this moment, Sangbasiu's cell phone vibrated in his pocket. Sangbasiu took out his phone and looked at the number. It belonged to the secretary. He nodded to Xia Fu and walked to the corner to connect the call.

As soon as the call was connected, I heard good news: "President, Dr. Sakurada from the Transmission Research Center has agreed to meet with you."

Samba Xiu beamed: "Okay, when we meet there, you give us your address and I'll drive there myself."

"President, the Earth Defense Force has made arrangements. The people to pick you up have already set off and are expected to arrive downstairs at SCRTC in half an hour."

Ⅰ Balbon's Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 80 Star Life is so easy to use, it is only natural for Samba Xiu to have thoughts about it.

The person who came to pick up Sangba Xiu was a very upright-looking young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes. It was obvious at first glance that he was a kind guy.

"Captain of the Earth Defense Force, Hoshino Goro." Hoshino Goro introduced himself and opened the car door for Samba Xiu.

Samba Xiu was a little flattered when he got into the car. The handsome guy with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes in front of him was the captain of Power Rangers King Company and a hero who had saved the earth. At this moment, he was working as a driver for him.

Fasten your seat belt, Hoshino Goro turned around and said before starting the car: "Mr. Hiyama, at the request of Dr. Sakurada, your conversation with him can only be conducted at the Transmission Research Center, and at the same time, it will be supervised by the Earth Defense Force. Please also ask for this." Forgive me."

"I accept Dr. Sakurada's request." Samba Xiu nodded, but there was a burst of resentment in his heart. He dared to send Goro Hoshino to contact him not because he valued himself more, but because he was worried that he would mess up if the negotiations broke down.

Hearing the unnaturalness in Samba Xiu's tone, Hoshino Goro seemed not to notice the slightest embarrassment. He showed a sunny smile and defended Dr. Sakurada: "Mr. Hiyama's industrial expansion is indeed frighteningly fast. It has far exceeded It’s a matter of good luck, and it’s really easy for people who don’t know the inside story to misunderstand.”

Sambaxiu nodded to express his understanding: "Let alone a scholar like Dr. Sakurada who is dedicated to research, if I heard that someone could transform from a homeless person with nothing to an industry leader in half a year, I would also doubt that person. A way to make a fortune. But I am a decent person, and I came to Dr. Sakurada this time just to clear up the misunderstanding."

"Thank you Mr. Hiyama for your cooperation." After receiving Sambaxiu's verbal assurance, Hoshino Goro felt relaxed and his mood improved a bit while driving.

The car soon arrived at the Transmission Research Center. Under the leadership of Hoshino Goro, Samba Xiu quickly met the father of Tokui Sakurada Hiroshi, the director of the Transmission Research Center.

After some polite greetings, the three of them sat down at a conference table.

As soon as he sat down, Sambaxiu said: "I have read your paper and understood the purpose of your experiment. It is to enable real objects to be transmitted over long distances through digital networks like electronic files."

Dr. Sakurada nodded helpfully, with a gentle smile on his face. However, because his doubts about Sambash had not been completely eliminated, his words still contained a sense of rejection: "Mr. Hiyama, I am honored. I can get your appreciation, but I'm sorry, my main research direction is cross-time transmission, not energy. I shouldn't be able to help you develop a new energy industry."

Samba Xiu had sent Gulinki to negotiate earlier. The answer Gu Linki received at that time was what Dr. Sakurada said now. Therefore, Samba Xiu did not retreat because of this, but continued to speak: "Please don't I refuse in a hurry, Dr. Sakurada. As far as I know, the recent experiments have not achieved very good results."

Hearing this, Dr. Sakurada's face became a little more ashamed, but he did not hide it coyly, but admitted generously: "Does Mr. Hiyama have any suggestions for my experiment?"

"It's not really a suggestion. It's just that the authorities are obsessed with the situation. Maybe I can give Dr. Sakurada a different direction of thinking."

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person. Sangbasiu kept his attitude low, which naturally gained him some favor. Even though Dr. Sakurada Ren Jiu had no contact with the misunderstanding about Samba Xiu, he still said cooperatively: "Then I will listen to Mr. Hiyama's thoughts."

