In short, even if Sambaxiu stepped on the accelerator in compliance with traffic rules, it was a little late when he arrived at the port where the battle took place.

The Xun brothers and sisters had summoned a special equipment - the Life Bird, a bird-shaped multifunctional repair machine, which can be disassembled into five different disaster relief props and reassembled into a cannon-shaped weapon that can deliver a winning blow.

At the moment when Sambaxiu and Kiel hurriedly got out of the car, they saw Xunchan, the eldest son of the Xun family, holding the Life Bird switched to the crushing mode and shouting: "Disaster crush!"

The trigger was pulled, and a dazzling beam of light shot out from the drill of the Life Bird.

Just as the energy was about to hit the exhausted Tornidis, a sturdy black figure flashed out. It was Kiel who had removed the human mimicry.

He just swung his hand and knocked away the huge energy beam.

Faced with the sudden troublemaker, Xunchan naturally didn't have a good face, and asked sternly: "Who is it?"

If it follows the general process, Kiel should introduce himself at this time.

That was what he had planned.

But before he could introduce himself, the energy beam he had knocked away fell into the Tokyo Bay nearby, causing a huge explosion and splashing water three or four stories high.

Countless fish boarded the derailed train that had left the seawater and flew to the land under the impact of the explosion.

"Where is this? Aren't we fishing?"

Hong Jinbao opened his eyes, which were still not clear, and fumbled to open the door. As soon as he stuck his head out, he was knocked unconscious again by the crispy fried fish that fell.

With a plop, Hong Jinbao's heavy body hit the ground heavily.

This huge noise instantly diverted the attention of everyone present.

Especially Kil, who suddenly joined the battle, showed a particularly nervous expression on his ferocious face: "Master Hong Jinbao!"

But when everyone present turned their heads and looked at the location where the sound came from, they found nothing.

There were only ordinary containers there.

Because he had signed a transaction contract with Sambashu, Kil recognized at a glance that one of the containers was disguised by Sambashu.

While he was relieved, he also realized his impulsiveness.

It was just a disaster beast, so it died. Anyway, a new one would be sent out to cause trouble in a while...

Kil was reflecting on the inappropriateness of his behavior. The Xun brothers and sisters, who did not find anything unusual, turned their attention to the intruder, Kil.

"Master Hong Jinbao... this voice..." Xun Ji looked at Kil, who was still nervous and hesitant, and a bold guess began to take shape in his mind, "Could it be..."

Xun Chan had never had any intersection with Kil, so naturally he could not have rich associations like his sister. Without hearing Kil's self-introduction, Xun Chan raised the Life Bird again and locked his target on Kil: "Is it a new disaster demon?"

"I am not a disaster demon!" Hearing Xun Chan's guess, Kil swung hard and a long sword appeared in his hand.

"Good opportunity!" Although Tornidis did not recognize Kil's identity, he thought it was a good time to retreat. He immediately took two steps back and prepared to turn into a hurricane to escape the scene.

But just when he was about to activate his ability, a long sword pierced his ankle, locking him tightly like a hook, and then he felt a clear drag on his foot.

"Bang", it was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

"Is this an internal conflict among the companions?" Xun Zhong watched Kil use a long sword to pull Tornidis down from mid-air and violently throw him to the ground, and he couldn't help but feel some phantom pain of empathy.

"This is our chance," Xun Chan threw the Life Bird and pulled out the V Laser Gun, "Let's go together, everyone."

Because of the experience of transforming into GOGOV and controlling the Victory Robot to defeat the Disaster Beast yesterday, Xun Chan had full confidence in the invention of his unreliable old father Xun World. Although Kil blocked a bombardment from the Life Bird, Xun Chan believed that as long as he weakened Kil's state appropriately, he could send Kil and Tornidis away with one shot.

Just as the others pulled out their V-laser guns and prepared to rush forward to fight with Kielgan, another black figure stepped out.

It was Samba Shu who had also removed his disguise and restored his weird appearance.

"Sorry, that friend wants to ask a few questions. It will be done soon and will not affect your finishing work. So, can you please give me a few minutes?" Samba Shu had visited Xun's family so many times. I think his voice should be familiar to Xun's brothers and sisters. In order to avoid being recognized, Samba Shu deliberately clamped his throat when speaking.

Unfortunately, the facts proved that it had little effect.

Wearing GO Pink protective clothing, Tatsumi saw through Samba Shu's identity. She exclaimed with a hint of surprise and a strong sense of doubt: "Mr. Hiyama, what are you doing here?"

However, Samba Shu did not panic because of this, and pretended to have an expression of "I don't know what you are talking about" and asked: "Who?"

