Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1373: tell the secret

The four overlord-level powerhouses soon fell into meditation, and all their minds were used to receive the transmission of the true fairyland practice, and they did not have the slightest energy to care about the external situation.

Yu Guihai watched the four of them enter the meditation quietly, with a smile on his face.

What he passed down was the True Immortal Realm Cultivation Technique specially modified and abridged according to the inheritance practiced by the four people. Even compared with the Yin-refining scripture, it is far inferior. It's just a little bit stronger than Xuanyou Phantom Spirit's true power.

It's not that he deliberately hides it, but that the four people's avenues are incomplete, and it is impossible for them to withstand the practice of practicing the perfect avenue.

Unless all four of them abolished their cultivation bases and started to practice the most basic exercises from the basics. And because it is inconsistent with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, it will encounter terrifying disasters. They have no system talent, and it is basically impossible to survive these disasters.

However, after Yu Guihai's revision, these four exercises are also the best among the ordinary real fairyland exercises.

The four overlords can cultivate, and it can be regarded as a chance for the sky!

Yu Guihai already knew the details of these four people.

They can come this far, whether it is talent, scheming, or comprehensive quality in all aspects, they are absolutely top-notch.

Moreover, they have endured for hundreds of thousands of years at the Overlord level, and they have already laid a solid foundation for themselves. The cultivation base is even more vigorous, far exceeding the ordinary new overlord level.

It can be said that as long as they have the cultivation technique of this real fairyland and some cherished elixir, it is not difficult for all four of them to be promoted to the real fairyland.

Moreover, the elixir that the four of them need is far less perverted than what Yu Guihai needs. For the four of them, as long as there are enough elixir at the overlord level, it is enough to break through and consume.

It can be said that after teaching the four people the exercises, it will not take long for the four of them to break through the real fairyland one after another. At that time, his subordinates will have real fairyland monks and strongmen, and many things do not need to be done by himself, and he can also free up his hands to do other important things.

Yu Guihai then looked at the powerhouses at the palace master level behind him. The powerhouses looked at the four who received the transmission with burning eyes, with expressions of incomparable expectation on their faces.

Yu Guihai said indifferently: "These four true fairyland exercises will be taught to you by the four of them in the future. Remember, as long as you work hard, you will have both Chaos Spirit Treasures and true fairyland exercises in the future.

You go back first. "

"Follow your orders!" The hall master-level powerhouses saluted respectfully, and then withdrew.


In the blink of an eye, it was months.

The four overlord-level powerhouses woke up one after another, and the first thing they did was to respectfully bow down: "Thank you, Master, for your merit!"

"You're welcome, this is what you deserve. You must study hard and be prepared. I believe it won't be long before we have four more true immortals in our four star regions!" Yu Guihai laughed.

"This is all the grace of the master! Otherwise, I can only wait in a daze, waiting for the deadline to come. The kindness of the master is like reborn parents." Qinghu ancestor said with tears in his eyes.

"Yes. Yes. Master's kindness and great virtue, I will never forget it!" The other three also echoed.

"Haha, it's good if you have your heart." Yu Guihai laughed, and then said with a solemn expression.

"I have been doing some things over the years. You may not know why, but you have some doubts in your heart. Today, it's time to tell you the truth!"

When the four of them heard the words, their faces turned straight, and they hurriedly listened!

"Do you know why the four major star regions are in the current situation? Where does the void barrier come from? What are the four dangerous places?..." Yu Guihai then asked a series of questions.

The four looked at each other in dismay, and then replied, "Report to Master, the disciple does not know."

"I haven't thoroughly investigated this matter, but the general situation has become clear." Yu Guihai sighed softly, and then explained it.

"In ancient times, this star field was not divided like this at all, but a huge area that was many times larger than the current four star fields. There are many real fairyland powerhouses here, and the overlord-level powerhouses can only sit in the third-rate small forces."

"But one day, a terrifying demon came to this place, slaughtered sects everywhere, and galaxies were directly destroyed. Even the real fairyland could not resist this demon, and some real immortals fell."