Samba Xiu was not polite and said directly: "Dr. Sakurada, your idea cannot be separated from the support of computer computing power. As far as I know, the computer at the Transmission Research Center is already the most advanced machine in the world. It has always been There is no need to worry about computing power, but in order to fully utilize the computing power, sufficient energy supply is required. Dr. Sakurada, I think you have noticed the importance of energy supply from recent experiments. ”

Dr. Sakurada nodded and did not deny Sambaxiu's statement. He said, "But today's power supply can only reach this level. Any more will not be able to be supplied by nearby power stations."

"I have visited the power station near the Transmission Research Center. The power generation method used is relatively ancient. Even if all the electricity is supplied to the Transmission Research Center, it will not be enough."

Dr. Sakurada smiled bitterly: "Yes, unless a nuclear power plant can be built nearby, I can only continue trial and error under the existing energy supply conditions."

"Why don't Dr. Sakurada try to develop new energy sources by yourself?" Samba Xiu took out a thick stack of documents from the briefcase he brought and handed them to Dr. Sakurada. "Doctor, this is what you wrote three years ago. paper."

Dr. Sakurada looked startled and took the paper stiffly: "Mr. Hiyama is really powerful. He can even find things like this that few people know about."

"Dr. Sakurada misunderstood. I thought of coming to you for cooperation because I saw this paper," Samba Xiu lied skillfully. It was obvious that he came to invest in Dr. Sakurada because he knew the plot well. " Dr. Sakurada, you had the idea of ​​studying new energy sources three years ago. I guess you have already anticipated the results of the current experiment. Even without my intervention, you would have studied new energy sources."

Hearing this, Dr. Sakurada just smiled and acquiesced to Sambaxiu's words.

"So why are you unwilling to cooperate with Hiyama Group? You have a complete idea and I can provide you with sufficient research funds..."

"Because this paper is immature, it lacks key things to start research on new energy sources."


"High concentration of energy polymers."

"How high should the concentration be? It must have at least 500,000 times the energy of the same volume of coal."

Hoshino Goro took a breath after listening to the conversation between the two. He felt that the two in front of him were discussing something extremely dangerous, and he was about to speak to stop this dangerous discussion.

But I heard that Samba Xiu had already made an agreement with Dr. Sakurada, and his tone was very brisk: "If I can find such an energy polymer, can Dr. Sakurada start research and development of new energy?"

Seeing Dr. Sakurada nodding, Samba Xiu didn't stay long, got up and left the Transmission Research Center.

He has already thought about what to use to start cooperation with Dr. Sakurada.

Walking out of the door of the Transmission Research Center, Sambaxiu put his hands on his forehead to block the dazzling sunlight and looked in the direction of Balban.

Although what he saw at this time was a human city made of reinforced concrete, he seemed to have returned to Barbang, to the scene when Qihab showed his cherished star destiny to these cadres.

A smile instantly appeared on Sangbasiu's face, and he didn't put it away for a long time.

Until he bid farewell to Hoshino Goro and returned to his home.

The moment he opened the door, something hit him on the head.

He raised his hand and touched a bracelet.

Ⅰ Balbon’s Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 81 Fist Demon Bracelet

The silver bracelet is engraved with complex patterns, which resemble an eagle spreading its wings and a swift gale.

Sambaxiu looked at the bracelet carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar it seemed.

At this moment, the bracelet buzzed and vibrated, and an old and steady voice came from the bracelet: "Nian...not so young Beast Fist Boxer, do you long for power? I am Fist..."

Before the old voice finished speaking, Sangbasiu recognized that the bracelet in his hand was the fist demon bracelet that sealed Ying Fei, the fist demon in the sky. He subconsciously wanted to get rid of this dangerous object, turned around neatly, and opened the room. He opened the door and threw the bracelet out.

But the moment the bracelet fell from his hand, Sangbasiu realized something was wrong, and quickly stepped forward to pick up the bracelet rolling in the yard. Before Ying Fei could recover from the spinning, he stuffed the bracelet into his trouser pocket. He took out his car keys and drove straight to SCRTC.

