When Ozu Kui came back to his senses after having roughly figured out how to use the Exciting Armor, he saw this scene: Li Yang was madly attacking Samba Xiu like an energetic lion, and Samba Xiu Ze blocked the attack in the mist like a hungry beast about to fall asleep, his movements were slow and it looked very laborious.

At first glance, it looks like Sambaxiu is at a disadvantage.

Ozu Kui quickly cheered for his uncle Hiyama and said: "Uncle Hiyama, be serious and work harder!"

"My little friend, you made a mistake. The one who needs to work harder is Li Yang." As a boxing saint, Yuan Biao could tell Samba Xiu's skills at a glance. "Every time Jing blocks seems to be barely enough. , It seems like it’s hard to catch up with the opponent’s attack, but in fact, the enemy is ahead every time.”

Yuan Biao patiently explained the battle between Samba Xiu and Liang to Ozu Kui, a young Gekijuquan boxer, not only to train the younger generation, but also to help him understand Sang Bashu's boxing style and understand Xia Fu's words.

However, Cheng Long and Yang Zhiqiong on the side were thinking, is it really appropriate for a minor who is still in elementary school to watch two adults fight each other?

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 150 The Sunda World wants to examine Samba Xiu

Li Yang's defeat was a definite fact, and he could not change it even if he was unwilling to do so.

Seeing Samba Xiu subduing Rio with ease, Ozu Kui couldn't hide his admiration. He jumped up and down around Samba Xiu and asked about the details of the Enki Armor.

The three boxing saints also made it clear that it would not be a problem for Samba Xiu to beat three of them one by one.

Samba Xiu raised his hand and rubbed Ojinkui's head, walked a few steps to pick up the black lion cloak that was thrown away by Zhang Yang not far away, came to the side of the beast boxing genius whose pride was shattered, and bent down to put the cloak around On his body.

Li Yang was already delicate-looking and an out-and-out handsome man. At this moment, he was kneeling on the ground with his hands on the ground. There was a persistence in his unwilling eyes, which added a bit of brokenness to him and also showed a bit of perseverance.

Samba Xiu is a rough guy who cannot perceive this kind of complex beauty, but as the same unlucky guy who was targeted by the Infernal Dragon, Sang Basiu has always had some sympathy for Rio. Different from Wu Jianlong's "letting go" to Sangbasiu, Li Yang's past, present, or future were all clearly arranged by Wu Jianlong.

He sighed and said nothing more. He looked up at the three boxing saints and asked: "Three masters, I have something to do later. Do you think the process of this competition should be simplified?"

The three boxing saints shook their heads in unison: "The three of us want to spar with you just to feel your boxing style and style. We just watched the match between you and Li Yang, and we have already got the answer we want, so there is no need to spar. ”

Sambaxiu was a little regretful. He originally wanted to consolidate his excessive energy through actual combat with the boxing saints, but now it seems that he can only go to martial arts at night to learn martial arts.

Sambaxiu turned around and invited: "The three masters, please go inside first and have a cup of tea."

The three boxing masters pointed at Rio, who had consumed a lot of energy due to the sparring with Sambaxiu, and rejected Sambaxiu's invitation: "We understand your enthusiasm, but we need to take him back first."

Sangbasiu nodded, with a smile on his lips. Although he didn't know whether the arrival of Douyang was guided by Wu Jianlong, he thought that this situation should bring some minor distress to Wu Jianlong.

Looking at Rio being escorted out of the courtyard by the Three Fist Saints, Ozu Kui asked: "Uncle Hiyama, that uncle is also a beast boxer. Why do you feel that his energy is different from ours?"

"Because he practices Lin Qi." Samba Xiu briefly explained to Ojinkui the difference between Lin Qi and Ji Qi.

After listening to Samba Xiu's explanation, Ozukui asked puzzledly: "According to this, Linshou Fist is more unscrupulous and destructive than Geshou Fist. But why can't that uncle beat Uncle Hiyama?"

"That's because I, uncle, have seen my own heart clearly."

Ozu Kui continued to ask: "What's inside?"

"A cowardly but greedy heart."

This simple sentence confused Ozu Kui's immature thinking: "Huh?"

"Qui, as long as you realize your own weakness, you will be invincible." Samba Xiu smiled.

Ozu Kui frowned, still not understanding: "Uncle Hiyama, why do you start talking in roundabout ways like Master Xia?"

