Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1393: murmur


Yu Guihai gave a low drink.

A jet of black air flew out of his hand and instantly landed on the rushing monster.

The monster's movements slowed down in an instant, and finally got slower and slower until it was completely fixed in mid-air in a twisted posture.

What Yu Guihai was using was the Yin Yin Master's spell, the Yin-fixing technique.

This spell, which he learned from the lower world, was one of the earliest spells he learned. But as of today, it has already become extremely powerful under his improvement. Although the name has not changed, there is a huge difference in power.

As soon as the yin fixation technique came out, this powerful monster that was comparable to the late stage of True Wonderland was immediately fixed. The effect was even better than what Yu Guihai had expected. This was because the monster itself was a monster with Yin attributes, and the methods of a Yin refiner had a powerful bonus to such monsters.

The white-boned monster tiger was fixed in midair, the green flames in his eyes kept jumping, and it was obvious that his heart was not at peace. Whether it has a mind or not, it does not like to be fixed.

It's a pity that Yu Guihai won't do what he wants.

He probed for a while, and then carefully probed the bottom of this white-boned monster tiger. This monster should have been transformed from the bones of some ancient powerful creature, which absorbed the aura of destruction here and became a bone monster.

It has long lost its thinking and wisdom, and only acts on a chaotic simple instinct that cannot be tamed or controlled. On the contrary, if a skeleton is used, it is a very good precious material. Especially since it has existed for countless years in the Destruction Spiritual Qi, it can completely resist the power of the Destruction Spiritual Qi.

If it's useless to live, then die.

Yu Guihai gently stretched out a finger and flicked the forehead of the White Bone Monster Tiger, a hidden force penetrated through the bones, and the miserable green flame in the White Bone Monster Tiger's eyes instantly went out.

The chaotic instinct of this white-boned monster tiger has been completely wiped out by him, leaving only the powerful white bones and the power within them, which he imprisoned and put away.

After destroying the White Bone Monster Tiger, Yu Guihai collected all the surrounding black stones, and then continued to move forward.

He sat in the ghost shuttle, lost in thought.

The appearance of the white-boned monster made him discover a problem that he had neglected before.

The battle between the ancient powerful man and the sealed demon may not be a one-on-one battle, but a war. Both sides have a large number of subordinates.

Although this white-boned monster tiger has been dead for many years, there is still an aura that does not belong to this world on the bones.

Yu Guihai believed that this strange tiger should have belonged to two powerful men before his death. Judging from the strength of this strange tiger, the two powerful subordinates were probably also strong like clouds. Compared with the local forces in this world in the past, they are even worse.

"Then where have all these powerhouses gone?"

"The demon himself has been sealed, and his subordinates are probably almost dead. Even if there is a lucky one who escapes, I am afraid that he would not dare to stay near this place, and he would have escaped far away."

"But that ancient mighty subordinate should have survived a lot. As a winner, he can't and his subordinates all die. But I haven't seen this star field before. Why?"

Yu Guihai pondered secretly in his heart, and questions came to his mind one by one.

He quickly dropped the question and started investigating. Although these things are a little strange, there is no need to rush to investigate, and one day he will find the answer.



A strange murmur sounded in Yu Guihai's ear.

This kind of sound is very faint, looming, and most people can't even be sure if they really heard it. But Yu Guihai was different, he immediately judged that the murmur was real.

Yu Guihai frowned, turned his head to look to one side, and a messy bright color appeared in the distance. Like some kind of bizarre light and shadow.

When he encounters such an abnormal area, he will definitely not let it go.

Yu Guihai quickly came out of that area, where he could see more clearly.

This area is filled with some kind of peculiar chips. I don't know who made these chips, and they are densely suspended in the void. Each piece exudes a colorful and eerie brilliance.

The strange murmur came from these strange chips.

Yu Guihai took a rough scan and found that there seemed to be some kind of weird shadow inside these chips, but when he carefully observed a certain chip, he didn't find anything.