As soon as I arrived downstairs at SCRTC, I happened to meet Masaki Miki who was waiting for the elevator on the first floor: "King, why are you here? Are you here to pick up Budo and the others? If so, it would be a coincidence. They have just left. "

Samba Xiu shook his head, pulled Masaki Miki aside, took out the Fist Demon Bracelet from his trouser pocket, and put on a nervous but ignorant look: "This bracelet emits Qi that is somewhat similar to Ji Qi. It should feel like It’s something related to the beast fist, but I don’t know why, but this bracelet gives me a bad feeling. Master Xia is very knowledgeable, and I want him to identify what it is.”

Masaki Miki's expression became a little broken when she saw the Fist Demon bracelet. She lowered her voice, her tone was trembling and nervous: "King, where did you get this?"

"I don't know why you suddenly appeared in my house. Why, Meixi, do you know what this is?" Samba Xiu still plays the role of a beginner in Beast Fist who doesn't know the inside story. After all, this can avoid a lot of trouble and suspicion.

At this moment, the elevator arrived. Masaki Miki directly grabbed Samba Xiu's hand and walked in. After pressing the button to go to Xia Fu's floor, she took the time for the elevator to rise and briefly explained to Sang Bashu about the magic hand. The origin of the ring.

"In the fierce battle three thousand years ago, the Seven Fists Saint used the taboo secret method of the beast fist to defeat the Three Fist Demons and sealed their bodies. However, the soul of the Three Fist Demons separated from the body and turned into a resentful spirit attached to the Fist Demon Bracelet. Go. The Boxing Demon Bracelet has been well kept at SCRTC. How come it suddenly appears at your place? Is it a fake? "

With such doubts, Masaki Miki came to Xia Fu, who was taking a nap in the training room, and took out the Fist Demon bracelet.

Xia Fu's eyes widened instantly and he asked warily: "Meixi, why did you suddenly take out the Boxing Demon bracelet?"

"Master Xia Fu, the Fist Demon Bracelet was not taken out by Miki, but suddenly appeared in my hand." Samba explained on Miki Masaki's behalf.

Only then did Xia Fu, who was nervous and confused, noticed Sangbasiu's presence and asked in confusion: "Jing, what on earth is going on?"

Samba Xiu quickly told what happened when the Fist Demon Bracelet suddenly appeared in front of him.

Xia Fu's expression instantly became more solemn. He quickly walked out of the practice room and walked into an inconspicuous small room.

A moment later, when Xia Fu walked out of the small room, his face was uglier than ever before: "The bracelet housing the souls of Xiong Gou and Zhe Ku is also gone."

"How is this possible?" Masaki Miki couldn't hide her doubts and asked awkwardly.

"Nothing is impossible, otherwise where did the fist demon bracelet on Jing's hand come from?"

Faced with Xia Fu's question, Masaki Miki was speechless and could only guess: "Did Rio do it? I heard that he is now using secret methods to resurrect the Rinju Fist boxers who died in the Great War. Rinju Fist should be There’s no shortage of guys who are good at sneak tracking.”

"It's not Li Yang," Xia Fu shook his head, "I didn't feel Lin Qi. It probably wasn't Li Yang who sent someone to do it."

"Who could that be?" Masaki Miki fell into thinking.

However, Samba Xiu immediately raised the alarm. Unlike Xia Fu and Masaki Miki who were confused, he roughly guessed the true identity of the thief. The final BOSS of the tokusatsu drama "Bokuken Sentai Gekirenha" is the immortal king of phantom beasts - Mugen Ryu.

No, according to the plot, the Boxing Demon Bracelet should be well kept by SCRTC. Even if it was lost, it was because of the robbery in the Beast Hall. How could it be related to the Infernal Dragon?

Wait, one of the Boxing Demon bracelets appeared in his hand. Could it be that he was targeted by the evil guy Wu Jianlong and became a part of his tasteless game.

Suddenly, when he thought of the other two Fist Demon bracelets, Sambaxiu suddenly had a guess. Perhaps not only him, but also Martial Arts and Elise are being targeted by Infernal Dragon!

Samba Xiu said: "Master Xia, please keep this Fist Demon Bracelet safe. I probably guessed where the other two Fist Demon Bracelets are. I'll go get them back right away."

After saying that, without waiting for Xia Fu to speak, Samba Xiu came downstairs in a hurry and drove to find Wu Dao and Elise.

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