Hearing this, Sangbasiu made a joke: "Yeah, then it seems that I can call myself a boxing saint? Okay, you wait here for a while, I will drive the car out and go to the Xun family."

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Although Ozukui is young, he also understands this truth. He knows very well that mastering the knowledge of launching satellites cannot be achieved overnight and needs to be learned step by step.

And today is his first step.

I will leave the obscure topics behind and look forward to today’s extra lessons.

After arriving at the Xun Disaster Prevention Research Center, Sambaxiu politely pressed the doorbell.

The door of the Xun family opened quickly, and it was Xun Ji who opened the door.

She looked nervous, looked at Samba Xiu and Ozu Kui, stretched out her hand to rush them away, and lowered her voice: "Mr. Hiyama, don't come in yet."

Because of Yingfei's masterpiece last night, Sangbasiu felt unspeakable embarrassment when he saw Xunji. At this moment, he was also affected by Xunji, and unconsciously lowered his voice and asked: "Miss Xunji. "What happened?"

Tatsumi nodded and was about to speak when he heard Tatsumi's enthusiastic and urgent shout from inside the room: "Matsushita, is Mr. Hiyama here? Please invite him in quickly."

Xunji turned around and shouted, "No, it's an insurance salesman."

"Okay." Xun Shijie's tone was obviously a little more frustrated.

Tatsumi continued to turn around and said, "Don't worry, dad. I will notify you when Mr. Hiyama is here. You go and repair your GOGO bracelet first."

After that, Sundaji walked out of the Sunda Disaster Prevention Research Center, closed the door, pulled Sambaxiu to a far corner, and explained: "Dad, after knowing that you are an alien, Mr. Hiyama, he wants to give you a full body surgery." examine."

Sangbasiu had already guessed that such a thing would happen, so he did not show too much surprise: "Miss Xunji has informed you hard. But curiosity has always been a prerequisite for becoming a scientist, so Miss Xunji shouldn't be so nervous. Or is it that Dr. Xunshiji has prepared some shocking inspection items?”

Sangbasiu originally thought it was nothing, but seeing how nervous Xunji was, it was hard to avoid thinking wrongly.

Seeing this, Sunda Matsuri also understood that his reaction caused some misunderstandings to Samba Xiu, and quickly said: "That's not true, they are just routine inspections. It's just that I'm worried that Mr. Hiyama will mind, and I want to ask you what you think in advance, but The call didn’t go through.”

"It's just to satisfy a scientist's curiosity, and it's all routine projects, so there's nothing to worry about."

"Thank you, Mr. Hiyama, for being considerate of Dad's willfulness." Tatsumi felt relieved. God knows how panicked she felt when she woke up early in the morning and saw the living room filled with strange test instruments and learned that Tatsumi wanted to examine Samba Xiu. .

He quickly asked about the specific functions of each instrument, and after confirming that there were no dangerous items among them, he quickly called Samba Xiu, wanting to inquire about the other party's wishes in advance.

It was a pity that Samba Xiu was discussing with Rio when Tatsumi was on the phone, so she could only watch the door cautiously, fearing that Sang Basiu would be frightened by her old naughty father.

"Miss Xunji, it's time for us to go in. Kui is already impatient to wait."

Tatsumi looked at Ozukui, smiled and apologized, and led Sambaxiu and Ozukui into the Tatsumi Disaster Prevention Research Center.

Although there was a warning from the Sunda Festival, and Sangpa Xiu had done enough internal preparation, he was still taken aback by the enthusiasm of the Sunda world as soon as he entered the door.

I saw the little old man with gray hair rushing to Samba Xiu pushing a strange instrument, his face full of joy: "Mr. Hiyama, can you do a check first?"

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 151 Dochikuruga fell into thinking

After doing a few simple checks with Sunda World to satisfy each other's curiosity as scientists, Samba Xiu and Ozu Kui started today's study.

Since Ozukui, who is still a primary school student, can't even understand Newton's three laws, he was thrown into the Sunda world and given to Sunda flow water, starting from the most basic content.

Ozu Kui was reminded when he went home to report to his mother last night that physics is not an interesting subject for many people, so he was ready to face boring learning.

But when he witnessed Sangbasiu walking into the maintenance workshop of Wangan Realm 55 under the leadership of Xun Shijie, he still couldn't help but look envious.