"So that person is Mr. Kiel?" Tatsumi's tone was excited, as if guessing the identities of the two was far more interesting than guessing the lottery number.

"Huh?" Samba Shu was helpless and wanted to continue to deny.

Seeing that he was going to deny it, Tatsumi raised his arm and dialed the communication with Bayshore Domain 55: "Dad, help me call Hiyama..."

Before he finished speaking, Samba Shu raised his hands and awkwardly uttered his own voice: "The encirclement master must be missing, Miss Tatsumi doesn't need to be so tight."

Xunmao listened to the conversation between the two and slowly recovered from the shock: "So who is Mr. Keir?"

At the same time, in the Palace of Disaster Demon.

Gilfisa, who monitored and supervised the actions of the Calamity Monster through the image projected by magic, looked at Kil who trampled Tornidis under his feet, and asked in confusion and anger: "Who is that guy?"

Hearing Gilfisa's angry shouting, Pierlu, the steward of the disaster demon clan, spoke: "Lord Gilfisa, this bad guy who suddenly appeared is the child of the great witch Grandinu just like you."

"When did I get a younger brother?" Gilfisa looked at her infant brother Dolop with great confusion.

Hearing this, Pierlu said timidly: "Actually, he is the first child of the great witch Grandinu, and the real eldest son of the disaster demon brothers."

"How is this possible? Then my brother has been living abroad and has never returned home?"

"Yes, yes, but that's because..."

Before Pierlu finished speaking, Gilfissa had already left the Calamity Demon Palace.

Ⅱ Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 127 Mother is the most loving and gentle woman in the universe

As if he had caught an undercover violent mafia, Gere stepped on Tornidis's chest and asked viciously: "Tell me, what is the identity of Gilfisa? What does he have with the great witch Grandinu?" relation?"

"I, vomit, Gil, vomit..." The pressure on his chest made it difficult for Tornidis to speak complete sentences.

Keir stared into the other person's eyes, feeling the resentful look in his eyes: "Aren't you going to say it yet? There isn't much time left for you. As long as I use more force, you can wait to hear the sound of your heart breaking. ”

It is true that giant disaster demons are formed by the aggregation of huge negative energy, but for ordinary disaster demons that are close to the size of humans on earth, their bodies are still composed of the most primitive flesh and blood.

Therefore, Kiir's threat is still very deterrent.

But despite this, Tornidis still did not speak.

"It's really eye-opening to me that you are so loyal."

Seeing that Kil was about to crush Tornidis's heart with all his strength, Sambaxiu, who had watched the entire torture with the Xun family brothers and sisters, suggested: "Gil, why don't you lift your feet a little? He can’t speak like this.”

Kil was stunned when he heard this, moved his feet away in embarrassment, then drew out his long sword, aimed at the opponent's thigh, stabbed it hard, and fixed it on the ground: "Okay, you can say it now."

Although the disaster beast has the ability to control disasters, it is still a living creature in the final analysis.

After Kiel's troubles, Tornidis has taken in less air and released more air.

"Let me answer this question." A deep magnetic voice sounded, and Gilfisa appeared in front of everyone. "Some questions still have to be answered by the right person."

Gil did not answer, but drew his sword and walked slowly towards Gilfisa.

Then he stopped when the distance between the two sides was less than two meters, and raised the long sword horizontally.

Geir stopped approaching, but Gilfisa took a step forward.

He raised his hand and gently pushed away the tip of the sword, came behind Kiel, bent down and helped up the seriously injured Tornidis: "I see your loyalty."

Tornidis had tears in his eyes, although he had planned to tell Kiel everything about Gilfisa if Gilfisa had not appeared.

After ruthlessly harvesting the goodwill of her subordinates, Gilfisa turned to look at Kil and said, "Put the sword away."

"Hmph!" Kil ignored Gilfisa's suggestion and still tightened his grip on the hilt of the sword.

Seeing this, Gilfisa showed unbearable expression, and he said: "How can you point the weapon at your brother, brother?"

The sincere "brother" completely occupied Kil's brain. He carefully recalled the pronunciation of the word, and a strange sense of satisfaction spread in his heart: "You actually call me brother..."

Aware of Kil's emotional fluctuations, Gilfisa's face beamed with joy. He originally thought that his exiled brother would have a relatively cold personality, but he didn't expect that there was still a softness hidden in his heart. He immediately shouted softly: "Brother?"

Kil came back to his senses and looked at the golden weirdo in front of him, trying to find the similarities between himself and the other person.

Soon, Kil discovered that the horns on Gilfisa's head were very similar to his own: "Are you the child of the great witch Grandinu?"

