With that said, seeing Zod and Guru getting up soon, Elise and Sambaxiu threw Kyo out again, who had been dumped by them for a long time.

Not long ago, the underworld demon fighter who beat GOGOV as majestic as a lost dog fell down comically again.

Sambaxiu didn't pay attention to the miserable situation of the underworld demon warrior. After Elise reminded him, he turned around in surprise: "Yes, martial arts will definitely know how to ride a horse. Just let the martial arts teach you not."

Elise sighed helplessly, pointed at the underworld demon warriors struggling on the ground in front of her, and reminded with a bit of gritted teeth: "Sambaxiu, finish them off."

It was indeed on the line of killing. Samba Xiu did not hesitate, calmly collected his breath, and tried hard to merge his own energy with Elise's energy.

As the excitement of the two people merged, the long whip in the hand of the Swallowing Star Snake King was gradually wrapped in a burst of bright yellow and black excitement. Then the eyes of the Swallowing Star Snake King flashed a bright light, and the whip was like The surging waves continued to swing towards the fallen Demon Warrior of the Underworld.

After about ten seconds of continuous waving, a loud noise came and an explosion rose.

Earth, the cosmic tomb that has caused the death of countless weirdos, has added three more lonely souls.

At the same time, the Xun brothers and sisters gathered at the third standby point looked at the huge smoke and dust produced by the explosion of the Underworld Demon Fighter in the distance, and they all felt a bit happy and relaxed.

The outspoken Sunda Chung even lamented: "Fortunately there is Mr. Hiyama, otherwise it would have been terrible."

Hearing this, Tatsudamon lowered his head in remorse: "But we didn't protect anything. If Mr. Hiyama had been allowed to deal with the disaster demon from the beginning, those feathers would not have exploded, and neither the city nor the people would have exploded. No one will be hurt.”

"Damon, what nonsense are you talking about? Fighting the disaster demon is not Mr. Hiyama's mission!" Tatsuma grabbed his brother's collar, his eyes full of anger.

Xunmao didn't say anything, but the other people also understood this. Sangbasiu had no obligation to fight against the disaster demon.

But here is the cruel fact. The enemy they could not defeat was vulnerable to Samba Xiu.

Xunmao looked at his dejected younger siblings, clenching his fists, his eyes full of unwillingness.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 197 Is Mr. Hiyama the sixth warrior of GOGOV?

Emotions are contagious, and Xunmao's unwillingness soon spread to his younger siblings.

But even so, in the face of the fact that it is a foregone conclusion, no amount of unwillingness can catalyze the opportunity to prove oneself.

Therefore, the five Xun brothers and sisters could only carry this unwillingness and returned home depressed, spending a sleepless night in tossing and turning.

The next morning, an exclamation woke Xunmao from his bad sleep. He followed the sound downstairs with some anger. Before he could walk down the stairs, he let out a loud shout: " Bastard! Why are you shouting so loudly so early in the morning?”

No matter how angry he was, he couldn't get the slightest response from downstairs.

Xunmao walked down the stairs and came to the living room on the first floor. He saw four bitter faces, which were his younger brothers and sisters.

"Hey, what's going on with you guys? Didn't you make up your mind to prove yourself in the next battle before going to bed yesterday? With such an expression, are you forgetting yesterday's heroic words? Give me the momentum. Show off your momentum!"

Seeing how depressed his younger siblings were, Xunmao, a hot-blooded young man who looked like a middle-aged second grader, hurriedly rushed to his younger siblings, waving his fists in an attempt to awaken their fighting spirit.

However, in the face of his noise, Xun Liushui didn't say much. He just pointed at the computer in the corner of the living room and motioned for Xun Mao to go over and take a look.

Only then did Xunmatang notice a detailed design drawing on the small table where the computer was placed. Looking closer, Xunmatang's expression instantly became more solemn.

This was not because he was brave enough to understand the complex formulas and parameters on the design drawing, but because he saw clearly two lines written in the corner of the design drawing - GOGOV's sixth warrior!

"Dad, what do you mean by this? Do you think the five of us alone can no longer cope with the increasingly powerful disaster demon?" Xunmao couldn't believe his eyes, and his tone was almost angry.

Xun Liushui said dejectedly: "That's probably true."

Sunzhong walked to the sofa, crossed his arms, and was obviously a little angry: "Dad must be planning to absorb Mr. Hiyama into GOGOV. This design is prepared for Mr. Hiyama!"