"Okay, stop looking and study hard. It won't take long before you can go in and help." As a man in science and engineering, Tatsumi Ryūsui is very aware of the attraction of giant robots to little boys. He rubbed Ozu Kui's head and made him Press back to the desk and start teaching the basic content.

Although Ozukui was always making a fuss and making a lot of noise on weekdays, he could still calm down at critical moments, not to mention that he also practiced the beast boxing. After a short time, he calmed down, listened carefully, and absorbed knowledge crazily.

This outstanding performance made Xun Liushui speechless, and he couldn't help but feel that his future life is terrible.

At the same time, on the other side, in the open maintenance workshop, the Victory robot that had been split into an emergency vehicle was undergoing automated maintenance with a robotic arm.

Although the first battle between the Victory Robot and Lava Graeme two days ago could be said to be a one-sided crushing, the machine would suffer losses once it was started.

"The Victory Robot suffered very little damage, so simple automated refurbishment was sufficient."

The professional knowledge involved in a giant robot that can be combined and transformed is too complex, and the Sundanese world does not know what level of mechanical manufacturing skills Samba Xiu possesses. Therefore, it is unreasonable to ask him to sort out a lesson plan suitable for Sang Basiu in a short period of time.

Moreover, he himself is a scholar who believes in the unity of knowledge and action, so the solution given by Sunda World for Sangpaxiu's learning is practical training.

"GOGOV's protective suit was severely damaged in the previous battle, which also affected the GOGO bracelet and can no longer be used normally. Your first lesson will start with repairing the GOGO bracelet."

The energy transmission line of the Victory Robot and the design of the GOGO bracelet are of the same origin. It is perfect to use the GOGO bracelet as an example in the first class.

Sambaxiu followed Sunda World into the main control room of the maintenance workshop, and got a badly damaged GOGO bracelet in front of a small table.

After following the steps of the Sunda World and disassembling the GOGO bracelet, Samba Xiu’s small class begins.

Although Xun Shijie is a bastard father and a casual husband, he is a good teacher. His explanations are detailed but not boring, and the logic is strict but not jumpy. He quickly put some theoretical foundations involved in the design of the GOGO bracelet into practical implementation. The details were explained thoroughly.

After listening to this, Sangbasiu didn't feel any boredom at all. He just felt like the clouds were clearing, and he suddenly became enlightened.

Sambaxiu even felt that he had a deeper mastery of the mechanics skills he had learned.

It's a pity that he is still 55 in the Gulf Coast area, otherwise he would definitely have to verify whether these feelings are true.

Seeing that Sangbasiu had absorbed the knowledge taught by him in a very short period of time, Sunda World couldn't help but feel a bit proud. However, he and Sangbasiu were not relatives, so naturally he was not congratulating Sangbasiu. He I just lamented my teaching level: "Maybe after defeating the disaster demon clan, I can teach a few more students?"

"With Dr. Xunshi's knowledge and skills, there should be many people who want to be your students."

Samba Xiu flattered him, and then began to convey to Keir what he had learned today. He also sorted it out and consolidated it.

Since Sangbasiu seemed to others to be thinking about the problem solemnly at this time, Sunda World did not disturb the other party.

However, he did not go about developing new weapons or modifying new devices. Instead, he looked at Samba Xiu with an apology on his face.

Although he looks careless all day long, Sunshijie is actually a sensitive person, otherwise he would not be able to give GOGOV guidance.

Sunda World's impression of Kiel was not bad, so he looked at Samba Xiu and said an encouragement: "Let's work hard together with Kiel's share."

Although in the current Sunda world, it was impossible to obtain relevant information about the disaster demon from Kil, he did not forget the deal with Kil.

But at this moment, Kil, who had absorbed the nutrients of knowledge from Samba Xiu like a rhizome, was revealing the specific information about the disaster demon clan's next battle.

Samba Xiu's expression became more solemn. He stood up and said to Sunda World: "Dr. Sunda World, the Disaster Demon Clan plans to cause panic through large-scale explosions and collect negative energy. The Disaster Demon Beast responsible for this operation is The Bomb Catastrophe Monster, Gasgael, has the ability to create explosives similar to meat balls, and it can also release gas from its fingers after absorbing gasoline.”

This sudden information shocked the Sundanese world: "Where did you get this information?"