"Yes, brother! Just like you, I am a child deeply loved by my mother."

Hearing this, Kil's originally gentle expression disappeared instantly, replaced by indifference and sarcasm. However, he did not refute, but continued to explore the current situation of the disaster demon clan: "So why is the leader of the disaster demon not a big man?" Witch Grandinu, but you Gilfisa?"

Hearing this, Gilfisa's heart tightened and she explained: "The planetary cross has not yet been fully formed, and the mother cannot come, so I can only temporarily act as the leader of the disaster demon."

As if she was afraid that Kil would question his love and loyalty to the great witch Grandinu, Gilfisa hurriedly pointed to the bright star-shaped gem on her chest and said: "This is the star of Pluto, symbolizing mother's approval. Only with this Only one star can become the leader of the disaster demon clan."

Kil nodded and continued to inquire about the information. He raised his hand and pointed at Tornidis: "Then what is the purpose of sending this guy out to cause destruction?"

"In order for the mother to come. If the earth cannot fall into destruction and chaos before the planetary Grand Cross is completely formed, the absolute conditions for the mother to come cannot be realized."

The corners of Keir's mouth began to rise, and there was an obvious smile in his eyes: "I understand."

Kiel suddenly drew out his sword and stabbed Tornidis through with one stroke.

The incident happened suddenly. By the time Gilfisa reacted, Gil had already withdrawn his sword and kicked Tornidis into Tokyo Bay.


There was a loud noise, causing thousands of waves.

It also aroused Gilfisa's inner shock: "Brother, what are you doing?"

Kil showed a ferocious but cheerful smile: "From now on, I will prevent the arrival of the great witch Grandinu and stop every act of destruction you do!"

"Why?" Gilfisa simply couldn't understand. "The Great Witch Grandinu is the most loving and gentle mother in the universe. Brother, why do you do this?"

"Loving? Tender? Don't be ridiculous, Gilfissa! How could a loving and gentle mother throw her infant son into a dark hell filled with darkness and death?"

Hearing this, Gilfisa felt unbelievable: "This, how is this possible? How could my mother be such a person?"

"Humph, don't you believe it?"

Kil snorted coldly and did not show his body that had become covered in bruises in order to survive in the dark hell.

He raised his sword high and swung it hard, and a chaotic black sword flew out with death and despair.

"Feel the power I gained from the dark hell."

As the leader of the disaster demon clan, Gilfissa has full confidence in his own strength.

But when faced with the sword swung by Kil, he had no idea of ​​resisting.

Fortunately, Gil did not intend to take Gilfisa's life, so Gilfisa turned slightly sideways and hid.

"This feeling of ruin and helplessness is indeed the power of the dark hell, but my mother is so gentle, how could she..."

Gilfissa was confused. After all, this was so different from the great witch Grandinu he knew so far.

Just when Gilfisa was about to fall into confusion, a high-pitched and trembling voice sounded: "Mr. Gilfisa, don't be deceived by him. The great witch Grandinu will throw him into the dark hell because he first Understand the murderous intention, he wanted to kill his mother Grandinu first! "

"What!" Gilfisa immediately looked at Kil, with shock and anger in his eyes.


There was a bug in the previous article, which has been corrected. Kil has already learned how to ride a motorcycle, so the previous motorcycle driving school was changed to a manual transmission driving school.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 128 Gilfisa chooses to leave

When Pierre arrived in a hurry, he revealed the secret past.

Gilfissa, who deeply loved and respected the great witch Grandinu, inevitably became angry.

Turbulent emotions crashed into his heart like waves, and angry thoughts raced through his mind like wild horses.

He raised his weapon, a two-pronged cane, and violent golden energy gathered at the sharp front end.

It seemed that the unfilial person like Kiel would be eliminated in the next second.

But Gilfisa has always been strict with himself, not only because the disaster demon clan needs a strong and stable Hades, but also because his younger siblings need an elder brother who can set an example.

Therefore, this sudden anger did not last long, and Gilfisa suppressed it as soon as it emerged.

Looking at Kiel, Gilfisa decided to give him a chance to defend himself: "Is what Pierre said true?"

To be honest, Gilfisa has noticed the inconsistency in Pierlu's words, not to mention "whether a baby who is still in his infancy will have murderous intentions for the mother who gave birth to him." Even if he does, he can just teach and correct him. Why bother? To be thrown into the dark hell?

However, the case cannot be closed based on empty words and feelings alone.

So Gilfisa wanted to hear her brother's side of the story.

However, Keir was too lazy to recall his past experiences, especially the memory of being abandoned. With a cold face, he snorted: "Whether it's true or false, no matter what you think, I have a clear conscience."

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