After seeing this design drawing, Sunda Gate initially thought that Sunda World was going to participate in the battle in person, so after hearing Sunda Bell's guess, he exclaimed: "But isn't GOGOV a 'family business'?"

"What kind of family business..." Hearing Xunda Damen's complaints, Xunzhong suddenly felt a strong desire to complain.

But before he could sort out his rebuttal, Xunliushui nodded and agreed: "Indeed, I remember my father said that GOGOV's protective suits cannot be transformed by anyone except us. Is it because of DNA locking or something?" Technology is coming.”

The slap in the face came so fast that Sunda Zhong didn't know what to say. Suddenly, he took a sharp breath like Columbus who discovered the New World, and looked at Sunda Ji who said nothing: "Could it be that... "

The tacit understanding between brothers is probably reflected at this time. Xunzhong didn't even open its head. Xunliushui and Xundamen understood each other's guesses and hurriedly questioned: "How is this possible? Dad wouldn't be like that. idea!"

Xunji was just staring at the design of the sixth man warrior, thinking about the possibility of Samba Xiu being invited to become GOGOV. Suddenly, he heard the shouts of his brothers, and he inevitably responded with confused eyes: "Dad, yes What kind of thoughts are you talking about?"

Afraid that Xunji's questioning would pierce some kind of window that didn't actually exist, Xunji, who figured out his brothers' worries from the conversation, quickly changed the topic and at the same time expressed his attitude: "Don't think nonsense, we Trust dad. The most important thing between family members is trust. Have you forgotten what mom once said? "

Just when the other four people felt something and were about to answer Tatsuma's question, the computer monitor in the living room suddenly lit up, and the image of the analysis robot Mingte came from it: "There is a disaster response in Linhai District, GOGOV, please dispatch immediately !”

Without enough time to miss their mother's encouragement, the Xun brothers and sisters quickly put on their orange coats, pressed the transformation button on their GOGO bracelets, and filed out.

Since the location where the disaster response was strong was not far from the Sunda Disaster Prevention Research Center, GOGOV did not choose to take the emergency train.

Perhaps because he wanted to prove himself through this battle, GOGOV moved quickly, and soon he set off in the red van, without even seeing Samba Xiu who had just parked the car and was about to enter.

Xunji was the only one with sharp eyes and waved hello to Sambaxiu.

Samba Xiu smiled back, and then walked into the Sunda Disaster Prevention Research Center. After glancing at the Train Boy design drawing on the computer desk, he took the shuttle and headed to the Gulf Coast Area 55.

The research and development of Train Boy has been completed. Samba Xiu is here today to assist Sunda World in perfecting the integration process of Train Boy and Victory Robot.

Entering the command room of Wangan Realm 55, Samba Xiu chatted with Sunda World but was not in a hurry to get into the development of the integration program.

There is no other reason than that GOGOV’s enemy this time is Gilfisa.

"The leader of the disaster demon clan actually ended up in person." Xun Shijie looked solemn. At this moment, how could he have any thoughts to develop the integration program.

Sangbasiu was not surprised by this, not to mention that there was a reminder from Kiel this morning that yesterday's fight against the underworld demon warriors was not in vain. Sensing the tension in the Xun world, Sangbasiu comforted him: "All five of us. GOGOV is not afraid of any enemy. Dr. Sunshiji should have more trust in his children."

Hearing this, Xun Shijie's facial features did not relax at all. He said in a deep voice: "Mr. Hiyama, does he know what the five of them said this morning?"

Samba Xiu shook his head.

Xun World then recounted the chat between the Xun brothers and sisters in the morning.

Sambaxiu asked: "Dr. Sunda World, didn't you tell Miss Matsuri and the others about the existence of Train Boy?"

Sunda World sighed: "I wanted to give them a surprise. I planned to tell them when I deal with the giant disaster demon. Who would have thought that this time Gilfisa actually took action in person to trouble them in their current state? I'm afraid it's not Gilfisa." Fisa’s opponent.”

Sambaxiu objected to this. You must know that although the theme of GOGOV is on the technological side, the spiritual power shown in the original plot is no less than that of fantasy super teams such as Star Beast Team and Magic Team.

Especially Go Red Tatsumata, who relied on his indomitable momentum to defeat the big boss Grandinu with one punch.

Sangbasiu looked at Sunda World with firm eyes: "Believe in Miss Ji and the others, this difficulty will not hold them back."

The Sunda World probably didn't expect that the Samba cultivator would have such high trust in the Sunda brothers and sisters. He was stunned for a moment, and then nodded with joy: "I, as a father, don't understand them as well as Mr. Hiyama, an outsider. It's really derelict in my duty."