"What?" The four of them were shocked when they heard the words. In their hearts, the real fairyland is the supreme existence, how could it fall!

"Just when most of the entire star field was destroyed, an incomparably powerful true immortal came across the border, defeated the demon, and set up a seal formation in the remaining star field to seal the demon inside. The remaining immortal forces in this world have also become the guardians of the seal, and they will sit here for generations!"

When Yu Guihai said this, he stopped talking and looked at the four of them.

"Master, do you mean that our four star regions are the star regions where the seal formation is located?" Qinghu ancestor asked in shock.

Yu Guihai replied indifferently: "That's right. The four star fields are the ones that survived under the demons. And the current situation is caused by the sealing formation, and the star field barrier in the void is the sealing formation. manifest.

As for the four dangerous places, they are the four sealing nodes of the sealing formation, each of which is guarded by the existence of a true fairyland. Moreover, there are many dangers inside, and under the real fairyland, once you approach the entrance, there will be death and no life. "

"The guardian here is the ruler of this star field at the beginning, the Yin master lineage. Later, the surviving Yin master continued to rule the four star fields, and was the guardian of the Great Seal Array. But they didn't know what happened. What kind of change, it encountered great changes in ancient times, and later even slowly perished."

"And the Great Sealing Array has also fallen into a state of being unmanaged. Losing the external energy supply, the Great Sealing Array began to absorb the spiritual energy of the entire star field. As a result, the spiritual energy of the four star regions has gradually become thinner, so that the road to immortality has become more and more difficult. It's getting harder."

"Actually, it's not that the upper limit of the entire world is the overlord level. It's that the aura environment here is not enough to support the emergence of more powerful beings. In addition, I don't know why, almost all the real fairyland exercises have lost their inheritance. leading to the current situation..."

Yu Guihai's explanation made the four of them look horrified. They didn't expect that there would be such a terrifying secret in this star field.

"Then, Master, what happened to the sealed demon? Has it perished?" The Bronze Emperor asked curiously.

"This is exactly what I want to emphasize. I am afraid that the demon has not perished, and the world-destroying giant I deduced before is probably out of trouble."

"According to my inspection of the formation nodes of the four dangerous places, I found that these four nodes cannot last for too long. In addition, the sealers of the four major formation nodes have already exhausted their patience in endless years, and they can't wait to seal them. Immediately collapse in order to gain freedom. Just because they are restricted, otherwise they may directly destroy the formation and escape."

"So, it's not far from the seal's collapse. This point is about the same time as the time when the world-destroying giant hand appeared. It is estimated that the two are probably the same existence." Yu Guihai indifferently explained.

The four of them looked surprised when they heard the words. After all, they have all heard Yu Guihai talk about the horror of that world-destroying giant. I was skeptical back then, but I believe it now.

The giant hand pressed it with one finger, and it directly killed the masters such as the master, and the entire star field, how terrifying the cultivation base strength should be.

Yu Guihai saw the frightened expressions of the four, and then his tone changed, and he began to boost morale.

"Of course, there is no need for you to worry too much. I believe that as long as we can make concerted efforts to deal with this matter with all our strength, there will definitely be a solution. This is also the fundamental reason why I informed you about this matter. Next, you must cultivate as soon as possible. , seek speed while maintaining stability, and strive to break through the real fairyland. It can also play a big role at that time.”

"Yes! The disciples and others will do their best!" The four of them were shocked and replied respectfully.

They are also all overlords, and they were frightened by this news for a while, but they were not discouraged, but soon rose to their due arrogance. Anyway, there is no way out now, it is better to go all out and fight against the demon at that time.

"very good!"

Yu Guihai nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "At the handover position of the four major star regions, it is the existence of the core of the seal. I will go there to investigate the situation next. You should all go back."

"As ordered, Master!" The four of them said in unison.

Suddenly, the ancestor of Qinghu hesitated for a while, then turned around and said, "Master, this disciple has something to report."

"Speak!" Yu Guihai said lightly.

