Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1376: become immortal

"Ah!? This kind of fluctuation? Could it be?"

In the four star regions, all the powerhouses sensed the terrifying fluctuations from far away, and they were all horrified and inexplicable. This fluctuation made them feel the horror of destruction.

Especially the four hegemons, their strength is strong, and they can perceive the deep avenues of the universe with the help of Chaos Spirit Treasures, and they can better understand the power of this kind of terrifying fluctuations.

According to the feedback from the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, the entire universe of Heaven and Earth trembled under this terrifying fluctuation.

What they felt was the fear of the entire universe!

"How could it be? What the **** is Shizun doing? Is it to fight the sealed demon?" The four of them pondered in horror.



Amidst the terrifying loud noise, a broken giant Chaos Nova was completely shattered.

Countless fragments were quickly restored to a rich and incomparable chaotic air, and the remaining waste **** shot towards the surrounding area, and soon disappeared into the surrounding fog.

An incomparably dark human-shaped shadow stayed at Nova's original position.

This figure is a human-shaped space collapse point.

The terrifying black spread wantonly around, but was quickly pulled back by a force, maintaining the twisted human shape.

After a long time, the human-shaped shadow suddenly shrank and disappeared quickly, revealing an extremely handsome young man on the spot.

It was Yu Guihai!

With a faint smile on his face, his eyes are as deep as the universe, and a detached aura emerges, making people know at a glance that this is the immortal!

At this time, he finally succeeded in overcoming the calamity after going through hardships and dangers. The cultivation base has truly risen to the level of the real fairyland, and the strength has undergone an essential transformation.

If it is said that he had the strength of the real fairyland before, but at this time, his strength has increased to an incredible level. If you face your previous self again, you can suppress it by turning your palms.

The reason why he turned into a black figure just now was because the power he had just promoted was not fully controlled, and the leaked power caused the space to collapse. It wasn't until he completely reined in his power that this collapse was eliminated by him.

Yu Guihai looked around, a trace of fear appeared on his face.

This time the robbery can be described as extremely thrilling. There are ten tribulation thunders, each of which is a life-and-death crisis. The next step is to do your best and add some luck.

He raised his hand, and saw that his arm was white and crystal clear, and it was impossible for ordinary people to look directly at it.

With a little force, a mysterious fairy rune emerges, making the entire arm with countless powerful special effects, invincible, indestructible, and accompanied by tyrannical power effects.

This is the fairy body he built after he was promoted to the real fairyland! This is the mark of a true wonderland.

True immortals are called immortals because they have undergone qualitative changes again, turning into immortal bodies and immortal bodies, and their power is invincible!

However, although the immortal body is powerful, it is also the most dangerous step when advancing to the real fairyland. Generally, the strong people who are robbed and ascended to immortals are often broken here and the iron is not sold. It can be said that they die before they are successful.

And Yu Guihai's immortal body was not easy to come by. His original body was directly destroyed bit by bit under the power of the terrifying catastrophe. With the help of his own incomparably powerful resilience, he also had a real fairyland elixir. The terrifying effect restores the destroyed body little by little.

During the second tribulation thunder, his right arm was completely destroyed, and then he was restored.

At that time, he discovered that the restored right arm had become extraordinarily powerful, and seemed to possess some kind of terrifying power.

He had an idea, and specially used the third tribulation thunder to destroy his left arm, and then recovered, and his left arm became stronger.

Next, there are the two legs, then the pieces of the body, and even when the last tribulation thunder, his body, except for the head, has all been reborn after calamity.

So he directly used his head to harden the strongest catastrophe, and the entire head was directly destroyed, and after it grew out, a terrifying qualitative change also occurred.

And more than that, when the last piece of his body was reborn, the whole body seemed to be connected, and layers of terrifying patterns appeared. Every pattern contains terrifying power.

These patterns are hidden with every inch of his flesh and blood, and if you release a little bit, you can instantly kill himself before the calamity.

"This is a fairy body!"