As soon as he finished speaking, the voice of the analysis robot Mingte rang out: "Dr. Xunshijie, something serious has happened! Look at the scene!"

Sangba Xiu and Xun Shijie looked at the monitor.

Gilfisa was seen standing upright, holding a short staff like a victorious general, and in front of him was GOGOV who fell to the ground.

"What's the matter, GOGOV, do you only talk big words? Hum, I'll leave the final blow to you, my lovely servant."

Gilfisa opened her palms and saw three gems of different colors, red, green, and black, shining brightly in her palms.

Gilfisa threw the gem forward, and the underworld demon warrior who had defeated GOGOV but was defeated by Elise and Sambasio appeared in front of GOGOV again.

After briefly bringing fear to GOGOV, the bodies of the three underworld demon warriors emitted a burst of light, and then turned into three groups of glowing gray-white mud, which gathered together in one place.

The light dissipated, and a tall strange man stood in front of Gilfisa. The sturdy green torso is inlaid with red, green, and black gems. There is a twisted grimace on the lower abdomen and shoulders. The huge head is composed of the faces of three underworld demon warriors: Zod, Guru, and Kyo.

"They are united!" Sunda Zhong realized the seriousness of the matter and reminded.

Gilfisa looked at GOGOV who fell to the ground, and raised the hand holding the short staff: "Chimera, the synthetic beast, send GOGOV to the underworld, so that they can feel the power of the underworld demon warrior again. After solving them, we can go to the two yesterday. Revenge for the troublemaker!"


According to the idea three years ago, Samba Shu will become an additional warrior of the Rescue Team.

But considering the slow progress of the relationship after the revision, it is a bit strange to force Samba Shu to join.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Rescue Team): [New] Chapter 198 Trust is the basis for family

Perhaps because the Underworld Demon Fighter defeated GOGOV once yesterday, Gilfisa looked down on GOGOV, so after giving the order, Gilfisa turned around and left like many villain cadres of the Super Team.

However, he did not return to the Disaster Demon Palace, but returned to the place where the Underworld Demon Fighter and Ilias fought yesterday, trying to use tracking magic to find Ilias's whereabouts.

"Damn Gilfisa, you actually look down on us!" After Gilfisa left, Xun Zhong pounded the ground and roared unwillingly.

Xunchan looked back at his third brother, and then looked at the Chimera: "Anger is useless, use actual actions to prove our strength, show your momentum, everyone!"

With a roar, Xunchan led his brothers and sisters to slowly stand up, clenched their fists, and charged at the Chimera.

The courage to move forward is certainly commendable, but it is obvious that GOGOV has not yet triggered the key to the outbreak of idealistic power. After all, the outbreak of idealism in the world view of Super Sentai is often a reward after the warriors have the corresponding awareness, and GOGOV at this moment has obviously not awakened this awareness, and there is only anger caused by unwillingness.

The Chimera raised his hands horizontally, and the whole person bounced and rotated back and forth between GOGOV like a high-speed spinning battle gyroscope.

Chimera inherited a long sword from Zod in his right hand, and a huge fist from Gulu in his left hand. These two things have great destructive power. With the blessing of high-speed rotation, they can turn into a huge meat grinder, crushing everything they touch.

In just the first confrontation, Chimera caused a huge explosion in GOGOV's protective suit.

The strong impact almost made GOGOV, who had just stood up, fall down again, but with a ball of anger in his heart, they adjusted their state at a very fast speed, summoned the Life Bird, and switched to the crushing mode.

"Disaster Crushing Gun!"

Obviously, this is to seize the moment after Chimera's attack ends and give the opponent a fatal blow.

If it is a single underworld magic fighter, this may be a good way to attack, but unfortunately, the Chimera in front of him is a monster formed by the combination of three underworld magic fighters. Whether it is reaction speed or speed, it cannot be viewed with common sense.

When Xunchan pulled the trigger, and when the surging energy gushed out from the sharp drill, Chimera dodged the fatal blow with a jump and a dodge.

At the same time, the long sword in his right hand accumulated red energy in an instant, and swung the sword the moment he landed, wrapping the energy in the sword energy and throwing it at GOGOV.

There was no time to dodge, and GOGOV was hit, and he was thrown to the ground in the unimaginable huge explosion.

Not long after, the five-colored warriors fell on the gray sandy ground.

A burst of electricity flowed from top to bottom, and GOGOV canceled the transformation and turned back into Xun's siblings.

