Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 155 Clues about the Expert in Numerology

Just like the starting gun of a marathon race, Akashi Akatsuki's joining seems to symbolize that Samba Shu has officially embarked on the road of good luck.

For more than ten days, Samba Shu was not only not troubled by trivial matters such as "choking on his own saliva when drinking water" and "finding out the weight of the goods when unpacking", but even the two consecutive operations of the Disaster Demon did not have any impact on his factory.

Although the two operations of the Disaster Demon were the high temperature operation against the National Seaside Hospital and the earthquake operation against the nearby dam, Samba Shu's factory was not included in the scope of the operation, but according to the previous rules, whenever the evil monsters and the righteous team members had a head-on confrontation, the aftermath of the battle would always involve Samba Shu's property.

However, the fact is that without the intervention of Samba Shu and Wujian Long, the real estate under Samba Shu's name was not lost at all, but some surrounding buildings were destroyed.

Looking at the four-leaf clover icon looming in the DEBUFF column and the one-minute countdown following the duration, Sambaxiu was in a dilemma - should he perform another luck-changing ritual?

Although it was disturbing to be stuck in the DEBUFF column, he had not encountered any misfortune so far, and his personal physical fitness had not declined, so Sambaxiu really couldn't figure out what was wrong with this luck-changing ritual.

After thinking it over again and again, Sambaxiu decided to stay put for now. He believed in Ilias's ability and the accuracy of the gold finger.

Samba Xiu assembled the "classroom exercises" assigned to him by Xun Shijie, and murmured thoughtfully: "The luck-changing ritual, let's wait until the critical moment to use it."

"Luck-changing ritual?" Hearing Samba Xiu's mumbling, Xun Shijie, who was staring at the monitor and watching the situation on the scene of GOGOV, made a faint nasal sound, as if he was puzzled why Samba Xiu, who was learning physics knowledge with him, believed in such a superstitious thing, but soon he thought of Samba Xiu's businessman background and asked, "Is it effective?"

"Not bad, I'm lucky recently."

Hearing this answer, Xun Shijie didn't think much about it, just thinking that the other party was self-suggesting, and stared at the monitor for a while. After seeing that there was nothing unusual, he breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes were more relaxed: "Speaking of it, when I was young, I heard an old Taoist from China say that luck-changing rituals are like robbing Peter to pay Paul, so it's better to use them as little as possible."

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

A sentence from Xun Shijie's casual chat was like a revelation, awakening Samba Xiu, who was still a little entangled and hesitant. He raised his head and looked at Xun Shijie's back, with a little more gratitude: "Dr. Xun Shijie, thank you for your advice."

The sincere thanks came into his ears, making Xun Shijie a little confused. He replied hesitantly: "You're welcome..."

"Dr. Xun Shijie, do you have the contact information of the old Taoist priest?" Realizing that he seemed to have found the clue of the long-awaited numerology expert, how could Samba Xiu not continue to ask.

It's a pity that Xun Shijie is a fairly rigorous scientist after all, and his research on metaphysics is not in-depth. With a little apology, he said: "I met the old Taoist priest in Kyoto. He seemed to be traveling, so I didn't talk to him in depth and didn't leave his contact information."

"That's really a pity." Samba Xiu sighed.

Xun Shijie frowned and tried to search his memory: "I vaguely remember his name, it seems to be Yu Fan, you may be able to find it through your way."

Yu Fan!

Hearing this name, a super team flashed in Samba Xiu's mind, the seventeenth super team, the five-star team Dairanger!

The old Taoist priest named "Yu Fan" in Xun Shijie's mouth is the collaborator of the five-star team Dairanger, the grandfather of Phoenix Ranger Ling, and the first generation of Qi Chuan messenger who mastered the "Qi Li Zhen Chuan".

"Thank you for the information from Dr. Xun Shijie." It was really a series of twists and turns. Samba Xiu thought he was going to miss this clue that he had finally obtained.

Xun Shijie waved his hand and said indifferently: "It's just a courtesy. You also provided a lot of information about the disaster demon."

As soon as the voice fell, the third son of Xun Zhong of the Xun family sounded in the command room of Bayan Domain 55: "Dad, the information is the same as what Mr. Hiyama gave. The disaster demon has appeared."

Xun Shijie quickly switched the screen to Go Green's helmet perspective.

In the helicopter hangar of the aviation team headquarters of the Capital Fire Department, in front of a helicopter ready to take off, two scientific researchers in white clothes held a black suitcase in their arms and stared at the disaster demon beast approaching them in horror.

It was a blue and white disaster demon beast, with gelatinous tumors all over its sturdy body. At first glance, it looked like a swamp monster that had just crawled out of the mud.

He raised his hand that was constantly secreting mucus and reached out to the black suitcase: "Hand over the 'Triple X'!"