In response to this, Sangbasiu did not answer, but just raised his hand in front of his mouth and made a "silence" gesture: "Dr. Xunshijie, there are some things that you don't need to ask too clearly. I have to notify the relevant departments of the specific explosion location first. So that they can take precautions early.”

After that, Sambaxiu turned around and walked away. As he walked, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Dochikuluga's number.

The phone was connected immediately, and Dochikuruga's confused but delighted voice came from the other side: "Mr. Hiyama, is there any news?"

"Well, the Disaster Demon clan is expected to launch a new operation in three days. The content of the operation is explosion. The specific explosion location is..." The Disaster Demon has GOGOV to solve it, so Samba Xiu did not explain the Disaster Demon's ability. Inform other specific information, such as the time and location of the start of the operation, "I hope you can synchronize this information to the Capital Fire Department as soon as possible to control the impact of the disaster to the most reasonable range."

Although Anmaru has now sneaked into the Capital Fire Department, he is only a small secretary after all and has little say. If Sangbasiu passes the news through Anmaru, he will probably not be taken seriously.

Only information transmitted through the Space Police Earth Agency or the Earth Defense Force can be trusted.

"Okay, I'll have someone notify the Capital Fire Department right away." Dochikuruga didn't know the situation of An Wan, so he didn't think about it in this regard. He just thought that Sangbasiu was giving credit for his help. The Space Police Earth Agency has a better foothold on the earth to pave the way for its future development into the universe. "The disaster demons are really ruthless. These locations are all areas with huge human traffic. K3, M4, G2... …”

Dochikuluga reported the area like a roll call by the King of Hell, but as he reported, he suddenly realized a question: "Mr. Hiyama, why do you know so much about the battle against the disaster demon?"

Dochikuruga can understand why Sambaxiu always reported Balbang's previous actions in advance. After all, Sambaxiu is also Balbang's target. It is common sense to keep some of his own informants on the ship after defecting. thing.

But the Disaster Demon Clan and Samba Xiu have no connection, so where did they get the information?

Sambaxiu did not answer Dochikuluga’s doubts.

So Dochikuluga fell into thinking, thinking for a long time.


I recently submitted my resignation to the company and am expected to leave on the 10th. This is partly due to physical reasons, but more importantly, the money I was given was insufficient.

It’s finally a holiday. I’m going to see my mom on the afternoon of the 4th. Because it takes two hours by subway, including buses, I’ll work hard to code another chapter.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 152 The bad luck needs to be changed urgently

GOGOV was active in 1998. In this era, transmitting information only required a secret phone call.

Therefore, although the Sunda World guessed that Samba Xiu was going to synchronize information with the Space Police Earth Agency or the Earth Defense Force, it could not figure out why the other party was in a hurry to leave.

Students who are eager to learn will like teachers with high standards, and knowledgeable mentors will naturally prefer apprentices who can learn quickly.

Samba Shu's talent in mechanical manufacturing successfully won him a wave of favor in Xun World.

Xun World dialed the V laser gun that he had just disassembled into parts with some regret, and felt a little unsatisfied: "You can continue learning after the call."

"Dad, why is Mr. Hiyama in such a hurry?" Xun Ji walked into the control room with two cups of coffee, and cast his eyes through the window of the control room at the hurried Samba Shu, "He kept shouting 'G2' when he left..."

Hearing this, Xun World seemed to have figured out something, and opened the electronic map that he programmed to monitor the energy of the global disaster beasts in real time: "It turned out to be a factory, no wonder he was in a hurry..."

Unfortunately, one of the combat targets selected by the disaster brothers and sisters after a few days of discussion - the G2 area is exactly the largest building materials processing factory with the most employees in the Hiyama Group.

Just as Xun World guessed, Samba Xiu left because this factory became the target of the disaster demon clan.

However, he was not worried that this factory would be completely destroyed by the disaster demon beast. You should know that the basic workers in this factory are all those honest and decent Yaduoduo. Although they have long retired from pirates, they lack the sense of security and have weapons in their pockets.

If the disaster demon beast dares to come to this factory to make trouble, Yaduoduo can send the ignorant disaster demon beast to the west several times with one knife and one gun.

However, such an impact is not good after all. Samba Xiu does not want any violence to break out in his factory.

Therefore, he went to the factory this time to add some defensive facilities to the factory.

It was just right for him to try out those skills that felt brand new.

Samba Xiu's mobility is still very strong. After sending Xiaozu Kui home, he rushed to the factory without stopping.

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