At that time, Yu Guihai suddenly had a bright understanding in his heart, and he naturally knew everything about this body.

At this level, Yu Guihai's horizons naturally broadened.

The crisis in his heart was temporarily relieved. Comparing his strength at this time, he found that he was no longer so far away from the world-destroying giant, and he could not see any hope. But it is finally able to look back, and catching up is no longer illusory.

Because of this, the haze that has been pressing on my heart has finally dissipated, and hope has risen again!

As soon as Yu Guihai raised his hand, a terrifying suction force emerged from the palm of his hand, and the rich Chaos Qi released after the destruction of the surrounding Chaos Nova quickly attracted it, entered his body, and quickly transformed into his own Dao Essence, adding The sea of ​​Daoyuan that is almost dry.

His Dao Essence is huge, and with the addition of the terrifying True Immortal Spirit Medicine and Immortal Spirit Qi, it is enough to use.

But I didn't expect that his immortal body would consume a huge amount of money, and he directly used up almost all of his supplements!

And for some unknown reason, there was no such thing as rain.

According to his understanding, this side of the world may indeed not be able to rain down on the real fairyland, but the real fairyland can soar to the fairyland. Once someone is promoted to the real fairyland, there should be a channel for receiving and guiding the fairyland, and then the raindrops from the fairyland are not only supplementary. The robbery is consumed, and the imprint of the fairyland is still left on the person who has crossed the robbery, and he is the person of the fairyland from now on.

But that didn't happen. There is not even a channel of access to the fairyland at all. So that the consumption of Yu Guihai Transcend Tribulation has not been supplemented at all, he can only supplement it himself.

Those true fairy medicines are naturally reluctant to consume them like this. So he prepared to use these chaotic energy to restore his Daoyuan sea.

Although the rank of these Chaos Qi is not high enough, this kind of power is a kind of root power, and if there is a sufficient amount, it can even be transformed into the power of a true immortal higher than its own rank.

The speed of Yu Guihai's absorption and transformation was fast, and the huge amount of Chaos Qi around him was absorbed and devoured by him and transformed into his own power.

A huge and incomparably terrifying vortex formed in the void, and the center of the vortex was his body.

Yu Guihai simply let go of his own blockade, and every pore opened, exuding a tyrannical suction, absorbing all the surrounding Chaos Qi.

As a result, the speed at which he absorbs the Qi of Chaos has increased countless times. The Chaos Qi produced by the explosion of the huge Chaos Nova around him was absorbed by him at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The chaotic aura of the entire surrounding nebula was mobilized, and they all moved towards Yu Guihai's position. The entire nebula was in turmoil.


A few months later, Yu Guihai finally stopped, and his Sea of ​​Dao Yuan returned to its peak state.

However, the Dao Yuan at this time has turned into a more powerful force, that is Xian Yuan.

The power above the real fairyland can be called fairy essence.

"good very good!"

Yu Guihai felt the surging power in his body, and his face showed satisfaction.

He looked around, and saw that the surrounding area had become wide-open. At first glance, there were densely packed stars that could not be far away. The dense nebula mist here had almost disappeared. Only a very thin layer is left, showing the last stubbornness.

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If he jumped out of the nebula, he could see that a large area of ​​the entire foggy nebula had become transparent.

As soon as Yu Guihai moved, the whole person disappeared in place.


"See Master!"

The four overlords bowed respectfully to the figure on the first seat.

"Get up."

Yu Guihai raised his hand and said lightly.

"Thank you, Master!" The four stood up and respectfully stood below.

"I called you here this time to impart some experience to you. Listen carefully, these are the key issues when transcending tribulation and ascending to immortality." Yu Guihai said softly.

"What? Experience in ascending immortals? Thank you Master for your kindness!"

"Hehe, all ready."

The four of them immediately sat on the ground and listened attentively.

Yu Guihai then told some of his experiences during the calamity without secret, especially about the construction of the immortal body, and even described it in detail.

Because building an immortal body is the most critical and most dangerous.