"The last blow!"

Chimera raised his right hand, and the sharp tip of the sword pointed directly at the bleeding Xun's siblings who fell to the ground.

Xun World looked at the picture sent back from the monitor, and hurriedly got in front of a computer, pressed the enter key, and a smoke bomb used to cover GOGOV's evacuation was fired from Bayshore Domain 55.

"The operation is suspended. Smoke bombs will arrive at the scene soon. Just like yesterday, let's retreat first!"

Originally, Xun Chan looked at his injured brother and sister and planned to retreat, but when he heard Xun Shijie mention "yesterday", he suddenly became stubborn.

Although there was a coin-sized wound on the palm of his hand, and blood was flowing at the moment, Xun Chan still clenched his fist and pounded the ground hard: "Retreat, retreat again! GOGOV is an emergency team against disaster demons, not a team that only knows how to escape! Are we going to leave the mess to Mr. Hiyama like yesterday?"

Xun Shijie realized that his words aroused Xun Chan's rebellious heart. Looking at the smoke bomb that showed that it was about to arrive at the scene, he hurriedly explained: "With GOGOV's current equipment, it is impossible to defeat Chimera and Gilfisa. Being stubborn will only repeat yesterday's mistakes. The extreme system will be successfully developed soon. With that, the performance of the protective suit will be greatly enhanced !"

"Great!" Finally heard some good news, Xunchan hurriedly asked, "Dad, how long will the extreme system take?"

Hearing his son's question, Xunshijie was immediately in trouble. Although the development of the extreme system had begun a long time ago, the crucial debugging work was still in the early stages: "Anyway, you retreat first, and wait until the extreme system is completed before fighting against the disaster."

From Xunshijie's words, Xunchan heard that the development progress of the extreme system was slow: "Dad, the battle just now did not cause much damage to the GOGO bracelet."

"Chan, don't do stupid things. Your current physical condition is not suitable for continuing to fight. Continuing to wear will seriously affect your health. It's better to retreat first. "

"Dad, you can't run away at this time. If GOGOV runs away, won't the city become a playground for disaster demons again?" Xunmao chuckled and held up Xunliu Shui beside him, "My mother once said However, as long as the five of us, brother and sister, work together, there will be no difficulty that cannot be overcome. My mother believes so much, and my father, who has such outstanding children, also believes that only by trusting each other can we call it a family. Dad, please believe that we can persevere. When you develop the ultimate system, we also believe that you can develop the ultimate system before we fall. Everyone, dress up!"

Seeing the children in the picture transforming again, Xun Shijie felt mixed emotions in his heart. He turned off the communication and turned to look at Samba Xiu.

I wanted to ask the other party to speed up the research and development progress, but I saw Sangbasiu was already sitting in front of a computer, typing away: "Dr. Xun Shijie, I have perfected the basic program of the extreme system. Come and take a look."

Xun Shijie hurriedly came to Samba Xiu's side. After carefully reading the program that Samba Xiu had checked and filled in twice, he nodded with satisfaction: "Next, we need to complete the debugging of the Victory Robot and the V-mode bracelet. Mr. Hiyama, we The time is tight, so I’ll leave it to you to take care of the victory robot.”

Sambaxiu decisively accepted the task, picked up his laptop and walked towards the warehouse where the Victory Robot was parked.

Looking at Sangbasiu's leaving figure, he recalled Sangbasiu's suggestion not long ago. Sunda World repeated twice that "only when we trust each other can we call it a family." His mood was a little complicated: "Mr. Hiyama, are you treating my child?" Too trusting?"

For some reason, Sunda World's eyes became sharper.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 199 Samba Xiu who got the blessing of spiritual power

Chimera's eyes also became sharp.

Due to inheriting the memories of the three underworld demon warriors, Chimera actually didn't look down on GOGOV very much from the beginning, especially when he first appeared on the scene, GOGOV was defeated by Gilfisa, which was very embarrassing.

Naturally, when Sundaemang led his younger siblings to dress again, Chimera didn't take it too seriously and just thought it was an ant jumping helplessly before dying.

But after another fight, Chimera noticed something strange.

It was obvious that they had been beaten out of their transformation once, and everyone had varying degrees of damage on their bodies. However, after transforming again, they actually exploded with speed and strength that far exceeded before.

Facing the Chimera's spinning attack that was as fast and fierce as the passing of a strong wind, GOGOV was not only able to dodge in time, but could even find gaps in his own defenses to attack.

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