This area is not large, only about a few dozen miles in diameter, and it is self-contained, with powerful fluctuations in power, which excludes the spiritual energy of destruction.

Yu Guihai did some research and felt that this was some kind of powerful formation restriction, and these special chips formed a huge formation. As for what kind of power there is in it, he can't see it for the time being.

To know this is actually very simple, just go in and try it yourself. But it was impossible for Yu Guihai to go in. He didn't find any benefits here. He was not interested in simply going in for excitement.

However, Yu Guihai was not ready to give up this strange formation.

He checked around the entire area, and he knew the specific situation in his mind. Then he raised his hands and typed out a mysterious magic formula.

Countless magic tricks flew out like a storm, forming special nodes on the periphery of the entire area.

After a while, the entire area is covered and surrounded by these special nodes.

At this moment, Yu Guihai stopped his hand, and after a casual observation, he suddenly waved his hand.

A vast aura emanated, and a huge ocean of immortal essence directly completely covered that area. The terrifying immortal essence is madly instilled in those special nodes.

Immediately, a terrifying power of contraction radiated out, and the area suddenly began to shrink. The whole area kept getting smaller, and soon a huge hole flashed out, and the surrounding aura of destruction swarmed to fill the hole.

Not long after, the entire huge area turned into a colorful ball the size of a jujube and fell into Yu Guihai's hands. And this area is also filled with countless auras of destruction.

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Yu Guihai glanced at the small ball, then banned it and put it away. Now there is no time for in-depth research in this death star field, and it will not be too late to study it carefully after going out.

Yu Guihai continued to move forward, powerful detection spells swept across all the time, and the distances of thousands of miles were all under his investigation.

Sweeping all the way, Yu Guihai continued to search for Yue Yu. Not sure if he ran out of luck, he didn't find anything.

At this moment, news came from the door.

There is a change in the sealing node!

When Yu Guihai got the news, his heart suddenly jumped, and he immediately left the Death Star Domain and returned to the door.


Outside the Chongxuan Death Star, several figures stood in the air.

"Master, it's the mysterious death star that has undergone a mutation a few days ago, and there is a mysterious black gas gushing out to form a special symbol, which is one of the contact symbols that the master said. That's it."

Qinghu stood respectfully in Yu Guihai and reported. Having said that, he raised his hand and drew a strange symbol.

Yu Guihai glanced at it and knew in his heart that this symbol was one of a set of contact symbols he had taught Chongxuan, which was specially used to transmit messages to the outside world. This symbol represented urgent matters.

"Very good. Are there any other seal nodes?" Yu Guihai asked indifferently.

"Report to Master, there is nothing wrong with the other seal nodes. Only this one has changed." Qinghu replied.

"That's good. You guys closely monitor other nodes. I'll go to Chongxuan Death Star to take a look." Yu Guihai said.

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison.

Afterwards, the crowd dispersed, and Yu Guihai entered the Chongxuan Death Star directly.

"Meet the master! The big thing is bad!"

As soon as he saw Yu Guihai, Chongxuan greeted him with a heavy expression and said anxiously.

"Don't panic. What made you so pale." Yu Guihai frowned slightly and said lightly.

"Master, there is a problem with this seal. Half a month ago, the speed of its collapse suddenly accelerated. Now at this rate, I am afraid that within three years, the entire seal formation will exist in name only. At that time, although the demons will not be able to come out, but their power It is enough to infiltrate outside the big formation on a large scale and directly affect the disciples in the sect."

"The most terrifying thing is that demons are the best at deceiving people. At that time, many people will be lured into darkness and become the demon's minions." Chongxuan replied with a gloomy expression.

"There is such a thing. Why does this happen?" Yu Guihai asked with a frown upon hearing this.

"Reporting to the master, the subordinates do not know why this happened. However, the subordinates speculate that it may have something to do with the actions of the master at the core of the seal." Chongxuan hesitated and said.

"Oh?" Yu Guihai's expression changed slightly when he heard the words.