Triple X, a highly toxic mold with extremely fast reproduction speed and extremely strong destructive power.

It was the target of the disaster demon clan's operation this time.

"This is the Dissolving Liquid Disaster Monster Gerda. His name really lives up to his character." After slightly mocking the appearance and name of the Disaster Monster, Xun World immediately issued an order, "Zhong, aim at his eyes. Don't let him have the chance to release the destructive beam!"

This is the third disaster monster after the bomb disaster monster. Counting the bomb disaster monster, this is the fourth time that GOGOV has fought against the disaster monster based on the information provided by Samba Xiu. There are successful cases in the previous three times. Zhong didn't hesitate at all and immediately pulled the trigger of the V laser gun.

The scorching laser beam shot out from the muzzle in the corner and hit Geruda's left eye accurately.


Geruda covered his eyes in pain and quickly looked around, trying to find the guy who attacked him.

It's a pity that GOGOV doesn't have the shamelessness of the Showa Rogue Fifth Company and doesn't carry out the sinister combat style to the end. Geruda roared angrily, and the five Xun family brothers and sisters jumped out from all corners of the hangar.

"I knew you guys would focus on such a dangerous thing." Although Sambaxiu didn't say it clearly, GOGOV also roughly guessed that the source of the news was Kil, who was kidnapped by the disaster demon. In order to protect Kil, Xun Liushui reacted extremely Quick, find a reason for GOGOV's ambush immediately.

In this regard, the Disaster Demon Beast had no doubts, nor did the Disaster Demon Brothers and Sisters.

"Damn GOGOV!"

Even though they were not in the same space, the liquid disaster monster Jeruda and his commander Dinas gnashed their teeth and shouted these words together.

In the palace of the Calamity Demon, Kil looked at his furious sister and felt an inexplicable guilt in his heart.

He lowered his voice, tried his best to hide his emotions, and said to Tinas: "Leave the rest to me."

After saying that, he turned around and there was no trace of him in the Palace of Disaster Demon.


There will be one update before 12 o'clock, guaranteed, and one update before 6 o'clock on the 19th. We need to speed up the coding today, otherwise there will be a northwest wind next month.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 156: Kir’s trust in Samba Xiu

Kil's sudden action surprised everyone in the Calamity Demon Palace.

Although Tinas had made an agreement with Keir a long time ago, she actually didn't expect that the other party would actually fulfill it.

Gilfissa had a look of sudden realization, and a hint of relief gradually appeared on her ferocious face.

After a brief surprise, Pierlu raised his hand to wipe away the non-existent tears, put on a loyal and moved face and complimented in the air: "It's really great that Lord Kil would take the initiative to assist Lord Tinas." Moved, Lord Grandinu, have you seen that the indifferent Lord Kil is changing! It must be Lord Grandinu's maternal love that has influenced him."

The infant Dolop bit his pacifier and made strange milky sounds. His eyebrows were drooped and he looked sleepy, making it difficult to tell what he was thinking.

As for Kebruda, the last person in the palace of the disaster demon, he was completely confused. He looked left and right, only to feel that he was the only fool in the huge palace who didn't understand the situation at all. He pointed at the base in the projection. Er: "Why would he help?"

"Because he is our brother." The corners of Gilfisa's mouth raised, like a kind old father.

Despite the explanation, the dull Kebruda still did not turn around. He scratched his head and thought about Gilfisa's words.

"What's going on? How could Mr. Keir..."

The Xun brothers and sisters and Samba Xiu tacitly understood that the information about the disaster beast was delivered by Keir.

Therefore, at this moment, they would be just as confused as Kebruda.

Although Sambaxiu was also surprised by Kil's appearance, after all, Kil did not notify him telepathically before taking action, but Sambaxiu's mind turned quickly and he quickly made an excuse for Kil - this was establishing Further trust!

Although there are similar speculations, Sangbasiu will not say it out loud.

Who knows if Grandinu, who exists in the form of a negative energy body, will hear it.

It seems that he can only cooperate with Kiel in this performance.

Sambaxiu paused the assembly work at hand, stood up and came to the communicator: "You go to stop the disaster beast from seizing the 'Triple X'. Kil is left to me."

Having said that, in just a moment, Sambaxiu arrived at the scene on his motorcycle.

Without further ado, he summoned the Exciting Armor, grabbed and pulled out Kil's shoulder armor, and led the opponent to jump to change the scene and come to the open outdoors.

At the same time, he discussed the details of cooperation with Keir through telepathy.

However, when Sambaxiu asked enthusiastically how much he should contribute later, Kil's response made him fall into silence.