"That's right. Now that the four star regions have been unified under the master's command, I think it is inappropriate to divide them into four schools. It would be better to unify the name so that the disciples can return to their hearts." Qinghu ancestor replied. road.

"Well..." Yu Guihai pondered, he really hadn't considered this issue for the time being. After all, the four major overlords are all his disciples, and the four star regions are essentially unified under his name. The points don't matter.

"This idea is good. The disciple also agrees!" The three bronze emperors agreed.

Upon seeing this, Yu Guihai immediately instructed: "If this is the case, then do as you said. The specific name is Kunlun. The four of you are the four branches under Kunlun. Speaking of which, you let Let your subordinates begin to unify the surrounding desolate star fields."

"I said before that I came from a desolate star field, which is true. He is in this direction. There are many loyal subordinates of mine there, you can go and contact. Be sure to explain my identity, don't start strife."

Yu Guihai by the way pointed out the location of the various realms.

"Disciple remember!"

When the four overlords saw it, they took it to heart. This is the place of the Master's Longxing, any person may be a beloved relative, a brother, a brother, and must not be offended!

Yu Guihai immediately left this place and rushed towards the center of the junction of the four star regions.


The Five Emperors Hall is the closest to the center of the junction of the four star regions, and there are star gates that can directly reach a very close position. This is why Yu Guihai chose to hold the meeting in the Five Emperor Hall.

He soon came to the junction of the four star regions.

The strength of the star field barrier here is far higher than other positions, and he can clearly feel that a powerful force of seals is transmitted from four directions and converges at the junction.

There is no doubt that this place is really the core of the seal of the seal formation.

Yu Guihai checked the periphery carefully, and did not feel anything unusual, so he prepared to enter it.

He called out the ghost shuttle, turned into a streamer and rushed into the star field barrier.

The powerful star field barrier here is a bit difficult for even the real fairyland, but it can't stop Yu Guihai's footsteps. The ghost shuttle travels as fast as a swimming fish.

It didn't take long for Yu Guihai to feel the light outside, and found that he had come to a special area.

It was dark here, with a faint black mist floating everywhere, and countless broken meteorites densely filled the entire space.

Yu Guihai looked at the surrounding meteorites curiously, and found that many meteorites had peculiar patterns on them. These meteorites seemed to be formed from a certain whole.

His heart suddenly burst, and he immediately understood that some unknown accident had occurred in the core of this seal.

Yu Guihai probed carefully and flew forward without sensing any danger.

As he continued to advance, he also explored new areas. Those places were the same as here. There were broken meteorites everywhere, and strange patterns were also visible.

Yu Guihai advanced for a while, and soon discovered a pattern The deeper you go, the more meteorites with patterns, and the patterns on them are more mysterious and complicated.

It was clear that he was heading towards a certain center.

Yu Guihai went all the way, and the meteorites around him looked more and more like ruined stones formed after the building was broken. He could conclude that these meteorites once belonged to a huge architectural monolith.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Then the place he wants to find should be in the center surrounded by these meteorites.

After a long time, Yu Guihai finally passed through the Meteorite Sea, and an empty space appeared in front of him.

This space is very bright, and bright white brilliance radiates from a huge sphere in the center of the space, illuminating the surrounding void.

This huge sphere has a white and transparent shell, and inside it is a world.

Without going in, Yu Guihai sensed the incomparably rich aura of heaven and earth in this world.

The aura in it is more than a hundred times that of the most concentrated aura in the four star regions, and the aura in it is not the ordinary aura of the heavens and the earth, but the spirit of the fairyland at the level of the real fairyland.

This kind of fairy spirit, he has only seen a few words in the description of the broken ancient classics.

"At this level, I'm afraid there is not much difference compared to the legendary fairyland!" Yu Guihai said with great joy.

He now fully believes that there must be countless true fairyland elixir here.

Because in this rich environment of fairy spirit, any kind of elixir that has been aged may be the real elixir of fairyland.

And countless years have been sealed here, and I don't know how many peerless elixir of high rank have been bred!

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