The four of them were fascinated and thrilled at the same time, and had a clear understanding of the danger of transcending tribulation and becoming immortal.

However, they are all experienced superpowers, and their mental firmness is far beyond ordinary. These dangers can not scare them, but make them more firm.

Not long after, Yu Guihai left after imparting his experience.

He went directly to the next nebula, and began to retreat and cultivate, and stabilized his cultivation.


"This thing is not easy!"

Yu Guihai looked at a long strange snake that had been cut open on the front of the table, and muttered.

A sharp sword tip emerged from his palm, and the other hand used a pair of tweezers to fiddle with the snake that had been cut open, like an evil doctor.

And the strange snake was wriggling uneasy, like a lamb to be slaughtered, pitiful and helpless.

In his spare time, Yu Guihai studied this strange snake. I want to understand the mystery of it.

With his current strength, he has researched a lot of things, and gradually figured out the secret of the gray liquid monster.

He found that this strange snake is not as simple as a puppet, it has a certain self-awareness. However, this kind of self-consciousness is imprisoned by the control core and cannot actively respond to the outside world, but is only used to maintain its existence.

In this way, this thing is more like a kind of biological weapon. It was transformed from some kind of powerful creature.

In other words, the essence of the monster is not a gray liquid monster. Self-awareness should be very hatred for capturing and transforming the gray liquid monster.

Now that he has figured out the situation of the strange snake, Yu Guihai is ready to break the confinement of his rune core and release his self-consciousness. Check out what this thing looks like!

Today, Yu Guihai is going to find the core of this rune, isolate it by itself, and then break the confinement in it.

This idea is very simple, but it is difficult to do it. If nothing else, it is very difficult to find the core of this rune and isolate it.

Because this rune core is incorporeal, it exists in an unknowable location. In the past, it was necessary to kill the gray liquid monster and completely destroy its body before the rune core could be revealed.

And doing so would be of little use to his current research. He had to keep the body of the monster in order to keep it in a complete state after releasing its self-consciousness.

As time passed, Yu Guihai was still unable to peel off the rune core, and he couldn't even determine its exact location at all.

Until finally, he came up with a way to use the Perfect Avenue to form a special trap, and then sieve it back and forth in the body of the monster. In the end, all the rune fragments were finally captured, and a complete rune core was finally formed.

Yu Guihai heaved a sigh of relief. After this step, the future research will be A clear thing is always better than an unknown thing!

After another few days, he finally cracked the confinement of the rune core. There was a small hole in it. An imperceptible white smoke rose from it.

As soon as the white smoke circled, it suddenly got into the body of the monster and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the strange snake kept squirming, the broken body healed quickly, and a tyrannical aura gradually rose up.

Its snake body kept twisting, and it didn't take long for it to turn into a human shape, but its head was still the head of a snake without eyes, which looked very weird.

There is, however, a sense of wisdom emanating from the basilisk.

"Can you understand me?"

Yu Guihai asked in grey liquid language.


The snake-headed monster shrank his neck when he heard the words, looked at Yu Guihai cautiously, and let out bursts of neighs.

"It seems that you can understand! That's easy." Yu Guihai nodded and smiled.

"Submit to me now, and leave a name on this treasure!"

Yu Guihai took out an ancient golden book and said.

This golden ancient book is more and more simple and vicissitudes, and there are more black stripes on the cover, which adds a bit of evil and mysterious feeling.

This thing was once again refined by Yu Guihai.

He even directly integrated the Soul Requiring Hairpin with it. The effect of this Chaos Spirit Treasure is really powerful, directly raising the Book of Life and Death to the level of Chaos Spirit Treasure.

In this way, the power of the Book of Life and Death has skyrocketed, and it can control the powerhouses in the real fairyland.

Although this strange snake is powerful, it has not reached the real fairyland after all, and it is impossible to escape.

It hesitated a little, then automatically left its name on the Book of Life and Death. Since then, he has completely become a slave to the Book of Life and Death.

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