Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1378: arrest

In the void filled with gray fog, a black shadow with countless slender claws passed by rapidly, and the countless claws on both sides of the body slid rapidly.

The sharp claws swiped at some meteorites at will, and those extremely hard meteorites immediately decomposed into powder.

These meteorites are extremely hard chaotic meteorites, as hard as innate treasures, but they have no resistance in the face of these sharp claws. This shows the horror of this monster.

However, looking at its panic-stricken appearance, it seems to be running away. Who made such a powerful monster look like a lost dog?


A black shadow in the shape of a strange snake shot past, and quickly chased after the black shadow fleeing ahead.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared, and his eyes pierced through the thick fog to look at the multi-legged monster fleeing quickly.

Afterwards, the strange snake swam quickly beside the man and turned into a twisted snake-headed human monster.

"Master, this is the fifty-fourth. It is also a grey-liquid puppet transformed by a creature from the undercurrent universe." The strange snake said suddenly.

"very good!"

Yu Guihai nodded, then stretched out his hand and grabbed lightly in the direction in which the multi-legged monster was fleeing.


With a loud noise, the thick gray fog broke open, and a terrifying giant hand traversed the void and suddenly grabbed the multi-legged monster that was fleeing ahead. The tyrannical power fell, and the monster was suddenly unable to move.

"Squeaky~~~" The monster let out a shrill hiss, and was caught in front of Yu Guihai.

In addition to being covered with slender claws, this monster is like the monster snake Wumu. It has no eyes and only a large, bald mouth on its head, which is constantly opening and closing.

The monster exudes a strange aura, exactly the same as when he caught Wumu.

"Nie Zha, don't wake up yet!"

Yu Guihai gave a low drink, then stretched out his hand and tapped the monster's forehead lightly.

A strange wave instantly penetrated into the head of the monster.


With a light sound, a strange rune appeared on the monster's forehead, and then it shattered silently. A faint gray shadow appeared instantly, and then it got into the monster's forehead.

Soon, the monster woke up with a shudder. Then, his body twisted and turned into a humanoid monster. Like Wumu, this person had no other facial features, but only had a big mouth.


The monster immediately saluted Yu Guihai respectfully.

Just now, Yu Guihai directly used the means to destroy its rune core, and by the way used the Book of Life and Death to completely control it.

With his current cultivation base, after a little groping, he improved the means of breaking the core of the rune and the method of activating the Book of Life and Death. You don't have to go to war, you can do it between your thoughts.

As for Yu Guihai coming here to catch the monsters, it was purely because of the monster snake Wumu.

The strange snake Wumu was previously released by Yu Guihai to make a living, and by the way, he went to the barren star field to find the secret realm of ruins. However, he did not find the secret realm of the ruins, but found a creature from the undercurrent universe like him in a barren nebula.

These creatures have also been transformed into gray liquid puppets, wandering unconsciously in the nebula.

Wumu suddenly thought about it, and he directly contacted the owner Yu Guihai to inform him of the matter.

Yu Guihai was very happy when he heard it, these undercurrent universe creatures are powerful and strange, and if they can be brought under their command, they can definitely play a huge role.

So he came over immediately, captured all these monsters, and then easily broke the imprisoned gray liquid, and re-controlled them with the Book of Life and Death.

The creatures of these undercurrent universes are also tragic, and they have just lost their freedom again after they escaped from the end of the puppet. Of course, now that they have regained consciousness, they are better than puppets.

So next, these undercurrent cosmic creatures caught by Yu Guihai scattered to various barren starfields to find secret relics and their similar creatures.

During this period of time, a lot of strange insects have been discovered, and there are fifty-four of them today.

However, what makes Yu Guihai feel a little unfinished is that the strength of these monsters is all at the level of overlords, and some are stronger, such as Wumu, he can be said to be the top overlord strength. The weakest group is about the level of a normal overlord.

Among them, there is not any monster of the real fairyland level. The monsters at this level once existed and invaded this world, but for some reason, those monsters did not remain.

But looking back, Yu Guihai thought about it, it was a good thing that the monster puppet of the real fairyland didn't stay. Otherwise, that kind of powerful monsters may have stronger autonomy, which is likely to invade the four star regions. In that case, I am afraid that there will be no living creatures in the four star regions.