He thought about it carefully, and it was really possible. The core space of the seal is the key core of the seal, and a large number of elixir are planted in it, probably not for human use, but for maintaining the seal formation.

Now these elixir are almost cut off by him.

Originally, it was estimated that it would take decades or hundreds of years, but it was clear that the effect of the elixir was much greater than he expected.

However, as of now, there is nothing to regret.

If he wants to make a breakthrough, he needs elixir. Otherwise, if he cannot improve his cultivation, he will be lingering on, and he will still be dead if he lives for a few more decades.

Now all he has to do is remedy.

Within three years, when the power of the demons is widely leaked, the cultivation base must be raised to the tenth level of the real fairyland, and the power of the mysterious fairyland must be fully grasped. Only with this cultivation can he be sure to fight against the demons.

"Master, what should we do?" Chongxuan asked anxiously.

"Don't worry. Isn't there three years left? By then, maybe we can solve the demon." Yu Guihai comforted.

Chongxuan was even more anxious when he heard the words. He knew the strength of the demon. He held the terrifying power of Xuanxianjing, and he could crush the powerhouses in real fairyland.

The master of his own may be powerful in the real fairyland, but there is absolutely no possibility that he can fight against the demon.

"Master, the strength of the demon should not be underestimated. It is a terrifying power that surpasses the real fairyland. This kind of power has a crushing effect on the power of the real fairyland. It is impossible for anyone to leapfrog the enemy." , some inappropriate words were said directly.

"Hehe, don't worry. It's alright. You have to believe me." Yu Guihai didn't have a trace of anxiety, but chuckled and persuaded casually.

"Here, Master, I think it's better to prepare to move out. Let everyone prepare first. Then when there is really no way to fight the power of the demon, we should retreat directly. Even if we die in the death star field It's better than being assimilated into a monster by a demon." Chongxuan said.

"You kid, you really don't need to worry. It's just a mere demon. With me here, why should I be afraid?" Yu Guihai smiled lightly.

Chongxuan blushed anxiously and had a thick neck, but facing Yu Guihai, his master, he couldn't feel any resentment, and he was speechless for a while.

Seeing him like this, Yu Guihai smiled and said, "To tell you the truth, I have found the power to restrain the demons."

"What? Could it be that the master has contacted the ancient great master?"

"Almost. It's the power of Mysterious Immortal at that time, it will be enough to fight against the demon who has been sealed for countless years and whose body is weakening." Yu Guihai replied lightly.

"Since the master has made preparations, it is his subordinate Meng Lang. Please punish the master!" Chongxuan said with a complicated expression. He had no doubts about what Yu Guihai said this time.

"Well! By the way, I'm here this time, and I have one more thing to ask you." Yu Guihai asked suddenly.

"Master, please tell me!" Chong Xuan said.

"That's it, I heard from an ancient book that someone in the Death Star Region encountered a mysterious spiritual realm. I wonder if you ever knew?" Yu Guihai asked.

Chongxuan frowned slightly when he heard the words, and his face showed a thoughtful look. At last he said, "Never heard of it."

Yu Guihai was not surprised. After all, when Chongxuan entered the Great Sealing Array, the Death Star Field had just formed, and no one had explored it yet.

"Forget it, by the way, do you know the strength and spells of the ancient powerful man and the demon?" Yu Guihai asked again.

"My subordinates know a little about this. That Almighty Man has magical powers. By the way, Master, I only know part of it, but I haven't seen and don't know the more important parts." Chong Xuan replied.

"Oh? Hurry up and talk about it." Yu Guihai immediately said when he was interested.

"What are the magical powers of that Almighty..." Chongxuan immediately told what he knew.

Yu Guihai listened carefully, and quickly learned about the various magical powers of the two powerful men.

Among them, he found several familiar spells. Such as ghosts, such as the void of death and so on.

Among them was a very crucial spell, which was quickly found by Yu Guihai.

This spell is not to say how powerful it is, but it is likely to have some connection with the mysterious spiritual realm.

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