[What about ‘deepening trust’ and ‘cooperating with the performance’? I came to assist the disaster demon just because I had an agreement with Tinas. 】

[So you violated your contract with me? 】

This sounds a little strange, as if Sangbasiu is a jealous and resentful woman. Even when questioning Kil's words through telepathy, Sambaxiu pumped his fist a little harder.

But fortunately, Samba Xiu restrained his strength from the beginning, so even if his punch speed was a little faster, it would still be within Kiel's dodge limit.

[I didn’t break the contract because I knew you would come and stop me. 】

Hearing this, Sangbasiu unexpectedly felt a touch of fatherly kindness in his heart.

But unlike Gilfisana's gratifying kindness, Sambaxiu's rising kindness is more because he actually feels a kind of helplessness as a father: "I'm here to give you the truth, right?" 】

[The facts prove that I was right, you did come to stop me. 】

Gere's tone was filled with a strong sense of conviction, like that of a gambler who wins after making a desperate move.

Faced with such high emotions, Sangbasiu didn't know how to respond for a while.

But since words can't make me happy, I can use my fists to relieve my frustration.

[Anyway, since you are here, just think that this is a show to deepen trust. I will use a little more force later, at least not to make you look too pushy. 】

【good. 】

Now that Kil agreed to his proposal, Samba Xiu let go with evil intentions.

The punch speed increases and the strength increases!

After only receiving three punches, Kil noticed something unusual.

This isn't "a little harder" at all.

In an instant, the look in Kil's eyes towards Sambaxiu became more questioning and fierce.

What he got in exchange was a chuckle from Sambaxiu telepathically.

Keir instantly realized that this was Sambaxiu taking the opportunity to retaliate against his "breach of contract."

【Sambaxiu! 】

Kil roared in his heart, drew out the sword from his waist, and moved a little more seriously.

Seeing this, Samba Xiu was not polite, took out his revolver and started a crazy burst of fire, and retaliated telepathically: [Dead sister control! 】

Because of the help of Sambaxiu, GOGOV can deal with the disaster beast without any distractions.

Although Geruda, the liquid disaster monster, can spit acid from his mouth and can emit destructive light from his only remaining eye, his defense is weak.

In just a few rounds of attacks, GOGOV broke through Geruda's defense and completed the kill.

Next comes the stage of enlargement.

As the steward of the disaster demon clan, Pierlu came on stage and completed the process of transforming the giant disaster demon beast.

Seeing the Victory Robot, which was a fusion of emergency vehicles, standing with a sword, and feeling the new wounds inflicted on him by Samba Xiu, Kil felt it was time to retreat.

Cutting off the bullet fired by Samba Xiu with one sword, Kil sheathed his sword magnificently and snorted with extraordinary momentum: "I will spare your life for today."

After that, he turned around and returned to the Demon Palace.

Although Sambaxiu had not yet fully enjoyed the competition, he still upheld the qualities of a professional actor and roared in unison: "Kiel... damn Grandinu!"

It was as if he really had a close friend whose mind had been corrupted by evil.

After driving the Victory Robot to defeat the gigantic Disaster Beast, Sundaji came to the place where Sambash and Gil fought.

The doubts in her heart should have driven her to ask Sambaxiu about Kil's situation, but seeing Sambaxiu looking so lonely, she quickly stopped her brothers who also wanted to ask Sambaxiu for clarification.

Sensing the approach of the Xun brothers and sisters, Sangbasiu continued his role-playing. He removed the energy armor and "reluctantly" smiled: "I'm fine."

Tatsumi was deceived by this fragile but persevering look, and couldn't help but step forward and hold Samba Xiu's shoulders: "Mr. Hiyama, we will definitely find a way to save Mr. Gere."

Looking back at Sunji who was trying to cheer him up with a serious look on his face, Sambaxiu did not cheer for his superb acting skills in his heart.

Facing Xunji's bright eyes, Sangbasiu unexpectedly felt a little guilty for deceiving others.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 157: It is almost inevitable that Kir will become a girl control

The moment he returned to the Calamity Demon Palace, Kil saw everyone in the palace surrounding him.

The one who rushed to the front was Tinas, with a look of concern on her face, and the worry in her eyes was not half false: "Brother."

The word "big brother" is a little less awe-inspiring than "brother", but it is also a little more close.

If he was greeted with ridicule and abuse when he returned to the Calamity Demon Palace, Kil might not have any mood swings.

But the reality is that when Kil lowered his head and met Tinas's eyes, he felt genuine concern.

Like Samba Xiu at this moment, the emotion called guilt also began to spread in his heart.

Although he fulfilled his agreement with Tinas and went to stop GOGOV in person, he was sure that the Samba Order would stop him. This was not another form of breach of contract.

Kil kept his contract with Samba Xiu, but broke his promise to his sister.

"Sorry, I couldn't stop GOGOV's actions."

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