Even if this large number of monsters are of great use to him, these monsters all have the ability to quickly travel through the void, and coupled with the incomparably powerful hidden ability, it is better to use them to explore unfamiliar stars.



A thunderbolt crashed down, and the terrifying power ripped open the space and pointed directly at a figure below.

That figure quietly watched Tianlei descend, his face was neither happy nor sad, not only was there no fear at all, but a slightly disappointed look suddenly appeared on his face.

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Yu Guihai raised his hand and waved his fist lightly, and the terrifying sky thunder shattered directly, and countless thunder lights shot out, instantly shattering a large piece of the surrounding void.

Then, he opened his mouth and inhaled, and this large piece of thunder light was immediately absorbed by him. The surrounding space collapsed and disappeared instantly.

Yu Guihai is crossing the calamity. He has adapted to the strength of the real fairyland and is ready to advance to the next level, the second floor of the real fairyland.

But he found that this is simply too simple.

Today, the evolved tribulation thunder is also not weak, even many times stronger than the last tribulation. But if it is compared with the level of his strength improvement, it is far behind.

So that he can take the tribulation thunder lightly, and even directly absorb the tribulation thunder and refine it without any effort. His immortal body is extremely tyrannical, and this level of tribulation thunder can't cause much damage at all.

And the little damage it caused was completely recovered in an instant, and it even became stronger. After absorbing the tribulation thunder, the resistance to this kind of tribulation thunder was stronger.

The reason why Heavenly Tribulation is so weak is because the limit of this world is at the level of true fairyland. As for the calamity of the real fairyland, the difficulty that this universe can provide is only a threat to the ordinary real fairyland, and there is no threat to the unimaginable perfect avenue powerhouse such as Yu Guihai.

However, Yu Guihai's only concern about this is whether such a calamity will affect his ability to improve. You must know that the power of the tribulation thunder is directly related to the strength improvement after the tribulation.

The stronger the tribulation thunder power, the stronger the strength after the tribulation. On the contrary, the strength after the tribulation is weaker.

Yu Guihai is worried that such a weak catastrophe will cause his strength increase after promotion to be greatly reduced, so that it is weaker than originally expected.

Soon, however, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In the process of transcending the calamity, he can feel the degree of strength improvement. Obviously, the speed of his strength improvement is beyond his expectations.

After comprehending the promotion of the Perfect Avenue, he finally understood. At this stage, his strength improvement is no longer subject to the power of tribulation thunder. Even if the calamity is weak, it will not affect his strength growth.

His strength boost is increased according to how powerful his Perfect Avenue is. The more powerful his Perfect Dao is, the stronger his strength will be if he has not upgraded one level after the True Wonderland.

Yu Guihai is very happy about this. Since the improvement of his strength is not subject to the power of the robbery, he is of course willing. After all, no one likes to be struck by lightning!

Heavenly robbery is weak, and there is a huge benefit, that is, the consumption is very small. Thereby reducing the consumption of elixir at the real fairyland level, most elixir can be used to improve oneself. This time, the elixir he consumed was as much as 50% less than expected.

In this way, the elixir that he needs to improve his cultivation will be greatly reduced. Then the elixir in his body can support him to improve to a higher level.

This benefit is great news for Yu Guihai, who lacks spiritual medicine resources.

The entire catastrophe was easily passed, and Yu Guihai's strength soared again.

Afterwards, he retreated to adapt to the surge in cultivation.


After Yu Guihai retreated, good news came from all over the place. After obtaining the Chaos Spirit Treasures suitable for them, they retreated and cultivated, and now a lot of good news began to appear.

The newly promoted overlord-level powerhouses appeared explosively like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. There is no failure at all.

In this regard, in addition to the peak powerhouses of the Great Dao Realm, they are all true geniuses who stand out in a low-resource environment, and the foundation has been polished to an extremely solid foundation. It is not difficult for them to break through.

There is another reason that the Chaos Spirit Treasure that Yu Guihai gave them is very suitable for them, and the difficulty of Overlord level is mainly due to the rarity of Chaos Spirit Treasure, so once a suitable Spirit Treasure is obtained, it will be easy to break through.

When many new overlords continued to appear, the four old overlords also began to move.

In the core area of ​​Qinghu Star Region, in a cave, Qinghu ancestor suddenly woke up from meditation, and his heart was surging.

Just now, on a whim, he sensed a chance for a breakthrough.

This made him ecstatic.

Since the master gave the merit, he has been cultivating hard every day, and his progress has been slow. Now that his efforts have finally paid off, he sensed the opportunity for a breakthrough.

"Notify Shizun immediately!"

The ancestor of the green pot immediately took out a green spirit pot and transmitted a message towards it.

This was Yu Guihai's previous exhortation. After letting them feel the opportunity to break through to the real fairyland, they immediately informed him that he would come to give some experience and **** the calamity.

There is a reason why Yu Guihai spares no effort.

One reason is that he wants to see what other people's true immortal tribulation looks like. By the way, analyze the mystery, as long as you gain something, you earn it.

The second reason is that there are not many powerful people under him now, and the four old overlords are the most likely to be promoted to the real fairyland in the near future. Once the breakthrough is successful, his subordinates will have four more real fairyland powerhouses.

Therefore, the tribulation of the four cannot tolerate failure, and must be stable and stable.

In a distant place, somewhere in the Chaos Nebula, a figure who was meditating with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes.

A trace of doubt flashed on his face, and then he took out a cyan spirit pot, and immediately found the message in it.

"What? Qinghu feels the opportunity to break through? It's great!"

After reading the news, Yu Guihai couldn't help but feel happy.

His subordinates are finally about to appear a genuine true immortal powerhouse.

Then, his figure flashed, and dark undercurrents appeared around his body, flowing through the void like black river water.

Yu Guihai's figure immediately disappeared.


Qinghu Sect, the Qinghu ancestor who had just passed on the news thought for a while.

"Even if Shizun arrives immediately after receiving the news, it may take a long time. I'll simply comprehend the exercises. Try to be more familiar with it."

Thinking of this, he would close his eyes and meditate, comprehend the exercises and leave.

Then, the void in front of him suddenly shook.

Old Ancestor Qinghu had a shocked expression on his face. He didn't know what was going on. He stood up vigilantly and avoided it, exuding terrifying power. As long as there was any abnormality, he would shoot directly.

However, soon a dark undercurrent emerged from the void, and a familiar aura emanated from it.

Immediately after the undercurrent disappeared, Yu Guihai's figure flashed Qinghu ancestor heaved a sigh of relief, and then turned pale with shock, but he just sent the news not long ago, why did the master come here ? Could it be that Master is just coming to find me?

He thought about it, and there was only one reason. Otherwise, the master retreats in the Chaos Nebula, it is impossible to come so quickly!

Thinking in his heart, the ancestor of Qinghu bowed respectfully: "Disciple pays respects to Master!"

"No gift. As soon as I heard your news, I rushed over immediately. Sure enough, you are very good, you can already be promoted to the real fairyland." Yu Guihai glanced at the ancestor of Qinghu, and said with satisfaction. .

"It's all well-instructed by the master." Qinghu Old Ancestor replied.

He was inexplicably horrified, and his master actually rushed over from the distant Chaos Nebula in an instant. How could it be so fast?

Master is truly amazing!

"Haha, that's why you study hard and practice hard."

Yu Guihai laughed. He could see what Qinghu was thinking, but he didn't explain it, because it was unnecessary. By the way, he was able to maintain his mystery.

The reason why he is so fast is because he has integrated the exercises of various undercurrent universe monsters into the Primordial Dao Art, thus obtaining this method that can use the powerful undercurrent to transmit the void. Then you can instantly traverse the entire star field.

This makes it much more convenient.

"I'll give you some pointers on how to break through." Yu Guihai then said.

"Master, please enlighten me!" The ancestor of Qinghu hurriedly listened.

Yu Guihai's experience was really precious to him. This cheap master is extremely mysterious in his heart. Originally thought he was an overlord-level powerhouse, but soon discovered that he was a real fairyland.

But if you take him as a real fairyland, it doesn't feel like an ordinary real fairyland. It is really mysterious and mysterious, mysterious and unpredictable.

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